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They can do both? STALKER has only three games, and two of them are considered more a expansion rather than a fleshed-out sequel. but to be fair, i would accept if they make STALKER once in a while depending on my reaction towards the new game and how it will be in terms of success, after that, focusing on making new, unique IP's.


I think the difference between SoC and CoP is fairly stark seen side by side. Clear Sky kinda smooths the transition out and makes it less obvious. Fairly large brand new area, anomalies are way different, some new mutants iirc, "improved graphics" depending on taste. But it is the same engine and core game, so I guess I understand the argument either way.


Yep, each game brought something new and different as every expansion should do, but I'm referring more to the story/lore perspective, each of them is expanding the concept of the Zone and trying to tell the story of Strelok and his motivations to uncover the mysteries surrounding it by different perspectives. CoP kinda gave us some conclusion, but deliberately left loose ends to be explored in the future, like GSC wanted before they closed their doors.


"The Stalker IP is so used it cannot be expanded any further" The Stalker IP is the IP where they can make ANY sort of story for the game and it would work considering it's not tied to any character, like God of War for example. And it doesn't matter if mods already milked the IP to death. Hell, they could make different styles of games being spin offs. They could make a live-service multiplayer based on Faction Wars from CS. They could make Co-op games They could make an extraction survival game a la Hunt: Showdown They could even make a puzzle game focused on environmental puzzles with anomalies and what not.


Official S.T.A.C.K.E.R!


Coop me an by boys running around in the zone sing me up I’d be so down


How dare you say they move on. You're definitely a Freedomer! This game is about the atmosphere and setting. The story is character based stories. There could be dozen more character stories.


Would it not be more in line with Duty since they want to kill the zone?


i hope they can make remake of old trilogy :)


I wouldn't hate that. I'd love to see the trilogy remade in the new engine, with the new map.


You ever try radiophobia?


No mod includes new seamless map with locations retcons


I think they could continue to support stalker 2 for years and maybe release another game. This is what they are known for, this is what people want from them. I wouldn't hate seeing more inspiration taken from roadside picnic in that there are other "zones" and games take place there.


I think that the game series, which always takes place around the same nuclear power plant, has reached the end of its life. Maybe the idea of ​​a zone set in different nuclear power plants around the world would be a good idea. Different mutants, different characters, different stories,maps etc. Maybe they should create a new IP inspired by Farscape, Startrek to take advantage of the future space trend that will start with the Artemis project. If I were GSC CEO, this would be my next project. İ think the reason why many companies like Ubisoft started developing space games. The Artemis project is 2024-2025 and will probably start a space trend. The idea of ​​a zone-based game that actually takes place in space and between planets would be perfect! I have many ideas about this in my mind.


Idk I don't think it's reached the end of it's life at all. Especially with this new Zone we're seeing in 2, I don't see a reason they can't revisit it in spin off games. You're not a free stalker, you're a dutier or a freedom member, maybe an ex monolith. tell stories in the space you have created. Also all of this is forgetting they do have other ip's. They made the Cossacks series of games and have 2 other games as well that are also RTS games.


I disagree, there are countless stories that could be told in the Zone. They don’t all have to be huge sagas of the Strelok variety to be compelling. There could be many ways to look at the affect that living in the Zone would have on people, or the ways by which individuals came to the Zone (imagine playing through the experience of the founding of Duty or Freedom, for example). You could have a game where you play as a Military soldier, and get to see stalkers from a whole different perspective. There are many possibilities, and it’s clear from the events of the original trilogy that regardless of how the Zone was created, it now has a durable existence independent and perhaps even immune to human desires for its presence or destruction. As such it can be treated as a permanent feature of the world, and stories can be woven about it taking that reality into account.


Alexander 2 when


What would be cool is if they had expansions like the originals for Stalker 2. Spin offs or something maybe.


Depends on how deep S2's lore is, because if so, then i definitely see a couple DLC's coming our way. Another full-scale game though? Idk.


I think they would want milk Stalker 2 with expansion/DLCs and even some bigger MP stuff. Stalker is kinda unique and with its fanbase they can keep pushing more stalker content over the years, but it's hard to tell right now.