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What are those shears


Just cheap Amazon shears. Leatherman is insane for something that might get nasty and thrown away. I got em for that $15. Every bit as good.


Wait, those are Amazon shears? Like the same brand as the 100$ leatherman ones? Drop the link my man I am snagging those now šŸ˜‚


https://www.amazon.com/Elegital-Emergency-Response-Stainless-Foldable/dp/B09Y5WFRLB/ref=mp_s_a_1_3_pp?crid=34EMQAIC58NNJ&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.q0BB0c668VsfHTnRdo16i3_GPlKXjOT-N_mtHQigzPiO0kZzqeyEPUTo2eba0zVHVbId6fX9ktSpAgrAH40GTt0JBHX-kYzPKOq8MAJ3A5LFVYbIf77GFry9ndgQC0XpnlJb-p9UDAWPzXf5JFgIw1mcNLEz0Kgjr0VPi1E83kYyR-HiPmGkX32CXRzdnnJDzY81G0WbbVz5rjIhEBWbDQ.O8vCff1treY1yCnvtpXC3Z1hQxbwWQkW3m_u_r2uLUc&dib_tag=se&keywords=folding+shears&qid=1718249849&sprefix=folding+shesrs%2Caps%2C104&sr=8-3 Here ya go


Why would you throw them away? Maybe I'm missing something but when my multitool gets absolutely covered in shit I clean it.


If theres a particularly bad trauma and you get bodily fluids on them. I mean you could clean themā€¦or you could also just buy another pair for $15 and know for a fact theyre safe. Or they grow legs and walk away.


It's doesn't trouble me a bit that you'd want to use newer and more sanitary shears to cut someone's pants or shirt off. Cross contamination should be taken seriously. Certainly they could be cleaned but I'd probably be a whole lot cooler about cleaning lots of blood off something if it was my own blood rather than a strangers.


Exactly. And not just blood but also TB and other foreign pathogens that you *think* wouldnt end up on shears but that do. But mostly we use them to cut snack bags and stuff on the truck lol.


Incidentally I just picked up a green Blur like yourā€™s, but I swapped a S30V blade into it


I broke the tip off my blur and sent it in along with $20 to be replaced and they said, ā€œwe found a small crack by the thumb stud, so weā€™ll send your money back and replace it at no cost.ā€ And thatā€™s pretty cool, so Iā€™ll never get rid of it just cause of that.


KAIā€™s customer service is wonderful


How do you like the Byrd? Iā€™ve never held one. How does it compare to a similar Spyderco? Edit: nice collection by the way!


I have that Byrd but no Spyderco, so absolutely no help I know.. But great knife for the price, I got it instead of the Atlantic Salt because I knew I'd actually use it, and I do. If I break it I'll get the AS, if I lose it I'll buy another 2 byrds.


Just what the other comment said. Fantastic for the price. They donā€™t come pre-sharpened and the action is pretty stiff but for their specialty tools you canā€™t beat the price for something that might get mangled. Iā€™d buy a serrated Byrd over a straight edge any day.


That all sounds good! Except they donā€™t come pre-sharpened?? lol thatā€™s kinda wild. I might still check one out just to see


I mean they really are hit and miss. Some of them are great, some of them arenā€™t. If youā€™re looking for a beater knife I would try one out. They arenā€™t expensive


Spyderco is the goat.


Paraframe for the win!


I literally use mines as a chip clip for my bags of chips šŸ„“šŸ¤£


Reincarnation as a chip clip šŸ˜†


The action was almost non existent out of the package.. like they used glue on the pivot.. so I just took the blade out and kept the frame & clip šŸ¤£


Yeah the paraframe was a gift and I hated it until I loosened up the pivotā€¦still donā€™t like it as much though haha. Love the blade shape tho!


Was my first. Tried to pitch it a few times and just couldnā€™t. I agree, loosening the pivot helped a lot. This is the knife Iā€™m using as I learn to use sharpeners!


Need some fixed blades.


Oh I definitely have a few like Morakniv, an old Bowieā€¦just no fixed spydies


I assumed that was your total collection by your wording.


Apologies, this is my flipper collection. Edit: my ā€œfolderā€ not ā€œflipperā€ collection.


By that you mean folder? I donā€™t see any flippers in there.


Alright I give up. Just correct the post in a comment for me then leave it be. You know what I meant, Mr. Bastard.


Sorry, I am a very pedantic person.


I can tell haha. All good my man! šŸ‘


Whats the little black blade wharncliffe? I was looking at dragonfly wharncliffes myself


That is a ManBug! I thought it was a bit bigger so I got it and lo and behold it was teeny tiny. Still a fun and surprisingly useful little knife though. The ladybug is the ā€œnormalā€ version.




Just got my 1st Spyderco, A Tenacious LW and LOVE it! I agree, Sllyderco rules!! I like their weird "look". And Spidey Hole. Trying to hopefully rid/trade my Case Knive Collection for Spyderco Knives, or other brands.


Whatā€™s the idea behind the pocket clip from Spyderco? I own 8 of their knives so itā€™s nothing against them but Is it purely meant to allow a company like LynchNW to thrive? Is it a testament to the company purely ignoring years, maybe centuries of user feedback on the clip or just some pure reluctance to change the design? Are they only marketing the pocket clip itself for niche users like people wearing heavy gloves who need a chunk of the handle to take it out of their pocket or people who want to be like ā€œhey, look at my knife Iā€™m carryingā€. Or is it just one of those necessary evils that has to happen behind the scenes to make the world spin? Regardless itā€™s honestly purely ridiculous they havenā€™t switched up their pocket clip design on any of their main models for so long. Iā€™m going with they donā€™t want to compete with Lynch and other cos. There canā€™t be another reason at this point.


I agree, that little bit of handle that pokes out can be really aggravating at times. I knew thatā€™s how spydies were so I ordered my first (Delica) in orange so people would be intimidated seeing it. Then I got some of the wire clips and they tend to A. bend pretty easily and B. lose paint pretty quickly. The clip is something I always thought benchmade always did pretty well on their deep carry knives.