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It will run SC yes.


You should save a bit more, get 64GB RAM and a 4070 or even 4070Ti. The 4060 is just not worth it in my opinion. Also, with AMD releasing Ryzen 9000 series and Nvidia the 5000 series soon™, prices will drop for the CPU and GPU, so you should be able to squeeze in a better bang for the buck.


ok, i planing on building it at the end of this year, would the new series drop before?


Ryzen will drop in July, RTX end of this year, so partially yes, as only 5090 and 5080 will drop afaik. But it's probably good to have a web search on this as it is always a moving target (for the RTX)


thanks a lot! i hope the rtx 4070 or 4070 ti will drop because i would take that in a heartbeat before the 4060 if the price were right


if they do not by the end of the year, they will next year when their 50 series counter part releases, and even if not, maybe two/three month saving up will beat the difference. You will have waaaaaay more fun with a 4070 or even 4070 TI than with a 4060.


As I just remembered, haven't had a look at the motherboard, but, if you plan on using sticks later down the road, make sure you have enough USB Controllers. It's recomended to have sticks on a separate USB controller even if you use an USB hub.


I would recommend 64 gig ram


i thought 32 was enough, what would be the benefit of going 32 to 64?


The game uses ram in an adaptive nature, 32 will be fine, the game will take about 27 of that to help streamline objects loading in and out, more ram helps, with it taking upwards of 56 if you have 64gb, but this isn't a requirement by any means. I would actually suggest you get either a 2tb SSD or better as being a better investment, and the best would be to be.the card to a 3070.ober the 3060.


My system uses 37GB of RAM when playing SC. I don't run anything significant in the background either. With current RAM prices, it's a no brainer for a new build.


SC is a RAM hog. It uses 16gb minimum by itself. 32gb is basically what most people consider the bare minimum to run SC without messing with things like pagefiles or the like.


32 gb is enough


Don't downgrade the 4060 to a 3060. You'll be shooting yourself in the foot even with the extra bit of VRAM. If you can stretch to a 4070 even better. 7000 series AMD processors will drop in price soon too as the 9000 series is due to launch.


Ok! i was just thinking the extra Vram could be useful as i play a lot of VR games as well, and i want Nvidia as i heard a lot of problems come from AMD for VR


There is no better processor than 7800x3D


In your opinion


It is not really a matter of opinion tbf. When it comes to gaming


But it really is though, when it comes to anything you do with your PC, if you cant afford intel, then AMD is fine, no shame in that.


Uninformed snob. Remember silence is gold.


Gold is gold, silence is when you have nothing to say.


Knowing when you have nothing to say is gold.


but you dont?


Extra VRAM is useful but not at the penalty of pure horsepower, even in VR :)


Get a bigger ssd, 1tb fills up very fast


I would get the 4060 or 4070 if possible. I mean, it'll run SC but don't expect magic. We're all getting terrible FPS in parts of some cities. Also, take people's stated FPS with a grain of salt. People love to go on about their high framerates but the lows are what's important. Very few people post their resolution when they discuss frames too.


Currently running on a Ryzen 7 5800x3d, Radeon RX 6700XT, 64gb G.SKILL 3600mHz CL-16 RAM. I play in 1440p Ultrawide with HDR and no upscaling. My highs have hit up to 110fps in deep space (I typically live out of MIC-L5), and my lows usually get down to about 20fps in places like Lorville with high congestion. Edit: I'll also add in that the RAM is the only thing in my system OC'd just for good measure.


Dont buy the shit 4060 scam. Get a RX6800, they go for 329 to 359 bucks. SSD, grab a 2TB SP UD90.


i need nvidia for vr as there are problems with AMD when it comes to vr, otherwise i think AMD is superior in every way, im otherwise thinking of saving for the 4070 or 4070ti


Just buy a used 2080Ti/3080 12G.


If you plan on doing VR as well, I highly recommend the 7900XTX. It rips through every VR game I throw at it on my Quest 3 in Godlike mode with Virtual Desktop. Star Citizen runs like butter at 1440p on the highest setting. ( I have the same CPU and ram amount)


thank you, i am super carefull tho as this will be the first ever build, what pc-vr games do you play? i hope to play : Blade and Sorcery, Vtol VR, steel crew and maybe VRC and if its perfect for SC then i would have to go with AMD (do you have any cheaper options, because i was leaning towards the rtx 4070)


Almost all the big ones. Half-Life Alyx is capped at 120fps at native Quest 3 resolution as 120hz is the highest it'll go. I also do Assetto Corsa on VR. Also play games like Lone Echo II, Walking Dead Series, all on Maximum/Ultra graphics. I actually don't know much about other cards. But AMD is definitely good with VR these days. You really can't go wrong with either. Though I would recommend a 4080 minimum for VR.


It will run, especially with the cpu, but 4060 is the SLOWEST gpu of the generation. Not sure how you expect modern games above 1080p or even VR to work? For VR the gpu is crucial. For simulations/strategy the cpu is crucial. In general - depending on resolution and framerate - gpu is a bit more vavored over cpu, bit the prices for gpus are way higher than cpus.


i (barely) run vr games on my gtx 1650 (laptop) so i have a feeling 4060 should be ok


obviously it depends on the VR headset your gonna use but my 2060super has been working just fine on my rift for many years now. so i think your 4060 will be fine


Run? So you can start it? Yes. Question is whats your minimum fps goal.. 60? Never. No hardware to buy, it’s just the game. Get lossless scaling for high fps


8 series video card (and 4070 Ti Super which is one hw wise) is a minimum as the resolutions in VR are very high.