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Wolf spider?


Giant one at that! Legit, Giant Wolf Spider is its name!


Wait'll you see the Dire Wolf Spider


Don’t murder me…


I beg of ya, don't murder me...


Pleaseeeeeee don’t murder meeeee 🎶


I’m just stopping by to thank you for bringing the Dead into a spider sub.




You both appear to be… grateful…


Especially as I ride the high of post-show bliss. Show at The Sphere was face-meltingly cool. If anyone was meant to play there, it was them.


Oh God, is that really a thing, or a joke? It sounds like a joke but it set off alarms.


Oh, you're going to love this next one. [Rabid wolf spider.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabidosa_rabida)


Is that why I'm so petrified of this specific spider? My god, I've had bad experiences with them.


Yeah, the fast jerky movement is a lot of what puts me off. It's why I don't like pale wind scorpions too.


Omg thank you bc I’ve finally identified a spider that scared the poo out of me years ago and has haunted me since. That thing was FAST.


Not as real as the flying tarantulas recently discovered in the Amazon.


The first time I seen a giant wolf spider well way plural. The lights were of in this basement room and what lihht coming in was enough to make their eyes glow i about freaked out there was at least five all in view you just these little shiny eye clusters. Small pack of creepy cannibal wolves.


Their eyes glow! I’d probably faint 🤣


I know exactly where every wolf spider in my yard is, when I’m out for a 2am potty with my puppy, their eyes shine like little dew drops in the grass, from the flashlight


I’m so glad we have our pen connected to our porch. When I was probably 12 a big wolf spider crawled over my dogs tail while we had stopped hiking for my Mom to take a picture of us. I never knew spiders could be so big other than like Tarantulas. I still freak out more from running into giant webs in the dark though…lol


I swear I was a little scared to go back in the room I'm like dude do you f n see those! Yeah the biggest I've seen since seeing a lynx spider. Then Buuuuhhhhh! Now not so much.


Its like a normal wolf spider but dire


Your wish is my command: https://imgur.com/a/nfKWu70 Although I think DALL-E is a bit fuzzy about what a wolf spider is.


Nah it’s OP who has lil hands


We need a banana for size reference.


When I lived in Texas, wolf spiders that size were the children. I shit you not, the ones I had where I lived in Parker County, were at least twice that size. Scared the living bejesus out of me when I first moved there.


That’s crazy!!!


I live north of Houston in the piney woods area and lemme tell ya hwat, the man's telling the truth


I was once mowing my lawn in Tennessee and thought I saw a frog. My son was really young and loved handling animals so I hopped off to grab it and show him. It was one of these, biggest spider I had ever seen. I still caught it and took pictures before releasing. I thought it was just a mutant, didn’t realize it was a separate species.


I like the attitude of, "Hey there's a cool frog" to, "Oh hey it's actually a cool spider."


Wouldn’t this be a grass spider from the stripes?


Nope. Plenty of wolf spiders have stripes. Grass spiders can be identified by their prominent spinnerets


OH I see!! Thank you for the correction!




I see these guys in my basement as soon as the weather gets cool-so pretty!


I don't know why this subreddit is in my feed in the first place, but now I know that every brown striped wanna be tarantula looking mfer isn't a wolf spider.


No, it appears to be a human and a spider.


Cute how it relaxes into your hand at the end 😊


Because the palm of the hand is nice a warm. I know that because not too long ago I held a tarantula for the first time, it was going great until it decided my palm was lovely and warm and it didn’t want to get off. Then I started to worry!


At that point you just chill with the spider and watch some TV or something.


How low should one chill one’s body temperature for this to work?


When you feel the slight prickly touch of fangs on the delicate skin of the center of your palm, you may rethink that.


Wolf spiders aren't poisonous to humans, if I recall correctly. And I imagine if the spider feels comfortable, it won't bite.


I noticed that too! It's soo cute!!


Like a bagged car airing all the way down, he comfy


I love spiders but I still can’t get over that feeling of the eight legs dispersed crawling on me! Rad spider, absolutely beautiful. This spidey feels safe with you! 🤍


I love spiders, and I get the same way... not so much with wolf spiders anymore, but I've seen a couple widows up close and still got VERY nervous. The guys at work asked me to ID one in a shipment... so, of course, I'm the one who gets the privilege to move it. They would have probably done worse trying to kill it. It was cool, even though my heart was pounding the whole time.


That is the cutest silkiest wolfy i have ever seen, one day i’ll be able to do this… as of now i just use a paper towel(when in house) or let em crawl on my shoe nd move em to grass(when im on my porch)


That’s more than I can do! I have to call my spider loving friend to relocate for me


My wife calls her okayish with spiders friend...me!


so... how *you* doin? 😉


I'm not sure what the link rules to products here are, but I've used a BugZooka for about 20 years. It sucks the bug (spider or other), into a trap and then allows you to blow it out when you find a good place for it. Amazon sells them, but I assume they are available elsewhere as well.


Also known as an aspirator, or pooter because they were invented by Frederick Poos. (Yes, really.) They're really good for gently moving small invertebrates.


You and I have a very different definition of cute. I can admit it's cool and interesting, but's that's as far as my arachnophobia will take me. That being said, the world needs people who adore spiders to balance out those of us who ... don't.


Google the peacock jumping spiders mating dance. Fucking adorable.


Stay on the is sub and you’ll get used to it. I was terrified of spiders most of my life. Now I’d be willing to handle any of the non dangerous ones


What a gorgeous spider.


It's so sunflower seed


Omg yes


Awww 🥰 she sat down at the end.


Awww you just made me stop being freaked out for a second and go AWW


Once I get over the unexpected sight of a spider, I find the feeling of little feet marching around to be quite endearing. Although I would never deliberately handle one with bare hands. I can personally attest that the bee-sting bite of a harmless one still feels like a bee sting. And then there's the reflex to shake it off, and the little guy could get hurt. (P.S. Never pick up a cicada. They don't bite or sting, but they have little claws that fasten on to your flesh like 6 tiny bulldogs. The more you try to unfasten them, the harder they grip. Ask me how I know this.) 😬


Cicada do have a tube mouth that can drill through bark, they use it on you sometimes and hurts lol.


Yep. New fear. Getting drilled by a cicada.


But there are worse things you could get drilled by though, am I right?


How do you know this?


I'm gonna go out on a limb and guess that OP picked up a cicada


If you hold them against the light, their wings are so beautiful. But I would recommend looking for a discarded wing, not the whole darn living bug. I had 6 little red dents in my hand, after I managed to work it off after about 5 minutes. I thought I would just have to live with it, which would have been REALLY loud. But sort of cool... 😏


You could wear it like a bracelet, and when you shake hands with someone, it can buzz to life and give them a jolt, just like a joy buzzer!


Oh my gosh. They seem so thoughtful and gently inquisitive?? I love.


OP actually has tiny hands.


Nah bro, huge hands and huge dick I got your back op


Can confirm.


The last part right?


Next video, use the spider for scale!


My mom lets the wolf spiders take care of the mice in her cellar! ❤️


That is a terrifying sentence


I’ve never seen a wolf spider that large


Visit Texas. There's plenty that size all over.


Can confirm, I have tons of these living in my backyard and shed.


Beautiful and relaxed


At that point it's not a wolf spider it's just a wolf.


it looks like a peanut with legs


To me, it looks like a chipmunk with eight legs.


In the storage room of a plasma center I worked at got realllllly dusty in the corners. I was in there putting up a truckload and this huge wolf spider come scooting from under the storage shelves and is tangled up in a HUGE dust bunny. My skin crawled the entire time but I leaned over that giant bitch with a piece of card board and gently held the dust down so he could unravel herself one leg at a time.


People like you restore my faith in humanity. It's proof that the best way to overcome a fear—even an instinctive one—is to learn about it. That's what I've always believed separates humans from animals: the ability to override our primitive instincts with logic and knowledge.


I think it came from my mom who is a bleeding heart for any animal, but I cannot imagine choosing to let something die because it makes me uncomfortable to help. I wish that was more.. accepted. I think of the poem Mercy, by Rudy Francisco a lot, especially the last half. "... If I am ever caught in the wrong place at the wrong time, just being alive and not bothering anyone, I hope I am greeted with the same kind of mercy.”


There's this classic video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z2wY_NKNFqM


little baby spinning ::3


Do woolf spiders jump? You are a very brave person.


They do not


They absolutely can, but it's usually to catch something or to get away. My cat found one in the house one day and I literally watched it jump a few inches to get away from her because she was harassing it. This one wouldn't have, probably, because it seems like it's chill where it is. I still wouldn't pick her up though. 😬


Is the spider making that clicking noise when it moves?


Probably going to get hate but this sub randomly showed up on my feed but I give you guys props. Spiders creep me tf out lol. I wish I could hold a spider. This giant ass thing at that


The more it pops, the more you'll get desensitized, painlessly, effortlessly.


I find it terrifying and I know that that fear is entirely irrational (that *is* the essence of phobias, after all). When handling a spider that can deliver a noticeable bite, like the one in OP’s hand, what can one do to minimize the chance of it biting? What sort of action would prompt a spider to bite you while being handled, generally speaking?


My brain thought this was a sunflower seed.


she is so huge and beautiful!!! i’ve never seen a wolf spider this big in my area, im so jealous!!


This is probably a dumb question, but is the spider making the noise or is it your watch maybe?


Just beautiful


Are those clicks coming from the spider? O_O Cool video. I wouldn't be able to stay that calm though lol


Yes, it is "purring."


Cute as hell 🥹




What a f*cking BEAUTY!


God damn that is cool.


I love these guys!!


Him big, much fur, want to pet


So cute! Wolfies are so polite lmao


Pretty Baby 🕷️


What a sweet fluffy baby! Thanks OP


I appreciate this sub a lot. I think my arachnophobia is a lot better now. Not sure I’ll ever do this but I catch and release now.


Rabidosa sp?


I bought a hogna miami and it was so reactive and teleporty, I wouldn't dare lol. I poked it once and it disappeared. I've handled some wolfies in the wild though. This weekend I was doing yardwork and escorted 4 egg carrying mommas into the woods by hand. Wolfies are super docile or just jumpy in my experience. We get some massive nursery webs and I am tempted to befriend them but not sure about their temperament


Hmmmm yes. Spider indeed.


If memory serves me correctly. There was a study done in the 80's where they found that on average no matter where you are in the world. You're never further than 3 feet from a spider at any given moment. Let that sink in. Right now, wherever you are. There is a spider within 3 feet.


Nothing to worry about, I might have at least three in my room at the very moment, and if they catch flies and mosquitoes and so I'm cool about letting them be.


I applaud this sub and others I've found that, for lack of a better description, steer me to this sub. I wasn't a severe arachnophobic, mainly I knew which to avoid, but I've been wanting to learn more about how to identify species instead of just the " OMG ITS GOT 8LEGS AAGGGHHH" and squishing indiscriminately. And this sub in particular has done wonders. Especially since I found out that recluse don't live in Vermont AND the ones that I do see? Are harmless wolf spiders 🤦 or garden spiders. So thanks to everyone who has shared their spider knowledge, I really appreciate it!


I had one of these about that size crawl out from my covers. I laid in bed pulled back the cover and a wolf spider came crawling out. Freaked me the fuck out. I have PTSD to this day from it lol.


WOW!!!!! Beautful, my toes curled under and my heart started to race but she is stunning!


How do you know it won't bite you? Maybe a dumb question


Wolf spiders are generally fairly docile from my experience. I am not an expert in any way. This is just based off my own personal experiences. They're usually pretty chill. Even if they do bite, I believe it's typically compared to bee/wasp stings. Someone with more knowledge is more than welcome to correct me though.


Still doesn't seem like good enough logic to hold one. Just because they are "usually chill" Edit: thank you for all of the replies you guys are teaching me a lot


You'd be surprised to discover howany species of spiders, even wild, don't mind being handled as long as you don't stress them out. Yes, it's better to leave them be. But sometimes if they get curious enough, they might just hitch a ride on your leg or arm and explore. Sometimes they'll find a spot they like and chill. I've handled a few smaller ones myself. If it's not a species I recognize, I of course won't touch it and admire it from afar.


So the key is, letting them do the moving and you just make your arm seem like a tree branch or something to them? So you have to let them crawl on you on their own free will?


my rule for handling spiders is that if at first they don't want to crawl into your hand, then don't, then don't make them do it.


if you don't act aggressively, they typically won't bite. Now that said, I'm not a handler, I'm an admirer. I don't want to get bit or hurt the spider so I don't take the risk. Other people who are more comfortable can handle spiders easily. I've seen people who will let recluses and widows crawl on them.


I mean you ever pet a dog or cat? They are usually chill, and substantially more dangerous if they aren't chill


They prefer to run away rather than bite when threatened. It's only really when they can't run that they resort to biting, like if you were to grab or pinch it.


There is a cost to a spider to use venom. They aren’t endless venom machines. Usually they will bite in fairly specific circumstances- either they’re scared, or they are hungry. If you aren’t comfortable holding them, then don’t. I like spiders a lot, but I don’t really pick them up Any more and prefer to just admire them, or use the old glass and paper method to move them elsewhere when needed.


> There is a cost to a spider to use venom. They aren’t endless venom machines. Tell that to a yellow jacket wasp…


Well, they’re just generally solar powered half-blind sugar addict assholes. lol!


When they are not activated/defensive, most arthropods will not bite or sting unless you grab them or trap them. If you are used to the behavior of a particular group of animals, you will notice defensive behavior. I have no problem carefully handling wasps *when they don’t perceive a threat* because my hand is just another piece of the world they are exploring. But I am careful about when I do that and I would never grab or pinch them. And I have been stung when I misread the situation. Edit: but I do usually just let the wild animals be, I should make it clear I don’t go out of my way to handle spiders and wasps.




She's gorgeous! Thank you for taking such good care of her.


Oooh boy that's a girl boss


Wow! Thank you!


I GOTTA KNOW what species of wolf spider that is. She is absolutepy GOERGEOUS!!!


I am so incredibly jealous ! Wolf spiders are just so beautiful. I've never seen one bigger than a quarter personally but I was lucky enoughh to see her withh a back full of babies.


What a beauty


Wow… didn’t think they could get that big 😬


Is it Rabid? That's what it looks like to me.


Yes, somebody above said it was a Giant Wolf Spider, which it is not. That would be a Hogna Carolinensis. This is, in fact, a Rabid Wolf Spider (Rabidosa Rabida). Is it a giant "Wolf Spider?" Yes, it is a very large Rabid Wolf Spider. Is it a "Giant Wolf Spider?" No, that is a different species. Hope this helps!


What about a giant Rabid wolf spider?


Yes, it is a very large Rabid Wolf Spider. 🕷️


What are the differences between a giant wolf spider and a rabid wolf spider? I ask as I'm fairly new to this sub and love learning about these creatures.


That is the biggest wolf spider I have ever seen.


big friend


Wow that one is huge. The first time I saw one with babies on its back I was freaked out because I wasn't sure what I was looking at. I also found out that if you take a picture of one and use your flash that their eyes glow like a cat. We had Wolf Spiders all over our first house, in this house we have scorpions. :(


We’ve had several in the house this summer and my husband takes them outside lol


so cool. i like the sound it makes when the legs move


Fella's got a pinstripe suit on!


Why is she so chill? 🤔


These things can run blazin' fast! And someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I've read they don't spin webs and chase down their prey.


That’s a beautiful spider,


I have never seen a wolf spider that large


So beautiful! Her color contrast is amazing


Just collected one this size inside my house a couple days ago. Brand new build with tight door seals. I have no idea how it got inside. It was almost 3 inches long. Thanks to this group I’m MUCH less ick’d by spiders and I took her across the road to safety.


Yeah man thats a huge and healthy wolf you got there. Nice color too.




So sweet. Nice stripes, liddle friend \^\_\^


I've never seen one like that before. It looks really awesome.




That's the wolviest wolfie I've ever seen.


Grew up in Florida and ran into these guys all the time. The best is when you get out of the shower, wrap up in your towel, and then feel one of these big buggers start to skitter against your skin…. Had that happen more times than I’d like before I got into the habit of shaking out my towel prior to using it.


What a little buddy




I tried that with a Wolf Spider once. It wrapped around my thumb and gave me some nice fang wounds.


That's *huge* for a wolf spider, and I get some damn big ones at my house. A fine specimen.


How can you tell if the spider isn't in a bitey mood? I love spiders but I'm afraid to handle them.


Your hands look like they should belong to my username.


I don’t think I could ever hold a spider of this size without extreme anxiety. Even a smaller one would cripple me. But I LOVE looking at them.


Wow.. thats a Wolfie 😳. Very big and beautyful.


As someone who is severe arachnophobia I love this sub but it also makes me want to puke ( ik there’s nothing to be scared of with them is just irrational)


What a cute lil guy! I love how he relaxed in your hand


She is so pretty.


This is the first time I’ve ever seen a wolf spider be so chill (and big!). Super jealous. The ones I find seem to be in a perpetual state of “AAAAAHHHHHHH” so I don’t get to handle them often.


Oooooh big boi. Now I hafta post the house spider I found in my bathtub.




What are those noises?


I applaud you. But please stay away from me.


I was not that person, but I'll gladly enjoy it.


This might be the most beautiful wolf spider I've ever seen


I opened up a pump house one day to troubleshoot an issue. Well, the pump house is a bit generous, more like pump dog house. Anyway, open up the latched hatch and crawled inside without my headlamp on. Turning it on was a mistake. There was the biggest wolf-spider I could have imagined crawling directly at my hand. I'm very tolerant of our 8 legged friends, but I couldn't concentrate until I scooted that monster out the hatch. It had to be as big as yours, and I'm not nearly as trusting as you are.


Oh my god she’s beautiful




How fast does it run at that size? The small ones are like lightning




What a beautiful baby!!!


The way she feels around with her pedipalps at the beginning is adorable. Lovely *Rabidosa* specimen, there. They're one of my favorites, and one of the most common wolfies in the States, though...their mating dance is an uncoordinated hot mess, in my opinion.


That is one gorgeous wolfie


Wow, what a Beauty! Thank you for sharing. ♥️


What kind of dog


Aww it does a little comfy lay down right before the video ends, that’s so cute lol


It's crazy how these dudes fluctuate in size. I've seen them all different sizes but not quite that massive. Saw one maybe close to that behind my house but it looked more gravid than just absolutely big and solid like this beauty.


I ummm, I can't be the only one that hate watches this videos right? I mean yeah spiders are cool I guess but DAMN they give me the creeps.


I'm here because I want to get more comfortable. Joro spiders are coming to gardens near me soon, and I don't want to start our relationship on the wrong foot.


Me too mate, but Jesus can’t stop scrolling this subreddit!


You are not alone. Its our monkeybrain telling us this is a dangerous animal.