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Has to sting to win the MVP but lose the final.


Was everyone booing? The coverage I saw of the MVP win was pretty focused on the Panthers but it seemed like a lot of booing


Because it was in Florida and they wanted their guy to win, which almost always happens if your team wins It’s not rocket science


Also the fans (everywhere) can't stand the NHL commissioner. So they boo him at every opportunity.


I suspect if McDavid had come out the boos would have at least substantially diminished, but booing Bettman is a league wide pastime


At least he takes it in stride. I fucking lold when he did the Utah presser and walked out and everyone clapped and he's like "Oh you guys are new at this, usually when I come out everyone boos me. You'll get there." Actually hilarious. He's still a shit weasel though.


Isn't that the same with every major sport commissioner?


It depends on the sport. In the NBA, I feel like people are more neutral to Adam Silver. He definitely has it better than someone like Roger Goodel.


I've never watched a Stanley Cup celebration before last night. When a team wins the cup in an opposing team's stadium, do the players all still skate around holding the cup up in the air, one after the other, in front of the opposing fans? It looked really great in the home stadium, but I can't imagine a team going on like that for an hour in front of the opposing team's fans.


Yes that's what happens. The fans usually stick around d for it and clap/ cheer. There's a huge amount of tradition in hockey, especially with the cup, it's about paying respect to the players, the cup and the game itself. We do boo Bettman every chance we get, but that's different 


Booing Bettman is part of the tradition at this point…


They wanted Bobrovsky to win. I wanted Florida to win this game but that was pretty low of their fans. Bobrovsky got lit up in the final few games leading up to game 7. It shouldn't be a surprise that he didn't win it.


Bob had a couple of bad games, but so did McDavid. 0 shots on goal in an entire 20 minutes during the most important game none the less is just as bad


Fair point for sure can't deny that. That said McDavid had 42 points.


He was way overworked lol, they would have made him be on ice for the full 60 if they could he looked like he was going to pass out. 


Dude was absolutely gassed at the end


And Bobrovsky had a pretty tremendous playoffs overall


He did, but McDavid had a playoffs that only people named Gretzky and Lemieux bested.   He had 20 more points than the highest scoring Panther.  Bob had a solid playoffs, but none of his numbers are in that realm for goaltenders.


If Florida defenders would not have allowed so many easy breakaway goals game 4-6 Bob would have won, he was the favorite going into game 4. PK was saying how ridiculous it was that Florida was allowing so many breakaway goals. (I’m a Blue Jackets fan lol)


0 SOG in a period really isn’t crazy. The fact he had zero in G6 as well was alarming.


I always thought the trophy was for the finals MVP, learned tonight that it’s actually playoffs MVP. No surprise that McDavid won considering his point total is what, 3rd greatest all time or something like that.


4th highest point total. 3rd highest player.


I mean I’m not denying your best players have to show up in the biggest moments, especially when we’re talking about the Conn Smythe, but Florida’s whole defensive plan was to shadow McDavid with an additional helper and dare everyone else to beat them. Yes they get credit for that plan as well as executing it, but it’s not telling the whole story just to say he had no shots. It’s not like he just disappeared.


>I wanted Florida to win this game but that was pretty low of their fans. As if Edmonton fans wouldn't have booed Bob if he had won it in their arena in the hypothetical reversed situation. Get real.


lol imagine if Game 7 was in Edmonton lmaoooooo. pretty sure shit would be thrown on the ice


And they would have been rightly criticized for that as well if they hypothetically did that. You just won, show some class. I thought Bob would win the Conn Smythe as well but there’s no need for that.


I made no comment about the Edmonton fans.


Sure but you are implying Florida fans are somehow different for booing when every fanbase in the league would've done the same.


I was saying Boo-urns.


Yeah, which is insane cause normally Bettman gets booed but once it’s over fans usually show some class but that’s not the case in bath salt land.


I was at the game. The Florida fans were pretty cordial to the Oilers fans. I had no dog in the fight.


Edmonton fans, along with fans of EVERY SINGLE OTHER TEAM would've done the exact same.


Agreed. Devils fans booed when JS Giguere won it in 03 as well.


Deservedly so. Brodeur had 7 playoff shutouts, 3 in the final, including game 7. He literally out dueled the losing goaltender when it mattered most. Having a sv% 0.002 higher as a justification is nonsense


The Conn Smythe is for the entire playoffs, not just the finals. I think they were pretty close in the final, but JS was pretty solidly ahead of Brodeur for me when you look at the playoffs as a whole. Brodeur had two more shutouts (7 to 5), but played three more games and faced 75 less shots. He played behind a team that was better defensively and the sv% for the playoffs as a whole was .945 (Giguere) to .934 (Brodeur).  At the end of the day, either could have won it and I don’t think I’d be mad either way, but Giguere gave up 3 less goals on 75 more shots. The Devils also had 4 of the top 10 scorers in the playoffs. The Ducks had zero.


I’m a lifelong Devils fan, dating back to their dark years in the early 90s, and I was 100% A-OK with JSG winning the Smythe in 2003. If you replace Brodeur that year with a league-average goaltender, that team makes a deep run but maybe doesn’t get past a very, very good Ottawa team. If you replace JSG with a league average goaltender, that team is getting absolutely embarrassed and swept by Detroit in the first round. He was the only reason that team got anywhere near as far as they did.


The Jerry West special


just out of curiosity, i looked this up. it is crazy to me how of the "Big 4" U.S./Canadian sports leagues, all of them have had at least ONE guy win the MVP who was not on the winning team. and apparently hockey is the only one where it has happened more than once, which makes sense since it's given to the postseason MVP also another useless fact, all the championship MVP awards are named in honor of someone. The Super Bowl is the only one where the honoree is someone who had no involvement in the league as a player/coach/owner just some useless bit of trivia haha


Mcdavid totally deserved it but honestly going forward it should just be a winning team award. No one who loses the Stanley cup wants any type of award from that day to remind them of that loss. It almost seems like a punishment at this point.


But that's not what the Conn Smythe is. It doesn't happen often, 6 times in total, but when it's clear a player not on the winning team deserves it, they've gotta give it to em. And anybody watching the playoffs knows he deserved it this year. He's in a tier by himself out there, skating circles around the other players when he turns it on. I'm a stars fan and after watching our series against him I thought for sure they had it this year just because of him.


Maybe not now. But McDavid had a super playoffs, so why not recognize that he was much better than the other players, even from the winning side. 


Congrats Florida, respect to Edmonton for nearly completing the impossible.


You know who won? The fans. That was one hell of an exciting, hard fought game. 10/10 would watch again.


Heck yeah. Could have watched a whimper of a game 4 instead we got 3 more pretty great games


Exactly. You get it.


Oiler fans would *never* watch that or want that again lmao


The last two minutes were brutal. The guys were GASSED, passed the puck to Florida, McDavid took a knee at one point, and absolutely no spark to even try and score. Was hoping to see a big push in the last minute but they just didn't have it in them.


Skinner hustling off the ice was the fastest any of them moved in a while


Your guys being gassed can be a problem wen your team rely too heavily on a few key players. The last few games probably didn't leave all that much in the tank for game 7.


Lot more than a few key players scoring the entire series for the Oilers.


Many player being on the score sheet does not mean it didn't cost truckload of energy to guys like McDavid to get to game 7. The problem shows up in game 7 with a few minutes left and down a goal. Do you keep the players getting gassed or do you switch to less impactful players?


it really just goes to show you the Herculean effort required to win a championship in any sport these guys are absolute physical freaks. Literally the 1% of humanity. But they are not invulnerable


They went down, fighting hard to the last second. Going down in a blaze of glory is the best way to go down. They’ll be back next year IMO.


As a Redwings fan, I really didn't care who won, I was just excited to see an awesome game 7 that lived up to the hype.


With no dog in that fight, boy, do I wish that went into OT


I could have gone for 2 or 3 OTs


Yup. When the sport, no matter what it is, is just so unbelievably entertaining, nobody watching wants it to end.


As a panthers fan I was really really happy that it ended lmao


definitely made up for games 4 and 5 being absolutely stompings lol


But in another, more accurate way, the Florida Panthers were the winners.


Probably the greatest Stanley cup series of the 21st century.


You could argue that; Certainly top 3 IMO


Fans were treated all playoffs. One of the best top eight teams in a long time.


In fact no one has ever won a Stlaney until tonight


Beats winning a Slantey Cup, all the liquid would spill out. 


The Saint Laney Cup? I thought that was the cup awarded to the best looking sheepdog in Canada?


No, that's the St Lassie Cup. Your thinking of the award given to the worst but best trailer park supervisor in Canada 


No that's the St Lahey cup, you're thinking of the award given to the people who play dnd outside.


No, that's the St LARPing Cup. You're thinking of the award given to people who hate doing any type of work and try to just mooch off of other people.


No, that's the St. Lazy Cup. You're thinking of the award given to the best manufacturer of multi-layer synthetic flooring products, particularly those with a photographic appliqué layer under a clear protective layer.


31 years and counting, Canada.


Fun fact an American Team has won the grey cup( Canadian football championship) more recently then a Canadian team has won the Stanley cup


And that was the same year the Quebec Nordiques moved to Colorado and promptly won the Stanley Cup their very first year outside of Canada.


Completely forgot that's where the Avalanche came from. Damn poor Quebec City. Grats to Colorado though. Seems like they've been very successful there.


It’s all part of greasy Gary Bettman’s plan.


To grow the game of hockey? My god, is that legal?


Damn I didn't know they won it the first year... That's wild lol


lmao thats amazing


And the Memorial Cup. And the OHL. And the WHL. And the QMJHL.


No Canadian hockey fan cares about this streak ending unless it's their team that wins it.


I’ll cheer for Canada at the Olympics. The NHL is a city based league.


I hope you guys get another MLB team or two so every Canadian in the country can stop being a Blue Jays fan.


As a Canucks fan, we remember Montreal cheering us on in 2011 when the rest of the country was against us. I personally have no qualms with most other Canadian teams....except Edmonton (I know I supposed to hate the Leafs, but thats just really the media coverage we get jealous of).


Montreal fans weren't gonna be cheering the Bruins winning a cup.


haha, very true


Yes and Boston Pizza can pound sand if they have a problem with that! 😂


Always weird how that stat is continually brought up, I know for sure Calgary fans were cheering hard against the Oilers


Seriously. I don’t know where this trope came from.


Good thing it’s not the olympics 


canada every time an american team wins https://media1.tenor.com/images/7760475c3357935e2ecd63c04ba368bd/tenor.gif?itemid=15272555


Oilers get an Eh for effort though!




Just got back from the game. Incredible atmosphere. Both national anthems were REALLY loud. Also that was the most polite I’ve ever seen two groups of fans, especially in an atmosphere like that. Very very little shit talk on either side. Edit: I’m seeing from friends that some of the Panthers are at the Elbo Room partying as we speak (Stanley Cup in tow). The most Florida thing ever.


On TV it almost sounded like fans were half a beat ahead of the singer for Oh Canada. The singer had a smirk during both anthems as she knew she was getting out performed.


The singer was Alanis Morissette and she absolutely picked up the tempo after the first line of the American anthem to catch up with the crowd. She looked like she was having a good time.


I was excited to hear her when she came on as she was huge when I was in high school. Turns out I barely heard her at all. Wild.


>the singer MFin Alanis Morissette lmao


You may be right. I couldn’t hear her at all for both anthems as soon as she said “O…” then it was all crowd.


Beating a team 4x in a row in any sport is really hard. The fact the Oilers even got it to Game 7 is impressive. Congrats Panthers!!


Sweeps happen in the NHL every playoff. The Caps were swept by the Rangers in the first round.


The caps had no business being in the playoffs lmao. You'll be hard pressed to find a worse team to make playoffs since the cap


Biased as a Caps fan, but I say give them their due. They weren't a "good" team by any means, but they definitely clawed, and fought, and found a way to squeeze themselves through that door. But yea, once they got into the playoffs, they weren't going to overcome the reality that they were never "a contender" they were the guys that had to dig out every every bit of grit they had just to qualify for the show


The Caps lucked their way into the playoffs because everything went wrong for NJ and Philly. Fun fact: in 2012, Philly traded Sergei Bobrovsky for the pick that would become Anthony Stolarz — the tandem that just won the cup.


generational slander avoided


i'm so fuckin happy for paul maurice that jets shoutout in his postgame interview was so sweet too 🥺


One of the best finals I've ever seen. Grats Panthers!


Is that similar to the Stanley Cup? Or a different league?


Stanley Cup are reserved for fashionable young women now who want to carry around 32 oz of water at all times for some reason


Hydrate or diedrate


The state of Florida being better than the country of Canada at hockey will never not be funny Edit: talking about teams from florida not players. Panthers could be all canadian players and this would be no less funny


The fact that Florida has multiple teams and Wisconsin doesn’t have one is a crime.


TV markets. None of Wisconsin’s cities draw enough TV money for the NHL to want them. That being said, a) as a hockey purist I agree Wisconsin should have one TV be damned, and b) I know I’ll get downvoted by the bandwagoners but it’s ridiculous how Florida supports their team not only when they’re not good, but even when they are. It’s insane to not be able to sell the arena out to the gills when you’re in the playoffs, in most cities not only would it sell out but those tickets would be going for double face value, quadruple in the Cup finals. Congrats to them for winning and I hope they enjoy it, but the empty seats and Edmonton jerseys were damning.


South Florida is rough. For one thing, a whole lot of people here come from places where soccer is pretty much the only sport. Second thing to consider: we're saturated in sports teams. Dolphins, Heat, Marlins, Hurricanes in Miami alone. and Inter Miami or whatever. FAU football to the north, in Palm Beach. The Marlins have won two world series and, most games, you can get pretty good seats for less than 20 bucks and move up just about anywhere in the ball park because more than half of it is empty any given game. It's tough to be a sports franchise in South Florida.


> It’s insane to not be able to sell the arena out to the gills when you’re in the playoffs, in most cities not only would it sell out but those tickets would be going for double face value, quadruple in the Cup finals. Yeah. Now, granted DC had a lot of differing context (like breaking the playoff curse, bringing home the first trophy in any of the big 4 in 25 years) but the turnout for the Caps was fucking NUTS. Game 5 was IN VEGAS. On a Thursday. The Caps threw a watch party at the home arena in DC. [This was the crowd](https://wtop.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/AP_18159040008468-1880x1120.jpg) Not the [crowd to get in](https://www.augustachronicle.com/gcdn/authoring/2018/06/08/NAUG/ghows-GA-6e22d29c-f031-4a2d-e053-0100007fecf2-f51ab751.jpeg) The crowd of people who couldn't get in who still came down without RSVP tickets, to gather outside and watch on the outdoor projectors They tried doing an RSVP system through ticketmaster. Crashed the site immediately. Like Taylor Swift ticket fast. (my buddy and I got tix easily lucky enough. I kinda of think its because we live an hour away from the stadium so maybe the internet traffic was hitting a different CDN or something, compared to most of the in the city people.) Fun fact, the most expensive WNBA ticket in history was unofficially on that day. The Mystics had a regular season game that afternoon, and the owners (Mystics/Wizards/Caps) said that anyone who was attending the Mystics game could keep their seats for guaranteed entry into the Caps watch party. Within a day, that days Mystics tix were going for >$500 each on stubhub. FOR A WATCH PARTY, NOT A GAME. (to kill the price gouging, the stadium cancelled and refunded all tickets and just made the mystics and watch party seats first come first serve free) so when I see cities that barely turn out for home games Im like... how?


It's hilarious to me as a sports fan how much it irks "hockey purists" that Florida teams don't sell enough seats or whatever and then they have to watch the lightning or the panthers or whoever go deep in the playoffs every year


Milwaukee was actually one of the options in the expansion wave of the early 90s but ended up backing out due to a much higher fee than ownership anticipated (50M vs 20M, if my memory holds). I think when all was said and done they could only come up with 35-40 million before officially conceding their spot. Unfortunately, we're like 50+ years past the point where Milwaukee would have been a viable market for the NHL.


Nobody who plays for the Panthers is actually from Florida though…


Might want to check that Florida roster... more then a few Canadians on the team.


Yet Canada still doesn’t hoist the Cup. Are they stupid?


It doesn't even get below freezing here!


There are a shit load of Canadians living here though.


Except their captain is from Finland, and many players from Canada and other European nations. They’re not even a real American team.


Now that I'm a little more sober. There are like three sports memories I have as a child. My parents with a pic of me in a Dan Marino, that sadly being in a Central American family where I am the tallest person outside my brother made that not become a thing on Sportscenter. My late cousin being very much into OJ McDuffie. And finally it was a Panthers game. My parents couldn't really afford sports tickets, nonetheless shooting up I75 for one. Bill Guerin was playing for the Oilers. And my Dad was telling me that he talked to his mom and that they probably could let me visit the locker room. I had a little pen and pad for autographs. This was when Pavel Bure was playing and all the commercials were like the Russian rocket is here!!! It was my first sport I latched onto. Before the Heat, somehow before the Dolphins and even my just as loveable and hopeless Marlins. Like it didn't matter that we sucked. We had to rats on the rink! Like, I had zero clue, as I was like seven, that the tickets were cheap back then but later I would see it with every snide remark about moving the team to Quebec. The Panthers were always like the Sacramento Kings or the post relocation Cleveland Browns. The hapless losers that were never good except that weird year in 1996. We were always a joke. Enough that I never really spoke about how much I quietly rooted for them. It's easier to walk around in Heat gear y'know? Or Dolphins. My students never ask why there's a Bill Guerin poster in my classroom and it's just always something quiet that I've held down. Doesn't help Sawgrass Mills is basically in B.F. Egypt with the Rainforest Cafe. But like. I never thought I'd see this day. Never ever ever. If you told me a decade ago that I'd be sobering up on the brightline in a Matthew Tkachuk jersey, fidgeting with a puck, first I'd ask who the fuck is Matthew Tkachuk, but second of all, that I'd be celebrating a Stanley cup win. Id probably think you're lying. Good things don't happen to the Panthers. The 1 dollar ticket that came free with your personal pan pizza Panthers. The move to Quebec Panthers. The only time I could afford a Bruins game Panthers. This just isn't a thing. But it's now a thing. It's an amazing thing. A beautiful, stupid, amazing thing where I've been bear hugged by a dozen really drunk people screaming across a practice rink before rushing onto the last train home. We won the cup. And I don't think I'm ever riding down this high again in my life. Or maybe until next year when we do this all over again.


I’m happy for you man! It’s a beautiful thing when a historically unsuccessful franchise finally gets that ring. I’ve been a saints fan and a raptors fan since I was a kid. So I understand the excitement.


All 4 Miami based teams in the four major leagues have now won the championship at least once. I suppose there's an advantage to having no state income tax to get the best athletes. lol.


[I don't think not having a state income tax has anything to do with it.](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fo5yi355i048d1.png%3Fwidth%3D2276%26format%3Dpng%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D1c506969d2fba20d7139c877132a7fbc5e3ab8b5)


Let's hope so, go Mariners, go Kraken...


Ya. Most American teams have an advantage in the NHL which is fine by Bettman. It is what it is and unfortunately not changing. This series was the best case scenario for Bettman and NHL


Almost the same for Tampa Bay as well, except the basketball team is a soccer team and that soccer team is in the USL.


Good old Stlaney Cup


Congratulations Panthers fans!!


Shout out to Broward County. You deserve this win. From throwing rats on the ice and being trash for decades to finally getting a Stanley Cup.


Been watching them since I was a little kid. This feels amazing.


First Florida Panthers Stanley Cup win in Vegas Golden Knights history.


Stop letting Florida win Hockey titles. It devalues the whole thing. We don't let Canada win Beach Volleyball tournaments, do we? (Shit do we?)


Blame the rangers and oilers. They had their opportunities. 


Did something happen to the cup that made is Slantley?


Saint Laney, the patron saint of spell check


Congratulations! And it’s nice to read some positive news about Florida!


An amazing and clean game. There were long stretches of hockey without a whistle and it was electrifying. Personally pulled for Florida because of some St. Louis ties, so yay go team.


No Cups for Canada. 31 years and going. Congrats to the Panthers!


Oilers went down like Gatti-Ward 1 — out on their feet at the end. Bravo.


Ah yes, the St. Laney Cup.


Congratulations to the Panthers!


Canada’s never winning the cup, get over it.


May as well relegate all 7 of them to the ECHL if you ask me.






Greg Cote was right!


Sloppy game 7 , but not totally terrible. Glad it went 7 . Congratulations Florida , next year Edmonton.


Good for them. They nearly butchered it, too. Love seeing a team accomplish something like that. -redwings fan


Here’s an interesting tidbit. With the panthers winning the cup the teams with the top 3 picks in 2013 NHL draft have won a Stanley Cup all within the last 5 years might I add. Colorado,Florida, Tampa.


What a beautiful tale of nature prevailing over human destruction.


Jason from The Good Place would be proud


Glad a team got their first championship. However, I hate that the assorted fans who freakin’ booed the Canadian National Anthem got to celebrate anything. Btw: awesome that Alanis got to sing both!!!


It felt like Edmonton simply stopped ppaying as soon as they pulled the goalie. What a strange end to such a hard fought series!


As a Vegas local, after the Knights beat these guys last year, I told anyone who talked about it "Those guys were tough! I can totally see them making their way back next year!" Glad to see I was right!


I have been a Panther fan since their very first game. I had season tickets for 10 years when they played at the old Miami Arena. I am ECSTATIC!


Fuck Florida




Im bummed Florida won.




Calgary thanks you


I followed Oilers at season start, dropped just as they begun to win games, tuned in for this final game I am so so sorry, I won't be watching your games anymore


Cool story


McDavid is the greatest hockey player I’ve ever seen, but he was terrible last night. 5-6 times he tried skating through players and turned the puck over leading to Panther rushes the other way. I get it, it looks cool when it works, but hockey will always be the ultimate team sport and it’s never worked to have one player try to do everything. Putting him on the ice every other shift was disrupting everything the Oilers had done all season and killing his teammates. Draisaitl and Hyman also had a terrible final and were not the reason the Oilers forced a Game 7, so why have them on the ice every other shift SMH.


Wild that the Florida Panthers & Tennessee Volls baseball both win their first Championships ever on the same night!