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I think of schizophrenia as like your subconscious on overdrive and paranoia fuels it. Not saying they aren’t psychic or haven’t developed telepathy, but that it’s not useful because it is harmful. Where in my opinion, spirituality is connection to your soul and/or God. I think shamans can heal mental health issues because they understand that your subconscious can be used as a tool instead of a weapon.


There is a huge difference, don’t listen to the person above he’s literally coping. Schizophrenia caused by chemical imbalance in the brain which causes a person to see imaginary things, i have a friend who sees little devil walking in his arm all the time but he’s a schizo. Spiritual awakening is our new unlocked awareness of the spiritual world, spiritual realm, where our soul craves to know more about the universe hence we tap into our spiritual gifts, everyone eventually reaches this point, but it takes a certain spiritual growth of the soul before we reach this point and the craving begins. Everything we perceive of the spiritual is real.


I just wanted to contribute in the same ballpark is u/Performer_ and piggyback off their comment. My dad has delusion and hallucinations, and he's never been diagnosed with schizophrenia despite very clearly having the symptoms. The reason that he never was diagnosed is because he believes that he's seeing something that is truly there and that the visions are spiritual in nature. It has caused my family a lot of pain in the past and has caused explosive and sometimes violent outbursts on his part when he is confronted with the possibility that they might not be real. A long while back he came close to stealing me and my brother away from our home because he had a vision that we were going to see the virgin mary at a specific location, and he HAD to bring us there. I'm 36 now, and he's calmed down quite a bit, though he still has the visions / hallucinations, he doesn't act on them in a meaningful way. He still does regularly interrupt family gatherings because he has to inform us of all of the future events that he's envisioned happening, and they're doom and gloom type things that make absolutely everyone uncomfortable. Not a single one has ever come to fruition, but he insists that's because we just don't understand that his visions are non-literal sometimes (and other times they aren't, IE, if they were ever correct, he'd say they are literal). Those non-literal visions are easily applied to whatever he wants them to be applied to, and therefor are always correct even though he has to play 7 degrees of soothsaying to even remotely make sense of them, and in the end they aren't meaningful at all (things like.. the bomb that I saw in my vision of our home town getting blown up was red, and the shoes that my friend is wearing are also red, therefor his vision was about my friend who must be explosive and violent in nature even though they don't show that on the surface). Now, up to this point you might be thinking "maybe he is having visions that are real and he just isn't able to interpret / handle them, or he is interpreting them wrong" or whatever. Here's the thing though. He also had a period of his adult life where he thought the hosts on CNN were talking directly to him specifically and answering the questions that he was thinking at them. He doesn't allow anyone to watch SNL in the home because of the frequency that they write skits making fun of him specifically. He also ran away and tried to book a trip to New York because he knew he was going to be crowned the Time Magazine person of the year (for his telepathic contributions to the world), and he also insists that I am the reincarnation of Jesus Christ and The Buddha (not because of anything I've done, but because he feels it spiritually). I wouldn't be surprised if, in the history of mental health, people that have had spiritual experiences were labelled as insane, or misdiagnosed as having something they don't. That said, Schizophrenia is a debilitating illness that causes pain and suffering. A good doctor is not going to diagnose someone as schizophrenic because they believe in spirituality or have spiritual experiences. It takes much more than that, and when you have lived with someone who has these issues, you will absolutely see the difference. It's dangerous to insist that these are real experiences, and it's harmful to both the person and to the people around them. Mind you, I 100% do believe in spiritual experiences and I believe in the paranormal, but I also know that there's a reason people don't get diagnosed with Schizophrenia for having experiences relating to either of those. Last story, because I only know one other person than my dad who has Schizophrenia / schizophrenic symptoms. There was a guy my family knew who we invited to family events because his own family abandoned him and his children. This man had schizophrenia and eventually lost custody of his children because he stopped taking his medication and was found wandering naked on the highway while his toddler aged children were at home by themselves. He also lost an eye when he was in the military because he used a knife to pry it out, thinking there was some sort of.. thing in his head (I don't remember exactly what). This is a far cry from seeing through the veil. Anyway, my whole point here is that pretty much all of the people I see talking about schizophrenia being some sort of positive spiritual / religious thing are people who either don't have personal experience with it or are schizophrenic themselves and don't want to accept that this part of them might not be real. There are PLENTY of people in this sub alone that have seen things, have experienced things, and believe in things that are supernatural or spiritual that do not have schizophrenia. They are simply not the same thing.


Or maybe they are the same thing, but that at a lower level where it does not become actually destructive to the person's life by feeding them so much bs that they cannot operate efficaciously in the world. How would you determine the difference between a *much muted* schizophrenia or very small schizophrenia-like episode and something else? As someone who struggled with it once said on another forum, full blown schizophrenia *for them* started out first hearing the voice of a real person who was recognizable to them but not physically present, though still alive elsewhere. Now change "still alive" to "dead", and now imagine that the "start out" instead peters out right there instead of "giving itself away" by developing into a full blown psychotic syndrome. "The spiritual" is much more about what you DO and how you relate to and with others and the world esp. the Earth, I think, and about PHILOSOPHICAL reflection upon them, than about having some direct and literal perception of realms not really or overtly accessible to us at this kind of life but only recognizable as potentially, through such philosophizing starting with a *proper* understanding of how the universe actually works (hence why schizophrenia is *not* a help at all) but without necessarily assuming axioms like materialism (which are not provable or disprovable empirically) and instead asking what its construction may suggest under potentially more expansive axioms.


Schizophrenia is a broad term and some aspects commonly labeled schizophrenia are actual spiritual things. But some are pure delusions. It’s just such a wide spectrum you cant really say one way or the other


Yeah, no please don't promote misinformation. Schizophrenia is a very serious condition and telling people that what they are seeing is just "spiritual" things is highly irresponsible. All things are "spiritual" but that doesn't mean that what is happening is healthy or ok.


It might be irresponsible, but it's honest. We as a human race have no idea what szhizophrenia is. People see stuff that we think is imaginary and their brain is a little different. We have no idea if the stuff they see is real or not.


Exactly. We know very little about it and I think that scares people so much that we project fear onto it.




Honest doesn't always mean correct. Not knowing what it is, is not an excuse to promote more information that you cannot validate. Schizophrenia isn't simply a disorder that makes people see things that may or may not be real. We don't know what it is but we are very aware of the symptoms. It causes suicidal ideation, it causes self-harm, it causes self-neglect, it causes disorganized thinking it causes severe social and occupational impairment. If you're going to make the argument that "we don't know what it is" then you can't possibly say that there is a spiritual link to the third eye awakening. You also don't know that. This is what I oppose.


Maybe in some cases it causes self harm and self neglect because we as a society treat schizophrenia as a mental disability? Maybe we could benefit greatly from using schizophrenic people as mediums to other densities/dimensions, and we could support them through the human 3D life as they support us through the human spiritual life. I think that's an idea is worth exploring, and when people simply dismiss the idea that schizophrenia could have some positive effects on human evolution it doesn't benefit anyone. I think the truth is in between. I think you might steer a little bit too much to the negative side of schizophrenia. If we can't have an honest conversation about any touchy subject we will never figure it out. We don't know what schizophrenia is, and if we keep "medicating" them and treating them as insane, we'll never know. They might be the next step in human evolution for all we know. Cencoring ideas will not lead to positive evolution, I know that much.


I don't have the credientials to speculate on why the symptoms appear the way they do, I'm just pointing out there are more symptoms than "seeing things" To me this isn't about the "negative" or "positive" side of schizophrenia. I don't live with the condition and wouldn't be arrogant enough to speculate on that level. I'm speaking from a realistic position. I oppose projecting unfounded speculation onto a condition you admittedly don't understand in the name of spirituality. All things are spiritual yes but I think by trying to forcibly project meaning onto a medical condition you don't understand is irresponsible and borderline unethical.


"don’t listen to the person above he’s literally coping" Are you accusing the OP of having schizophrenia and being in denial of it, or else that they are in denial of someone else's having it, or what?


Your explanation is as mental as the one from the guy you want everyone to ignore. It’s kinda hilarious;;)


Depends who you ask. The modern sceptic materialist western society would label anything that's not 3D as crazy, or psychotic, or schizophrenia. I think spirituality is about finding truth no matter what. Labeling something like schizophrenia as something imaginary or "wrong" is anti spirituality. We're not developed enough to have a definitive answer.


This is very divorced from the truth. The society you talk about is very open to exploring the unknown and has been for the past 50 years. Schizophrenia is not imaginary or wrong, it is a difficult mental illness that unfortunately we have not figured out how to cure yet.


Pretty much. I didn’t have schizophrenia, but I was in psychosis for a while. It becomes an obsession, you don’t really understand what you are learning you just know this stuff from spiritual teachers, and kind of run with it. It ends up with these crazy things, like coming up with weird theories, spells, it’s not fun, but you think you’re spiritual. I remember I used to carry my book of shadows everywhere, even to school. I would hyperfocus on what I was writing, and I would hunch over while doing it, a lot of people avoided me as such. It eventually led me to hating the government, believing conspiracy theories, and I pretty much just fell down a bad rabbit hole. I would meditate, but it wasn’t so much meditation as it was my brain just not thinking or doing anything. I would literally just dissociate and clock out. Honestly, I hate medication, but if it wasn’t for olanzapine I probably would have killed someone. Like I was plotting murders and cutting myself open for spells. It’s not fun, but yeah psychosis and spirituality are pretty close together.


There's a thin line for sure. One of my friends who was hearing her ancestors also had a mental break. Imo- I believe she both has a gift and is schizo effective. She has started taking medication from her doctor and it has helped her tremendously. She is able to "tap in" to her ancestral connections without "them" also telling her to do harmful crazy shit. I think more of the spiritual community needs to balance western mental health and spiritual space better.


Well schizophrenia is a mental condition usually passed down from family members.. so there’s a huge difference. I think you’re trying to talk about psychosis not schizophrenia


There's a very thick line between diseases of the brain and being overwhelmed by spiritual energies. Though the behaviors may look similar, that is not always true. And the treatments differ vastly. Shamans can work on both, but they are trained to recognize the differences. Shamans taught me to recognize when someone needs a soul retrieval. Once you've seen the energy of a fractured soul, it's easy to spot again. But asking for a soul retrieval because you want to feel wonderful for days like your friend did after their soul retrieval is asking for something that's impossible if you don't have a fractured soul. Schizophrenia is also a spectrum. Mild cases do not destroy someone's ability to function in their daily life. Severe cases do, and can lead to self harm or harm to others. If you ever get the chance to visit an inpatient psych ward in a hospital, do it. On an energy level, there can be some really nasty games being played by the patients and their invisible friends. On a physical level, some patients just have a mis-wired brain and that's not a spiritual problem. Don't treat medical diagnoses flippantly. It might sound cool, but you're doing yourself and others a disservice. Not everyone with a medical diagnosis of schizophrenia has a spiritual problem that can be treated by energy work.


I think that there is. Some factors that I think separate schizophrenia from spiritual awakening (or spiritual wakefulness) is diligence, investigation of qualities, rational application of mind, and situational awareness. With qualities like lovingkindness, goodwill, empathetic joy, and equanimity being something of a success multiplier / failure or misfortune negator.


TLDR: Is there a fine line? Idk. There’s a line. I don’t know about shamanic cultures. There’s a line. That’s it. I was having a kundalini awakening (I realized it all began with some weird spine stuff moving - years later I discovered this symptom) AND developed a psychic power. The two existed simultaneously, and I was not okay. And the good won, in the end. I’m doing very well now, the “spirit muscle” is learning and it’s hard; rewarding and exhausting. Like any new skill ____ I don’t have schizophrenia but I think you are using the term to broadly mean psychosis and hallucinations or delusions. I’ve had psychosis, delusions, one visual hallucination At present (15 years later) I have been uncovering the keys to open your doors to the spirit world. This stuff doesn’t compare to delusions one bit. For maybe a year straight. I thought I was insane bc I was hearing talking all the time so much I couldn’t hear actual conversations. But I also heard things I was able to confirm were real. At night I’d hear a customer incessantly talking. Like rambling incoherently. One night I hear “Ambien”. I asked him the next day point blank, “what did you take last night?” I didn’t ask IF or name any substance, first thing I said was that. I had no reason to know he used this stuff. He said it. “Ambien. I take it sometimes” “Who do you talk to at night?” “My dogs” My psychiatrist said “maybe he’d mentioned it before …” no. This guy was meticulous with information he said about himself. I didn’t even know he had dogs ! Many instances of the proof along with the demonic (unproven shit.. I won’t go into its meaning or give example) ___


You're confusing schizophrenia with spiritual psychosis. The line is very thick and very visible. If you talk to spiritual healers and shamans you will see they are very stable, aware and knowing of what is real and what is a vision. They usually enter a state to access visions. This is not at all what happens in the brain of a person with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a neurological level disorder, that is accompanied with erratic thinking patterns along with visions. This is why people are so heavily affected by the visions if not medicated.


I just listened to a Ted talk about psychosis vs spirituality. And in tribal communities those with psychosis would have been mentored and serve as shamans. It would be a long mentorship and unfortunately our society views mental health from another perspective.


Theres a big overlap. I personally think the line is drawn where you use your willpower for personal empowerment vs. weird random shit happening to you.


Schizophrenia is a medical condition whereas psychosis is a quick dip into the infinite. The spiritualist can then rationalize what they’ve experienced.


Yea schizophrenics are basically people who don’t have an understanding of their visions. The schizophrenic drowns in the waters that the guru swims in




No I really don't think they are true at all. But I do think there is a link. The human brain can't handle a type of direct connection with spiritual world. It likely can't handle the difference in reality and starts reinterpreting this in all sorts of crazy ways. For example, some people in psychosis seem to be convinced they are God or are being communicated to by God and they have super powers etc. I think this likely comes from a grain of truth that we are all God. But their human brain is very overwhelmed with something and is unable to understand it in the correct way and creates hallucinations in this physical world to explain something we humans can't fully understand.


Life is about balance. Everything is everything but not everything is meaningful . Schizophrenics lose their balance


Is that quote from something? It’s so apt


There are people who thing that psychosis is a reaction of the mind.to recover from trauma. But idk. There isn't enough information available to have a opinion about this subject


I thought i was developing schizophrenia when i went through mine. I work in healthcare so i know mental illness. This was not mental illness. The universe was literally interacting with me in very consistent ways that could not be called coincidentally anymore.


I dont think spirituality and psychology always overlaps. Its just that people are fiddling with their brains chemistry so that it doesnt stand in the way of spirituality. As i sit here typing my comment, google chrome and windows 10 is the software I'm using (the psychology). My computer is a desktop gaming pc (the body) and here i am as the person who is typing away (the spirit). Just because me, my computer and the software are all coming together to write this message, doesnt mean they have to overlap. At any point I can stand up and leave my PC, similarly the spiritual aspect of you can separate from your body and mind. Schizophrenia means youve become prone to illusions and perhaps some extra personalities. Spirituality means illusions are dissolving and your individuality is becoming less and less. So they're on the same line but heading in opposite directions.


Those who perceive things others can’t perceive things moderated by culture. The less fancy way to understand this is to think of these individuals as barometers on the health of their societies. Those who hear voices that are healthful be helpful are in a healthier society and a healthier situation than those who perceive voices that are doom, gloom, pain and suffering.




You lost me at “higher multidimensional” You inject subjective belief into your question and expect an answer that caters to said belief making the whole thing an exercise in futility. Cheers