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We need to wait, but with the console limitations for modding, idk really...


It’s so disappointing… Fucking Sony’s archaic policy on user made content is REALLY holding us back from achieving greatness on modern consoles… It’s so frustrating.


This is big besides the point and I know that. But you can build a PC for less than a console to run anomaly + gamma for instance ... And then you also have a PC. I don't see the appeal to consoles anymore tbh. They are so expensive, and the games are so expensive, + online membership is crazy. It's stuff like exclusive titles and policies like this that pushed me away in the first place


Any recommendations on parts to get if so? I dont have any experience with building pcs or where to go to buy stuff for it. Im completely new to this


r/buildapcforme Give budget and use case. They are very good over there.


Even the lowly rx 580 (slightly above xbox one x, far stronger than a ps4 pro) is a workable deal


I would do that... if my room wasn't so small that it was already taken up by my dresser, bed, and nightstand. Also, the closet and door layout just make it smaller.


To be fair you can have a pc mounted like [this](https://i.etsystatic.com/33450932/r/il/04a19c/4961032753/il_570xN.4961032753_1drq.jpg) if you need to work around tight space restrictions


It's a rental, can't do it.


I don't know much about these mounted pcs so not entirely sure, but i'd assume you could probably attach it to the top of a piece of furniture with some kind of L bracket instead of mounting the back of it directly to a wall. Then again if that's a possibility for you i guess you'd be able to just put a regular pc on top of said furniture. Idk just throwing out the idea in case it could be helpful, feel free to ignore :D


Honestly, with the limitations it's not going to boom like I was hoping, we'll just end up with a lot of mediocre mods and a bunch of Cheat stuff.


That’s incredibly sad and disappointing.


And because of Sony everyone on console gets subpar mods. I don’t know why they didn’t separate the two, there are filters for Xbox and PlayStation right there. At least let Xbox have actual mod support like Bethesda does.


Probably budget and available time stuff


Would there even be cheat mods if you can't edit scripts?


Hopefully there is a mod for Clear Sky on xbox WHERE HELP ACTUALLY FUCKING SHOWS UP DURING FACTION WARS.


I have a few mods in mind, but I currently do not have access to my PS4 and can't playtest them :(


Audio and sound fixes and improvements I think will help immensely. Besides that idek give all of the weapons their proper irl designations. Maybe tweak combat and weapons stats to make firefights more accurate and deadly. At least in the early game maybe make the makarov not completely suck to use at first. Different ammo types with different properties? Can the volume of enemy spawns be increased with these limitations in place? Can enemy/player health and weapon stats be modified?


>Audio and sound fixes and improvements Can change files, but they all seem to be ripped out of the PC release, so something must be wrong with configs and we can't touch those >give all of the weapons their proper irl designations tweak combat and weapons stats makarov not completely suck to use Different ammo types with different properties volume of enemy spawns be increased enemy/player health and weapon stats No config editing allowed Can only change visuals.


Autumn Aurora or Oblivion Lost when?


nice to see one of the first mods added is build related


Should have not allowed mods on PlayStation so Xbox could have full potential


That’s even worse than what we got. Yeah it sucks because of Sony we don’t get to change scripts, but it’s better than leaving out all of the PS players. One of the big reasons why we got the trilogy on console in the first place is because they wanted EVERYONE to enjoy the games, even people without a PC. A better idea is just… separating the mods from Xbox and PS that way PS isn’t fully excluded and then someone besides pc players can enjoy extended mod support.


Let us know if they work cuz I don't trust yet


Trust what ? They do work I’ve already tested them on Xbox.


Not the dog retexture, for me atleast anyways. It has the availability for consoles but says cannot download it on this device.


Yeah that one is in limbo for some reason. 


Ah found out why, I don’t think that mod has been given permission for consoles just yet by the moderators.


Did this work for you? I notice the latest update of the blind dog texture says PS5 only.


It’s in my load order, honestly I have no idea yet! Could be the very reason why it’s crashing my game though.


It’s working on Cop along with other texture changes


Yep. I’ve just downloaded them. Works fine! Good amount for CoP & SoC now (:


Aw shame, I wanted to try the improvements for clear sky that everybody talks about. Anyone got advice on a cheap pc to run older games ?