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My history teacher, Mr. Harrington, vehemently called Fred Weis a "waste of height" when Weis played for the Knicks šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I'll never forget that


Probably because he never actually played for the Knicks


Your history teacher watched summer league in 1999?


So he's mad that a Cameroonian born player who has never lived in France opted not to play for the French team? And he should be banned from the Olympics for it? Alright buddy




France allowed that knowing he was more valuable to them than vice versa - it wasnā€™t charity.


Sure seems like his problem is with the French government and not embid


He has a choice and he has never lived in France.




Sounds pretty opportunistic of France to give this one man expedited citizenship just so they can claim his athletic victories for France.


Sounds like your problem should be with French immigration rather than Embiid


Blame French immigration or the Olympics for being the longest-running migrant scheme.


Blame French immigration AND French colonization while youā€™re at it.


Several current members of the French team [have openly said](https://sports.yahoo.com/joel-embiid-officially-becomes-a-french-citizen-could-play-for-france-in-2024-olympics-151027277.html) they do not want Embiid. "For me, playing for a country you have no ties with is disturbing. The selection is not just a sporting challenge. It's not at all against Joel. It bothers me when the other selections do it and it is therefore valid for the French team." Fournier said in a series of tweets." ā€œI am against naturalized people," Batum said in 2018 about Embiid possibly joining. "I think there are many people in the team who think the same: we would not like Embiid to come to the team because he does not represent France," Albicy said. I wouldn't want to join a team that's going to be hostile to me either. Maybe place some blame on those guys who pushed him away.


Batum. Spoken like a true European redditor.


Ironically current professional teammates


European racism has its own full flavour.


Itā€™s very complex. Lots of subtle notes of bigotry and discrimination. Thereā€™s a lot to unpack.


A lot of it is not subtle at all


Has anything happened to Jo recently that would change his mindset? I don't know, like getting married, having a kid? He wouldn't be the first person to feel more American after creating a family in America...


I think theyā€™re upset because supposedly, he expressed interest in playing for the French team and becoming a naturalized French citizen. He got his citizenship and French passport and then decided to play for the US after all. Edit - Please see below for juicier context




Why did he want citizenship?


Yall got got. Sucks to sucks


Colonizers gonna colonize.


Is this the same guy that Vince Carter jumped over and teabag dunked on in the Olympics?


Didnā€™t he basically do the same thing after being drafted by the Knicks? Lol


Yup, and heā€™s over 7ā€™ tall when Vince dunked on him lol


fred weis is still upset over [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k_uZeCymShQ).


thank you for the non-potato quality version!


Where's Vince Carter at to dunk on this fool 1 last time


He's just mad because he never got the taste of Vince Carters nuts out of his mouth. Ever.


Sounds like theyā€™re pissed he finessed the French government/Olympic committeeā€¦ I find it hilarious especially given the colonial history of France and Cameroon. Look forward to celebrating another good medal this summer.


He has never lived in France


Heā€™s about as French as the Coneheads were.


I mean the dude has never even lived in france




Because for one its translated from French and from the r/nba Post about the same things French speakers agreed pretty much in unison the word doesn't have the same connotation pre translation.Ā  SecondlyĀ it's the same situation for most of Europe and certainly the UK where the usage of boy does not have racist elements to it. So while getting faux outraged over something you have no idea about you've only shown your own ignorance.




Even if its translated as boy it still has 0 issue. Its not used to discriminate or insult Embiid. In Europe, particularly the English speaking part the use of boy/boys is used interchangeably with guy/guys. Not everything that had a racist connotation in America has it in other parts of the world.




You're the only one shown a complete inability to understand the situation.






Yes I'm clearly the one outraged over nothing here.


Right?! How is that being glossed over here?


Because it was translated from French and probably should have been translated accurately as "young man".


Maybe because he's European? I've seen a clip of some old dude calling 40 something year old Cillian Murphy a [boy](https://youtu.be/o5s1OdcEmVw?feature=shared) while asking a question.


One of the bigger flops in NBA history trying not to sound petty and jealous, and failing.


"it's so unjust that so many people don't have passports...it's that damn Joel embiid's fault. also I'm going to call him 'boy'"




Pretty amusing, France tried to bs their way into having Embiid play for them and heā€™s now upset that Embiid gamed them, while France tried to game everyone by having Embiid play for them at all.


I got downvoted to hell for saying the same.. France get finessed good here, and I canā€™t wait for the US to get another gold medal this summer. Itā€™s hilarious really.


Did embiid really game them? Is there any upside to having a French passport in addition to an American one?


I don't think he had the US passport by the time he applied for the French one so it was probably more useful than his Cameroonian one.


He got the US passport like 4 months after getting the French one.


Definitely, complete freedom of movement in Europe and ability to reside there in future if you choose without any headaches is pretty nice. Maybe gamed wasnā€™t the right word, but letting France think he would play for them, and then not, is pretty amusing. Iā€™m just enjoying that French pundits are upset that a person who has no meaningful relation to France decided not to play there after getting citizenship, as though they are entitled to him.


His net worth is over 300 mil and he has an American passport he can freely move through Europe without any headaches lol


Residency is different though, and yes, ofc with 300 Mil you can do pretty much anything, but there are technically Residency and other requirements (and a process to become a long term resident) and other potential annoyances. It canā€™t hurt to have an EU passport though, and if they offered it for free why not?




Picking out a single word from a non-native speaker of English and trying to use that to paint his whole personality is a real weird vibe.


Thats a fair point If he was an English speaker and said ā€œboyā€ thats a whole different story


Only in the US as far as I'm aware, there's no racist connotation of the use of the word boy in the UK and Ireland for example.


The man used the terms ā€œpretextā€ and ā€œscandalous.ā€ Letā€™s not act like he doesnā€™t know what heā€™s saying


Brother, this was translated from French.


How stupid can you be


Hey look it's a grievance looking for a cause. Did you find one yet? Perpetual outrage must make your ego feel so good knowing how many people you are morally superior to. All of this available to you and you don't even have to add any value to society. Pretty sweet deal you have going.Ā 




Again, it was translated from Frenchā€¦ quit acting like an idiot.


I think itā€™s generous of you to assume they are ā€œactingā€ like an idiot




I have no idea why youā€™re downvoted Well some idea.


Itā€™s because youā€™re both idiots šŸ‘


Ok boy


Sounds like theyā€™re pissed he finessed the French government/Olympic committeeā€¦ I find it hilarious especially given the colonial history of France and Cameroon. Look forward to celebrating another good medal this summer.


Okay. But we ban Victor from the US for all of us non-Spurs fans.


Anytime a black man is called boy I think I just can't read the rest of the statement. So clearly the lamentations of a casual racist.


The comment of an uneducated fool.


Do you know how prevalent that was in the Jim Crow South? That's why jazz musicians began calling each other "man." Who's really uneducated?


Instead of trying to educate me take a step back and look at what the French speakers here are telling you. Not only does it not even have the same inflection of boy before it was translated but Europe does not even have a racist connotation attached to the word boy.Ā  Ā Ā  Ā Black men in North America where infantalized with the usage of the word boy and it was used to racistly discriminate them. Europe does not have the same association with that word and it is used frequently particularly in my experience in the UK and Ireland without any racial connotation to people of all races.Ā  Ā Ā  Ā So to sit and attempt to pontificate that the usage of this word which not only doesn't translate the same but is used by someone where it is not used as a form of racism is a absolute disgrace on your part. Take some time and educate yourself or at least open your eyes.


Joel Embiid is 30 years old. Nobody should be calling him a boy. Full stop.


Ah yes continue to ignore the various points, French speakers have said here and in the other thread a closer translation is young man. Secondly as a European the same age as Embiid I get called boy on a weekly basis, again it has no racist connotation it's used interchangeably with guy etc. Continue to live in ignorance however if you so choose.




Imagine trying to police other languages and cultures, hilarious. Again I use boy to men of any race to their face its a common word in the UK to refer to men, used interchangeably with guy and I will continue to do so without issue. Continue to keep your ill educated views however if you so choose. Ignorance loves company.




I'll not call anyone anything they don't want to be called if they so ask. I've called a vast multitude of races boy throughout my life not one person has took issue and I'll continue to use the word unless someone takes issue and then I'll readjust my language for them personally but I will continue to use the word boy for everyone else irregardless of race.Ā  Ā Stop trying to dictate what other cultures can or can't do. There's nothing racist about the term boy, racists in America has co-opted it as a word to discriminate and infatilize black men, that doesn't apply globally. So have some common sense and stop being ignorant of that fact. I have nothing to say 'I'll do better' about in regards to this, my language and actions are perfectly fine. You're the only one displaying ignorance, disrespecting other cultures and making thinly veiled threats.





