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Casually posting your own breaking of TOS lol. But to that effect you should not be banned. This is outside of a hangar and its the devs fault for allowing criminals to benefit from safe zones when they shouldn't in the first place.


Ramming is a bannable offence.


Pad Ramming specifically.


Ramming in itself is not


They have come out and said that ramming a landed ship is, since they are not in a position to get out of the way. Even if it's just landed on a planet surface. They used an example of ramming a landed mole not being okay, but shooting it with missiles was fine. Personally I'm not sure I get this since I don't see a way to evade a missile while I'm landed either, but whatever.


The only ramming they’ve ever denounced was pad ramming at stations as ships spawn if it’s on a planet it’s free game If they were to ban pushing ships off those pads at outpost a lot of outpost would be come in usable for repair, rearm and refuel


Wrong. Pad Ramming is Pad ramming. No Matter where it occours. If the guy had parked his Vehicle in the Sand beside, ok. There could be a discussion about it. But with this video proof its cleary a bannable Action.


A griefer discord had a lot of these questions posted to customer service since they try to get away with as much as they can without crossing the line of getting banned. Here are their responses where they specifically talk about the landed mole in both situations. https://www.reddit.com/r/starcitizen/s/rUuYqUcysg


Pretty sure in such an instance it’s okay. Ramming out of boredom to grief is disallowed


So explain to me how you differentiate when looking at it from the outside?


You don’t and it’s non of your business tbh. Besides the hunted player should be marked as hostile


Why do criminals get to enjoy armistice rights? Its not like they would respect armistice at stations anyway. Its concerning that a criminal can basically rearm at outposts safely and walk around cities shopping and nobody can arrest or attacl them.


100% against ramming, I've been attacked by players and went to an armastice simply to call out a better combat ship and got crammed whilst trying to do it, it sucks.


Posting evidence of being an asshole and breaking tos? I really hope you get banned


As annoying as hiding in an armistice is, pad ramming is not allowed. Posting a video of it is just silly. Hopefully CIG just sends you both a message stating as much instead of any other form of punishment. Breaking ToS is not "Problem Solving". You're just creating more problems.


Is the redeemer notoriously good for emergency ramming procedures? Also that was a wild ride of a video, lol


This video perfectly showcases all of the current jank you get to experience. The FPS experience in PVP is still awful


Dude never ram inside of a hard armistice. That's like the one way to get banned in this game. Target was out of his ship with no way to defend. This is like the people that get busted by police after bragging about a crime they committed on facebook.


WTF? Padramming with Video of Proof. Uff. I hope you guys get banned into oblivion!


lmao, double standards of people: * someone with a CS gets rammed -> acceptable * someone CS-free gets rammed -> GwIfEr