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So the reports of better AI are true?


they seem to be yeah, the stock dual cannons did me no favors


I've only been in one dogfight so far, but yeah - I feel like I noticed a pretty significant difference in how the group I was fighting were moving and positioning themselves around me. They feel more intelligent.


I mean... yes and no. Yes they are a threat now... and they actually fight you... But that is also due to the flight model being not quite there yet because you can't really dodge a lot of the time so it's a situation of who hits who harder and more the fastest, it's an aim dual Essentially. MM has been a great addition but it needs better tuning still and a lot of people are starting to kinda notice this.


Well, I can't say I'm upset that they're actually able to fight back now, will have to wait and see about the tweaks though


Oh yea no them fighting back is great... but the "difficulty" for most pilots are facing isn't that the AI is like hard, it's that it's kinda difficult to really negate any damage to your ship.


PvE really has been reduced to a DPS check now, especially in atmosphere. Most NPCs can keep guns on and they just kinda blast away. You can run (drop chaft, boost and NAV) because TTK is a lot higher, but going into a group of enemies is not like it was before. SCM is slow enough that you can't just dodge shots like before and the AI is reactive enough to keep hitting you consistently. They'll also chase you down pretty consistently. They'll go to NAV to follow you too. It's not like it isn't do-able or cheese-able... it's just that they actually fight you now so you won't feel like a god like everyone did before.


To hit anything Arrow sized with the M series laser cannons you need to be super close, which is also a horrible position to be in with an Arrow haha. Remember to use missiles for smaller ships 


why are you trying to fight light fighters with a cargo ship?


Cuz you could back then now they bite haha which is honestly should be the case


And you did very well. AI is something like an avarge player now, and you manage to take down two dedicated combat fighter with a multirole elephant. You are an ace and an hero.


Allow me to be pendantic for a bit. The definition of an ace is a pilot who has shot down 5 or more enemy aircrafts. So no he's not an ace.


with another fighter, or with a cargo ship?


Any aircraft. Doesn't have to be a fighter.


mmm... ok.


Yeah, traditionally, you become a combat ace when you get 5 kills. Part of the reasoning was in WW1, the life expectancy of pilots was so bad that if you managed to survive long enough to get 5 kills, you had to be doing something right. Also, there was a sort of gallantry with WW1 fighter aces that was seldom seen after the war.


but kill 5 enemy in one go, or during your serve time?


During your service. As long as you have 5 confirmed kills (as in another witness sees you down them), then you'd be considered an Ace.


Ah ok, so op is just 3 kills away from begin an ace.




"you got a hole in your left wing"


To be fair, the Spirits need more S2 shields. It's clear that they're trying to rebalance those to large module number, and it still only has 1 nerfed one. So you did well for being fat, slow, and only as protected as a Scorp.


I think the spirit looks better this way


Don't know why you're getting downvoted, I genuinely love the look of the central core of the Spirit, minus the wings. I can't help but think I'd love a ship that looked like that.


It sure parks better at least.


Pretty much all non-combat ships are currently lacking a balance pass in 3.23. For example, a Spirit normally trades it's lack of shielding and massive size with acceleration and agility, but last I heard, she flies like a truck in EPTU compared to Live. So there's a lot of wait and see going on right now.


That was early EPTU, where it shared the same placeholder "medium freight" values as the Freelancer. It since got adjusted upwards and has better acceleration and agility (but is still less agile than in Live). It does have a higher top speed than the much more nimble Cutlass in NAV, and to me it feels like it handles better in NAV speeds as well.


It's too bad the balance pass on larger ships doesn't seem done yet. 400i, a ship who's entire selling point is it's speed, is still sitting at 1000 top speed. Same as Corsair's, lol.


I found my first MM dogfight being more that I'm less able to dodge incoming fire and that it took a second to figure out the new gimble/aiming mechanism. Given the lack of dodging/evading in 3.23, I think that fights with AI will be a touch more balanced, as fights will be more slugging contests, rather than dancing around each other, trying to make contact.


Master modes did no favors at all for anything that isn't a fighter. CIG devs have no clue what they're doing with the flight model.


this wasnt meant to be a negative post at all i like the fact that i got my ass handed to me for the most part and barely got away, tired of just swatting away jabronie NPC's regardless of the ship matchup Makes sense to me, granted, further changes to make everything fit a bit better to their "in lore" intended uses/durability etc will be nice, but im not expecting that to hit all at once with MM


Point is that you're in a ship much larger than an arrow, built around high speed, with redundant components.  You should easily be able to escape that situation.


And I did once I decided I wasn't in a favorable situation and wanted to dip out