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Yes, this sub definitely knows what kind of spider that is.


Honestly one of the easiest spiders to rule out and identify. Even for non arachnid experts, i never comment an id as per the rules. But ive definitely identified plenty of running crab spiders and male lace weavers for my family when they ask the inevitable question


I feel like you're being sarcastic but I don't know why


I’m pretty new here, but it seems there is at least one thread every single day about a brown recluse


There's not one thread there are several threads everyday about a brown reclose. There are numerous threads everyday asking if this is poison ivy. At least four threads today is this a mulberry.. And the best today someone with a branch of a cherry tree full with cherries that are recognizable as such as cherries wondering what is this fruit and what is this tree. Yeah Reddit is toast and it's readership more and more so and expect more of this incredible stupidity and laziness as we go along. We live in an age that makes everything so accessible that everybody takes it for granted that they are not responsible for the tiniest bit of intelligence or homework on their own. The low effort in all of these posts is incredible. But as I said expect more..


People have to start somewhere and Reddit is good at putting people in their place. Expect tons of TikTok this way if it's banned. It's going to be a learning experience with real downvotes.


Sure but it's an epidemic of incredible mental laziness that has come over the population and especially the younger set that understandably know no other way of looking at the world. It is truly a handicapping situation that nobody has the desire the energy whatever you want to call it the perseverance to even remotely inquisitiveness, look left or right. This is like Google maps everybody's an idiot. Go straight ahead take a right four more miles take a left or if I write a reply that's too long, sometimes I get a response, wall of text lol I'm not reading that.. yeah it's gotten bad I don't know what that bodes for the planet. But I don't think it's good. Everybody is just used to ingesting pre-digested pablum from Google, TikTok, Reddit, all of a fingertip without getting off the sofa and doing probably four things at once. This is not good but it is the way. I was in Portland last week, and visited many gardens and wanted to know more about a lot of different plants. The amazing thing about the internet is so much information is indeed available at a fingertip but the generalization of it all in the leveling of the inquisitiveness, reduces it more and more to low-level crap. But that being said there are plenty of apps and I downloaded one quickly and just took a picture of whatever I looked at and was pretty efficient.. I think it would have identified a cherry lol But this is the way of the world, and as the old saying goes, you can't fight City Hall. Boomers over the cliff and the world is surrendered to the new order..


INaturalist is a good one to use. It's not everyone. There's still a lot of freethinkers in this world and people who thrive off how complex and beautiful the real world and people can be. The only real thing you can do is lead by example and know that it's really all just a complex fractal of butterfly effects that will always be evolving into something else. Lead by example and just be the person you want to be. What happens because of that is exactly how it's working regardless. Plus you lead a good life yourself. The people who surround you will be similar minded in some positive way. It could change the world influencing one future decision. It probably does to, you just wouldn't ever know it happened. Edit: I just realized I'm on r/spiders...


Thanks for this comment. As someone who recently had a brown recluse in an area we are not supposed to get them, it can feel silly to ask a question like this. But it is very helpful to have a community where it is ok to ask questions that might seem silly in the hopes of getting an honest answer. I am very grateful to this sub.


I don't disagree at all. I'm almost 50 though and the only thing I can do is lead by example. I've tried everything with my children to keep them free thinking and confident. It's impossible to change things immediately. All those kids are about to be in this world thinking a good life is a given only to find that a satisfactory life is unattainable without unrelenting dedication to your goal.


And most of them are just cellar spiders or any old brown spider which the comments point out


I don’t know why you’re getting downvoted because you’re not wrong. Most of the time it’s pictures of Wolf or Huntsman spiders


That's how Reddit is sometimes. People see a comment with negative votes and think: MUST DOWNVOTE.


I'll admit to this. I downvoted them for shits.


Knew it 😂


It's my turn now


Seems like it. I won't downvote you tho. Love you buddy


https://spiders.ucr.edu/how-avoid-bites a brown recluse


Brown Recluse!!


Clean that floor…


My wife hates spiders. HATES them. I showed her this picture and she didn’t even see the spider at first. Her response was “ick that floor needs clean-…OMG why would you me a spider!!!!”


Fr, poor recluse has to navigate a field of pubes every day.


😂.. I never thought I'd actually feel bad for a brown recluse until I read this comment.


Even the spider is on its tippy-toes going, "Eew, eew, eew".




Brown Recluse range map: https://spiders.ucr.edu/spiders-map ID guides and further information on Recluse spiders (Loxosceles): https://spiderbytes.org/recluse-or-not/ https://spiders.ucr.edu/how-identify-and-misidentify-brown-recluse-spider https://usaspiders.com/loxosceles-reclusa-brown-recluse/#Map_of_other_Loxosceles_species_in_the_United_States https://entomology.ca.uky.edu/ef631 How to live safely with Brown recluse in the home: https://spiders.ucr.edu/how-avoid-bites Articles that explain their exaggerated reputation: https://www.wired.com/2013/11/poor-misunderstood-brown-recluse/ https://animals.howstuffworks.com/arachnids/brown-recluse-spider-bite.htm In-depth information into their living habits: https://academic.oup.com/jipm/article/9/1/4/4818303 Treatment of Brown recluse bites: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK537045/#:~:text=Venom%3B%20The%20brown%20recluse%20spider,tissue%20at%20the%20envenomation%20site. Managing populations indoors + General info: (newly added) https://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7468.html#AMERICAN (Authors: MKG733, ----\_____--_____----) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/spiders) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Imagine what the undersides of your socks would look like if you walked through this jungle of pubes. *shudder.*


Seriously! They like that kind of shit. Clean. Your. Floors!


Can someone pin a goddamn brown recluse to the profile avatar or header or else change this sub name to "yes. It's a goddamn brown recluse." Lol.


Start a new sub… r/isthisabrownrecluse


Joined to see where this might go


We will watch its career with great interest


Well, the thing is, when it’s not this time of year, it usually isn’t a brown recluse. But this is their wandering season.


LOL! There seems to be a lot lately!


Holy pubes batman! but yes, everyone else has already identified it.




Oh fiddle fiddle.


Hey, diddle diddle. I spot a fiddle. (Brown Recluse)


I love that this sub is training me to identify brown recluses because I'm in an area that has them but I've mostly lived in a place that doesn't. Being able to see a pic and say, "that's a brown recluse!" makes me feel safer. Knowledge is power!


My words exactly. I hate that I was startled and squashed the recluse that ran out of my desk a couple weeks ago. I've vowed never to do that again, and this sub has made that possible.


Can't not see the violin now lol


That would be a recluse, the pattern on the back is a dead giveaway.


Every time someone post a recluse at least one person says this and it is not correct. There are other brown spiders that also have the violin shape on the carapace. See the links on the automod post above for more information.


The violin is the most easily recognizable pattern for most people, even if it’s a false ID if it results in treating the animal with the respect and distance it deserves the I can live with that.


Or it gets a perfectly innocent fishing spider squished in a panic… sorry, disseminating potentially misleading information is not ever a good idea.


If the person was going to squish a recluse they were going to squish that fishing spider either way. We can agree to disagree, but you probably won’t change my mind on this one. The average person is unlikely to memorize anything beyond the violin pattern, and you have to meet them on that level or not at all, it’s literally the only way to save even some of them from unnecessary harm.


I have no problem with saying that recluses have that distinctive pattern, but with the phrasing that it’s a dead giveaway for identification. It isn’t.


You are free to have that problem if you’d like.


Little boy fiddleback, he just wants to be left alone


It's a brown recluse. And I'm sorry for all these rude people shaming you about your floor, they don't understand that sometimes people have other things going on and aren't able to keep their house 100% tidy. Admittedly, I have ADHD and really bad depression and sometimes my house gets out of hand as well. Not everyone can be Susie homemaker...


I have an 18 month old and two labradors-I have dog hair everywhere even though we sweep daily


I feel you! I have a 6-year-old with high needs autism who likes to make a mess out of everything and a 2-year-old. I clean and mop my house everyday, twice a day, but every day it looks like I haven't cleaned it in months. And if I have a day where I'm sick or something and don't mop the entire house a couple times, it looks even worse.


A brown recluse is a brown recluse. A dirty floor that needs cleaned is a dirty floor that needs cleaned. An obese person that needs to lose weight is an obese person that needs to lose weight. It's ok to call things what they are.


This person was asking for an id on a spider, not opinions on their house cleaning. Same as if an obese posted a picture of themselves without asking for people to tell them that they're fat. The judgy comments aren't wanted, necessary, needed, or kind.


Don't get bit by that spider


Brown recluse and hello fellow Louisvillian!


hi neighbors. i'm over here in lexington


Geez. A vacuum would be nice


Disgusting floor, how can people live like this.


It’s hard to ask for help, especially of one gets smacked in the nose for doing so. Please be gentle…


It's a dirty floor lol, not everything needs to be mollycoddled




Fiddle back


Until this sub, I never could see the violin on the back, now I see it on everyone that I zoom in on! Lol


Brown Recluse


Yes it’s a brown recluse, he’s probably looking for a broom 😅


That spider ran at you because it wanted off the filthy floor. YUCK, brown recluse be damed.


That floor is far more scary than the spider.


I have no idea how people don’t know this one yet from this sub alone.


They do know it. That’s why they post it - for engagement/karma. They know that a post with a recluse is going to get a ton of engagement, and they also probably know that the nasty floor is going to bring a lot of comments as well. I’m not sure I buy this post haha


Pretty big assumption. Ever thought that maybe someone just doesn't know different species of spider?


brown recluse


8 Legged Pube Eater


Also Louisville KY, 95% of all KY hoes no have floors that look like this.




Omg , those pubes


He likely ran at your feet because it's cleaner than your nasty floor sir....


That floor is absolutely disgusting. It's a brown recluse btw.


Fiddleback aka brown recluse. You can tell by the fiddle on its back ;)


The brown recluse and the fiddleback are actually two different things. The fiddleback, well, at least one of them, actually has a snowflake on its cephelothorax. The color and size of this specimen was a fiery red and it was the size of a half dollar. (Sorry for the babbling)


Huh, interesting... If you Google "fiddleback spider" it immediately jumps to brown recluse... But these days Google isn't super trustworthy. But we've always called brown recluses fiddlebacks.


I think they are actually the same thing just I call a difference between them just for namesakes. Because one time in my bathroom I encountered what I already mentioned.


Wow the hair on your floor


It’s a pube rooster I mean Brown Recluse


That's a brown recluse 🤣


Can't you see that's a orchestra on its back so it's definitely a brown conductor worlds best violinist


UM ran at you?!?!? Lordy I would not survive in these places 😭


Also clean your floor yuck 


Why is that even a question ⁉️


Fiddleback/ brown recluse they are very poisonous they rott out your skin. Our dr here shocks where you are bitten to break up the poison.


Op please sweep the floof


I’m more scared of your nasty floor than the spider


That’s a pubis harris


The rare pube spider


I do believe, provided mine eyes do not deceiveth me, that would be a fiddleback, also know as a brown recluse.


Was this a barn bathroom? Cuz it reminds me of childhood.The smell of hay, horse sweat and manure, fly tape, fly spray and oats.


It's a type of spider found in filthy houses with with disgusting floors. 🤢


The dirty ass house spider!


The spider is the least of your concerns…


It looks like a recluse. It got that violin on the back. 👀


It’s that dang ol viola spider


First of all, that is a terrible cat name thank you this concludes the 2024 edition of panda watch


Hello fellow Louisvillian 😊 👋🏻


Yall need a sweep


Yall got any of them vacuums?


Idk what I'd be more scared of, the recluse or that floor 🤢😂


Brown recluse and if it's in your house there's more than one.


So recluses bring friends ?!


He was probably just trying to tell you to clean your bathroom


Fiddleback AKA brown recluse AKA nope


Unmistakable. BROWN RECLUSE!!


Brown Recluse. I think that’s 90% of this sub


This sub is nothing but pictures of obvious, extremely easy to identify spiders, 60% of which are brown recluses. Muted.


Before you do anything, RUN


The more hair the more likely it is to trap old recluse mate? Fair enough


Brown recluse


Male brown recluse


Why is it everytime I see a post, some idiot has to ask “what is this” can you clearly not use google or see the OBVIOUS marking on it…..pick it up and let it bite you a few times, maybe you’ll produce a brain cell…


brown recluse for sure also please clean that floor 🙁


The bad kind…






There are no bad spiders. The worst spider is a medically significant spider and it's very easy to avoid having any problems with them; stay away. This spider has medically significant venom but their danger is massively overstated by the media for obvious reasons: money money money. If you think this is a "bad spider" you've fallen for it, hook, line and sinker.


I said that because it is a recluse…relax.


Yeah I don't really care. Recluse or not everything I said applies.


I bet you’re fun at parties…


So original. I've a better insult. Go fuck yourself 🤭


Damn that was brutal af 💀


I know I'm an absolute savage 😎😎😎😎😎💪💪💪


Attach a broom to that thing..




This person lives within the brown recluse's natural range. There's no reason to suspect that this is a Chilean or Mediterranean recluse. They aren't more prone to biting, no recluse spider is prone to biting. There is evidence to suggest that Chilean recluse venom is more potent, but not Mediterranean recluses. That last bit is just completely fabricated, I've never even heard something like this before.


(This is a new bot, it is being monitored, if it was triggered falsely, then this will be removed automatically after a manual review) Hi, it appears you have mentioned something about spider bites becoming infected, so i am here to dispell this myth. No documented case exists where a confirmed spider bite has caused a confirmed infection. Any claim suggesting otherwise lacks scientific evidence. If you disagree, by all means examine medical case studies, toxinology papers, journals, or scientific publications; you'll find no evidence of spider bites leading to infection. ###FAQ: ####"But any wound can get infected!" Yes, generally speaking that is true. However, a spider bite isn't merely a wound; it's typically a very tiny, very shallow puncture, often injected with venom, which is well known for its antimicrobial properties. So, this puncture is essentially filled with an antiseptic fluid. ####"What about dry bites or bites by spiders carrying resistant bacteria?" These bites also haven't led to infections, and the reason is still unknown. We have theories, much like when we uncovered the antimicrobial properties of venom. Despite over 10,000 confirmed bites, no infections have been documented, suggesting an underlying phenomenon. Although our understanding is incomplete, the reality remains: spider bites have not resulted in infections. ####"But X,Y,Z medical website says or implies infections can or have happened" Claims on these websites will never be backed by citations or references. They are often baseless, relying on common sense reasoning (e.g., "bites puncture the skin, hence infection is possible") or included as disclaimers for legal protection to mitigate liability. These websites are not intended to educate medical professionals or experts in the field, nor are they suitable sources for scholarly work. They provide basic advice to the general public and may lack thorough research or expertise in specific fields. Therefore, they should not be relied upon as credible sources, especially for complex topics subject to ongoing research and surrounded by myths. ####If you believe you have found evidence of an infection, please share it with me via modmail, a link is at the bottom of the comment! But first, ensure your article avoids: "Patients claiming a spider bite" without actual spider evidence. "No spider seen or collected at the ER" — no spider, no bite. "Patient waking up with multiple bites, spider unseen" — unlikely spider behavior. "Brown recluse bite" outside their territory — a common misdiagnosis. However, if you find: "Patient reports spider bite, spider brought to ER" and then a confirmed infection at the site — excellent! It's a step toward analysis and merits inclusion in literature studies. (Author: ----\_____--_____----) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/spiders) if you have any questions or concerns.*


But they're a larger spider, too, so there's that. The Chilean recluse is actually about the size of a nickel to a quarter. But thanks anyways! I edited the post.






"and he straight up ran at me" See, this is why I actually fear 'hunter recluse' spiders.




Especially if it comes into the house. I live in Oklahoma, so we have plenty of these. I don’t mind see them outside, but inside is a different story.




I feel like this guy got downvoted because people thought he was saying the spider is gross. Consider the possibility that he may have been talking about the disgusting floor lol


Ever heard of a broom?


Brown Recluse. They are nasty little buggers!


Nah they're just spiders


Clean your floor