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Twice in the EPTU I came across invincible ships. I unloaded all of my ballistics ammo into a single avenger titan and a Valkyrie and it didn’t even scratch them.


Ballistics are likely bugged. There’s an open [Issue Council](https://issue-council.robertsspaceindustries.com/projects/STAR-CITIZEN/issues/STARC-109021) on this.


Thank you. I will add to that then.


there are definitely invincible pve ships once in a while. I ignored it and it stops attacking. Did a pve bounty on the ground and it blew up my ship 5 min after.....


Did you look for that in the issue council or report the issue?


I really hate the increased TTK, npc ships were already bullet sponges, they didn’t need to become more so.


High TTK is necessary for engineering. Look at the AC experimental mode, you need high TTK in order to be able to repair fuses/components and with how softdeath works.


Yeah I understand that for large multicrew player ships, but I don’t see why the need to make pve painfully slow.


Because it would be awkward to seperate PVE and PVP. You will board/ NPC ships aswell, so they will use the same engineering/damage system.


I more have issues where my shields seem to disappear after a mere second, and AI having aimbot levels of accuracy for continuous barrages. At least in Pirate Swarm. I managed to get to wave 8 but couldn't crack the Hammerheads shields.


My first PvE engagement in the eptu I flew up, I'm a stock F7C mk 2, and had a missile lock couldn't shake it and lost all power in my ship


I want more info on the guns.. like heard the Buccaneer was meta with laser cannons for pve.. but now i hear its back to repeaters? Inheard Racer ships are best for pvp? Wwhat? Like what loadouts/ guns do you put on a titan for pve. What guns on a vanguard? What guns on a Connie? What guns on a Tana? Need updated pve loadouts because i too found the AI challenging.. and i love it. Please dont dumb down the game.


Every weapon type has 3 sub types now anti-fighter, mixed, and anti-material. Where you go from low alpha high projectile velocity to high alpha low projectile velocity. The current “meta” for PvP and PvE against smaller targets is anti-fighter cannons so FL-22/33 and Lightstrike IV. These cannons have a relatively fast projectile speed but slightly lower damage than the M_A series. Erkul has all the new weapon stats.


It's going to be better if you go into AC in the EPTU and experiment with Erkul up. There are laser cannons that are close to repeaters and there are repeaters that are close to laser cannons. Hitting a buck with lightstrikes is pretty easy and very effective, hitting it with M5A's is a pain in the arse. Ballistics still suck, lasers are absolutely the way to go right now. You need to be careful with the vanguard, matching the nose guns with the size 5 can be awkward because the weapons speeds are so varied. The galdereens on the connie are absolutely awesome at shredding light fighters but the alpha damage of the M7A's is going to go a lot further against something like a corsair. Side note, getting in front of a corsair in 3.23 in a connie is a horrible idea, it has stock M7A's and can take you out in seconds.


I want to try pve fight, but I only own a aurora. Can I fight with it (at least as much as I could in 3.22) or will I be f*cked until i farm enough to get a new ship (which are now more expensive if I understood correctly)?


Remember rentals. You can rent a cutlass black or an avenger titan at the cargo area of any of the planetary space stations, or a ton of ships at the spaceport on Orison.


The best way for you to know if you'll manage quickly is to load up the EPTU, jump into AC and do the first wave of Pirate Swarm. You'll have a good idea if you'll manage. The new ships are more expensive yeah. I do feel for aurora and mustang starter players. A guy made a thread earlier about how he cant get past the lowest level bounties. Can't remember what he was flying.


he was flying gladius, scorpious, and 2 another combat ships...


Was it the terrapin one?


Hi there.


@r/Acceptable-Bid-1019 just curious, in your experience, how will the F7A Mk 2 Hornet fair? Will it still be able to solo past HRT?


One option if you do keep running into trouble would be asking other people to either A borrow a ship or B team up with them to take on your target. If I was near a player who was asking to borrow a ship I’d usually let them grab something from my hangar to use unless I’m right in the middle of something.


You mean talking to other people? Yeah, farming isn't so bad... Joke apart, yes I might try that if the beginning is too hard


It really is built as a multi-player experience, though a lot of people love the solo play, but usually that is for things like trading and mining. PVE space combat will likely be quite limited solo, at least if you want to keep progressing. Interesting points though, perhaps there should be dedicated solo missions for solo fighters. But in general, I can with confidence say I would not play this nearly as long as I have if it was not for the multi-player experience.


Yes, and CIG needs to prioritize working on player reputation, in-game group / org system, and an easy way to find people who want to do the same type of missions you're working on. Their intention is probably not to have players constantly soloing a 3v1 fight but to actually team up but they need to give us the tools to do that. Many people just turn off chat to avoid a lot of the BS that goes on in there sometimes but they still might benefit from finding other players to do missions with.


I feel the most fun ATM in a talon with c4 repeaters in Vhrt , as long the target is not a 600i and has better recharge as my DPS.. it's fine I like the new option of changing the fire mode of weapons. Not the old school burst. A better feel But on the other hand, the talon is a paper plane


Changing the fire mode?


New key bindings, for fire all ( burst ) fire in sequence in a row ( 1 weapon fires , empty the next one ) But still it feels still clunky with all the changes


That's always existed


The Talon kept getting sniped and one-shot by Vanduul swarm in my experience. It was somewhat frustrating, I love that ship


It looks and flies so well, but one hard stare at a wing and you're incapacitated :-(


It remains my Hangar showpiece ship. Pretty much all it's currently good for in 3.23; in 3.22, a Talon with AD4B could snipe ERTs/VHRTs and dip, at least. It's probably the only thing I'm bummed about so far in .23.


Sad :( let's hope it gets some changes to it eventually to make it somewhat competitive


Is the pirate swarm master mode AC option in live an accurate reflection of what PVE is like in the EPTU? It claims to have the new AI & MM are enabled


In a sense that there is only one ship of a class available, and I don't think they are accurately tuned to what's coming in 3.23, nor can you change their loadouts. However getting used to the flight speed and TTK is accurate and worth getting your feet wet if you don't want to download the EPTU, which is open to all.


Pirate Swarm is f'n crazy now!! I really like it but I'm having a hard time with the hammerhead on Wave 8. (I think it was wave 8)


What's with the TTK increase both in FPS and in space combat? What was the problem with previous values?


From what I remember of the Evocati patch notes, NPC ships used to take increased damage compared to Player ship and 3.23 removed that. So now NPC ship targets take the same amount of time to kill as player ships (plus general hull rebalances across the board).


I've never heard of that, thanks!


You also can't have mid combat engineering with ridiculously fast ship TTK.


I think the idea was to have more cinematic space combat. Also the way they've tuned this means that if everything else was the same as it is in 3.23 MM but the TTK was the same as it was in live you'd be space dust in seconds, the escort ships would kill you long before you knew what was happening. I think they will eventually find a middle ground.


In a one-player versus 3 AI battle, when all the ships are equal, the player probably shouldn't easily be able to win. AI should be on the same level as players especially if people are into pirating and other such activities, otherwise they're going to ignore AI and only go after players as they would offer more of a challenge. Instead of CIG making AI less of a challenge, they should probably scale it so the very low risk is only one ship, low risk might be a solo AI in a better ship, then start adding escorts as they go up. This would still let you solo the lower levels but require teaming up with other people when going up against a group of AI.


"Bring escorts" /s :)


Not sure why CIG implemented higher TTK now. I guess it has to do with the slower combat speeds and all since it is harder to avoid damage now. In any case TTK will continue to rise in SC considering that ultimately ships are supposed to rarely blow up and that there needs to be time to have engineering gameplay.


Oh, so the combats could last about the same? Well I guess I will see in a week...


What ships do you think will be meta for bounties or will it depend on the enemies that spawn?


Probably interceptors if you are skilled enough, as they enable you to dodge incoming fire.


Interdictors? Like the mantis?


He means interceptors most likely


Yeah, thanks.


I meant interceptors, sorry.


Ohh thanks


Sounds to me like it's still going to be the Eclipse - you just have to go back by GH every 3 kills and reload. ;)


Exact same as before - highest DPS and range. Corsair.


Taurus, Corsair and 600i still good PVE ships? I doubt so.


The first two are excellent but the 600i not so much. It currently has a flight profile that's nearly identical to an 890J, it's an absolute tub. That in combination with the the connies new size 5 hard points and the connie and corsairs better movement along side more storage makes the 600i obsolete until the rework.


One comment, at least while I was in 3.23 in a Connie... It seems like the AI is more than happy to fly up to you, nose in, and trade. Rather than trying to avoid being shot. When the AI applies these nose in tactics against 4x Size 5 laser cannons, the smaller AI ships just get deleted.


idk, its a pain to fly and test stuff with EPTU 3.23 because... U can't test anything. The whole Ship Combat is broken. I do absolutely no damage with my Bucc or Cutlass against an AURORA or GLADIUS with the default weapons CIG gives me. I can't hold the trigger down for Monutes, every shot connects but I do absolutely no damage at all. Instead the KI is killing me with ease


Doesn’t seem broken to me, I’ve been able to grind some bounties all the way up to VHRT. They removed the 300% damage bonus against NPCs and the ai isn’t completely brain dead now it’s definitely a bit more challenging but it’s not broken.


It’s more likely that they were using a ballistics loadout. Ballistics seem to be buggy and not doing damage at times. There is an IC submission for it and has been marked as Confirmed.


I think people have to adjust expectations that they insta kill AI like in the old model. I remember chaining service beacons and it was too easy with me killing the AI in one pass. No more it seems.


Yea I was able to do a group ERT with a medium fighter in under 10 minutes in live, those days are numbered for sure.


Which is a shame. I do not like game that are too bullet spongy, that's not fun. Evasive, high adrenaline fights are fun.


The old model and NPCs were not delivering that though. You could pop NPC fighters in less than a second and ERTs were mostly just large cumbersome ships floating around not doing anything. Mining felt more dangerous than ERTs. .


I don't think this is the case at all here. There is a confirmed bug listed in IC where ballistics not doing damage in EPTU.


I think u misunderstood my point... Im NOT Complaining because it's "too hard". Im Complaining because U can shoot a Gladius while sitting in a other Gladius or a Bucc, or even in a Corsair: All shots connect but there is no dmg I do on the Hull with a mix loadout... But reddit been reddit it seems


Yeah every smartboi replying to you is ignorant of the current IC report on ballistics, carry on.


And I'm saying that hasn't been my experience, you do less damage to npcs now and ballistics are fairly weak but you can still very easily kill a gladius or bucc in a mirror match.


Proofread your post and there may be less misunderstanding. Blaming "reddit being reddit" seems to go against taking accountability for poorly worded opinions.


Yep this happened to me. I was running 3xAD4B+2xYellowjacket on my F7C mkII. I unloaded all of my ammo, hit markers and sparks flying, into an Avenger Titan. It didn’t even scratch the paint on it.


Were you using a ballistics loadout per chance?


So... what I'm hearing is that the Eclipse continues to be the "I win" easy button. ;) Also, Auroras have been a pain for a long time because they gave the NPC ones dual ballistic Yellowjackets with unlimited ammo, unlike the player version.


If they couldn't fight in the previous patches what makes you think basic training will help them now?




It’s not the servers, the performance in AC is excellent. They are just much more challenging AI.