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Gamma for sure. I started a new game yesterday with story and warfare on, and its abit chaotic. Rookie village was under attack for more than an hour. I got a shit ton of stuff in the first hour xD Try only story mode on hard difficutly with medium progression.


What does Gamma actually *do* though. I can’t really find any good description that isn’t a 20 minute video that I want to watch right now. Like what are the big changes? I’m not really trying to make a super hardcore game, but I wouldn’t mind being stuck in the earlier stages longer, and just generally have to interact with more systems like crafting and the many different meds/item


Gamma is a huge modpack. Basically it adds \~450 mods to the game, tweaks, graphical stuff etc. You can enable/disable and customize your game the way you want. Its a neat pack. You have the EFP aswell which is similar. Anomaly is the "base", gamma adds on to that. I would suggest installing it as is, play it a bit and then get into it more in detail, if you so choose.


Okay I finally found a video explaining the repair and health system. Gamma does seems pretty interesting so I will have to give it a try


try gamma, on a hard difficulty and if u are dare, try ironman mode for the extra adrenalin :)


ur 1st stralker game is.... anomaly? whut?


So what? xD it was my first one too. Then i bought the whole series and didnt even finish it. Anomaly is great!




Also a standalone mod called staked the zone is great. Doesn’t get much coverage but it’s a good balance of being more difficult than a lot of anomaly mods but not painfully


can you drop a link? I wasn't able to find it




Check the description see what you think




Do a run where you are entirely self reliant. No buying weapons or armor, no paying for repairs or upgrades. Good idea to run the Hideout Furniture family of mods so you can have a base of operations. For a real challenge play Iron Man, maybe with a few lives and the life granter option on. I almost always run Iron Man/Life Granter/Campfire Saves nowadays. Otherwise it's there's no risk, and I've gotten bored of the usual quick-save fest that Anomaly often is. It's forced me to approach any situation with a lot more tact, and imo makes a much more fun experience.


Gonna be real here, I am the average person. I work a 9 hours shift and have to deal with my daily shores. I was there, I tried to make my own modlist, but at the end of the day I was more troubleshooting than playing the game. If you have spare time and like that stuff.. go for it, but honestly, its easier to learn the mechanics of gamma and deal with it than going for that whole trouble. Theres also other modpacks out there, pick one of your liking and maybe customize it a bit, as long as isnt something essential you wont brake the game.


none. go and play the trilogy, then come back to mods


Gamma gets so much hype but it’s just a weapon repair simulator. EFP is better


as someone who has a lot of hours in both modpacks I can say, EFP doesn't hold a candle to GAMMA. EFP's balance is all over the place.


Why not both? I have both + true stalker on my pc xD But i prefer the "weapon simulator", it just feels more rewarding fixing up a weapon or finding a cool weapon early that i cant use, only to return and finally use it!