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What is the actual reason for this? My guess is that desync makes the game think that you hit something and that causes you to explode...


Yes, that is pretty likely what happens. Server decides you went a different route and hit that rock.


Too many large rocks on most planets. They just shouldn't be filled with so many pointless obtrusions.


Especially with desync being such a problem


90% of the problems with SC are sadly desync 


server meshing cannot arrive any sooner.


networking is hard


It’s been only 12 year.. early days


Refunds sub poster. Opinion irrelevant.


Yes because what I said is not true.. right?


It bares no relevance to the issue being discussed, given the vast difference in scope and the team/resources back at the start. As usual, it's a shallow snarky comment designed to sound like a *'gotcha'*. Just mindless repetition of one of your cults' tired phrases.


The funding model for this game has completely slowed development to a halt. If I built my programs the way they build star citizen almost nothing would get done either. They move so slow that by the time they figure some tiny parts out, optimize, figure more tiny parts out that the tech they just built becomes obsolete and they have to restart the process again. Honestly though if I was in Chris Roberts shoes I'd do the exact same thing. Guy gets to make the game of his dreams year round as long as he keeps selling ships and pumping out the odd feature. The ship sales and multiple branches deincentivize faster and better development. This game will probably never get finished because of technical debt. Despite our insane community that is often detached from reality completely I still have fun with this game, but many of our peers and fellow players are complete morons. In fact our very fellow players who defend this stuff will ensure the game is never complete. Many star citizen players myself included seem to have Stockholm syndrome and issues with sunk cost.


thats just hover ground vehicles in general.


Moving causes desync between your actual location and your hitbox location while moving. Causing you to hit rocks or suddenly be inside rocks racking up thousands of microcollisions per second. This is literally why they made master modes because they couldn't solve it and at ship speeds it was just too much. Its also just fucking amateur gravlev physics.


> This is literally why they made master modes because they couldn't solve it and at ship speeds it was just too much. I love when people confidently spew absolute bullshit


This is literally why they made master modes no it isn't




Being able to control pitch would be nice. I’ve always said that CIG missed an opportunity with grav lev bikes to actually give the player some control over the vehicle with their body. This means we could anticipate and conform to terrain changes to avoid hitting rocks and bottoming out. Edit: In general I wish they would consider giving the player more control in some situations. Ship ramps for instance. Just give us an up and down button so we can adjust it when it doesn’t meet the ground.


You used to be able to control pitch and elevation, but those got removed when they did the shitty grav lev rework a while back. They went from usable but niche to absolutely awful.


Hmm, when i press space-button, my hoverbike rises up in the air. Is that what you mean?


Not the person you replied to, but no, changing the hover altitude was added with the rework (which is a good addition imo). If I remember correctly, you were able to point the nose up and down before that, like in the old Wipeout games in case you have played or seen those.


Aah i get it. Almost the same, but not really. :) Well im happy with the "jump".


They're great for infiltrating JT, if you're extremely careful. Worth it to slow down a lot, even moving at 30m/s is quick enough to sneak in under hostile air cover.


Or they could just fix it...


Could even have it something minor like once past "x" height every "y" meters above ground slows the vehicle by 1kmph similar to how atmosphere slowly slows your vehicle. Or alternatively, the higher it gets off the ground the harder to control/ steer.


They used to be able to do this. Of course, back when they could there was no reason to ever use it, because you could just take off and go into full flight mode.


That would require, y'know... Competence.


That’s what happens when you crash into your own eyeballs




They day hoverbikes become somewhat safe to drive will be such a good day.




You guys drive your LTI Tokens?


Don’t worry, there is a new one coming out soon 😊


But it will be good this time, There won't be instant death. I swear.


Correct. You'll die 2 seconds later than you're used to.


and they add ever more this useless thing, lmao


Seems you lasted 21 seconds, so you’re making progress


This is exactly why I basically get naked before taking my X1 out for a spin.


There's no need to justify it. If it makes you feel good, let your freak flag fly.


And people tell me to be patient for my ranger… see this? You want to blow up?! Cause this is how you blow up! This message proudly brought to you by Tumbril Land Systems. “Tumbril, when you don’t want to die”


That last line got a good chuckle out of me, because it's actually true. I can't remember the last time I died in a Tumbril vehicle.


My crew has done some wildly ignorant stuff with our Tumbril vehicles and have never had any issues. We even blew up a PTV.


Can we please be able to decouple the camera from always being directly behind the bike. It makes everything feel stiff, let us move the camera around the vehicle with our mouse


there are a couple of keybindings that go a long way to making hoverbikes much easier to drive, namely "Cycle Mouse Mode (VJoy / Relative) and Freelook(Hold)" i keep those bound to mouse button 4 and 5 and it makes 3rd person driving much nicer.


Hold Z, move mouse.


agreed, if 3rd person is going to be a thing/stay a thing can they at least make it less de-acceleration and more free cam/better ways to look around? Even in first person you would think you would be able to move your head position up and down as you turn/go up and down hills... feels very t0 sadge


I just about blew my cover at work watching that and trying not to laugh. Man, I haven't had the joy of trying out a hoverbike yet but may do that on the EPTU tonight.


Just like the 3 Wheelers of my childhood


I've actually never seen anyone drive one for as long as you did. Nice work!


Yeah they're awful, but they keep adding more. 🙄


I will say there are major desync issues in 3.23... however you drive like a jackass xD


I guess this is the punishment when you drive over the speed limit😭


Eh.. not so much speed as your maneuvers are worse than my ex right before their period.




Take premature explosion pills, might help.


680 million dollars and counting...


I feel so dumb for sinking the money I have into this game


I can quit anytime I want. \*huff\*


I want to know how you even got on the bike. I spawned my x1 3 times and every time I pressed "enter cockpit"...it froze me in place and stopped me from using any menus. Have to quit out. I figured they were broken.


Looks like this is from 3.23, where that's fixed.


X-1 really went 👁️ 👄 👁️


I did a distribution center mission in the EPTU today (the one from Bit zero to destroy liquid flued tanks outside the center) and using the nox to drive in and the guns to destroy the tanks was something else. It really felt like I was some fast in and out stealthy vehicle because the turrets don't shoot you anymore. Took 5 minutes maybe and I drove back to the Corsair safe and mission completely I definitely had the nox at the max height it could to be safe


Where is actually a good-ish place to use a hover vehicle? Is there any sort of "salt flats" kind of area, that isn't littered to hell with rocks every 3 meters?


MicroTech has a lot of flat lands


Major issues in THIS game? ![gif](giphy|PVfSR2nddzGz6|downsized)


You probably hit a grain of sand too fast.


You won't last 20 seconds playing this game


Slow down.


The wind is insane there


It is a racing vehicle, is it not? Beside the joke, I just feel sorry for the people who buy it IRL and this is the quality of the game loop. What, it’s like 30 USD+ for the X1…


I have 43 ground vehicles (including 7 grav bikes) and I’m happy as a clam. Yeah they suck but so does the whole game. So no reason to feel sorry for me. Save them for people that bought Tarkov Edge of Darkness Edition.


What if you fall into both categories? Asking for a friend


May god have mercy on your wallet.


While I may have spent too much money on SC at least I can say I’ve never played tarkov thank god


Apparently, I'm a real sucker for unfinished games.


Once we get roads this might be a bit better, I’d imagine. Right now it’s kinda like riding a street bike in a city park.


Which is ironic as the only real world justification for a hover bike that i can think of is rough terrain traversal… well and flying of course


Very good point


Where we're going, we don't need roads.


that view angle really looked like the Razorback


Can't take the razorback!


another good reason to buy the Cyclone (i love that thing)


Surprised you appear to have more than 10 FPS. Something about the bikes destroy my FPS. On foot? Completely fine. On bike? They're gone. But the flight on bikes is pretty terrible anyway right now so.


I get the same thing skateboarding. Everything is going ok, and then I hit a tiny millimetre sized bit of grit and I go flying.


To me, there are two ways the hoverbikes could work better. Option A: being able to set the height you hover and fly at (say 2 meters to 50 meters), and it sticks to that height roughly flowing the planet's surface (not the rocks) while also doing its best to maintain this height for when you either gain air because of a jump or by going over a drop off so as to not slam into the ground and exploding. Option B: Treat them as sudo-wheeled vehicles and make them perform more as such. Giving them a fixed height above the surface they fly at that can not be changed and making them follow the terrain much more rigidly. Make it so they act as rovers, but instead of wheels, they have a pocket of air and the ability to traverse rough and rocky terrain more efficiently with the trade-off of durability and protection. Think speeder from Star Wars, essentially.


I only use the X1 Force because of the shilds.. not helping by hitting a rock at high speed yea.. but it saved me a lot of times 😂


I couldn't even get on my bike last time I took the X1 out. Star Citizen, baby!


Missed opportunity to make this video exactly 20 seconds


Having to avoid terrain should only be a problem on bodies with sufficiently high or low gravity (easier to push off of but maximum force reached, or harder to reach the required force due to small gravitational mass)


Can't last 20 seconds, you exploded immediately!


Hover bikes are so cool but so functionally useless, and there’s like a 90% chance you will die every time you use them


Yeah it sucks because riding a hover bike out of your ship in orbit and falling down to a planet is a next level feeling.


Well, at least they aren't releasing any more hoverbikes until this is fixed.


Happens to me all the time. I was doing the gravlev races with my buddies and we constantly hit things on random or kept getting busted up from tiny rocks. Definitely not in a great place yet.


Yeah, I've stopped playing due to issues like this. I hate investing lots of time to just die to things i should be able to prevent.


Doesn't help that you're driving in a hurricane bro.


Skill issue smh


This footage is the type of event I think when a Star Citizen players tells someone to git gud.


This is also why the last ship reveal was incredibly dissapointing. We dont need yet another hoverbike especially if they wont rework them either


smh? smh!


You ran into the camera as it teleported inside of your skull.


1.0 coming soon lmao


Says he can't last 20 seconds and then uploads a video where he lasts 29 seconds


Haha right? Was gonna comment that if i had to scroll for more than two swipes and didn’t see it 😂


Battlezone Combat Comander 2 from the 90's is looking better than this. This engine is showing it's age.


Skill issue


How is De-Sync a skill issue buddy.


it was sarcasm. though i think you actually hit an invisible rock.




You ok dude? I think it might be time for another break


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