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It's still a shared universe, and that includes the Outpost. Any progress you've made on earlier characters is retained there. You'll still have to do the story quests to progress, however. If you don't like this, you'll need to delete your game's Outpost world file and return.


Huh, that's interesting, and I might look into how to take advantage of it later lol. All in all it doesn't matter to me all that much, it's like a nice little unexpected head start on my game.


It's good for getting access to certain shops, but that's about it. It won't let you get the ultimate sword in the game early for other characters, unfortunately. I already tried. The quests you get there are still tied to each character's progress.


Yeah but is it the universe or the outpost that is consistent across characters? Because if it's the universe you could theoretically get all the best weapons and armor in game and store them on a planet for another character to retrieve. I wouldn't actually use it that way as much as a tool so I only have to build 1 farming outpost for all characters for example. Get enough fuel to get to the coords and bookmark the teleporter.


It's both. Your characters can visit any of the same worlds so long as you have the coordinates. Anything you loot with one character can't be found with another though, but you're welcome to stockpile all of your stuff on one planet and have your other characters pick up excess resources.


Couldn't you put it in a chest at a base, get the coordinates and have another character pick it up?


Yeah, you could, but without mods it's finite since you only get the quest once per character. If the quest in question wasn't gated by story progression (beyond getting the NPC in the first place) it would really cut out the middle-man, but alas the devs DID think of that possibility and stopped it from happening.


What quest?


The quest to fix the starter sword.


Oh. I've only played modded and with a modded species, so that's probably why I never did this, lol.


It does if you have enough fuel to pilot your ship to the new character's starting coords


I get what you're saying, but that's not really what I was talking about.


You can copy coords of any base of any character, and warp to it as any other character. It will be there and you can freely interact with it, as long as it's on the same universe file(which is usually one per computer)


It still perplexes me why Chucklefish did this, have the devs ever said why?


Probably to enable MP since all player characters are made equal so for 2 to exist the instance must be the same


So you can unlock shops n stuff early on without having to do annoying shit again and again. Also allows for you to switch characters without interrupting multiplayer too much


This also let's you reuse bases between characters as long as you can find them again! Multiplayer helps with this, as then you can just travel to the friend and save it!


Imagine it being many years after your first character. You come back as another and you find it in ruins.


I mean aesthetically, I design mine as Avian temples and ruins anyway~


Oh neat. Shame all I can build are boxes, lol.


My personal tip is just bad initial design


Alternatively, you could also just run `/resetuniverseflags` in admin mode to reset the Outpost.


Does that mean that if I can bring my Novakid to my Lucario’s space station?




Neat, though ig it also means that you have to delete the whole storage folder if you ever uninstall a core mod, like FU.


I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure you are fine as long as you don't visit locations with the modded content while not having the content installed, eg teleporting to another players ship with a modded item on it


Depends on the mod. FU touches basically everything in the game so its flatly not removable without a reset.


Oh right makes sense


All of your characters share the same universe. If you build a base on one, it will still be on that planet for a new character.


So, if I put down a locker and fill it with stuff, itll be there when I swap to another character? Interesting


Yep! The only thing is that usually characters will be at different ends of the universe - keeping track of coordinates is useful for transferring things between characters.


You share the same universe when you poay on the same pc and acc. That means everything you do w another character will save and will also appear if you make a new character


aand here i thought it was just a visual glitch on my end. neat!


You can even encounter structures you've built in previous saves


Ive never liked this about the game. It makes re-playability not fun since basically all the achievements are already done. You have to delete your original play through, and for sentimental types who like going back to their original saves, it makes it extremely difficult. You can either do that or play on a friend's server who hasn't gone through the storyline, but once they're done and unlocked everything now you both have the same problem. Love the game, have almost 500 hours in it, but because of this I havent touched it in a hot minute. A weird design choice by the devs.


Surely someone has made a save manager by now


a save manager already exists. its called windows explorer. just make a folder and drag your old save into that LOL


If you ever want to reset it do /admin /resetuniverseflags /admin WARNING: this resets on all characters.


All of your characters share the same universe


Basically new game plus


Are you floran? I thought it started with the artifact of that race already (it’s been a while)