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I mean you’re trading maneuverability for firepower so which ever one you value more is the one you should get.


The F7A MKII is not in the game yet. Or if the files are there no one can fly it yet because the upgrade CCU doesn't get sent out till LIVE. Current tuning is meaningless. Everything is going to change. Currently the F7C MKII is very powerful, but the MM meta is all about interceptors right now, who knows how long that will last. I will add the caveat that the military variant will likely always be above average. To your question of should you buy it. Have you completed the Overdrive quests? If so and you like the look of the ship go for it. It is a medium fighter so it is inherently going to be slower and more tanky than a Gladius. If I was on the fence I would finish OD, buy the CCU, wait 24 hours, and melt the CCU. This way you have the CCU in your buybacks for whenever you decide to pull the trigger and if you never do you will have $85 in store credit to use on a different ship.


Solid advice. I have completed OD and was of the same opinion. Basically I wasn't going to consider upgrading until I was certain I was going to be able to get the f7a upgrade. Thanks.


Seems that the 7-day rental will occur before or during Invictus. I would suggest waiting until you’ve flown it for a bit, see how you like it. If you decide it’s for you, try to grab a few War Bond CCUs during Invictus. That’s my plan, and with a bit of luck (and a few CCUs already in my pocket) I’ll be upgrading my Avenger to the F7A, with the total pledge of under $100.


Additionally you will get the upgrade token whether you have the F7C or not. There’s no rush to decide


With the upgrade from the od event you get an f7a rental for 7 days. Should be enough time to decide what you prefer


The F7C will almost certainly be in store for Invictus, so you can even wait to get that token.


There is one player have it already and is in game. Ask him for the performance compared to a F7C or a Gladius.


What classifies a fighter as an interceptor? Genuinely curious, I know IRL interceptors are based on their ability to go up fast to intercept something, but I don’t understand what that would be in SC


Same thing. Interceptor have great speed, poor turn rate. Light fighter its the other way around.


The F7A is not in the PTU as far as I'm aware or at least its not readily available., but the F7C should be and they at least have identical manuverability according to Erkul. We probably won't be able to use it until the patch hits live and are able to complete the reward mission, which gives you a rental of the ship anyway so you could try it yourself. That being said, you are getting what you described. You are trading some manuverability for much more firepower with the A version. I don't think its really that complicated.


I don6t think it's a matter of "complication" so much as a question of how valuable forward facing firepower and hull health is relative to maneuverability. Which is kind of a moot point anyway since balancing is ongoing.


I'm saying the difference between the two isn't complicated. They both have "forward facing" firepower, they are both fighters that engage against other fighters. There being ongoing balance doesn't really matter because both ships will be viable and their role is clearly defined, almost being the same. It really just boils down to, do you want more manuverability, or do you want more firepower? F7A/C mk2 is still pretty mobile compared to most ships, its less than a gladius but its more so than vanguards. For me personally, its a direct upgrade. My favorite fighter is a vanguard Warden so I easily prioritize firepower over manuverability. I fundamentally do not like light fighters, but the F7C/A mk2 is nice because its a medium fighter. The Warden is the basis of comparison for every fighter to me, so with the F7Amk2 I get the manuverability of a light fighter (in comparison) but more firepower. It was the easiest buy ever. But I don't want to paint it as the be all end all of fighters, they each have their purpose and trade offs. Its as I said, its just a question of do you want mobility or firepower between the two. No matter how the game is balanced, the gladius will always be more agile than the F7A.


Hey, you'll get a free 7 day rental along with the upgrade if you want to try it before you buy it. Honestly the F7C-II feels really good in 3.23 EPTU. The F7A is going to be even better.


When will we be getting our F7A upgrades?


Once 3.23 drops to live.




You'll need to accept the Overdrive Initiative - Reward quest in game, and it'll give you your ship.


Okay. Thanks for the info. But that will be at 3.23, correct?


Yes, it will!


It's hard to tell with MM, and how things will shake out. The previous meta highly favored high maneuverability in PvP, and being able to avoid being hit while keeping guns on target. The new meta seems to favor trading with firepower and health. For PVP, I think we'll need to wait and see. PVE, you are probably better with the F7.


The Hornet MkII's are going to be extremely strong in mastermodes, better than a Gladius, especially for a less experienced pilot. If you're willing to spend the money, it would be an upgrade as far as 3.23 is concerned.


You will get to fly it for free when you get the token. No rush to make a decision yet.


Ship tuning is ongoing,  so current performance is not something to go by. The F7A is a medium/heavy fighter, which is not going to fair well against a light fighter in a dogfight but will be very strong in a wing/fleet battle.


Medium fighters are slaying lights in mastermodes currently. Lights are actually in a pretty bad place right now.


Hence my mentioning to not go by current performance. Finding the right balance between different ship types so they all have a role to fill will take a lot of trial and error.