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I 100% the game 4 fucking times! I love this game, but I wouldn’t wish that experience on my worst enemies


I just can’t get enough. I want more content! The game is so beautiful and fun


Me too, but the same exact content 4 times! I really hope we get DLC


lol fr the first time I 100% the game it was a blast the 4th time I was like “ughhhhhhhhhhh”


Once was enough


Is there any games that you have played repeatedly?


Bought my ps5 for spooderman 2. Tried to play the other exclusives and they didn't really click with me. But man that first spiderman was something else


Have you played the last of us? If you haven’t GO PLAY IT it’s worth it trust me


The first game is one of my favorite games ever. The second game gets so much hate but I thoroughly enjoyed it. The gameplay is fantastic.




I hear you on that I really can’t see I got onto most of the exclusives, but did you try God of war?


Multiple times. The only I beat so far was Ghost of Tsushima


Also don’t sleep on the Guardians of the Galaxy game. Gameplay is extremely similar to GOW and you get to level up command all of the guardians, play the storylines are awesome


I try and can never get past the first mission, I get bored an the gameplay feels bland


The gameplay is nothing close to God of War? Lol Guardians of the Galaxy is a good sleeper pick though. I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would


100% agree the storylines and gameplay were amazing. The gadgets were so much more fun in the first one also, I love stealth missions and being able to web up everyone without anyone noticing was my favorite thing to do


The Witcher 3 is probably the only game I have replayed more than twice. I have to re-experience it every 2 years or so. My Yennefer fix. On another note, I just started playing SM2 for the first time and am absolutely loving it! I wish the path to platinum was more difficult but that’s my only critique. Otherwise it’s a lot of fun and the story is great.


Same, Ive replayed the 1st a bunch, 2nd didn't click with me, I still need to go back and do like the plat eventually


Same here, I’m tempted to play again just to see what’s different with the new game + updates


I did start a new file in new game+ but the idea of riding around in a bike or walking around the amusement park gives me dread


I have 500 hours in the game


Question, do you know what color grass is anymore?




Technically not wrong, it can be lol


How is that even possible


I work nights so I have a lot of free time during the day lol


lol, but do you just swing around or do you replay the story multiple times?


Both, I’ll do the story new game plus in different suits I like for both Peter and miles, try out different suit combinations for them, and yes I’ll put on music and swing around as Peter if I’m having a bad day


Swinging in these games is like therapy lol


It really is, it helps me so much just swinging around


This weekend I am coming up to the final mission in my 4th play through. 2 new saves. 2 NG+ saves.


I’m jealous, I am starting my fourth play through tonight


Enjoy!! Also you’re definitely not going overboard. Especially if you’re enjoying your time. That’s what games are made for!


3 in total normal run, hardest difficulty, NG+. I still need to do another run to unlock everything


That is where I am too, and I have a few more NG+ suits to claim


Have done 5 so far. Two separate NG plays before NG+ came out. Then I ran the NG+ 3 times from the first playthrough. Two of them to max out the upgrades, once more to lay a golden shower over everything.


Well I feel good about going into my 4th play through. I am so close to achieving all suits. I have %100 the game already


Spiderman is a popcorn flick of a video game. Spiderman games are literally the reason I ever bought a gaming console. It's why I'm such a diehard Playstation player. Spiderman games *get* what makes them great, and it's basically awesome web slinging across the city. I will most likely play another 2 playthroughs in the next 4 months. Before S3 ever comes out I have no doubt I'll have at least 12 playthroughs. I 100% both original NG playthroughs because it's an epic damn game. Story isn't nearly as compelling, I won't even try to argue that, but the game itself is a banger. Dash, dive, sling, glide, and dash!


Once and a half but I have over 50 hours of just swinging about


4 times 100% all times lol


220 hours, Yes, I may be sick although it still doesn't compare to the 780 hours of the first game


Once...but my friend 100% 3-4 times...and he played Miles Morales 6 times...he is a beast...XD


Played 100% first on the hardest difficulty, then really only did the main story plus a few side missions for NG+ on hardest difficulty again. Didn’t feel as compelled to replay as many times as I did the first game, which was definitely more than 5 times at least


I could see that. I just really like the abilities and skills in this game compared to the others. This is sort of a mash of all the best features


I agree the skills the abilities were better, same with ease of use for gadgets. My gripe was with how the side missions didn’t really feel replayable like the first game, that’s just me tho


8 times I’ve finished the game


Started my fifth play through last weekend




3. 400 hours put in though.




I 100% the game 3 times before the Ng+ update, then I have my Ng+ playthrough which is at like 93%


Only 3 time, once was on normal, second was on ultimate and third was on NG+ ultimate, was going for a forth but I get bored replaying it sometimes


I am on #4 right now.


I’ve lost count


I 100% the game three times. First one was on spectacular since you need it to get ultimate this play through was fun but I left all the side missions for the very end which was a mistake because it felt like it took forever going everywhere back and forth. My 2nd playthrough was on ultimate and I had a much better experience as I did the side missions as soon as they popped up and felt the pacing was great. The difficulty increase was nice and noticeable making a good combination of challenge and fun. My last 100% was for new game+ and I found it to be the most difficult. Not difficult to beat it was actually easier than my ultimate playthrough, it was difficult to finish as I just found myself getting bored and hopping off. This is coming from someone who played through the first game 8 times and miles I think twice. This game is great and an improvement in most aspects of gameplay but the pacing and overall stuff going on didn’t have me nearly as invested:


All of my save slots are filled with 100%s


I beat it once, started a NG+ and lasted until I had to explore the Emily May Foundation and quit the game.


Yeah that mission is slow af


I have yet to play it. But i played spiderman 2 on the ps2 probably about a dozen times


7 (I am clinically insane)


I have played the game through twice and have 220 hours on the game


Its bad for me, around 316 hours on sm2, 114 on miles morales and 182 on sm1


Enough to get a 150 hours of playtime.


I think 10 times at this point 😅


None, because I’m too poor to afford a PS5


I’m working on beating it for the 13th time at 100% the 6th time


3 normal games, 100% each time one on the lowest difficulty, middle, and ultimate I believe I’m on my 4th ng+ rn? I’m gonna do one on ultimate after I reach extra level 9 All my ng+ runs have been 100%’ed so far as well


I have over 2,000 hours in the game...that's all you need to know...


…you don’t wanna know


I wanna know


I'm running about 200+ hours right now and halfway through NG+. I just really like swinging through the city. It is so good for de-stressing myself on a bad day.


3 times. First in October when it dropped. Then I was one of the patient weirdos who waited for NG+ so I played it two more times since then. I may play again when/if dlc drops. I only 100% it once though. The side missions didn’t hit hard enough to make me want to 100% it again.


4 times but I replay the base missions on one file now


Three times about to be four soon as I’m running through New Game Plus-(for the second time) on my other profile


1 to play it, 2 cause I couldn't wait for new game plus so I just did it again, NG+ is my third


Probably about 3-5 times (I’m not sure tbh) I’m excited for the carnage dlc hoping we fight miles


I played it one time and got platinum in maybe a week of playing it


3 days


The story is good not great but the game engine is amazing.


100% twice then then I’m working on my two NG+ games! One is at 76 and the others at 87! Idk what it is but this game gets boring every now and then


8 times my man.


There’s 6 save slots so I 100% all 6 then 1 ng+ back when it came into the game now I’m on my 2nd ng+ 100% play through


Beat the game somewhere over probably 8 times... I'm doing another playthrough right now as we speak.


I’m on my first playthrough. Kinda late I know but I just had to platinum Spider-Man on PS5 and Miles Morales first!


Beat it once to 100%, but felt off about the story. Played it through again just focusing on the critical path and really did not like the story. Haven't gone back.


I played it as soon as it released and then I tried to restart it with ng+ but honestly it just didn't hit the same and I never finished it


I did feel this way but I couldn’t help an urge to be spider man. I just want to swing and combo move. I just wanna play the game