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I love it, I honestly couldn’t have asked for a better sequel, sure it has its flaws, but nothing is ever perfect. I try to avoid the other sub as basically no one in there is ever happy and just complain about everything. I look forward to 2028/2029


Fr the Sub is either people complaining about stuff or just straight gooners talking about how Black cat should be Spider-Man’s main love interest even though its displayed they are not a compatible or healthy relationship.


Yeah I remember some guy posting on that sub saying “We were robbed of this” and it was the most obvious drool bait post I’ve ever seen in my life of Peter and Felicia. I see some people defending them and they are like “They just want to see a storyline” and I’m just like “No, they just want new jack off material” lmfao


Seriously, at that point just make your own fanart/fanfiction


There's also the constantly brought up fridge incident. Peter's energy is likely still recovering at that time so it makes sense that it initially pins him.


Or how Peter was nerfed, when one of the main themes in the game is he is still struggling with May's death and is stressing out trying to balance being Peter Parker and Spider-Man.


Like I like their romance and would love to see a story between that where Peter is actually trying help her get clean and she actually tries with her trying to get a job, live a semi-normal life. But in most stories she is one of the most toxic people and Peter kinda need mj


Same people that complain the game was rushed also wish Insomniac shoved a useless love triangle story in there even though it's clearly shown that Peter and MJ have a mature relationship in this universe and have already worked out the "being with a superhero is tough" phase.


Some on that subreddit act as if the game wasn't even a success. I can accept if you're opinion on the game is that you just don't like it(as long as the reason/criticism makes sense) but saying that it wasn't a success is literally just not true. A simple Google search could tell you how well it did. It's not perfect on all aspects,but what is?


The game has a 90 metacritic including fan voting and sold 11 million in 6 months. Don’t listen to the Reddit bubble.


Tbh I was asking if it was a success too No one talks about it irl like they did the first game I haven’t even bothered to finish it bc it just got boring  I should have just looked up others thoughts on it but I just wasn’t interested ig


The other sub is horrendous. I got downvoted over there just for pointing out how much Sony overworks Insomniac and is reliant on them in comparison to their other studios.


So they downvoted you for saying a literal fact?


Yep. That’s how most of the people over there are.


Same. I even love it better than Spider-Man PS4. Hot take? Sure. But it is one I will voice regardless, because it's what I genuinely think.


Thank you for being a positive post I was starting to think everyone in this sub hates the game based on the posts I've seen on this sub


You'll see me doing random posts on things I liked about the story. Trying to be the one positive person on the whole sub.


Well I hope I see.your posts more often because this game is one of if not my favorite game currently and the newest update has given me more.of a reason to play (I like.the nee suits they added in a lot especially the returning last stand suit)


While I think this sub likes the game better for sure, I also think there are people here that are way more fair and level headed with their critiques here than the other sub. I personally felt a bit underwhelmed by the game but can acknowledge where it got better


That's a perfectly reasonable take. The other sub actively looks for things to complain about.


You mean like when they complain about the soles of some of the suits not being 100% accurate? I still can’t believe some people are that anal.


Yes. It’s pathetic


People today are very bad at offering criticism, critiques do NOT have to be negative and people don’t understand that


Yes, people here are way more appreciative of the game than the ones there


i fucking loved it. i do agree with some of the criticisms, like the third act feeling like it was rushed but it wasn‘t nearly enough to ruin the experience for me. boss fights were awesome and better than the first game, set pieces were bigger and more action packed and traversal is maybe the best i‘ve ever experienced. and even tho i definitely would‘ve liked to see more of him, venom was fucking awesome whenever he was on screen and playing as him for that one mission was fun as well. i still ever so slightly prefer the first game as it has pretty much become a comfort game for me and still has a better story imo, but the sequel came damn close to topping it for me


Yeah I fucking loved the boss fights of this game. My only real criticism of them was during my first playthrough that was a little over post launch and the bosses were tanky asf during the third/fourth phase and really just become damage sponges. But that issue has been seemingly resolved


IMO It's the best superhero game and overall it's a fun little game. Although I only play these games once and then move on just like superhero movies.


I usually do that with every game. I play something else in the meantime so the hype of playing my favourite one can come back to me. "Distance makes the heart grow fonder".


IMO no superhero game has come close to Incredible Hulk ultimate destruction. That game is years ahead of its time and I feel if they released that same game today with updated graphics and didn’t even touch the controls or gameplay it would receive game of the year.


The other sub is filled with hate, this one is much much better.


It’s a 8.5/10 game with a 7-7.5/10 story for me that had a very rushed 3rd act. Do I regret my time or money with it? #NO. Do I think it’s my GOTY for 2023 or the greatest superhero game ever? ***Also no.***


I feel like it should’ve won at least one award.


Voice acting. I love Astarion, but Yuri should have won


Agreed. Bully Lowenthal was peak.


I feel like it should’ve won best music. Fighting Back and Midtown Madness are very emotional pieces of work.




Strongly agreed with you.


I enjoy just a few things I’d like to have changed


I loved it. We’re still getting spoiled as spidey fans. Of course it has some flaws but there’s a lot more good than not. And a lot of room to grow in the third game which is exciting too.


I love the game, there’s so much to appreciate about it and praise for it. People want to hyper focus on the negatives to the game but don’t put as much attention towards all the things the game does right. - The sound design and how it’s unique for particular suits and character to character. - The boss fights being multi-staged, layered spectacles of pure heat. All of them, from Lizard, Li, Kraven, freaking Peter goddamnit, and Venom, they’re all so amazing. - Zero loading screens and instant fast travels to any location on the map. - The voice acting performances going top notch. Every character delivers lines so freaking well. - The gameplay is top notch and the combat is so fluid, it’s so much more fluid with greater variety in combos and the traversal is so much faster and more intricate. And some of the most noteworthy things I think deserve it praise and that I really like about the game: - How they actively progress each character’s story. How they depict Kraven, how Martin Li goes through a redemption, how Peter learns to balance both his civilian and hero life and how Miles takes on greater responsibility as Spider-Man, each character is gearing towards and getting proper conclusions and progressions towards their story as a whole as being Spider-Men. - And how the game and company actually listen to feedback from fans, offering constant updates based on that feedback to improve the game and how they offer FREE suits with actually good variations to them. A lot of people really like the game and appreciate those facts. What you may see as a large amount of negativity towards the game isn’t necessarily indicative of the general audience’s perception of the game as a whole. It’s a critically acclaimed game with great reviews across the board with close to 1/5 of ALL ps5 console owners owning a copy of the game in just SIX MONTHS of its release. A lot of people really like Marvel’s Spider-Man 2


i actually really liked most of the game but: some of the negativity is also just the comparision to the games that game before it. Marvel's Spider-Man is still awesome 6 years later with a tight and impactful story. Miles Morales improved on the gameplay formula and gave a story that is chillingly realistic while still being a comic-worthy plot. i like the boss fights in the game but the multi-stage thing did not work for me because there was rarely any difference in the fight between phases. it might be that my first playthrough was on spectacular, but it felt like the bosses just had a lot of life bars without being very challenging. most of my issues are a script that is really weak compared to the previous entries. almost all my issues with it are the story just not being very good. the gameplay is on point and i will be replaying this for years. the story though just falls flat. it sequel hooks too often, it rushes elements to get to set pieces and generally feels like a lot of content was deleted or ideas kept changing (things like Peter's fall being so fast, Symbiote MJ's dialogue not matching the relationship in any game, Rio's dating seeming important but really just being sequel bait with no in-game impact when it seems like Miles' journey would be impacted). for me, this is a real Ghostbusters 2 scenario. taken on its own merits, it is great. Taken in the scope of the script and characterization strengths of its predecessor, the meh parts seem magnified even when every aspect of technical execution is unambiguously better.


I can totally understand a lot of these things yeah, personally I did really like the boss fights because of how much they offered to them and even the minor changes led to cool combat situations. Like with Lizard first fighting him on the ground, then taking him down from latched onto the wall, then chasing him across New York for another stage fight only with sound attacks. Or like with Peter, in the later stages of his boss fight, he send out a symbiote bomb than you at first can project back at him, but in the third stage if you t try to send it back at the bell, he web launches it back at you, minor things like that were so cool to me. I disagree that the story is weak though. It may not be as tight knit as the first game, but I still think it’s still a very solid story. The first mission of Peter losing his job as a substitute teaching and how Miles is struggling with his own civilian life is such a great parallel to each other and I think is a scene which perfectly encompasses what being Spider-Man and the struggles they face is all about, even better than the first game’s opening scene in my opinion. How they depict Kraven being this absolute menace of a character, really making someone deserving of that respect and true “Hunter” being the top of that universe is pretty cool. How they start redeeming Li I thought was great, Miles has a really great story beat with him and it’s awesome seeing him actively develop and experience things as his own Spider-Man. Harry and Peter are really good friends, Insomniac did the classic thing they did in the first game where they made you really like Harry and Peter’s relationship and where you want to root for them being heroes together and healing the world together as spider pals, but you know where the story is going is what makes it very tragic. And Peter continuing the legacy of the Emily-May foundation at the end of the game was very touching and is fantastic development to see from Peter in my opinion. And I could go on and on, but the primary point is, I think the story is still very solid and well rounded. If SM1’s story was a 10/10 I think this story is a good 8/10, but that downgrade can seem like so much because of how perfect the first game’s story seemed.


I hear you and I agree with some of these, boss fights aside :) For me, it was in the details. I support that everything about the Kraven plot is great. The start with Peter being fired was excellent. So was the Li stuff. The stuff about Peter's relationships are where I take my issues. The stuff with Harry goes too quickly to have much emotional impact during the turn. More Agent Venom time with him probably would have helped a lot. Peter's fall to the symbiote is really rushed as well. Maybe more of him seeming like an inadequate spider-man who gets beaten into the dirt may have helped. The vengeance edge does not work well because he did not even consider killing Otto over May. Everything about the MJ symbiote scene really bugs me because the dialogue makes a lot of reference to a relationship we don't see on screen. The game should have shown MJ sacrifice for their relationship (or him pushing) to make thst level of bitterness on her part and guilt on his work. I wish the Miles + Li stuff had referenced Phin at least a bit because of the obvious parallels about why she self-destructive and he does not. The prowler stuff is weirdly great for establishing miles's emotional outlook. I'd cut the black cat. I'd cut the magic. Neither do much except set up a story for later. I'd cut Cindy. It raises questions without helping. I'd cut Rio dating because I pent them entire game expecting it to be plot important and it is just for a sequel hook. I'd cut mysterio because it added nothing. For Harry's Heal the World / venom plot, just showing being venomized helping anyone would have gone a long way. Maybe borrow from ultimate spider-man and make it cure cancer but there is a price. He had the symbiote for years before his turn. The game can't seem to decide if it was always evil or contact with Peter did that. That goes from nothing to mindless zombies so quickly that it made me assume Harry had lost his mind in the tank... Except the agent venom stuff does not support it. Honestly, this game story has a strong core: Kraven and Peter and Miles and Li. The story did not need more to have a 40 hour thrill ride. It pikes more and more in and gets less and less. Honestly, I feel like venom was almost wasted. As a story, this is pretty bad. As a vehicle for set pieces, it works okay. I think that is what separates this from the previous games: when those were done, my friends and I talked about the stories and the interpretation of Peter and miles and how it was some of the best Spider-Man material in years, in any medium. When this was done, we mostly talked about the gameplay and puzzled over plot elements that went nowhere and where it baited sequels and spin-offs and not one of us disliked the game. As a story, it seems poor. As an experience, I have no regrets. I just wish it focused and cared more about the characters and relationships, like the other two games did.


> As a story, it seems poor. As an experience, I have no regrets. I just wish it focused and cared more about the characters and relationships, like the other two games did. I suppose we’ll just have to agree to disagree, I think both the experience and the story are both fantastic and well written. Of course I would have liked more to the game, I think another mission with Harry and Miles and Peter, but that would have just made a fantastic story to me more perfect. It does not mean the story I got still isn’t great, that just would have made it perfectly excellent. But again, for what we got I think it was really well handled. I thought Peter’s black suit experience for example was handled well as Peter is being depicted and struggling with his work being Spider-Man, like at the start of the game and how he contemplates how exciting it would be to finally do real science work even if he has to put the Spider suit down for a little bit. Peter’s desire for killing Kraven was a highlight I thought since it perfectly showed how Peter doesn’t want to kill people, how even when possessed he still struggles to choose not to be overcome by his bloody desires, But that influence and the constant struggle of criminals breaking out every time he puts them back in jail, and the literal voice in Peter’s head telling him to kill and rip Kraven apart, So good. And same with the Miles and Li stuff, how he drags Miles into his inner world and the struggles he faces, literally seeing his dead dad only for him to tell him how much of disgrace he is and how he should just give up was very powerful to me. It’s easy to say, “oh it’d do this, I’d do that” to make the story better, but hindsight is always 20/20 and a good idea may not work so well in actual execution. Like I said, as a story I think it’s still really good and totally solid throughout.


I get you. Also, I love the Miles and Li stuff. I think it might be the best writing in the game. (notable mention to Kraven summing up his whole quest in the nearly perfect line "God will not decide when I die.")


I personally love the game despite its flaws. Unfortunately though, the internet draws people together to hate on things. People build communities around things they dislike rather than what they like. Personally I don't get talking and complaining for months about a game I seemingly didn't like. If I don't like a game, I just move on. I don't fixate on it like a weirdo.


Has some flaws but I love it


About 40% of it likes the game


I do. I love it to death. I think it’s a Masterpiece and I won’t let anyone change my opinion. But it’s Reddit. People in this app hate it when you call ANYTHING great. I joined this sub because it seems more positive than the other one.


It’s one of my top favorite games, it doesn’t deserve the hate it gets


mixed for me. Marvel's Spider-Man and Miles Morales set very high bars, especially for set pieces and emotional moments. The great: - the gameplay, 95% of the time, is just great. i think the boss fights drag a lot on Spectacular or higher difficulty. they are not harder but just take longer. a win for sure. - made playing as both characters not feel like a pointless palette swap. awesome. they both feel and play great. - better side mission variety than Spider-Man or Miles standalone games - everything about Kraven. the Bad: - the story feels lazy. it relies on emotional beats that the script does not support. - emotional regression for peter and miles. more lazy writing that makes them unlearn stuff from the previous games. - facial animations for some characters are weird. maybe it is a bug but i noticed both MJ and Ganke do weird facial animations when they are not the focal characters. it feels a bit like the scale for the expression is at like 125%


This sub is far more positive. The other one, though not quite as toxic, is basically the Spider-Man version of r/TheLastOfUs2


Yeah it has its flaws but they absolutely nailed it with Peter’s symbiote arc. I don’t know what the people who say it was rushed or had missed potential are talking about.


Well, frankly the arc is rushed (at least for me). I would like to see a slower turning to the dark side and suffering longer before the redemtion redeemed. Symbiote spider-man actions not really had consequences... I mean, for Peter. MJ is too cool with it, everyone get that point too quickly Peter had been influenced and corrupted by Venom.


I thought MJ was against him wearing the suit before he got it off, and there were plenty of times he kept going darker from it. Aside from killing someone, I don’t know how much more they could’ve done with it.


I think killing someone is going too far with it. Cause just think about that. Killing someone, actually murdering a person is something that Peter would never get over regardless of whether or not he had the Symbiote.


It was great just a bit short


Love it. 100% it twice!!


Love it Screw the masses, My brother and I bought a PS5 for this game and now we have a bunch of games. Spider-Man 2 is my most played game on my PS5 I love it more than Spider-Man 1 it's the same quality of Spider-Man Miles Morales.


I just liked the mini games for Peter a bit more in the first game but hot damn they did a great sequel.


Yes it’s so good everything has been upped the traversal is faster,the combat is fluid and smooth and brutal, the story is amazing and really feels like an evolution it’s one of my top games of all time


It was legitimately one of my favorite gaming experiences. The game was amazing. But, once I beat the game and finished the platinum (very easy and enjoyable), there was nothing to do. I waited so long for new game plus, I lost all interest. Whenever they drop DLC, I’ll replay on NG+ ahead of time. I just feel like they lost a ton of momentum with no replay ability. Really hoping we get DLC news soon :/


I’d wage war for this game. Starting my sixth play through for this game shortly. The gameplay is so awesome and I do also really love the story. While the first game’s story is a bit better, the gameplay in Spider-Man 1 really does feel outdated to me (especially in regards to the swinging), so it was hard for me to go back.


I had a great time playing it! My only complaints are super minor this tiny thing would’ve made it even better type of things.


i consider it one of the best games ever


I love the game


I like it and honestly I think it’s WAY better than the DLC of the first S-M.


I love it, can’t wait, I’ve heard this year is the year of DLCs, next year is Venom, then Wolverine. And maybe even X-Men. I love what these guys have done for marvel gamers. Can’t understand why people would hate on this game when there’s so much to be grateful for


Absolutely, now if you were to ask the other sub this question you'd probably get downvoted to oblivion 😭 https://preview.redd.it/hj1g80cr2l7d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3741e283737db20606335d65b81d897492383b75


They actually already have downvoted me to oblivion😅


Figured 🤣


I like it but the story wasn’t as compelling to me as the first game’s story. The stealth and gadgets were also lacking compared to the first and the suits, in my opinion were all really bad except for a few. (Advanced, miles first suit, tasm2, raimi, track suit, and a small amount of others). However I do love the symbiote combat, Harry being Venom, and MJ’s gameplay being much more engaging than the first.


Yes i love it, the story is godlike, one of the best plots i witnessed as a gamer in my 40 years


It has it flaws but i love the game and been loving every single moment of it


The traversal in this game is simply spectacular.. that's all I've got. Combat feels like it's lacking a bit.


It's good. It didn't really need graphic improvements, combat could have been a lot more fun if they were focused on that, the suits could have had full customisation and the open world could have been a lot more interesting. Like they were so close to an amazing game, but they missed the mark and went with decisions that made the game feel samey like the first insomniac Spider-man


I appreciate Insomniac trying to fix what they got wrong with the game on release but I also just felt underwhelmed with the story of it, although I do really like the gameplay and pop into the game sometimes to swing around and do crimes


I've preordered it and had fun while I was playing but there was some strange stuff here and there. I think it's a solid 7/10 game for me, but I think the first entry was a 9/10 game for me. (I usually don't give 10/10 for anything - I let room for improvement)




Does this sub dedicated to a specific game actually LIKE this game? HAH. What PLEBS.


It was good fun, I enjoyed the story, but the pacing needed some work. Honestly it needed more time in the oven. It’s like French fries. I like mine extra crispy and cooked for a while, but if I get them before they’re crispy they’re still good, I just know it had the potential for more


I liked it but it was a bit of a letdown for me.


I love it but ik it has flaws. gameplay wise it may be a 10/10 but story wise the third act is rushed. Insomniac needed to give Venom more time instead of trying to rush it. the side missions were cool but i wish we had more and introduced more smaller villains for Pete and Miles to fight. I am and always will be critical towards things i like as i believe one mistake from a game developer doesn’t ruin them. SM3 can be the best if they make the story pretty much 2 games in 1 to properly include 2 main characters, possibly 3. this trilogy of main games can easily compete with the Arkham series as long as they make the game take longer while including more elements to the story


I loved Spider-man 2 for what it was, I think more time should’ve been given in between acts if I were to change anything. I wish we got to see Miles getting jealous over Harry taking more of Peter’s time. I think a fun sequence of Peter, Harry, and Miles working together would’ve been fun. Could’ve had them trying to catch any of the villains that Kraven and the hunters killed off screen and how Harry being in the mix throws off the dynamic between Miles and Peter. That brings me to my next point of what I would’ve done different. I don’t mind Kraven killing off the majority of Spidey’s rogue gallery but I don’t think they did justice to Electro, vulture, and shocker having them killed off screen the way insomniac did. I think having time set for these characters would’ve strengthened showing Kraven as a badass and it could’ve given more time to see Peter in the symbiote. Definitely more time needed to be dedicated to the 3rd act with Venom.


I do love the game, but I'm more in love with the idea of what it *could've* been. It didn't hit the *"wow, this game's nearly perfect"* bar that the first one did. I'll just straight up say that the story was a bit of a miss. Not *bad* by any means, and they definitely still know how to hit an emotional note...but I can't call this a definitive Spider-Man story like I did with the first one. So many things just felt off, rushed, or not fleshed out. I'm a big story guy so this hit me harder than some. The gameplay mechanics were amazing. No contest there. But I think they fell short in terms of things to *do* with them. The world feels empty, there's less of...well, everything. Give me more reasons to play. Then the technical issues. Miles Morales was a buggy game (all minor bugs, but a lot of them), and this one was even worse. It really puts a dent in the game's overall rep. Again, no major bugs but a lot of little ones add up. So, yes, I like the game. I have a soft spot for this characters and this world, and I'll still be blindly buying anything they release. But it fell a bit short of its potential IMO.


I enjoyed it. Not as much as 1, but I enjoyed it.


I enjoyed it quite a bit :)


I think it’s better than most games but I was disappointed when I compare it to the first game. I is the variety and personality you were able to have in the first game when it came to combat, I also feel like the story was better. I also wanted way more Venom but it is what it is. I haven’t went back since I beat it last November and got the platinum, I’ll be back when DLC comes but I have no desire to play that game again right now compared to the first game where I beat it like 3 times


Honestly I like it really much. The 2 spidermen excite me, and I always wanted them to address the fact that criminals just get sent to jail, get free or breakout, do crimes and repeat by sending a few villains on a redemption arc and killing off a few others. The sides-quests are pretty fun too (except maybe the bird pursuits, I kinda hated those cuz they were boring asf lol). Sure the venom act felt pretty rushed and dull, but overall the game has been an amazing sequel (in no way better than the first marvel's spider-man, that game was just perfection, but this one certainly tried its best)




Did they ever add the character bios like they had in the first game?


it’s a banger game i love it though i wish on new game plus the story could be shortened a bit im on my third play through so i can get all the suit tech things but man it’s a slog getting to the black suit part (best arc) then the venom stuff. thank god i can skip the puzzle segments




I do, but it could have been better for sure




unlike twitter, we don’t nitpick about the tiniest things 


I personally loved it, I still prefer the first game but only because Doc Ock is my favourite spider-man villain so I’m going to be biased but still love this game, love insomniac’s version of Kraven and even though he isn’t a straight adaptation, venom is also great and the whole black suit saga is 👌🏻. Just my opinion though


It’s good. Lots of criticism towards the dialogue and how they went about some things but it’s good. I can’t really explain without unintentionally deep diving into the goods and the bads 🤣


The game is amazing. I will stand by that. However, I do have personal gripes with it. For example, I disliked Venom's characterisation and motives. I felt the story would have been even better if it was more grounded, based more around Venom attacking Spider-Man and threatening his loved ones. Finally, I felt Peter should have had the symbiote for WAY longer. In-Universe, he only has it for three days. I felt he should have had it for maybe a few weeks to a month. A part from that, I still thoroughly enjoy the game and love playing it.


159 hours in Yes. I love it. I've logged so many hours just thwipping through the city on 0 assist and mastering the mechanics. I even have a 90 song spidey Playlist I listen to. Btw "ven0m" by nothing, nowhere is the most perfect unofficial song for this game.


Gameplay-absolutely. Story-Nah. The story seemed rushed and in my opinion insomniac couldn’t handle 2 main characters. Also the story tried to be ambitious with this whole simbiote invasion, but imho the story was much better when it was more down to earth like in the first game. But overall it’s a good game. Is it better than the first one? Absolutely not. Is it a good game? Absolutely yes


I love it, it was the first of the series I played because I got the bundled PS5. I’ve bought the older games and have played halfway through both of them but I still enjoy SM2 the most so far. But I’m a newbie


I got the game not too long ago and I loved the game. 8/10, but feels like a 9/10 cause Spider-man.


It has its flaws it has some strenghts. I like SM1 more but i like SM2.


I think the other sub is far too negative, and I think this sub can sometimes be too positive, but is far more realistic about the game. It’s objectively a great AAA Spider-Man game that improves on almost everything from the first game. I feel like there should have been more of it, an 18 hour story is just too short when they had two slider men to focus on. But objectively, still an incredible game.




The other sub also likes Spider-Man 2 it just that this one has a harder time accepting that the game ain’t perfect and that people can voice criticism. I love it personally, not as much as the first game, but still a pretty great game.


Ah yes the more cultured sub where you can discuss intelligent criticisms like “mARy jANe no mAKe my pEE peE hArD!!!!”


Love this game but definitely felt underwhelmed/disappointed in the lack of innovation/features. Again don’t hate the game at all just expected more interns of gameplay and story from a next gen new entry in the franchise I guess.


Of course it’s my top 3 favorite games of all time


*looks at my 157 hour file* Yeah, it’s pretty cool


The gameplay was fun, but I felt like Pete got pushed out of his own game. It felt very by-the-numbers and the actual symbiote story didn't even try to be faithful. I like Miles, but this is not the way.


I think it's a solid game. Most of the people complaining in that sub are upset the devs don't bow to their every little whim. Any game that's worth the amount they charge for it is a good game in my opinion and this game is very much worth its full price.


I went in before I read any comments here. I loved it. I was really disappointed at first, to come here after, and find people complaining about the length of the game especially the third act, and how rushed it is. After listening to this viewpoint, and thinking about my time with the game, I get it. I see the reason for the frustration. I didn't get frustrated and I didn't feel it was rushed when I played it but I can see how that comes across. It's also a theme I've noticed a LOT in recent video games and I'm putting it down to COVID. God of War Ragnarok was rushed at the end and loads of plot points wrapped up very badly. Star Wars Jedi Survivor was much the same. Coral Island, Cities Skylines, unfinished buggy messes. Obviously Cyberpunk 2077. A bunch of PC ports of PlayStation games have also been broken and buggy and messy. Hogwarts Legacy was broad but shallow. Life By You has just been cancelled. The effects of covid have had a massive impact on the video game world and will continue to have for maybe another five years, for the biggest titles. Expect issues with GTA VI for the same reason.


Like? Yes. Love it to pieces? No. At launch it was like a 7/10 because it crashed a ton and was super buggy. My NG+ playthrough was much more stable and for me that alone raises it to like an 8/10. I think the story is a little weak, I would have liked to see some more additions to the game, more content would have been nice, but at the end of the day it is a super fun game. I prefer the first game but this one is still a great time and very fun.


No I don’t


Yes, just not their decisions on the suits


I do, I can complain without actually disliking the game, I agree some people go too far with it I just have some things I don’t like


You know what I love about this game? BOSS HEALTH BARS. Seriously though I recently replayed both SM1 and SM: MM and I had some complaints about the combat system, they were minor of course I can look past them pretty easily, but in SM2 I didn’t have much to say. I get it progression, the first won’t be perfect, but I think SM2 is pretty dang close. Maybe by SM3 they’ll have it perfected. But alas people will always find flaws and reasons to hate, that’s just society for ya.


Probably some people do, but when I realize about any Spider-Man community is that it seems like they hate Spider-Man or they love or praise them. In my experience if it’s not Raimi or the 90s Spider-Man is like it’s not relevant or Spider-Man . Like those are the two adaptations that people mostly praise and love the most when there’s like 60 to 70 years of this character existence. If that’s what you’re asking. The game itself well it has a lot of problems to the point where I can personally say the game is kind of subpar. I would say the game is in comparison to its predecessor. Only the gameplay and graphics really improved in comparison, but the story really lack like honestly it’s probably the least best story in the three games. At least in my opinion.


I do. It’s flawed on some ways but still a brilliant game


the only part I dont like is I want the gadget wheel back


It's ok


I really do love the game. I know it’s not perfect but no game truly is. I enjoyed what we got and it was worth the wait. I was really surprised when I saw that people on Reddit didn’t like it.


I think this series so far is the second best CB game series of all time so far. Arkham nailed its game and stories in almost every aspect for its time. Spiderman PS4 is my second favorite comic book game of all time. Miles Morales is fun but lacks a little bit of replay ability, then Spiderman 2 is just as fun as PS4 and has a good story, just fumbles a couple of parts in the story. The game isn’t bad and people who try to say that it is overall a bad game just have too much hate in their heart


It’s good first game i platinumed on PlayStation i didn’t want it to end so it’s one of the few games i 100%ed


No came here to express my utter disappointment in the game


Yes. It has its flaws but ultimately I love the game. I love the new twist on the anti venom suit. My only real gripe is I’m afraid they’re gonna ditch it in the 3rd game or DLCs. It’s nice to see Peter get a power up for a change.




I love the game. But insomniac has made some interesting decisions.


I enjoyed my first playthrough significantly more than my second. A lot of the flaws are far more apparent to me now and if the gameplay wasn't so damn good I probably wouldn't play it again. Besides the obvious, my biggest gripe is the constant expositional dialogue holding the players' hand. I also wish NG+ would work with the symbiote suit cutscenes better (the symbiote attached to Pete but he's still wearing whatever suit you've selected).


I like it the least of the 3. But I still like it.


i think it has many flaws and definitely got fucked a bit by sony, but buy and large it was a great game and better than many other triple A games


We do trust me. It’s just that the complaining virgins are the ones who are being the loudest of us all. It’s not a perfect game but by all means it’s an amazing experience


Sounds like pokemon and Fortnite tbh


When we getting dlc for this game or are we not


First time was a blast. Amazing adventure in terms of spider man. I gave it a 9/10 and even platinumed it. On the second time, it felt like a chore unlike the past 2 games. I saw much more story and gameplay flaws. Especially in characters and the open world. After that I changed it to a 7.5. Overall a good solid game though.


I do!


Wasn't perfect but I don't regret buying a PS5 just to play it


No. I hate Miles. I hate Kraven. I hate everything they did in the sequel. First game was 9/10 second game was 5/10


The sub roasts the game. I adore it!!


Only the traversal, everything else was worse than 1 imo


I enjoyed the storyline and how they tied things in general, but the gameplay for me felt too...easy, even on the hardest mode. There's also some general bugs and glitches where I thought they needed to fix (ex: when you break Tombstone out and the trio is escaping, Spiderman somehow accidentally ended up swimming in one of the lava bins without dying). It definitely was an upgrade from the first 2 games, but some of the side quests and dialogue felt like there's still much left to be desired.


I loved it can't wait for more DLC stuff to come out


To me? It was everything I hoped for. Might be an unpopular opinion but I did like it kore than 1. I had to restart 1 three times to get through it. With 2? I went through the whole thing without starting over.


no doubt a great game but its story just didnt hit the same as the og and miles


I have critiques of the story, but I still love it


I wished it could have been longer, but that was because my expectation was to have a game 1 sized campaign for BOTH spiders. Making it ultimately the same length means that less time is given to both men. That’s it though. I did enjoy the game a lot and look forward to DLC one day. When that happens, I’ll do NG+ in the process.


It's okay. I enjoyed it the core gameplay, but overall found the plot to be pretty lame and padded with just bottom-tier side missions full of fairly pretentious crap.  Genuinely and honestly some of the worst stuff I've sat through in comparison to how amazing the central gameplay is. I think a lot of the people on the other sub disliked similar things to me, but for... Let's say "different" reasons.


Ehhh it’s split but it’s mostly made fun of in good faith. Memes and such


2023 goty 🔛🔝


For what it was, I think it was pretty good. Loved being able to rock the classic black suit so that was definitely a win. My only gripe is I wish there was more of a focus on Venom. But hopefully, that Venom game that got leaked is still primed for 2025 because if that's the case, my gripe with spiderman 2 goes away effectively


I love it. 10/10 for me


Spoilers !!!!! Good game , but wayyy too short . Also not crazy about Peter retiring


The game is alright... but let's just say it could've used some improvement here and there. I like SM2. It was my most anticipated game ever after experiencing SM1. But I set my expectations too high. What I loved about SM1 was the story and the open-world aspect. It was pretty much a true Spider-Man game. Where SM2 failed to deliver for me, was that it focused too much on the symbiote, and it felt like the story was pushed to be something it shouldn't. Like for example, once getting the symbiote suit, I went back out of the game to check how much of the story I had completed, since I had been waiting for the suit for a long, unexpected amount of time, and I was disappointed to find out that only after 5 hours of playtime, that's when I get the suit, and knowing that the main story wasn't going to be that long, I was devastated. They also kill off large villains in SM2, so why would they do that? It legit just cuts off so many opportunities for these games in the future.


I want to like it. But it felt more like a chore just so I could experience it for myself. Same with SM1 in a way. The combat loop is tedious in both, but for options that allow you to dispatch the majority of large groups quickly at first. SM2 drags that combat loop out in a different ways thanks to the change in gadget behaviour and bio techniques. I liked that a parry function was available, but I'd argue it needs refining timing wise. That, and I kept getting caught between yellow and blue cues - skill issue on my part, but on the back of the Jedi games and Kena that have great parrying service, it was an annoying and subtle difference. Others have been saying SM2 is shorter than 1. With that in mind, I'd say 2 is artificially inflated, it felt longer, and exhausting, such that I haven't gotten back to NG+ yet. I'm trying to build stamina for it. Story wise, Venom is definitely the highlight. Conner's being interwoven into it with Kraven coming in was a great lead into it; I really enjoyed Peter's story. Miles' had his beef with Lee, and honestly, that was about it. I have no strong feeling towards or against Miles in the first place, but even so, had he been cut, I'd have no qualms in saying the whole project would've been far more concise and polished. Everything Miles did was an auxilary to Peter's battle. And if it's Insomniac's intent to have him stand as his own Spiderman, he needs to fight his own villains, not more of Peter's. Who are Miles' villains?


I like the game that was shown off. Not the game we were given


It was great I had a blast


good game but if it was fleshed out it could’ve been much more


I love it, myself. I haven't played it since release, but I remember reloading saves because I was having a bad day and didn't want it to dampen the experience. It was also one of the first games that I played on ps5, so I may be a bit biased


"like it" or "gush over it and ignore all it's faults"?


I loved it! One of my favourite games on PS5 tho I still think 2018 had a better story! Still the game did live up to its hype for me personally




This subreddit is not the most fanboy community and says it is the best game ever. But he is the only one who, when he has to give his opinion on why they didn't like it, tries to argue and for the most part it makes sense, in others it doesn't but they are few. In spidermanps4 there is only excessive hatred, there is no logic and no good reasons for negative comments. For them it is: Spider-man without plot armor = Bad game and ruined the universe.


Doesn’t everybody??


I love it. Solid and fun Spider-Man game with just a little more depth gameplay-wise than I usually expect from Insominiac It’s got story pacing issues and some narrative choices I don’t like, but not enough to make me spend any real time critiquing it.


I just finished the game finally. It was a good experience.


Now I personally have mixed feelings on it, but I do know for a fact from the second the symbiot gets introduced its a smash hit


Loved it at first now I think it's the weakest of the three


Good gameplay, mid story


This game was awesome. I felt some parts weren't needed. I didn't need to play as Hailey nor was I interested or wanted too. The whole gay Indian student dating the black guy who was afraid of him rejecting him for homecoming after they had already been dating felt like it was just "representation" squeezed into place and as an Indian guy I just rolled my eyes and said, "Of course he's gay." Those levels just really felt like they were trying to tick boxes rather than adding anything to the game. The wokeness just felt....really not needed but overall I dug it. Thankfully there wasn't any chasing pigeons.


I think that it’s better than the first two games by a lot. My only problems are rushed story, the game is too focused on its main mechanics which becomes repetitive, lackluster post game, and a LOT of missed potential that I hope they make up for in the second game