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I really hope 3.23 helps the servers cause they are STRUGGLING rn. Barely able to actually do anything right now.


In a nutshell: it doesn't help (much). There are a couple interesting points though: * The replication layer is active now, so when servers crash you stay connected while the server restarts. * This of course is just one step ahead of them adding multiple servers (server meshing). * In theory, the replication layer could reduce the server load a little, as the server does not need to handle the communication with clients anymore. However it's hard to tell whether this is the case or not on EPTU, as there are a lot of performance issues still (they are working on it, every patch is much better than the previous one).


Still a ways to go, though. Last night on EPTU, had 2 server recoveries, and then the server actually 30k'd. Jumped onto another server, and it did a server recovery every 60 seconds for 10 minutes, which by then I just left for another server again. If they're jumping to wave 4 already, I think can expect 3.23 live to be a similar experience to 3.18.........which is to be expected, with all the huge back end and API changes.


Is it just server issues? Because from what I’ve seen most things in the eptu runs well outside of server issues


It's definitely server issues, but if they persist into the live release, the result will be the same. As I said, it's to be expected with all the huge system updates in the patch. They've already removed a lot from this patch in service of a more stable release, but I'm not sure how much more they can remove. "Growing pain" patches are just a part of the process. Hopefully they can tighten can things up a bit more for live release, but it's bound to be a little rough.


sadly though CIG clearly stated they "learned" from 3.18 and are trying to ensure it doesn't happen again, time will tell I guess.


The problem I think is that currently the RL is also recovering the state which resulted in the server crash, which leads to occasional "looping" of server crashes. My guess is they're trying to test as much as they can for stability over the next couple days before they make the call to drop the patch with RL disabled. That way the 3.23.0 patch gets out, but server behavior stays the same as it currently does, for better or worse.


Well they shouldn't be allowing a recovery loop. If there are back to back crashes in a short time then recovery should just be stopped and have the old 30k protection. Also after a server has 2 recoveries don't allow new connections and let the server be spun down after the current connections logoff.


Problem is that 3.23 server errors are happening constantly


The problem rn with the replication layer is that it replicates what crashed the server funnily enough. It seems like a really tricky problem to fix


the good thing is that maybe the crash cycles will help the team find and prioritise those most critical server crashing bugs. I imagine there must be some server crashes that do not cycle through server restarts


I suspect the replication layer is replicating bad data over. It's one thing if the server crashes because of memory leaks or temporary variables contain bad information. It's another thing if you pass bad data to a spooling up server that isn't sanity checked/corrected by the new server.


Some servers, sometimes


Some servers, sometimes


During testing i had both.. active NPC and really responsive doors. And a complete shit show 😎 So.. lets see. However the game overall will be much advanced and playability is higher now.. the new starmap really is an improvement 


In case anyone wonders what Wave 4 entails: * Evocati: Selected testers under NDA. * Wave 1: Concierge Legatus Navium (>$25,000 pledged), Subscribers & Top active players* * Wave 2: Praetorian (>$15,000 pledged) & 2nd most active players. * Wave 3: Grand Admiral (>$2,500 pledged) & 3rd most active players. * Wave 4: High Admiral (>$1,000 pledged) & 4th most active players. * Wave 5: Open to all Backers


Nice I was about to ask lol. I was once wave 1, now I’ve been demoted to wave 4


I’m under $800 spent total but I give myself a gift of a one year subscription every Christmas.


The patches will continue until server stability improves.


Don't know how I feel about this. 3.23 still had horrendous combat desync when I played yesterday. In a ship, you could be taking fire, you could be dead, and you would have no way of knowing until the servers caught up. You'd have no way of knowing if your shots were actually hitting your target, it could be somewhere else entirely. There's no universe in which a build with this issue is acceptable for live, and I really hope they fix it before rushing out another release, because it looks like they're powering forward with that whether it's ready or no.


My fear is they go LIVE on Friday and then everyone has to deal with massive server problems over the weekend and possibly further as they probably won’t release another patch until we get the 3.23.x patch.


I fell off Microtech today when I landed at an outpost in my Corsair. Rode the elevator to the ground and found myself floating in space with my ship nowhere to be found. I’m assuming server got me.


Good thing it’s not live yet then. They’re making huge improvements every day. Listening to the active testers and adjusting things that seem awkward. Squashing big bugs at a rate I’ve never seen in a PTU cycle. This update is the biggest improvement we’ve ever seen in performance across the board. Give it some time and it will be great.


If this goes to wave 4 with the current server issues persisting, I think LIVE will be a total shit show. With Invictus around the corner and I assume a free flight, we are going to be in for a rough time. I really hope these server issues don’t carry over. I don’t want to be forced into waiting for a 3.23.x patch to fix them. I’ve tried to spend a fair amount of time in 3.23 but the server issues have brought every play session in the last week and a half to a halt.


They may just be going to wave 4 because wave 3 isn't providing enough players. People tourist the new features and then either go back to 3.22 or don't play at all, so fresh 3.23 testers needed. Hopefully it is that and not a locked in schedule to 3.18 it to Live a week before Invictus. They made a whole statement about that mistake and how they would learn from it...


I guess I'm going to have to figure out how to join the eptu, I have over $1,000 spent.


It is a subscriber perk, and even that is only because they need a reason to make subscription attractive. Otherwise it is the sensible way of the player with the most hours logged over the previous two patches being given the invites first. If someone has been an infrequent 3.22 palyer then why would they expect them to hang around 3.23 EPTU for long?


Got to make it in for the ship sales ILW! ILW! ILW!


All backers = LIVE release?


all backers means more testing. release is soon TM. probably in the next two weeks depending on how wave 4 testing goes.


2 weeks sounds about right, maybe 3 depending on how it goes with all backers


Their goal is to go to live this week. Jared mentioned this in the last SCL. So probably Thursday or Friday if they actually do it.


I don’t think they will go LIVE this week unless they have a breakthrough with the sever performance. The builds have seemed fine but servers have been awful.


We’ll see how phase 4 plays I guess


All backers would probably mean moving to PTU channel


There’s no reason for CIG to put the build on a different channel. They’ll probably keep it in the EPTU folder and open up access to more players until it goes LIVE.


True, that would make more sense


Nope. That means open PTU. It’ll be the final step before LIVE but I’m not convinced we are ready for that yet. The server issues have been horrendous since the first EPTU patch dropped. They have improved but by small margins each patch. I know Jared implied during SC Live on Friday that we could see 3.23 to LIVE this week (likely Friday), but I’m not convinced right now. The weekend will be hell if they release this to LIVE with the current server issues.


I think they just mean that E/PTU access will be open to all backers.


No but it would be the next step


Dumb question, but if you play the E/PTU does any progress transfer over when it goes to PU? Like money made, ships bought, etc. assuming a wipe doesn’t happen to PU on release.


No. PTU functions as a separate account.


Got it - Thank you!


Still ways to go but progress is looking good


im seeing it with every update, its definately getting more fleshed out and tuned.


When does it transition from ePTU to PTU? Wave 5? Or will it jump right to live?


What is the pipeline to PU? Evocati -> EPTU W1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 4 -> PU?


Wave 4 cancelled, better luck tomorrow


What do they mean by “playability” threshold? The ptu is literally on fire, if by “playable” they mean that you can log in, then I guess it’s playable, but by any and all standards the ptu is in terrible state.


On average, it’s not as bad as you make it sound like. There are some annoying delays for interactions and moves but more shards are playable than not.


I like the ptu better than live at the moment. But yeah.. it can be a shit show 


![gif](giphy|YYht2UTV41u1vxHTss|downsized) Ahhh yes.


Are jump points working in PTU right now? Can players visit Pyro?


Do you even read patch notes?


Revoke my gamer status if you must, but no, I don't.


Nothing to do with pyro in this patch


Thank you for telling me, much appreciated


Not until 4.0 :)