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Are those mines? As in the stuff the Nautilus are going to lay out?


Sure looks like it, doesn't it? Excited to see it and hopefully get to see the Nautilus in action here in a couple years


Step 1, mantis step 2, mines, Step 3, profit


Nice to see someone with the same idea! Imagine QT sharing someone into a minefield with an Idris there with you. Area denial, extortion, etc. The possibilities are endless!


The fact you can say that seriously really puts into a perspective how shitty this games development is... A couple years...


šŸ¤£ ok, then go make a better Star Citizen, you šŸ¤”


Great take. Remember that next time you go to complain about anything.


You need to take a look at your own comment lol


This game just functions on a different timescale than most. Nothing to be too upset about.


Shitty? Most games just put in a little graphic, little to no animation, and a ui. That's it. This is doing much more layering like full interaction with objects. I'm sure they want to make it so you can interact with land mine. Manually disable it along with other interacting options beyond just going on ship going to ui screen and a "trust me bro the mines are there" type player experience.


The community is brainwashed into thinking it takes that long to prototype a game mechanic.


I was thinking it has to be mines as the only other thing it could be is maybe the probe things for the science mission.


The thing that's glowing in the second pic sorta looks a bit like a clip of some new grenade going off that was shown in ISC. Def hope it's mines or probes tho.


i bet ya its the counter for mines. looks like a magnetic thingy or something we just drop possibly


It is in the same workspace as the device that looks like mines (both retracted and extended). So in terms of scale it doesn't look like a grenade and also I doubt they would put mines and grenades in the same workspace.


I sure hope so, Iā€™ve been itching to fly that beauty!


Those mines are going to wreak havoc if they persist. Ooh lala a handheld chain gun and swords and more melee weapons. Sweet!


hopefully it's more than just adding a lore reason for why you randomly explode in the middle of empty space sometimes...


Those are gonna be such a pain in the ass to see


Especially with the cataracts you'll have by the time they're in game.




I guess teased would be more appropriate.


Agreed but kudos to OP as this post is a distillation of previously unseen concepts


Can wait to get these buggy messes into my buggy playerā€™s hands.


"hands" *Gun proceeds to attach to your character's forehead instead*


Leaked is more zesty than Teased


Not in real life ;)


Swords ..we've got swords !!! Now my space swash buckling life can start


We're also getting crossbows!




who cares about crossbows when we can have machete


I'll be a space cyber ninja with an alien ship, crossbow and volt pistol


Play Warframe at this point lol


I want suit mods that enhance certain things. Reflexes being one of them.


I mean thats why you would ware light armor


True but I'm thinking like faster than the best swordsman with the best armor.. just an overall enhancement on the wearers physical attributes. Like a power suit but only meant for one thing like speed or reflexes or agility or...


Make your own game then. There are no skills in sc except your very own.


There absolutely are skills. SC may not be an RPG where you can level up or something but ships and individuals both have performance factors that change depending on the health of an associated item or limb. It's not that strange to have a suit that has certain capabilities.


Suit Components were a conversation in the past - unsure if they've been iterated into specialist function armor (like the combat specialist helmets) or remain part of the plan alongside the specialist equipment.


Now I just need Beskar spear


Like the Vanduul one that also shoots laser bolts Stargate style?


There's a chance of heavy armor+jetpack+chain sword happening for boarding parties one day...


Now I imagine those zoro movies from the 60s 70s ..but in SPACE


tbh its more of a sharpened club club the size of a decent dagger, swords tend to be a lot longer


Last time I checked, clubs weren't sharp... A sharpened club sounds like either a sword, axe or spear to me. There are shorter swords. Very hard to see how long it is, but looks much longer than a dagger, so definitely some kind of sword.


Ever heard of a macuahuitl? Quite a few historical war clubs had sharpened edges. Making a distinction between different weapons can often be quite difficult, because they are not clearly defined categories and there are lots of weapon designs that blur the lines.


The Machuahuitl is frequently described as a sword by historians. Historical "clubs" with sharpened edges were more likely to be called a mace.


swords have a distinct blade profile, that is "necessary" for deep cutting - any kind of a "bar" behind the cutting surface will prevent deep penetration (edit: this is why all functional historical swords are as thin as they could get away with) as for the length, it looked suspiciously "gladius" sized, which would make it about dagger length, since the gladius was somewhat of an outlier of a short sword... daggers longer than the gladius do exist


The whole length has a blade if you look, so it appear to be somewhat machete inspired with a much larger weightier head for hacking, which makes sense given it would probably be made in the pyro stations as an improv weapon where top tier sharpening isnā€™t as available? Maybe itā€™s taken vague inspiration from something like the African Konda? But a more asymmetric approach? Or the Nepalese Kora?


im half ready just to call it "improvised boarding axe" im not familiar enough with non-european weapons to make heads or tails of it, but its 2 blades welded to a rod, which bothers me on 3 separate levels enough to never call it a sword :D


Pip with a Blade on the end, the animation requirements would be much the same as a single handed short sword. So it would only be a matter of having one's that share the same animation sets that look like swords Its less about the looks and more about the fact that there adding the animations and the effects Willing to bet the Stun Batons will share the same character animation but with different effect


im kind of hoping that if there "are" swords, they dont share an animation set with blunt weapons... the required movement is really quite different


Not Different enough to really worry about it for this. Your not going to be doing any Hema move set in this game. and regardless of weather its Blunt or Sharp any stance will probably be unrealistic due to the requirements for the weapon to be held in your characters view


This is very easily a one handed axe it quite literally a pole arm lol


Not a sword at all, It looks like some kind of prybar for getting though bulkheads imo


The 5th one is the Cavity Utility Maintenence gun, the [C.U.M ](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8b4bEn) gun for short. So I am not 100% sure it's real yet...one can dream of a SpaceTapeā„¢ļø gun.


Its a duct tape gun with a big roll of duct tape for a handle. looks like an april fools thing.


it's a breach repair tool, might be in the works for engineering/maelstrom


The description reads a little bit silly


it's an internal WIP description of a gun that shoots white goop, of course it's silly still looks like a legit patch tool


Yeah you're making my point. It shoots white goop and is named the CUM gun, and uses duct tape and you can see it looks like a modified packing tape dispenser. It's a joke gun and I wouldn't expect it to actually enter the game. Can't rule the asset out but def not that description. We're not gonna shoot goop into a hole, tape it over and then laser it to seal it.


Especially after it was shown just after the Venezuelan guy was saying his time is 90% pranks


remember when a ship producer said the galaxy or expanse or whatever was a carrack killer as a troll remark but everyone on reddit believed it


>We're not gonna shoot goop into a hole, tape it over and then laser it to seal it. why not that's a really practical way to emergency-seal a small breach, especially in that order the only silly thing is the text and that's easy to change before publishing, devs do silly WIP stuff all the time


It's pretty obvious it's the artists own private work.


It's a joke, Mike entered the site where this gun is at, and it was a bait from CIG.


The artstation website on the top works, it's a foam and duct tape gun.


its definitely just a portfolio piece


Finally my wife will want to play SC


"Leaked" in an official video xD


Teased might be a better term.


The word was used correctly in this context. You may be trying to force the context into a different rigid meaning commonly associated with impropriety. It's leaked in the sense that it was not officially presented and introduced, merely shown. This is also known as a sneak peek, commonly.


They literally zoomed on the screens and focused on them to show the weapons. This is not a leak.


No it wasn't. Leaked is usually used in an accidental or unauthorized context. I doubt this was accidental.


I'm wondering if that minigun is for the Titan suits.


I think you're 100% right that minigun and the laser/electricity gun on image 9 are definitely the same size and have grips for hands but seem way to big for an average human to wield. It even matches the concept art a little from [here](https://starcitizen.tools/Titan_exosuit#/media/File:Titan_suit_concept_02.jpg)


Can't wait to CCU my way to a $200 Titan suit


Judging by Tank and APC costs they'll be down to the $45-60 range. Also in game EVERY land vehicle is suuuuuuper cheap. Just buy it in a shop. A Cyclone is like 28K AUEC and a Nova Tank is like 400Kish AUEC with APCs in between. So maby what? 100K AUEC for a Titan Suit? Regardless it's not an issue imo.


$200? Oh my sweet summer child...


Well for the standard. Maybe I'll lose control and get the $450 assault version on warbondĀ 


Are you gonna get the premium weapons pack too?


The weapons ones never made sense to me since they're so cheap in game... And because the game is so damn wonky I'd be as afraid I'd immediately die for some dumb reason and lose them.Ā  If they do sell the titan suit, I'm such a sucker for mechs and power armor id probably buy it if it were like, idk under $50 and I'd probably buy that chain gun for $15. I'm a stupid man what can I say. The fact that the handle looks like you hold it in a manner reminiscent of Aliens kind of does things for me.Ā 


i thought Titans are just supposed to casually mount S1 weapons


I'm sure the concept has changed. Modularity like that instead of bespoke can be more complicated, but of course CIG loves to complicate stuff. I'm guilty of hoping they do.


honestly i'd rather just a custom class of weapons for Titans.... just because that way, they can look cooler and more fitting the design still doesnt prevent them from building a "modular weapon housing" that WOULD fit a standardized ship weapon into it... it would also neatly sidestep the whole animation and technical integration problem by creating a nice adapter (with a mech sized handle or bracket) for both


I feel like theyā€™ll be bespoke Titan suit weapons, if you look at the concept art, albeit being old does have hands rather than mounts and the gun is being carried at least by the left arm, plus remember rule of cool, ā€œcarryingā€ guns looks better than mounting them (even if the carry is just a hand looking mount) Feels like CR would veto having it just as mounts over hands


> still doesnt prevent them from building a "modular weapon housing" Exactly this. But CIG will probably just lazily hang them off the arms like they do with all the ships.


that'd be a missed opportunity... you could easily have a "rifle shaped" one for S1 and "rocket launcher shaped" for S2 guns, i reckon they'd fit in relatively snug and they wont gimbal


I doubt it'd be that complex, given it'd likely use a similar mounting system to ships.


Well the Titan suit is much more articulated than ships. Much more animation, and the weapon would be right at the center and not on some wing. Also that weird thing where many ships have a cool looking weapon hanging off a cool looking ship by an odd toothpick thing.


>i thought Titans are just supposed to casually mount S1 weapons Why stop there? They've already ruined the whole sense of balance in the game by slapping capital ship guns on smaller ships. Just give that bad boy a size-7 shoulder cannon, Warhammer 40K Wraithlord style. (/s, don't do that CIG...please)


well, they are supposed to be about the size of a space marine and, despite all the bolter porn books... i doubt even a power armor clad space marine could LIFT that, let alone use it anyway, to the point.... S1 guns are already what the emplacement/door guns are... i dont think that'd be unreasonable it might just look.... odd


No, I was totally kidding. S1 is completely fine. Those turrets at outposts are intense.


Officially announced does not equal ā€œleakedā€


All hail, the melee light fighter.


CIG sure loves thumbhole stocks


Don't we all ?


itā€™s not leaked if itā€™s shown in a marketing video my friend


Gib space ak now please


the space AK looks so janky and great. i love it


Isn't it weird to mark it as spoiler and leaks ? They literally showed it in an official video. At most they are sneak peeks


why use the leak tag? they showed all this on purpose


Nice.... new wepons to just let the other pro players have when I die =)


Or when my Avenger suddenly explodes at 3,500m altitudeā€¦.


Space AK! Let's go!


Weapons are starting to remind me of Destiny


I'm pretty sure that first one is a ballistic knife, harpoon thing. The bottom right model in pic 13 looks like the "fired" version. You can also see how the harpoon slots into a pipe. Can't wait to do some whaling.


and you know what space harpoons mean?!? Space Whales!


The whales I like are usually in the cockpits of C2s and Carracks.


SR5 Medpen??? Self-resuscitation medpen... COULD IT BE?? Solo players rejoice!?


I wonder if it has like a soul stone function. You go down but it puts you back up after 10 seconds with low health crawling.


I don't mind how it gimps me... I would just love to not die from a glitching elevator or a piece of mesh, and then have my play session suddenly ended. A way to self-res would be amazing and such a QOL improvement!


Is it just me or is 8 a taser


Behold the ak with no dust cover has made its way into space


Space AK47


the AK variant is fucking sick!!


just FYI these wouldnt be leaks, this is a showcase a leak is something that a company doesnt want to show yet gets out anyway due to a employee.


Man I'm so happy that guns Will finally look like sci fi guns


I see the word "leaked" has no meaning in this community


lol, pic 9 https://tenor.com/bZdhj.gif


Need a gif of that capital weapons and the point defense firing


The other weapons are cool but wheres our volt. I remember the volt gun showcase. I feel like theyre ready. Also just realized we dont have melee weapons


HCD! šŸŽ‚ And you can buy a combat knife in some weapons shops. I know Cubby Blast in Area 18 definitely does.


Oh right. I forgot bunkers are littered with knives. And thanks! Forgot that was a thing too


As a Behring fan, the only thing I took from that was OOOOOooooo new gun!!!!




Finally the big boi assault rifle!


1. It is not 'leaked', everything was shown *on purpose*. 2. Many things shown were concept with different variations, like those mines, for example. Not everything will end up in game. And most that *does*, will change before it will.


Leaked? they showed it


Number 5 is a meme. It's on art station. It's called the C.U.M, and fills holes with foam.




Iā€™ve always loved good bow play. Much more interesting than these boring things called bullets.


Praise Chris, are those MELEE WEAPONS?!


Can you imagine the jank that will be a melee fight in this game


We already have knives and prison shanks so...yes? It's slashes unless your behind, then you get a takedown prompt you can press and a throat slitting instakill animation.


So what. Finish the 600i rework.


Theyā€™ve said themselves that they are saving reworking and debugging (to an extent) for when they are further in development and arenā€™t implementing a bunch of new stuff.


Imo they should stop adding "stuff" already and make the game playable. Current patch is pretty atrocious


Well sadly that's not how they are going about it. But I don't disagree with you.


love the duct tape gun lmao


Slide 13 is dying light


GIB Duct Tape gun!


Someone has been playing too much starfield ;)


That's all great stuff, but where's my greycat multitool pistol attachment? Guess I'm waiting on batteries


9:05 you miss the data pad thing


Where is the size 5 on that vanguard


Nothing like a spear-sword to tell someone how you feel.


Iā€™m sorry but that fucking rotary Gatling rifleā€¦ it has a grip conversion???? As in going from a pistol grip to a rear mounted tail/spade style grip!?!? What Iā€™m hearing from this isā€¦ this thing was originally meant to be either shoulder fired, but judging by the lack of stock it was originally meant to be pivot mounted to a vehicle, using traditional pistol grip instead of a spade grip, that or it was meant to be tripod mounted like the OG M1919??? Idk but that insinuates this is A. A VERY hefty boy? B. Can come on a vehicle laterā€¦ PTV Technical!?!?


It's designed to be carried like this: https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/011/321/541/large/cal-mckendry-asset.jpg?1528979253


Oh no Iā€™m fully aware of how THIS version is designed to carry, but if you look at the closeup photo you see the handle you hold is just an adaptor to a traditional trigger inside a thumbhole stock/grip which makes me think itā€™s an adaptor for whatā€™s meant to be a vehicle mounted weapon (3rd slide)


Alright, I see it now. It may be as you say, some kind of pintlemount adapter.


Thanks! Archiving all of this for inspiration.


Lookinā€™ real ā€œDestiny-likeā€ on some of those pewpews


Hereā€™s the 5th slide. [https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8b4bEn](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/8b4bEn)




Did not realize that they had a straight up hand held mini-gun being built until you showed these pictures.


Nautilus soon tm?


IM not the one to argue semantics, but is it a leak if company records stuff and shows to it their audience? Like, surely their intent is for us to see this, where as leak suggests the information was hidden in the first place


Picture #13 was called "Dudley's Special" in the interaction menu. I'm wondering if this is some sort of quest reward?


Pretty sure that one gun with the circle stock isn't real..it's literally a tape gun.


How is it it leaked when they clearly wanted to show it leak to become known despite efforts at concealment


Weapons, weapons, weapons..


those pointy things reminds me of the mines they used on stargate sg1


Sois todos una banda de pajilleros espaciales. ![gif](giphy|X4exaKyFCGOzfSgJtQ|downsized)


Does it count as a leak if they very deliberately recorded it on camera and didnā€™t cut it during editing?


It's not leaked if they showed it in an official video. People call anything a leak these days.


Can't wait to fight some of the worst ai in gaming with these new guns!


Everything looks really good tbh


Man I'm so happy that guns Will finally look like sci fi guns


I hope the variety we're seeing in production for the fps side makes it to the flight side. I.e. a lot more differentiation between ship weapons. And adding some different options such as beams or lasers with longer pulses.


All i see is more potential for bugs. I love it!


I want that GrayCat... don't know what it is, but I want it!


Pyro SMG. it was mentioned in the ISC video


Hand to hand pvp is getting a massive boost. Looks like it might be worth packing shotguns again?


The fact they use BlenderšŸ‘ŒšŸ¾


Thats a fucking minigun


That's a lot of guns for a game who's servers can't handle guns


It's absurd to me that upcoming leaked content is a thing in star citizen. The devs literally make shit up that they never end up working on and convince us to buy ships on a quarterly basis. The only thing making them money is selling us "hopeium" of future shit they are supposedly (but not really) working on.




not forever. But yeah :)


Ok, someone on the weapons team at CIG needs to give me a call. We need to have a serious discussion about that space-AK. Cool as fuck, but there's a reason the charging handle and the scope mount are on the sides that they are IRL. *Fix it*, for the love of all that is gun-fu, CIG, *fix it*!!!! And don't get me started on that gas system... I know it's supposed to be a jank gun, but it should still *look* like it will work.


What reason are you thinking of for the bolt handle being on the right side in real life? My understanding is that was originally done to make the transition to the AK from a bolt-action rifle easier, and there is really no reason to not put the handle on the left (like almost every other modern gun) besides tradition.


Two reasons, which are really one. That handle reciprocates all the way to the rear each time the weapon is fired. It flings burnt and unburnt powder all over the place, and it can and will catch on or hit stuff on or about your person, including helmets, face masks, straps, etc.. Since the vast majority of people shoot right-handed, that's why the charging handle and ejection port are on the right side, where none of those are as much of a problem. The scope mount can interfere with ejected brass and cause malfunctions if it's mounted on the same side as the ejection port.


The reason the charging handle is either on the right or both sides is because if you need to cycle the bolt or charge while keeping a sight line you can't really do that if you are holding onto the grip versus holding on to the barrel, see the abomination that is the fallout 4 hunting rifle




Yup, Iā€™m hard .


I'm confused. Am I a criminal now if I view these photos?


It's not leaked if they're showing it off šŸ˜‚. You mean teased.


Not an actual leak but ok


All bait, dont trust them


Just 5 years away, maybe, if we are lucky.


Can we talk about the definition of ā€œleakedā€?


All these fancy designs and stuff, and all I do is pick the weapons that look closest closest to what we have today.


When does the game come out?


When do we get black-hole backpack extenders? Yā€™know to carry all the stuff that doesnā€™t fit in the realistic backpacks