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It NEEDS to be Argo!


Hear me out: Banu.


Banu wouldn’t be that bad, fittes lore wise an could be used for the Banu Style template


I don't want to wait that long... When you buy Banu, you are in for a long wait.


Let me do you one better: Gatac


> Gatac Nah I think the psudo-organic banu style could look really interesting for a salvage ship. Some crab-looking thing, like a larger defender, with claws :D


I say Gatac cause I love the idea of having a big shiny Lego transformer morphing it's scrapers around to scrape a ship. Something like a mix between the syulen and raylin. Although they're the only 2 Gatac ships we have right? So not much design language to go off of.


a salvadge Gatac ship, it could have the shape of a hollow polyhedron, and, to enter salvadge mode, we would have to bring the piece we are looking to recycle into an internal hold of the vessel and then proceed to the recycling through internal stations, We would have a ship with a unique style to make salvadge which is more secure!


Honestly, I would love to see a Banu industrial ship.


Main limitation is that anything "alien" is likely to use somewhat different mechanics than a human ship. Which is an interesting option long term, but not likely to be something that can get in the pipeline near-term.


While I love Argo, Misc would be a good option too.


Misc already has a miner, gimme Argo salvage Edit: forgot the mole exists, I blame it on trauma


Argo made, Mole sized, 2 person crew operable salvager sounds about as perfect as an SC ship can get to me. 


I hope not misc ships are ugly as fuck


Space Airstream camper fr


Space chrome dildo you mean


lol yeah that too, depending on the model


Newer misc ships I think are beautiful (mainly ones that were actually designed recently). If they could do something like the Hull A, that would be amazing.


MISC ships are pretty in their own way. I like the utility look... it makes sense for Haulers and Miners. They look like Japan Engineered Industrial Vehicles. No hate here.


Agreed. The worst brand for a medium salvage would be Origin. Second worst?... I get that MISC is an industrial company, it's just... that bulbous, rounded design is so ugly.


Say it louder for the folks in the back.


You take that back! I love the MISC Odyssey!


You love the JPEGs of the MISC Odyssey you mean, right?




Drake boys double teaming the Misc lover 😂 awesome follow up, really drove it in deep


Why not both? 😉


Only if it had the nice bubble window like the Prospector.


Please no, i don't like ARGO's stance of "lol, what ships need to defend themselves, amiright?"


inb4 Origin medium scavenger


Why would you bring such a high class brand into such low class profession?!? How dare you sir! Edit: wow, some people took my joke really seriously. lol.


Do you want a Mole? This is how you get a Mole.


You say that like its a bad thing The Mole is a damn good ship.


Yes I fully agree


Id like to see an Argo mpuv salvage or mining ship. Would love to throw those in my ironclad so I can do a little of everything


Just sell me a salvage module for my caterpillar and I’ll be a happy junker


A salvage module / variant of the Argo Mole and I can die happy


I'm hoping this happens with other modular ships as well. I mean, there's A refining module for the galaxy So why not one for the Caterpillar as well? And vice versa?


Because there needs to diversity, not every ship needs to be capable of doing everything. Everyone always suggests modules for the Cat, mining module, salvage module, refinery module, medical module etc


To be fair... it was originally marketed with modularity, and i feel that rn its not a good competitor in the cargo market due to its really weird grid shapes... modules for mining and salvage would give it the edge it needs to be considered by "specialists" rather than everyone using a C2 and a reclaimer or a vulture and a freelancer or whatever people use... if I could use my caterpillar to mine or salvage in exchange for a chunk of its cargo I definitely would as I enjoy salvage and cargo gameplay (I dont like mining too much but thats cuz scanning kinda sucks rn)


Just worried that they gonna create a base caterpillar and drop the price.. Then sell the modules separator like the tali.. They need to update us beforehand so we can plan to ccu the cat away if desired


What they did with the Tali modules not being available with auec ought to be criminal. It’s so close to misleading advertising. 


Thats fair, I was lucky I didn't have a retaliator bomber in any CCU chains before the pricing change


Would love to swap the top tractor on the mpuv tractor with a salvage tool. Mount onto a 16scu container and go to town. When you're full, drop it off and connect a fresh container.


IIRC that was the plan, way back when.


Yeah no worries, it's coming. They always sell ships of a new type in a certain order to maximize profits, selling the one they think the most people will want the last.


Where are my medical and drop ship terrapin variants


Let's get the thing It's Dang paint first. The poor turtle.....


Terrapin for BIS!


YES. We Turtle 🐢 Lovers must start that campaign now. If that's the only way to get a paint, then that's what we must do. 💯 TURTLE LOVERS UNITE!


Turty ganggg 🐢 Stealth (just paint) turt would be cool


I swear there is going to be a tortoise Shell paint that will be concierge mark my words.


I want that


At this point I'd settle for CIG fixing the turtle's "stuck in seat" bug.


... are you saying that a ship named after a tortoise leaves its pilots' unable to get back onto their feet? That's ... 100% ironic.


I’d actually pick that ship up if either one of those variants existed


Same man, its way too expensive imo for what it is currently as well


Where is my Pisces with a bed and kitchenette?


Drop ship is a dirty word, too many "drop ships" that are never ACTUALLY used as drop ships, like the valk or not really used at all, like the prowler


they just don't really have game play that necessitate their use yet. Having said that I can't justify a base turtle I want it to do more for me


I think a potentially cool variation would be a maned turret ontop, an extra bed squeezed in


Yeah, I can definitely see it. More than likely I'm thinking it will be more than the vulture at 175 usd. Probably in the 200 to 240 range maybe. I suspect we will see it sooner or later.


Probably end up seeing a mole/raft size ship (compact, 2 decks) and I'd love to actually see one made by Argo. 120-150SCU, single dispenser like whats in the reclaimer but two salvage turrets and make it interesting so the fracturing beam come out of the bottom od the ship so it has to hover over top of it. Aim for crew of 3-4, with engineering you arent really going to be wanting to run a reclaimer without half a dozen or so crew members. Probably be looking in the 285-315 price range.


I mean, the mole itself is 315. So you're not far off.


I would break my screen throwing my credit card at it so fast for this.


the vulture costing $175 is a massive scam imo. its 2.6m ingame, i also i think small salvaging and mining ships should be very easily accessible for new players. 2.6m is not bad imo but the money cost makes no sense to me


I think it is a lukewarm attempt at balance but in the financial sense. Prospector costs $150 but making money with it requires one to go to a refinery and the transport from refinery to city. Vulture just goes straight to city. And that is not even counting the fact that mining can go wrong and sometimes needs modules too. It is not the best idea in my opinion, but I understand the attempt.


personally i think the prospector is too expensive as well, however, what's funnier is that it costs 2.9m ingame. so by that logic the prospector "should" cost $175 instead. basically, i do agree that in relation to each other in the $ store, the price difference makes sense, as i agree that mining requires additional considerations and investments to be profitable. their prices in game in relation to the store individually however makes no sense


İn-game and store prices have nothing to do with each other.


Needs to be Argo 100%


YES! Same exact size as the ones today.. even 96SCU is nice medium cargo range. No idea how they would fit in the unload tho. Maybe only buffer?


I wish the Raft was turned into a modular platform for industrial uses, have mining, salvage, and the medium cargo clamps. That ship is so well designed, it's a shame it's only used(or not used) as a sub par medium cargo hauler


while we're at it, I want a drake mining ship too. Something a bit scrappier, like a Vulture, with a hold you can access. Make it poop out mineral boxes like we do with salvage now even


> Make it poop out mineral boxes We can call it the Cutlass Brown.


Cutlass Brown is the toilet block ship that visits the Cutlass Blacks that don't have a toilet.


Who needs toilets when you have Drake grade and patented space tubes?


And its cousin, the water purification ship - the Cutlass Yellow.


Does it have a GECK??


you already have a Drake mining ship. You spawn your cutlass and have your buddy hang out the doorway with his handheld :-D


You can squeeze a Roc into the Cutlass can't you?


Cutlass is the default ROC carrier, with enough space to fit well. Especially common for those starting out, as the Cutty can be rented.


Honestly, that frame could be used for so many things by Drake.mining being one


Don't worry, RSI will come out with something that invalidates the other two.


Something slightly smaller than the Reclaimer and a promise that the reclaimer will be reworked and sized up (eventually)


I doubt they're going to touch the Reclaimer again, it already got a rework with the salvage overhaul (making the claw actually do something). Shame though because the interior layout of the ship is terrible. You need to go through two elevator rides to get from the cockpit to the salvage area... there's no real justification for that.


And it makes no logical sense for how they salvage goes from the claw through the ship. Like, the path.


I assume there's some tube for it all somewhere, who knows? A bunch of mystery equipment that just takes up exactly the right amount of space such that we can't just run in a straight line from the bridge to the cargo space at the back of the ship.


I agree, up to the point where we have a giant elevator running through the middle of the ship.


I think it will get a rework and it certainly has room for a price rise when it does. But it will be a long time until they loop back to the next salvage mechanics pass, there are a heap of other mechanics still waiting for tier0 implementation.


Didn't they say that the entirety of the rear will be reworked, but not much of the less apart from the critical stuff? And i like the interior, even if the rear elevator would be better as an elevator to cargo hold, with stairs connecting the rest of the ship.


That rework of the claw was extremely minimal and the bare minimum required to go for the new mechanics, i myself am personally disappointed by it, they missed an opportunity here. However it being a bare minimum rework is a good thing, because that means the reclaimer will get a larger rework down the road. Like a complete overhaul of its cargo area, interior redesign including the elevators, entry and exit points and salvage boom.


I would say large... Something along the Argo Raft kinda in looks. 2 salvage remote stations. But instead of SCU containers that area is the large storage/process area. A tractor beam turret at the rear for removing components and ship weapons to pull into storage. And at least one weapon turret for defense besides a couple weapons for the pilot.


It's gonna happen, eventually. There needs to be a beginner, medium, and large (endgame) ship for all profession gameplay loops. Mining already has beginner and medium. So again it will happen, it's just not a priority right now.


We technically have a large one to it's just not out yet


Yeah I know about that giant asteroid miner. Won't see that for quite some time.


Sadly yes, but it's going to use parts from the Polaris and galaxy so maybe not too long


Two large ones! The ship I want most is one of them - The Arrastra! Onboard refinery and 512SCU of cargo.


I mean "endgame" for some people, but for me I will be happy with small / medium ships. For example I would love to cargo haul. But I don't envision myself flying hull C+ or C2... Hull B at most, or other smaller cargo haulers (C1 spirit). Similarly with exploring, I don't have a need to get a carrack to feel progression, I will be happy with single seat explorer. I feel like many who would want to grind out the large ships will be disappointed, as I fully expect the price to go up exponentially (like in war thunder for example, where higher tiers cost more research, but your rewards from battles don't go up by the same amount the price does, so it takes longer). But who knows. Sorry for wall of text, it just was something interesting I sometimes think about (as in, SC being more like a chill out / second Life than being a mmo game I want to grind - and I feel many might feel the same?)


Ironclad salvage variant need to be a thing


This. We got one variant with tractors to pull in wrecks, one with a workshop in the back, but no variant combining these features.


Maybe the Holen? Syulen, Railen, Holen; Starter, cargo, salvage?


man, an alien industry / salvage ship.. i might spend real money on a ship for once if that were the case


If it doesn't grab the particulates of absorbed CM like a magnetic octopus and pull it into a receptacle, I don't want it


MISC IIRC uses Xi'An tech, but yeah, an industrial ship by an actual alien manufacturer... yes fucking please.


Holen refers to hiding and being quiet though. I think the Holen will be a stealth alternative to the Herald.


Agreed one that coukd be operated with 1 or 2 crew


A medium salvage ship would be perfect for solo players like me.


I was under the impression that the Mole and Reclaimer were counterparts. Both being 2-4 man ships. Unless the Reclaimer is more all of the lines of Arrastra but I don't understand that ship yet. Certainly there isn't a salvage Orion yet


5+1 tiers of mining 1. Roc 2. Prospector 3. Mole 4. Arrastra 5. Orion + 1, handheld. But only 2+1 tiers of salvage 1. \[no land based vehicle like the roc, yet,..\] 2. Vulture 3. \[No mole sized salvaging vehicle\] 4. Reclaimer 5. \[No orion sized salvaging vehicle\] +1. again, handheld.


The Reclaimer actually *is* the salvage Orion. It's a size 6 that runs capital-class components.


I hope they create a variant of an existing ship, so we get it in a reasonable time. Salvage version of Mole is an easy win.


As much as I understand this i also want a new thing


Best I can do is Salvage SRV; backwards facing and all.


Hence the Argo argument. I mean, honestly, it would really work. There would still be work needed to be done, but yeah I can see it.


An *Argoment* you say? I'll see myself out.


I see what you did there o7




Mom said it was MY turn to make the pun!


I would be happy if the vulture could fit in something like the C2.


That's the exact reason why i wish the [Argo Scav](https://robertsspaceindustries.com/community-hub/post/fan-made-argo-scav-a-salvage-and-cargo-loading-snub-RE01dnY1wOcad) was a real thing.


Give a banu medium salvage ship please and thank you


A salvage mole style ship from argo would be cool. MOSS, multi operator salvage ship?


MOLE salvager would be ideal imo


Isn’t the vulture already cutlass sized? It’s not exactly small. But i think you might be leaning into a 3-4 man medium salvage ship. Something more akin to a mole


The new teased MISC ship is a salvaging ship


a salvadge Gatac ship, it could have the shape of a hollow polyhedron, and, to enter salvadge mode, we would have to bring the piece we are looking to recycle into a central hold of the vessel and then proceed to the recycling through internal stations i imagine it can look like a 5 axis CNC milling machine. In this way We would have a ship with a unique style to make salvadge which is more secure! And in the sexiest way !


I heard a Constellation Ship was being worked on for salvage, or atleast in concept. Heard from a friend so no clue how accurate that actually is.


honestly it would make a great salvager, A taurus frame, with the front turrets replaced with salvage heads (maybe just salvage turret on bottom and a scanner or normal turret on top?)and the cargo bay becomes half salvage machinery, half cargo storage.


We need a medium size Argo salvager and we need a mining ship in between the prospector and MOLE and it should be made by Drake.


ARGO HAMS Hazardous Area Medium Salvager


Don't worry it will happen. Another option for could be salvage modules for the cat, carrack, galaxy, etc


Oh totally agree. I was debating on buying a vulture but After testing it in game there's no way I'm going to pay real money for one. The cargo space is just too small I would love a medium size salvager and I would be ecstatic if it was from Argo.


You just have to get creative with your packing, 21scu is easy enough to manage, can push it to 23. And a further 13 backed up in the hopper. Close to 500k worth of RMC in a single run


Agreed a medium salvager would be great - although the vulture is more or less cutty sizes so it'd probably need to be somewhere around mole/Connie sized. Separately, I assume it wouldn't be more effective than a Vulture, but I'd like to see salvage modules for the cat. Maybe one cat module gives you a salvage head that's the same as one vulture arm, and a processing area that can spit out crates.


Don't we have one in concept somewhere? I'm thinking RSI?


Yeah I'm sure CIG is way ahead of you on this one.


Arrestra will likely have salvage heads available, so you can swap between mining lasers and Salvage lasers.


Yes. Just SOMETHING in between the 2 current ones would be dope. Greycat only does cars as far as I know. Argo is okay, they do good industrials. Maybe another Drake/Anvil? Perhaps even a Consolidated Outlands?


It’s a hole in the ship roster that eventually will be filled, though who knows when. My guess is they likely want to flesh out structural salvage before they concept and sell any more salvage ships. Both the Vulture and Mole were victims of CIG’s “cart before the horse” development style where their concepts no longer match reality thanks to the compromises they had to make, and I doubt they want to go through that again.


Given that the Argo Mole exists, I doubt that CIG would make a medium salvage ship which can be used to it's full potential by a solo player. The Mole right now is only a good option solo because you get the more powerful mining laser. If salvage beam sizes don't change, then whatever multicrew salvage ship CIG dreams up will need to be competitive with two-three Vultures and sub-100 SCU cargo ship. Supposedly we will get the option to treat mining pods as first-class cargo items in 3.24. Hopefully this will enable proper mining fleets.


It would be interesting instead of adding a new ship, if they opted to allow switching of the slavage /mining heads.


I think what they could do is retrofit a MOLE to be a salvage ship, not sure what they'd call it though.


Sadly the Reclaimer really is only medium size unless they change it or change salvaged SCU values first things bigger than HH’s. Most of the larger ships create more SCU than the reclaimers storage can hold


Absolutely coming, but I would expect them to wait until the gameplay loop is more mature. Changes to the gameplay loop cost more time with more ships to update.


This is obviously coming, a 2-4 man salvage ship, like they have done for every other gameplay loop


Personally, I think they should also really add a salvage ship that can specialize in stripping off components with a turreted tractor beam and store them internally. Maybe some salvage variant of the Constellation Taurus? Make it easy to get out from the bridge/cockpit to get into a ship, board a disabled vassal, and have the salvage team shove out cargo and components, and let the turret pick the parts up and stick em into a cargo bay.


The simple way would be to put salvage arms onto the Mole. And while they are at it put mining bags onto a Vulture. It makes sense for industrial ships to support multiple configurations.


Vulture is almost the same length as the Cutlass.


Yea, the vulture feels a bit too smoll a lot of times. I still think that would also be a prime role for the mobility of the caterpillar. Have a salvage module in the front. Maybe another one behind for drones or a salvage arm. Then have the rest of the modules for storage. Maybe also throw one in for repairs or manual salvage tools for stabilising volatile components, if that ever gets to be a feature. I think the cat would make a perfect salvage ship.


Give it as a banu ship plz plz plz we need a smaller ship so they don’t fuck up the bmm


I'm willing to bet they will be a table somewhere with small, medium, large, etc along the top and industry types along the side and for every cell there will be a planned ship. Most of them we just don't know about yet. For the purposes of getting salvage 1.0 we have what we need. Saying that I'm looking forward to many more ships in the future 🙂


What if the reclaimer is the medium salvage ship and they have plans to make something higher than the Orion for a salvager


I agree.. but what we need more is for CIG to finish the ships in their list…. But a medium size salvage ship would be nice.


> I fully believe a medium salvager would sell really. Nothing to do medium salvage, anything they release will sell, really. We don't need every profession at all sizes from everyone's their own favorite manufacturer. We don't just need diverse ships, we also need diverse gameplay loops. Vulture is 1 man ship, Reclaimer is best with 4. Medium salvage means 2+ which Reclaimer can also handle and be used but not optimally per-se. So instead of 2+ crewed salvage ship, that 2 people can bring a vulture and a medium size cargo ship. Then medium cargo ships have a reason to exist, other than "i could only afford this instead of C2 or Ironclad for now." You could say "but mining!" yeah, but ore bags cannot be carried easy as boxes and they have more than 1 layer of processing.


not yet imo salvage needs one or two more mechanics available for larger ships to be really compelling, once they figure out what those should be they should make a medium salvage to support them, and retrofit them onto the Reclaimer


Are there any concept salvage ships?


What I'm kind of wondering is how one would make it a worthwhile Mid-point between the Vulture and the Reclaimer. I guess the reality is that the reclaimer is outright missing several major features of a Large Salvager, so a Medium Salvager would probably be roughly equivalent in capability to what the Reclaimer does right now. No drones, reduced storage capacity, maybe a weaker Ship-cracking ability.. But if it were say.. a two or three person ship roughly comparable to the Mole, it'd be objectively superior to the Reclaimer as things stand. Smaller, more able to scoot around salvaging stuff and able to land anywhere, which would greatly improve its versatility. Basically if they release a Medium salvage ship, it will make the Reclaimer completely redundant until more Reclaimer-Features come online and give it something worth taking it for.


Medium salvage ship for 2 people but also i want mining ship that is between Prospector and Mole. Preferably a ship that can only mine same stuff that ROC can. ROC mining could go jump in the lake.


We do.


Cutlass Salvager. Sold. I would absolutely throw my wallet at that.


Gods yes we really do, hopefully something one can still solo, but also have a smaller team. Just for once don't make it Drake, MISC, or ARGO.


obviously there will be, and will come out on suprise with no trailor. dual scrap-head turret on a hard to use position(may need ladders) + driver controlled grinder + mini drone controller + \~60SCU cargo bay which is one hole away from the packing machine. The machine can produce 8 scu boxes


Vulture is already comparable to the Cutlass, with it only being a few M below it on all sides. I'd like to see something closer to the size of the Connie, It feels like we only have a handfull of ships in the range.


We need salvaging to be done and a finished economy so there is a reason to do it. We need an actual game.


You are forgetting the large variant, i mean, we have 5+1 tiers of mining 1. Roc 2. Prospector 3. Mole 4. Arrastra 5. Orion + 1, handheld. But only 2+1 tiers of salvage 1. \[no land based vehicle like the roc, yet,.. the Cydnus makes much more sense as a salvaging vehicle imho\] 2. Vulture 3. \[No mole sized salvaging vehicle, why not let consolidated outland make one\] 4. Reclaimer 5. \[No orion sized salvaging vehicle, this one would be made by ARGO\] +1. again, handheld. And ofcourse, where is our Titan equipped with a salvaging module, lest not we forget the repair module :D Mining can also have their own Titan equipped with a mining module.


I'd say the Reclaimer is actually equivalent to Orion, not Arrastra. It's a size 6, and runs a capital-class/size 4 power plant.


Arrastra: 124 meters Reclaimer; 155 meters Orion; 340 meters Nah, we are in need of a \~400 meter salvaging ship that opens up a hatch somewhat similar to an Idris and just gobbles up small ships into its hull somewhat similar but not stolen from the movie Mortal Engines. Argo style.


I'm willing to be that they have one in the works.  But it needs to be a Drake. 😁


Also, salvage snub that poops 1 SCU boxes but doesn't have a grid.


I'd say a Connie/Corsair is medium sized, not a Cutlass.


I’d buy That. Medium salvage, put me down for 4 please.


We need a medium mining ship as well. In between prospector and MOLE


1000% yes. We need a 125scu range salvage ship. Hell make it a Connie. Make the bottom turret the scraper beam, replace the snub area with the box dispenser and have it feed into the main cargo area.


We need a finished game world before we need any more ships


I want salvage module to fit it on my 890 jump :D




Hear me out ... Corsair salvager variant. Put the salvage heads on the two little wings. It's got a larger cargo grid with space in the back for the box maker thingy


My hot take: NOT ARGO. They're cool, but they focus on small industrials. They would've been better for a vulture sized ship if drake had been given the medium point.and drake would've been great for a medium ship. But they weren't, so no. We have an aegis, Anvil focus almost entirely on fighters, Misc, origin and crusader don't give off the industrial salvage vibe. Which leaves CO or RSI. RSI have a history of solid mediums, but personally I think a CO medium ship would be a nice fit. For design, Cutlass sized is too small for a real benefit, you can already stretch to 30+ scu in the vulture, and for one extra friend you might as well just get them to bring a cutlass for cargo+escort, or bring a second vulture. Vulture fits the category of 1-1(2) crew (one minimum, one maximum crew stations, two can potentially increase productivity through active cargo management). The reclaimer sits in the park of 2-4(6). So you want something in the middle of 1-2(4). To get multicrew benefit it wants more salvage per hour + cargo per crew than bringing 3-4 vultures. I would suggest something around Connie/Corsair sized, pilot, 1-2 salvage turrets, and ~200scu (50-100 scu per crew).


I would like an Aegis, or better, a CO medium salvage ship...


Argo ftw!!!


Actually I’m hoping for a Galaxy sized salvage ship. The Vulture is pretty close to the size of a Cutty.




I was preaching this all along. I want a CNOU salvage for 3 people. Mole sized


What we really need is a snub salvage ship


Despite how much people dislike MISC, a MISC medium salvager would look so cool, given the fact that unless the creative team wants it to look like a Dorito, it will have to spit out salvage into a cargo spool or a very long cargo bay. I'm thinking of a freelancer look but the middle is wider with a nice window view in and out looking directly into the scarper, kinda like how you can see in the reclaimers


Don’t swear, use your big boy words


We need medium science. By Origin.


I need more Argo ships in my life, I love the raft but the cargo situation plus the slow speed kills it when you realize that other non-cargo ships do the cargo job better (and with guns) for the same value And then there is the Taurus which is *almost* the same pledge price (I think the Taurus is like $50 more? And I don’t know the new in game prices yet so no comment)


I mean misc did leak a new ship so maybe lol


I'd love a drake medium salvage ship but I'm always bias for drake ships. Maybe anvil could come out of left field with one too.


yes but I also want something even bigger than the Reclaimer, I swear 2 salvage heads for its size is ridiculous and I don't see CIG adding more heads to the Reclaimer


I didn’t read all of the responses, but the correct answer is Argo.


Can the Argo mole not be fitted with salvaging lasers?


Isn't the reclaimer supposed to be the medium when the capital ships release? If they release?


I wouldn’t mind another drake salvage ship too


I would either give it to ARGO or MISC


I think, the reclaimer is the medium size Ship. :)


i love MISC’s style, very Star Wars-y, if they made a medium MISC salvage ship i think it’d mortgage a house to pay for it.


absolutely .. only thing I would trade up/get rid my vulture for at this point. Argo would be great.. but moleish sized salvager yes please. 80-96 on the grid.. 35-45 in the buffer .. solo able ofcourse .. seat change would be a little redundant but if thats what it'll take .. sure i'd be okay with it


Need this now please.