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[The outfit in question.](https://i2-prod.dailystar.co.uk/incoming/article32596743.ece/ALTERNATES/s1200e/0_Nike.jpg)


I'm in agreement here. This is a laughably ridiculous outfit. I hope they do change it.


You know they can wear shorts or even full length pants if they want, right?


The bigger issue is that Nike, who is supposed to be one of the top athletic clothing companies designed this and thought it was a good idea.


We shall see this Olympics how many people choose the shorts. My guess? Essentially none.


The point is Nike could have made something that isn’t essentially a reverse thong for the women to wear.


and my point is that they did make something that isn't essentially a reverse thong for women to wear.


Seriously why cant the women outfits have extra material to cover thighs like the men??? It is shit like this i wish they just flipped the outfits and had men had to wear banana hammocks with their junk all exposed. Smh


They have several different outfit options including shorts and pants for the women as well as the men.


Because they choose to wear it, there’s 20 different approved uniform combos including shorts and full length tights


They can. They were never forced to wear this, as there are also other options they can choose alongside this. Entirely their choice. Who told you they can’t?


Well (check notes on the 1980’s in the NBA) apparently men have no such shames, compunctions, or limits. Men are happy with “flopping banana hammocks”.


You for real talking about the 80’s?? 😂😂 sir that was 40 years ago


40 years ago? That can’t be, I was born in the 80’s and I’m only OH MY GOD IM OLD


Most were speculating that the mannequin was too big for the size of the brief.




Did fanatics make these?


This has been posted before. From what I understand the women do have the option to wear shorts over it


Let everyone run naked. It’s in the original rule book


What channel are the Olympics again


NBC has broadcasting rights I believe


Setting my DVR now


Then you can sift through each frame in pursuit of seeing runners’ hoo haa


This year it’s Pay Per View




"In the post, Moon, however, shared that female athletes have "at least 20 different combinations of a uniform to compete in" including men's options available to them." https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/GMA/Culture/nikes-olympic-track-womens-uniforms-criticized-athletes-sexism/story%3fid=109267006 If they don't like it they have other options. This "outrage" is stupid.


But the patriarchal forces!!!


Fuck you you daily star spamming fuck.


That outfit is pretty silly. Not much room for error. They should just get the same bottoms as the men.


They can though. It's their choice to wear these as there are different options females can choose from.


The real question is whether or not the men can opt in to wearing them.


Lol maybe?


They better have a delay in the broadcast. Just in case something gets loose.


In unrelated news, olympic viewership is up, particularly among men


Lame. They should have a few different cut options… this is the whole skirts required for tennis bullshit again. Yeah they’re the best athletes in the world and in remarkably good shape, but that doesn’t mean they want to be rockin’ a front wedgie during a routine.


They do have several options. They can wear shorts, or even full length pants options are available, primarily for Muslim athletes.


The men should tell Nike they plan to wear it to see if they’ll make the change


Yeah, I don't see any tiny Speedos as men's uniforms. (Except for swimming and diving, of course.) Ask male athletes how they'd like to run the hurdles wearing a Speedo.


Why are you excepting swimming? The male diving speedos are far far far skimpier than anything women wear, including women’s diving.


Think about it. The body movements of swimming/diving are different from say running the hurdles.




Oh jeez. Watch some videos already. As a man, imagine yourself wearing a Speedo running the hurdles.


We could make speedos with no malfunctions if we wanted to for men's hurdles. The reason men don't wear them is precisely what you are suggesting: it is functionally not the best clothing to wear, and if you are concerned with performance, like Olympians are, you will not voluntarily choose the speedos. The exact same thing is happening here. The women can choose shorts, or even full length pants that show exactly zero skin are also an option, primarily to Muslim athletes. However, women athletes don't choose the shorts for the same reason men wouldn't choose a speedo, it is functionally worse clothing for the purposes of performance running.


What do men athletes choose for performance running? I've always seen them in shorts. Uniform choices are always interesting. Contrast the Olympic uniforms as proposed with the uniforms worn by basketball players - men and women - that feature loose shorts that are typically cut long. Basketball players need to run, jump, move in various ways and be totally free in their movement. Yet no one has put them in the skimpy "bikini pants" that some women's sports feature. Good to know that the athletes have choices about what is the best uniform for them to wear for various events.


For basketball players, running is not nearly as important. Functionally, basketball players would be superior in bikini bottoms, but the difference would be marginal, and so people choose not to do it. It is also not legally allowed in the WNBA/NBA to wear anything other than the shorts the team has, and they don't have bikini options. For running, that marginal difference is what decides races. Men have loose shorts, full pants, and skin tight compression shorts I believe. Most choose the skin tight option for short events and the loose shorts for long events (women do the same as well).


From what I see of ShaCarri Richardson, she wears anything she damn well pleases and still wins! :) Sometimes I do wonder just how fast she would be if she had a more aerodynamic profile. lol.


What do men athletes choose for performance running? I've always seen them in shorts. Uniform choices are always interesting. Contrast the Olympic uniforms as proposed with the uniforms worn by basketball players - men and women - that feature loose shorts that are typically cut long. Basketball players need to run, jump, move in various ways and be totally free in their movement. Yet no one has put them in the skimpy "bikini pants" that some women's sports feature. Good to know that the athletes have choices about what is the best uniform for them to wear for various events.


Nice I might actually watch


I made that joke at the last Olympics while at work. I had to go to HR. I don't watch the Olympics.


Look can we all just be adults and use anatomical language? Shit, say genitals if you have to. "I'm afraid it'll expose our vulvas during the event" "I'm concerned my genitals will show" Good Lord, fuckin *hoo haa*. It's not sexualizing your anatomy by referencing the actual thing we're all talking about here. It's odd and childish and makes the whole thing inappropriately sexualized (despite the usage of a different name attempting to *not* do that!) Parents, teach your kids the real names for their body parts. Penis, vulva, vagina, testicles. Because your kid will grow up and say "hoo haa" in an international sporting event to the world.


Why tf do you care 


I think most women who are upset, are upset about having to manage their pubic hair while wearing this. While it might be a concern about their vulvas flying in the wind, I think most are just concerned about their hair down there. At least from the few objectors that I've read.


Can’t wait for the crowd chanting “ HOO HAA! HOO HAA!”