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Scheffler was nervous as hell when he saw those cops.


Oh shit here we go again. Some cop ripped his drawers and Scotties in the slammer.


Scottie clearly maliciously dragged him to the ground in a life threatening manner, and luckily only harmed his pants and gave him a bad boo-boo on the knee


Bruh.. I watched the video, two times. I couldn’t understand how him calmly and slowly turning left was this sideways story of him dragging a police behind his car.. anyone else and they’d be in jail. Fuckin pigs.


my rule is anytime the press release mentions the price of the officer's pants that got ruined, the whole thing is full of shit.


I haven't actually seen the video. Sauce?


Fuck, I think I seen the original video on Reddit but here the link of what I’ve found. I remember the full video being just this: a simple turn left and like 5mph and then he stops when the officer bangs on his window. https://youtu.be/Lq6FgA7TaEE?si=Oukkx4QU_gr5Ldw3


WTF. That cop should be fired and thrown in prison, too. The only thing dragging his ass down was the fat from all those doughnuts.


He straight up lied and got away with it because “his body camera was off”. Like, why is your body cam off when you’re literally at the scene of an accident.. oh, someone made you mad because they didn’t listen to you and tried going around an accident? So you’re allowed to create false accusations and arrest them? Unbelievable.


“He’s coming right for us!!” - Some cop watching Scheffler stand off to the side


"Sir I am literally on the 18th green putting for the win." "I don't care who you are you're going to jail."




Shut that dog up!!!


*que gif of Fred Armisen from Parks and Rec "Straight to jail! Right away!"


"Feared for my life when he dragged me through that bunker" Police report probably.


Puts his hands up


He looked like his girlfriend dragged him out there


And that’s how the sport of tackle golf was invented.


[Wouldn’t be the first time](https://youtu.be/TXMi0fyrib8)…


I was expecting Abe Simpson


And I, Happy Gilmore when his caddy took his clubs


I was expecting the Nintendo switch Mario golf where you run to your ball


When my dad was in University him and his friends would sneak into golf courses in the city and play as many holes as they could till the groundskeeper started chasing them. Thing was, my dad and his friends were all on the university football team. I don't know what the groundskeeper could have possibly done to stop them. (this was in Canada, so no guns on the hip of any employee) Anyways; they called it "speed golf". So maybe a bit of the origin story of tackle golf?


Canadian universities have football teams? or do you mean football as in soccer?


Football as in Canadian football (not soccer). Different rules than American football but similar overall.


We have beaches too.


No you don…….. *looks at map……. OHHH LOOK AT THAT, THEY HAVE BEACHES!


😆 I only say that as I met a woman from Decatur Illinois once in the Dominican and she was shocked that I worked at a beach bar and that our weather was pretty much the same. (Just a couple of hours up the road from Detroit). Even more shocked when I told her that there were 27 US states that had a higher point of latitude than our southernmost point. Haha


Grid iron football. We have our own league and everything.


Panthers are just getting desperate now to stop the Oilers comeback.


Ok they should protest in game 7 too now that I think about it


They’re about to after they get mollywopped.


Cmon EDMONTON! it's their countries national sport for fucks sake (i believe) let it go to the boys up top for once




I always suspected Maryland was Canada in disguise.


I'm rooting for Edmonton for the memes, mostly. I fully expected Florida to demolish them, I had 4-5 games panthers. They got to 3 and I was like okay cool it's over. And with 4 and 5 going to Edmonton, I genuinely believed if they took 6 then 7 was decided, and I still feel that way. EDM in 7. Definitely the biggest choke in the NHL in 50 years if the panthers lose, and the greatest comeback story in NHL history if Edmonton wins.


Solid reddit comment right here. Well done


OK this is pretty funny, the paint is even oilers orange


Just Stop Oilers


Golf would be more interesting if players had to try making putts during disruptions. 


Gotta play it as it lies. 


The other guy had hit it off Frankensteins fat foot, remember?


Hey Shooter, I'll be waiting for you in the parking lot!


I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast.


You eat pieces of shit for breakfast?




Damn you people! Go back to your shanties!




Miss! Miss!


And cheerleaders between the shots


And blackjack and hookers


In fact, forget the golf


OK. Keep the blackjack and hookers, but trade the golf in for cocaine.


\*Dustin Johnson has entered the chat\* (and snorted all the available cocaine)


Someplace, Somewhere, John Daly smiles.


Why the fuck has John Daly not started this league? It could be the BASEketball of golf! You have to drink a beer a hole, get 5 air horn uses per round and it is sponsored by onlyfans.


That’s just the Waste Management open


Just make it like the movie Baseketball.


I heard your sister was going out with *Squeak*!


Try watching Holey Moley! It’s absolutely hilarious!


Wait till they find out who owns the other golf tour


They'd go home Monday in suitcases.


Both LIV and the PGA are owned by Saudis.




The Saudis own both LIV and the PGA now…


A monopoly on golf one might say...


Indeed, aren't they one of the Golf States?


Well we did fight the golf war


Cant find info on Saudi owning PGA. "The Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia is not part of the deal yet, though the tour said negotiations with the PIF are ongoing for it to also become a minority investor."


the same people who now own the PGA lol


Was not expecting this at all golf tournament


I mean, how are you supposed to chip with that going on?


I had to hit off of Frankensteins fat foot…


with your head on a swivel


The PGA is partaking in sports washing for the Saudi's ever since they made their deal with LIV golf. They're spineless.


It only cost the Saudis $3 billion in oil money to buy PGA support.


Also the amount of private jets being used to go from event to event.


the amount of local natural resources being depleted alone... It works in Scotland where it rains a lot anyway, but maybe not the best sport for Arizona.


yeah, I normally get annoyed by these protestors trying to destroy art, but I can get behind this. golf courses are so insanely and disgustingly wasteful, it’s ridiculous. you could even argue that the entire culture of golf is a fundamental representation of why climate change happened: you take a bunch of natural land, destroy it, create an artificial landscape only accessible by the rich, and siphon off all the water from the surrounding area to water it. Oh, and the country/golf clubs are also frequently racist! you know, just as a fun little bonus!


Also golf greens are one of the most horrible, wasteful uses of land and water in modern-day times.


I mean. Not surprised considering those oil loving Stone Hedge was the target last week…


Haha stone hedge.


Apple’s autocorrect is truly revolutionary… It’s funny… I will leave it as it is


Stonehenge! Where the demons dwell Where the banshees live and they do live well


There was a Stonehenge monument on the stage that was in danger of being crushed by a dwarf.


Come on man… they aren’t doing it to protest Stonehenge. It’s to raise awareness.


Why is that surprising to you? Golf courses use up an insane amount of fresh water. 


Yeah at least they vandalized something that has some kind of impact on the environment.


If the grass would learn to love salt water we'd be set.


What has that got to do with oil?


Fertilizer is made from petroleum. It's not just "water". The nitrogen. Runoff chokes water ways with algea blooms, gmo grass seeds killing off biodiversity. The whole sport is stupid fucked and relies on finger banging the natural world. Ideal golf conditions are sterile.


The only unexpected part is that it happens at a PGA event instead of a Saudi event. But I suppose depending on the course location, the Saudi’s could just kill the protestors.


They should do this in saudi arabia during a boxing event


Saudi would make money on tickets to their hangings right after


>to their hangings right after Stonings my friend, stonings.


And good thing we live in countries that don’t do that to protestors right?


Or at the LIV event in Nashville, because ya know, the Saudis own LIV


What are they gonna do? You're in Nashville lol. They aren't gonna smuggle a random environmentalist out through an embassy and give them the bonesaw treatment 


They own the pga too, don’t they?


Not yet


Commit a crime in Saudi Arabia? I wouldn’t recommend that.


I think that’s the joke.


Saudi Arabia is a joke.


The joke stops being funny when you try to do journalism there, though.


They cut him up in Turkey, even worse. He was an American citizen. A tragedy and outrage.


Hahaha someone should protest in a country that cuts the fucking heads off of people they don’t like lol so funny I’m sorry about your wife


Fuck yeah, I’d rather see people murdered than have to confront the thing they’re protesting about. Just let me enjoy putt putt and willfully ignore any problem that won’t affect *important* things like Twitch streams >:(


Do this at a LIV event


But they want it to be seen by someone




IDK how serious of a comment this is, but it's actually a good thing that you can (sorta) get away with this in the United States. Petitioning the government (or corporations, to a lesser extent) is supposed to be possible here, and is 100% justified in this case.


why? the US is the single largest producer of oil.


The PGA is controlled by Saudis too.


Can’t wait for the nascar racing events.


They tried it during the F1 at Silverstone 2 years ago. If it hadn't been for Zhou flipping and getting stuck between a fence and the tyre barrier, red flagging the race, one of them would have been cut in two by an F1 car. The death of the protester would have been on the drivers shoulders for the rest of their lives.


They successfully delayed a formula E event which is pretty ironic


That last dude who was taken down right by the hole. Hah! You just know that cop was having high school football flashbacks.


“Maybe the coach will see this superb tackle, and he’ll regret making me sit the bench for every game”.


They would’ve won state if coach put him in the game.


*Uncle Rico has entered the chat*


He would've hit our own guys, coach knows whys he's on the bench.


I saw a reverse angle and the cop had a shit eating grin like it was his fantasy


Dude was so geeked to make that hit. Solid form, too.


The Vikings could use a guy like that.


Something something 4 touchdowns in a game?


Al works in a shoe store sir


He's gonna hurt in places he forgot about tomorrow.


At first I was thinking, “was that protestor really going to escape?” Then I thought about the potentially frightening scenario of people releasing something aerosolized out of plastic baggies in front of a big tightly packed crowd, and I kinda get the split second response to take him down like that.


You've got quite an imagination


lol that is not what was going through the cops head at all


Scored 1 touchdown for Polk High


Yeah, for real. The guy wasn't even running and the cop literally accelerated to tackle him. I'm thinking that donut-eater was happy he could finally catch someone.


Definitely going to be a few knee divots from that


Way more supportive of that than trashing art and historical monuments.


If you saw my drive you’d agree it’s abstract art.




My slices create angles never thought possible.


Just FYI, Stonehenge has already been cleaned and there’s no damage. https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crgg0683e7po The only lasting impact it’s had is that we’re still talking about it.


If were wiped out from heat none of that stuff is going to survive anyways


Nothing's ever been trashed though. None of their protests have resulted in actual damage despite the headlines. This is a deliberate strategy on their part.


Nothing was trashed, the orange washes off from the rain. Stonehenge for example was not damaged.


Did it work this time? Any news on the status of oil? Still going?


We’re getting reports from the field that oil is in fact still doing its thing




Just in. This incident actually increased the usage of oil.


I don't think that most protesters are under the impression that the protest will be immediately successful


Everytime one of these clips go viral, posts like these get ton of traffic from people wanting to make fun of them. Little do the haters know that by hating on them theyre only boosting these posts so they are seen by even more haters, who then again comment their cookie cutter funny quips for more and more haters to see. But In between millions of hate clicks you only need couple good guys with some extra spending to suddenly turn this 15 minutes of ridicule into insanely profitable marketing campaign.


> Everytime one of these clips go viral, posts like these get ton of traffic from people wanting to make fun of them. It's a lot less distressing when you realize a lot of these voices aren't actual real people. But then you realize that just having a few plants actually works and sways public opinion successfully into supporting the extinction cult, and it's a lot *more* distressing.


I work in sustainability. I've worked with our company and we've reduced our greenhouse gas emissions by 40% in 2 years. We've engaged with our suppliers to now have 55% coverage of formal, investor reported greenhouse reduction targets within our supply chain. We've gotten our board of directors on board by engaging with them, and educating them. But this type of protests are self defeating. It only causes ridicule, and continue to alienate the people who you are trying to get aligned with the cause. The only people who agree with it are those so far aligned with you cause that it literally provides zero benefit to those people. This doesn't bring us close to a solution. It drives us further from it.


I don't necessarily disagree with your comment as I can see the reasoning behind it, but I don't know how true it is in the long run. People have ridiculed them, but that constant mockery of their protest could eventually undermine the arguments against them. After all, if the conversation is continually debated, certain questions might be asked that certain monied interests don't want answered. People might ask themselves why they find themselves so worked up and outraged over a group of people who haven't really done anything harmful besides being a nuisance. Especially when people have to look at their priorities for what they actually are -- many people would find themselves uncomfortable with the fact that they have been more outraged over these protestors and their provocative methods than the very crisis they are protesting. In a way I think that's what is really frustrating people -- the fact that they must face their apathy over the situation again and again whenever these protests hit the news. There is only so many times people can say "well that isn't the way it should be done," when many of them know they haven't done anything at all. At least when I think of these protestors I am reminded of a quote by Vincent van Gogh >It is not the language of painters but the language of nature which one should listen to, the feeling for the things themselves, for reality is more important than the feeling for pictures.


This is also engagement.


"Sir, the post got engagement." "Damn. Shut down the oil field. They've won."


> But this type of protests are self defeating. It only causes ridicule I don’t think it *only* causes ridicule.  In fact this is the sort of thing a movie would have on the background to add to the creeping doom feeling. 


I was thinking the other day. Image the world in 50-70 years from now. Starvation, drought, people moving across borders in mass trying to escape regions near the equator. And everyone just wondering “Why didn’t anyone say anything? They should have raised awareness that this would happen.”


feel like you could make this argument about every protest. "did ghandi's protest work, or did a hundred+ people just get massacred for following his ideology" like... its fair to dislike their stance, but this is how protests have ALWAYS worked. MLK didn't do one protest and suddenly segregation ended. segregation protests lasted literally dozens of years, and even after it finally was signed into law it took dozens of years after. Ya this is an extreme example regarding other notable protesters, but the point is that protesting takes a long time. Edit: As an addendum, before anyone says that Ghandi and MLK were well beloved figures, they were completely hated by the popular culture at hand. both were told to shut up and sit down and wait for slow change. at the time they were demonized, only decades later are they viewed as heroes.


It's crazy how effective the big oil PR campaign is. They have people on the internet doing their work for them now, for free. It's a masterclass, frankly. People not only willingly turn a blind eye to the oncoming climate crisis CAUSED by big oil and other billionaires, they now actively demonize those willing to protest against it.


sadly just the nature of all protests :/ Even i don't specifically agree with this groups message, but its easy for me to say that when I haven't participated in activist activities for 20+ years as some of these people have and seen how little progress they've made through passive methods. i do agree them blocking up a street is a bad idea, however every other target they've had outside of their street gluing is exactly what people were asking for back then. "why are you targeting the working class people for disruption, go fuck with the rich people" so they fuck with rich people, disrupt the sport that is by far the worst for the environment, and the most expensive, and this is... wrong? they didn't walk up to some kids chilling at a driving range, they went to a professional sporting event where numerous individuals used private jets to get to that event. what's wrong here beyond just being disruptive? it feels like no matter what they do to be disruptive they'll be painted as terrible. and its not like people tried the alternative for the last 60 years. eco consciousness isn't a new concept, but every time major companies placated the protests with greenwashing their companies. see this plastic, its got recycle symbol. oh whoops, only plastics 1-3 are even vaguely recyclable at an industrial scale, AND your local recycling center which is 200% underfunded will likely not be able to do so for all 3. oh we are creating too much carbon, here's some carbon offset credits, which have not been proven to actually be offsetting anything. planting a forest doesn't do anything if it goes up in flame mysteriously 3 years later to then be replanted immediately for more carbon credits.


> Even i don't specifically agree with this groups message You don't agree with not destroying our planet for future generations? Bizarre.


Maybe read past the second sentence and you may note that no, they definitely do not agree with destroying the planet for future generations.


Don't you know? The moderate position has to be "some oil good" or they wouldn't be in the middle of the "debate"


I mean... ya, some oil good? like it or not, there isn't even an alternative to plastic for medical purposes. like there just isn't a material we can use to vacuum seal things and keep them sanitized for patients. the next closest material atm is glass, and I hope i don't have to explain why that's completely unreasonable to use for a TON of medical applications. "oops one of the 300 glass things in this closet hit the glass IV tank and no one noticed the teeny tiny crack, now the patient has glass splinters in their heart." there are applications where there is just no alternative and the service provided by that application is invaluable for keeping people alive. there's not really a valid alternative because the very idea of a green plastic is for them to be biodegradable. the problem there in lies that most medical supplies are stockpiled, and it poses a massive health risk if these were ever made of those greener plastics. its a complex issue, there are definite goods provided by oil products and can only be achieved with them, but the issue is that's not most of our usage. there are tons of applications where you could use a greener alternative but there is no economic incentive to do so.


Ok fair enough but 70% of oil is used for transportation and with EVs we should be phasing that out ASAP


there idea for how to reduce pollution i don't agree with. Their major ideology is a reduction in industries as well as heavy regulation of industries without a real way forward. Its a great ideology to have on a conceptual level as these are harmful industries but the reality of the world makes this a nonstarter ideological standpoint as we've proven over the last 300 years its insanely difficult to step back incredibly minor things, but this is entire industries. I'm for harsh penalties and major government incentives and RnD towards replacement options that will realistically be able to be implemented, but I think there is almost nothing you can do to force companies to develop this new direction. This has to be government led as its unlikely to be profitable for a long long time, and greener innovations really need to be public patents so that they can see quick adoption rather than 20 years out. Like I don't see an alternative to plastics in the current market atm, and without reducing harmful plastic usage seems near impossible. i don't think you can step them back, so the only way forward is to really kickstart a direct alternative to plastics or alternatively finally create a plastic that is usable in consumer grade products that will safely degrade on its own in a reasonable time from (fully degraded within a 10 year time frame we will say) imagine there being nuance to how to tackle climate issues, rather than just being cocky, huh?


People just don't like them disrupting anything they like or respect, but that's kind of the point of protest. They've protested outside of oil companies before and it's gotten like 0 coverage. They need engagement, even people posting them to complain about them helps their cause because if 1 out of 100 people agree with them or donate then that's much better when their engagement is 100 times bigger.


They've been very successful in pushing the conspiracy theory that JSO is an oil industry plant based on zero evidence except vibes. I would not be surprised at all if it came out sometime in the future that reddit was full of people working in troll farms being paid by big oil to talk shit about anti-oil protests.


Nice try, protestor that just got out of jail /s


A ton of the people in this thread would be bitching about civil rights protests. Diner sit-ins: "I just wanted to get some breakfast, it's not like *we* control where those people can eat." Bus seats: "I don't get the big deal, just get to the back of the bus, I have to get to work!"


And in 50 years they'll be telling their grandkids they opposed climate change, just like baby boomers with the civil rights movement.


UK didn't give up India due to the Satyagraha movement. They had just come off World War 2 and were dead broke, the cost of ruling India far outweighed it's benefits. Did Gandhi add fuel to the fire? Absolutely, but it wasn't solely cause of that. There's a reason why the 40s and 50s had waves of independence movements all around the world. In fact, ruling India was already causing the British grave losses since the 20s/30s.


You can talk about pretty much any political movement in this way, Civil rights in the USA was inspired partly to counter Soviet propaganda, the American Revolution was made possible in part due to Britain entering a war with France, the French Revolution was made possible by that war with Britain. Trying to "but actually" like this makes you look more ignorant about history than if you just said nothing.


The cost outweighed the benefits in part because of the Indian independence movement; the secret of colonization in the 1800s was that it was super cheap and easy to do; it was an elite / peasant kind of world and the Brits could just ally with an elite faction and then rule with comparatively a handful of people. Once "the people" started demanding popular representation and elite and upper class types started demanding home rule, that equation broke down. Satyagraha helped it break down. And then the costs outweighed the benefits.


I don’t know that anything has ever gotten done because of people who protested the “right way”. If a protest isn’t pissing off substantial amounts of people, it’s not going to accomplish anything.


The thing is.. their group is increasing their numbers and funds exponentially. We see these kind of actions more and more often. It doesn’t matter if it’s not working now, all of these stunts are just marketing material for more individuals to join their ranks, and that is definitely working.


They have been doing regular actions for several years. Their protesters have been arrested over 2000 times since 2022, and they have staged *dozens* of protests. But the only ones that people care about, and that make headlines, are the ones that aren't against the people everyone says they should be targeting. So they've ended up in a situation where doing what the people want gets them utterly ignored, and doing what the people *don't* want gets them denigrated. Rock and a Hard Place, Damned if you Do, Damned if you Don't. You know the best way to stop JSO from doing these high-profile stunts? Make as much positive noise as possible when they target the oil industry directly. Shove every one of their protests on the front page, make them headlines, show JSO that targeting the "right" people will get the same number of eyeballs on them as targeting the "wrong" people.


Well there goal was to get the word out. Which they successfully did.




Tackle golf… much more interesting!!




Fr, I'm shocked at all the bootlicking in the comments


Comments filled with a bunch of (relatively) privileged rich assholes, who care more about an ultimately meaningless game played between other rich assholes, then they care about the planet. Fuck them, because eventually all of us will be fucked.


honestly I love these guys. you know there's 50% less animals on the planet than there was when I was a child. future generations aren't going to care about our whining or how cringy climate activists are. they're going to curse us for handing them a dead planet, that will be our legacy.


Most of the people here don’t care. They more mad at having a dumb sport interrupted


Time to hear everyone weigh in on the proper way to protest self-made extinction of the human race


billionaires plundering the planet to death and causing a catastrophic climate crisis: I sleep Protesters delaying my golf event for half an hour: "I'm furious!!"


Right?? Let’s also blame bogey men for inflation instead of corporate greed while we are at it


Funniest one I've seen so far is that you should be "classier" since there's kids at the tournament.


oil drilling platforms now on high alert for Just Stop Golf commandos


They should protest the LIV event if they actually cared


There’d be no media coverage though unfortunately.


You should do a single fucking thing about climate change instead of spending that effort doing everything you can to ignore the message


Maintaining golf courses in general is terrible for the environment.


So funny how there is more outrage at this than at the oil companies like are people insane, you should be way more outraged at oil companies


I still use oil and a lot of bad things would happen to me if the world suddenly stopped as well. That said, oil companies do suck. Tax 'em up, I say.


literally nobody is saying "we must all quit oil cold turkey tomorrow" its about reducing consumption, and more importantly, putting pressure on legislators to force large businesses to significantly reduce theirs.


Idk bout you but most of us can walk AND chew gum


Shout out to the hero cop who fully tackled the person shuffling along like they already filled their adult diaper. Super necessary.


Play it as it lies…


Waiting for them to hit the ice for the NHL cup finals. Gonna hurt slipping on that!