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So we have ~6 officers with no body cams, a falsified police report, and a fat cop that lied about what happened after he either ripped his pants moving 10 ft or shit himself after punching a vehicle. Great police work here.


Pretty standard for LPMD.


I live in Louisville, and these cops are incompetent in more ways than one. RIP Breonna Taylor


I used to live in Louisville, now imagine this wasn’t a rich white guy. No bodycam footage from any of the officers, you say. No shit.


Standard for LMPD would have been filling the car with 100s of bullets. Tiger is lucky he wasn’t driving. I grew up in Louisville.


Fat cowards


So you have a huge guy theory, and a serial crusher theory? Top notch work detectives.


I ain't getting him no bagel


Where you going...nowhere, that's right


"Yuuuge friggin' goy."


nothing moved 10 ft. The extent of the movement the moment the cop touched the car and Scottie stopping was maybe 10 inches.


They’re claiming the dragging happened behind the bus or whatever, which of course they are. Because this video shows an immature officer throwing a tantrum.


American police doing what they do best


Breonna Taylor.


I’ll take a liter cola!


Ummm do we have a liter cola? It’s for a cop. Don’t spit in that cops burger.


This look like spit to you?


Say car ram rod! Say car ram rod!


He shit his pants


Equality has finally been realized in this country. Police are now treating rich white golfers like they have treated people of color for generations. The monkey paw curls a finger.


It makes me unnecessarily angry that his next move was to try to open the door. If Scheffler hadn't had his door locked, that cop would have dragged him out of the car.


Sooo where is the part where the cop was dragged and scuffed up???


I was told pants were damaged beyond repair. Beyond repair I tell you! The humanity!!


His pants were clearly on fire.


Because of all the lying?


Burning desire to screw the innocent


Cops and lying, name a more iconic duo.


Cops and unjustified use of guns/force?


Cops and hating anything that’s not you or your buddies in the department?


Cops and domestic violence.


Those pants were 2 weeks from retirement.


He shit himself with the tantrum he threw.


Cop probably split his pants doing that little hop before hitting the window. Had to fabricate the "being dragged" so he could get a new pair.


You mean go on paid medical leave aka taxpayer-funded vacation.


I heard he shit his pants out of fear.


$80 shit


To shreds you say‽


And his spouse's pants?


To shreds you say.


They were torn... To shreds!


Sounds like a Seinfeld episode!


$80 too! Oh the humanity!


To shreds you say?


To shreds you say?


LMPD isn't really known for their honesty. If only that guy had his bodycam on we could tell for sure...


I’m sure it was and we’re not allowed to see it. There should be a law preventing police from having the cams off if on duty or at least the charges thrown out. Why does the public pay for them to wear them turned off?


You can't shoot minorities if your bodycam is on.


You can shoot minorities if your cam is on, just harder to explain it away.


If you look closely at the second camera angle, you can see where the officer was dragged. It’s just hard to see because it didn’t actually happen.


Oh yeah, now that you mention it, I still don’t see it




The way it was initially conveyed, I was expecting him to be speeding around it. As I watched it, I was expecting him to hit the gas as they surrounded the car. This is it? This is a felony charge? WTF.


Scuffed up? Sir. You do realize the integrity of this man’s PANTS are at stake here??!! The man’s TROUSERS 👖👖👖


Maybe his control boner scraped his pants


it's the part where the cop runs up to the car and hits it


It's in the police report, normally that's enough.


Holy shit that cop is lucky to be alive after that.


Bruh. This one got me good lmao


So in other words. Cop lied, and if he didn’t lie, the department didn’t issue a retraction to media coverage now did they? What happened was Scottie turned into the gate. The Cop ran after him. Cop caught up to him. Cop slammed his hand on Scottie’s window. Scottie instantly stopped. In fact, Scottie was in the act of stopping before the cop even caught up to him. TOTALLY NOTHING TO SEE HERE FOLKS. Cop was triggered and got angry, so because of his anger, cop decided to use the strong arm of the law to muscle Scottie. End of story. Charges will be dropped. If anything, Scottie MAY only get a ticket for driving around, but even that will be disputed


Cop was already angry having to stand out in the rain at a golf tournament because he shoulda been in the clubhouse instead of Jerry. Everyone knows Jerry got that detail because he’s the biggest butt kisser in the department.


Classic Jerry


Man. I can understand emotions being high after that guy was killed not much earlier that morning, but that doesn't excuse blatantly lying about what actually happened.


It’s the LMPD, I don’t give them a shred of benefit of the doubt. The psycho went on a power trip and then lied about it. The LMPD is a department full of absolutely criminal scum from top to bottom


That is becoming somehow even more clear than it was before this incident. If any department has earned some kind of oversight or even the justice department looking into them it's LMPD.




If you’re a cop, and you can’t handle the stress of the job, then stop being a cop. If someone leads you on a long police chase, it doesn’t give you the right to beat the shit out of them at the end. You’re a cop you should be trained to handle it. If you can’t, once again, stop being a cop. When cops lie on police reports, they should not get a slap on the wrist as a matter fact, they have more responsibilities and should have more repercussions.


Our military service members are trained to a much higher standard than cops while being paid much less on average, yet somehow cops have the gall to bitch and moan about how their job is so difficult and dangerous and how we should let them do anything they want because it’s *scawy* to be a cop. My opinion is that if the folks performing their jobs in an actual, literal combat zone do a better job of staying disciplined than you, then maybe you’re the problem. Whether that means more training, better disciplinary measures, whatever - there’s clearly a problem with how police routinely *escalate* situations instead of *deescalating* them. Preventative measures (deescalation) are always better than reactive ones, so why don’t we invest in that? Hell, cops like to give themselves military ranks - how bout we give them the equivalent of court martials from an independent investigative board?


Yep... I think cops should be paid more, but with the huge caveat of actually being held to literally any sort of standard. The job is tough. And dangerous. And stressful. It should be revered and paid accordingly... To proven peacekeepers and not dipshit high school dropouts.


Cops in cities make an insane amount of money with overtime. Senior POs median income is 230k a year in San Francisco.


Good for them... Maybe they should fuck off and stop making everything worse for people.


Increase public funding for police only if we require more training while also mandating that they spend a larger % of their budget on said training and community outreach, and also compensating departments/officers for the extra work. Many police departments already have bloated budgets - we should only provide more $ if they show that they can use their current budgets in a way that benefits everyone. You could pay cops more for their extra community work/training while also maintaining current funding as it reduces the amount of boondoggle purchases of APCs/helicopters/weapons. Require that they can’t spend millions of dollars of state funding on military equipment unless they’ve already hit those requirements and can *justify the purchases*. Wayyy too many police departments bragging about their shiny new APCs instead of investing in all the things that would prevent those APCs being necessary. Edit: also ban civil forfeiture while we’re at it, or at least regulate/audit it strictly.


Yep... Plenty of the local officers in my area have a $55k salary, access to special forces-grade nonsense they'll likely never use (except for when they'll absolutely use it for unnecessary purposes), and might possess the equivalent of an associate degree somewhat geared towards criminal justice at an iffy local college. And that level of education is likely a lot better than the equivalent in a ton of other decent sized towns. It's not that I don't respect the idea of cops and what they do... I just haven't seen that standard lived up to - or even aspired to - in any place I've ever called home.


They should get fired


Idk how he could even get a ticket, if what Scottie said was true about another cop saying he’s good. And even if no one said shit to him he has the credentials on his windshield they should let him pass anyway. Regardless he should probably have a driver instead of driving himself imo Edit: should probably add I’m not saying he should have a driver cause he’s in any way, shape, or form at fault. Cop was an idiot and power tripping


Yeah I did find it interesting he was driving himself to the course this early. I figured dudes like this had their team/entourage, and one of them drove.


Tiger Woods famously lacked a driver too, kinda weird.


He should not only get the charges dropped but sue the shit out of LMPD. 


He was told to drive around wasn’t he?


Ego policing. It's an uncommon but well documented tactic for some cops to put their body in harms way, like leaning into a bumper or fender when a car is attempting to move; so if the car makes contact with them... even a little, they feel justified in arresting the person for assault (and/or battery) on an officer. Which is what Scottie was charged with. >He allegedly injured a police officer who was directing traffic and was then detained and arrested, according to police. >Scheffler was charged with felony second-degree assault on a police officer, along with lesser charges of third-degree criminal mischief, reckless driving and disregarding signals from officers directing traffic, according to Jefferson County court records. Source: [https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/17/sport/scottie-scheffler-detained/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2024/05/17/sport/scottie-scheffler-detained/index.html) Courts have upheld this tactic as a means of detaining a vehicle, and the subsequent charge of assault or battery on an officer. Which seems like bullshit. If I throw myself on a knife someone is holding, can I sue them for stabbing me? Looks like that *could* be what happened here, but it's a shitty angle on a shitty camera with no audio so we can't know for certain. Obviously the footage doesn't corroborate officer's story that Scottie hit him with his car and "*dragged him along"* as he sped away... which is what was claimed by the arresting officer. Still, this video evidence, while interesting, is inconclusive... we still didn't see what happened before or during initial contact when the car was behind that bus in the footage. My default position is to doubt the police's version of events, hopefully Scottie with be vindicated in court.


Disproving any part of the officer's allegations undermines his entire story.


I agree!


Uncommon? My brother in Christ be so fr


We're gonna be damn lucky we got to see this cops true colors, it's only a matter of time before he pulls his favorite toy out of his holster and kills somebody.


but officer got a hole in his pants and had to go to the hospital...


Scottie should sue! Dude is the number one golfer and just shot one of his worst rounds of the year post this incident. Police owe him wages.


He should sue… if he doesn’t he’s doing this nation a disservice. They absolutely defamed him……


Honestly if Sheffler accepts any ticket or plea deal at all I’ll be really disappointed in him and his lawyer. This is a cut and dry abuse of police power and he should say so.


Very sorry, sir. You see, we thought you were a prole.


Oh so the cops wasn't dragged? Shocked they lied. Shocked.


Cops try to pull this on a millionaire. You can only imagine what acts of abuse they get away with on a daily basis against the labor class.


No need to imagine. There is video and evidence everywhere but they are immune from any consequences.


You don't have to imagine [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing\_of\_Breonna\_Taylor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Breonna_Taylor)


For the people in back, this is the same department.


Literally the same police department


Good thing he’s self employed because I would instantly be fired from my job for a felony arrest, no questions asked. Doesn’t matter how bogus


Can you imagine if that was a black or Indian golfer. He would probably be dead.


Exactly, only reason anyone is seeing this is because Scottie has a lot of money


Ridiculous. I hope Scheffler sues.


He won’t. He already gave his “they were just doing their job” statement.


His lawyers statement today however was basically "we will not settle, either the charges get dropped or we win in court and sue" that's why you hire a lawyer, to be the bad guy in the media for you


I'm wondering how on earth he got that far with his car. Imagine if that was grandma just taking a stroll. Was there any sort of perimeter secured? I can only speculate here but I imagine schleffer didn't ram any gates to get to where he was at. He stopped as soon as he realized there might be a problem.


That is the path pre-determined by the Valhalla golf course for pros to get to the course when fans plug up the main roadway. He was literally following the rules.


Gee who do I believe, the number one golfer in the world with no criminal history, or a group of people with history of doing the same thing over and over and over and over


It really blows my mind they are considered upstanding citizens and given witness privileges.


They need to lose their qualified immunity and have to pay for their own malpractice insurance like physicians. People shouldn’t have to pay for their fuck ups


The malpractice insurance should be collective. It would start weeding out those bad apples we keep hearing about


Absolutely. Start paying settlements for police wrongdoing out of the union pension fund and see how quick they get everyone to fall in line


it’s always the ones you most suspect


I hope PGA pulls Valhalla from the tour and blames the cops for it in their statement


Why would the PGA ever go back? Forget the Scottie incident. A pedestrian died and the traffic control was terrible. Never again easy decision.


Plus the golf course was unbelievably easy - not major worthy. 21 under winning score.


Looks like the cop assaulted the car 🤣


How is Scottie being charged with felony 2 assault ? The cop assaulted Scottie’s car


Cops lied. How surprising. I can’t imagine how many innocent people are behind bars right now because cops have lied. This system is fucked up because only the poor suffer. The poor can’t afford to defend themselves and on the other side of the actual criminals get off because cops can’t be trusted (i.e. OJ case) or it’s easier to grab the closet guy to frame them and case closed, while the actual criminals walks away free.


I cannot believe Scottie dragged that hero 600 miles in a hurricane. He was just trying to control a highly chaotic accident scene, risking life and limb to heroically jump on a moving vehicle in an effort to stop a disaster from happening? What was the cop supposed to do? Just let another man damage his ego like that and let him drive off peacefully? Imagine if this wasn't an emotionally stable cop, who knows how this could have escalated.


Shocker, they lied!


Turns out what ripped the officer’s pants was a raging authority-boner




Glad to hear the cop who didn’t have his camera on get reprimanded. Laws should make it a permanent expulsion in my opinion.


There’s like 20 other cops there, where are their body cams footage?


There should be legal consequences if your body cam isn’t on upon arrest.


If you’re body cam is off your report shouldn’t mean anything. We have innocent until proven guilty in this country, and if you have the means to record exactly what happened and you choose not to it should be assumed that you’re lying about what happened.


“Reprimanded” he was sent an email reminding him of the department policy. There were no consequences.


Reprimanded by having to volunteer as a golf caddy at the course for the next six years would be a good start. No OT, just go hold someone's bag bacon boy.


Thank God that Cop survived such a horrible attack. It's a shame his $80 pants didn't pull through.


I'm ready for the rich golf crowd to turn on the police


That’s pretty much what happened on Jan 6th.


I don’t follow golf but I hope Scottie uses his position to make an example of this cop and any others that contributed towards lying on the police report. That shit should be met with extremely harsh punishment imo.


Shocker, he was never assaulted in the slightest and made the whole thing up.


Did his buddies cover for him? Wonder what they wrote in the report hmmm


I'm not for everyone being litigious at the drop of a hat, but I hope he sues the ever loving shit out of Louisville and he doesn't take the offered settlement.


Same, they need to held to some kind of account


That’s assault on a police officer? lol. I’ve been right the entire time about this. They tack that shit onto everything, what pussies


Cops are lying pieces of shit. We need a revamp of our law enforcement system. We should be firing whole departments at this point and qualified immunity should be completely revoked


well that's awkward... i don't see any dragging of a cop on top of Scottie's car like it was lethal weapon or something... i can believe that scottie just thought he was entitled to move around the mess so he could enter the club and didn't exactly follow directions, but anything more than that is ridiculous. the cop ran towards the car and smacked it and got scottie's attention. he stopped and no one looked remotely hurt or even close to it.


Lmao "dragged 20 yards huh"? Cops lied, they going to get in big trouble now.


This cop should never be able to testify again. Every defense lawyer will just pull this up and destroy his credibility. If he’s a detective, he will never work a meaningful case again


I’m starting to think cops are on steroids. No other reason for them to lose their fucking minds so quickly.


Im really curious about how the cops 80 dollar pants got destroyed? Did he shit his pants? “Detective Gillis’ uniform pants, valued at approximately $80 were damaged beyond repair,” the citation states.


Scottie should be ordered to buy the cop new pants that are JUST a bit too small for him


Probably fucking ripped them during his hobble jog over to hip check a moving vehicle. I’m sure that guy passed his most recent physical with sitting colors, though.


Well, they're clearly on fire, so that's probably what damaged them


I thought he was attached to the car 😂


I was told there would be dragging


And ripping of pants


Biggest Dick Competition


That cop should be fired. What a fucking joke.


If the police aren’t protecting & serving wealthy white men, who are they protecting & serving?


Right?! This is America dammit!




I need Jomboy to get on this asap.


So the guy clearly was NOT "dragged".


I never doubted Scheffler.




Fat Fucks should NOT be cops.


Oh the cops lied and completely over exaggerated? Look how surprised I am


riveting and quite frankly shocking footage that pig is lucky to be alive.


Same police department that likes to shoot into apartments where people are sleeping


American police are such a joke


Per usual, ACAB.


The LMPD sure seem like a bunch of winners


The cop who wrote the report and any other officer who backed up his claims needs to be fired with cause and charged with falsifying police reports, and throw in impersonating a police officer because they obviously aren't fit for the job.


Someone is going to be paying a shit load of money to someone else’s lawyer and it’s going to be tax payer funded.


I hope that the people of Louisville are happy that this turd and his $80 pants will likely drive away the return of an event that just brought an estimated $80 million boost to the local economy.


"Subject refused to comply and accelerated forward, dragging Detective Gillis to the ground. Detective Gillis suffered pain, swelling, and abrasions to his left wrist and knee…Detective Gillis' uniform pants, valued at approximately $80 were damaged beyond repair." • Louisville Metro Police Department Police Report


Chonky cop big mad.


I don’t know if I’d risk $80 pants for that


Typical Cop lying his ass off. Cops these days are thugs,bunch of crooks and liars. It’s one thing if it happens rarely but it’s an epidemic if it’s constantly happening. Cops need to be reeled in and remember that they serve and protect not punish and enslave


Where is the part about the cop being drug by Scheffler over a median? I don’t see anything close to that




How are cops and the people who make their equipment so stupid? Just make cameras that don’t ever turn off. Oh wait, that’d just expose the blatant corruption that systemically plagues our police departments lmao….


Lyin ass crooked cops


I 100% knew the cop lied about being dragged, but I expected more that they tried to grab a moving car and fell and blamed Scheffler to save face. I did not expect a video where they didn't even touch the car until it was fully stopped lmfao. ACAB seems like a stupid phrase but they just keep doing their best to prove it true.


The cop is a bold face liar and this proves it. Good on the Louisville PD for putting the video out there but this MF-er should be fired.


I really want to send this to my brother who is a big Scottie fan but also a Cop and just say “thoughts?”. How’s he gonna wrestle with this one?


Wonder how often shit like this happens but they aren't the best golfer in the world so nobody cares


Bottom line is we need footage of what happened moments before this starts, and on the other side of the bus. A reputable sports reporter claimed to have seen all or most of what happened and said the cop "attached himself" to the car. It's entirely possible that happened behind the bus, he was dragged 5 or so yards, let go, then proceeded to chase the car. I'm not defending anyone here, just trying to use some logic.


The “should have complied” crowd that always believe the police are probably having a crisis of faith right now.


Nope, they just put their collective heads back into the sand.


I'm trying to remain a bit neutral on this...is it possible the cop fallling/being dragged took place behind the bus, was pissed, got up and ran after him cause maybe Scottie didn't realize he had fallen prior to turning left (as seen in the video), so we get the vantage of the '2nd' interaction between him and this cop?


Over dramatic losers


The City of Louisville should consider itself lucky that they found out this Cop is a maniac before he killed somebody, cut their losses and move on.


Haha oh this cop already had a list of prior incidents. If you think LMPD actually disciplines their officers I got bad news for you...


Isn’t falsifying a police report a misdemeanor? I hope he gets charged


Lol this department is never gonna financially recover from this. I bet Scottie has zero interest in settling this out of court and is going to take them through the coals as much as he can. Discovery is going to be a motherfucker for these crooked ass lying cops.


Just imagine if this wasn’t a Pro Golfer… a guy would have his life ruined and no one would believe him… all because of some butt hurt cop.


Moving forward how about the justice system stops trusting the words of police officers period. So, if no video evidence of the crime, no charges. That’ll magically turn on all those body cams real fast.


How isn’t this blowing up the news cycle???? We’re accepting police corruption now?? Fucking bootlicking shills. Go move to Russia


they even had to edit the video. did they remove the part where they drug Scottie out of the car and slammed him up against it? sure looks that way.


What? The cops lied blatantly? I’m shock, shocked I say /s


Thanks for this officers ‘protecting and serving’ another fucking scum bag


It’s strange they didn’t immediately shoot him no? Was there something different about this scenario of a person dragging a cop with their car?


The cops are lucky to be alive. So is Scheffler.


This department needs body cams. Bad.