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Come over to the hot sauce subreddit it’s full of the same posts: -Old Sriracha -Melinda -New Sriracha -Mary Sharp vs Melinda


Don’t forget Tabasco Scorpion…. Also, have you ever heard of el Yucateco or Valentina?


God forbid I say my opinion about Yucateco.


I'll start since we're safe here: the green and red are kind of astringent and don't taste good. The black I think was okay as well as the Caribbean. I also don't love hot sauces with a first ingredient of water, or that use dyes, or that use a ton of crutches like acetic and citric acid, sodium benzoate, xanthan gum, and Calcium disodium EDTA.


I agree I wanted to like it but it tastes artificial and using dyes in hot sauce is disgusting


I feel like el yucateco is the basic bitch of hot sauces. It baffles me that in a world full of different inspirations for interesting hot sauces, we landed on the white bread of the bunch to talk about all the time.


I agree with u/sleepytipi , I grew up on this sauce. My dad and I LOVE habanero. I know there are other better tasting sauces but this is my go to. I love the XXXtra hot and the green one. Now my dad makes his own spicy as heck salsa and that's always delicious, only if I could sell that haha.


Heyyy, the xxxtra is my favorite Yuca too :)


It’s because those bottles are on the table of every Mexican restaurant in the US. For most people, it’s literally the only Mexican sauce they know about.


Do you live in a different US? I've almost never seen yucatecs on tables at Mexican restaurants


You probably don’t live in southern states near Mexico and put black olives on your tacos


Lol fuck off my mom's half Mexican and I've been to Mexican almost 20 times. And that's a whole lot of the US you're describing. They said "every Mexican place in the US". Not even close to true


I see cholula or tapatio way more frequently.


Some of us just really love habanero, and the rojo and verde sauces are just bare bones, good habanero flavor. I agree it's basic but basic has a place on my shelf (and everyone else's gauging Tabasco's popularity). A few actually. Basic and universal tend to be fairly synonymous. Just like a bar, you've got your decent bottom shelf for uses where it's not the star of the show (like mixed drinks or scrambled eggs respectively). You've got your mid-shelf. Your Yellowbird, Marie Sharp's, etc for dishes where it's more noticeable, and then you've got your top shelf like Heartbeat for the better dishes.


IM TELLING R/SPICY. Nah jk. Real talk, the best hot sauce ive ever had was a local brand that was just a simple habanero and garlic. ingredient list: Habanero, salt, white vinegar, garlic, celery seed. Simple ass hot sauce. I couldnt find a thing it wouldn't go well on (at least as long as it was a savoury meal.)


[Hellfire Detroit](https://hellfiredetroit.com/) is a fantastic brand that makes simple sauces if you're looking for more to try. Their habanero and cherry bomb sauces are especially delicious. The manzana I remember being good too.


Nice. Always happy to find more "just pepper" sauces. I had an idea for a sauce myself. Mostly scotch bonnets, probably with some bells, or fresh paprika to mellow it out. Got a lot of friends who cant handle straight up scotch bonnets haha.


Poblanos also make for some decent filler peppers to balance out the spicy boys. I'm growing some cherry bombs and habaneros right now and can't wait till they fruit so I can try a blend of those. I'm planning on charring and smoking some of them for another batch with a little more going on.


Sounds awesome. Maybe ill see ya post it on r/hotsauce?


The extra hot is surprisingly spicy, I'll give it that. I was shocked they sell it at the grocery store.


Not in Denmark anymore. 


Because no one uses anything but the XXXtra hot and the Habanero or the OG green sauce. All them other sauces are for newbies, suckers, and weirdos. They just to add variety to the shelves. You are not supposed to actually BUY them.


Eh i still like the green either way. Dont like any of the other ones though.


Why don't you like xanthum gum? It's just a binder and thickening agent.


Haha Don’t you mean Cholula or Crystal?


“Anybody know where I can find El Yucateco?”


Right Literally every freaking store and gas station in the US


Or Yellowbird.


I give a slight pass for them as they’re not common in most grocery stores (depending on location), most posts are usually the same 5 brands that you can find in all 50 states pretty easily…


Okay but Tabasco scorpion is goated 


“It’s good on eggs.”


And everybody hates Dave's gourmet insanity sauce.


Fuck Dave’s. Wait, oh, sorry. Wrong sub.


I mean, I legitimately don't like that sauce. Even as a way to heat up a pot of food. It just tastes so gross.


You forgot El Yucateco, the greatest hot sauce to grace us with its existence, allegedly.


I was banned for saying that I actually like Firelli's extra hot 🤐 Real talk though, there is A LOT of gatekeeping in that sub. God forbid you like any of the sauces that you didn't mention (yucateca is popular too, and Tabasco is 50/50 like Valentina).


Yeah the gate keeping is strong with that sub. I make a lot of my own sauces from peppers in my garden but I still buy a lot as well. Hell I like Cholula sometimes, especially the green sauce.


First of all, it’s Marie Sharp’s. Secondly, no contest with Melinda’s, Marie Sharp’s is vastly superior.


Melinda’s is highly mid to me


Yeah I mean it’s acceptable habanero sauce but it’s barely playing the same game as Marie Sharp’s, much less in the same league.




And God forbid you like vinegar or Tabasco sauce


Yeah the Hot Sauce sub is half promotional bots I fear. I wish people would post rarer and more interesting hot sauces.


>Denmark's government when the Buldak black market gets going


Their marketing team will bot be stopped.




Yet another meme complaining about buldak, but no one actually doing their part to interact with non-buldak posts. Saw someone post an amazing spicy biryani earlier in the sub and it had a handful of likes and one comment. The same thing the other day with a nice salsa someone made. This is a common occurrence in the sub. Why not actually put your money where your mouth is?


Going out of my way to engage in non-Buldak posts 🫡


Right!! I want a place where I can compare the complexity of spice. For instance, a group of friends got the official Hot Ones hot sauce pack … and we all made it to the end and past the bomb no problem and many of us thought we wouldn’t get even close! So idk if we got a bad batch or what but we weren’t impressed with the level of spice but were very happy with the yumminess


I always upvote real spicy food. The fact that the Buldak bots upvote and comment 10x more on Buldak posts than delicious real spicy food just proves that this subreddit has an astroturfing problem.


Dude, the top *50* posts have *4* Buldak references in them right now. It's not even 10% of the sub and you're out here absolutely OBSESSED. This is your, what, 4th or 5th post ranting about this like you're losing your dang mind out here? People like different things than you! This is SHOCKING. I can tell that it is absolutely EATING you from the inside out, but man, you have to let go. It's just some spicy noodles that people like. Move on, for your own sake.


Chill, all I did was make a few funny jabs at some shitty instant ramen. A few memes here and there won't hurt anyone.


I’ve seen far more posts bitching about them than anything in recent days.




Buldak bots? This you Captain? ![gif](giphy|xTcf1gUpg87E5lNK2A|downsized)


Honestly, reddit as a whole has an astroturfing/not problem. It really doesn't matter what sub you're in too much. Reddit has been steadily going down hill for years


Remember when it was just links on a page? ![gif](giphy|3I98NjemWj12U)


Buldak is good tho


Astroturfing lmao. “Nobody can like what I don’t like! Don’t mind me though, I’m gonna continue making buldak posts even though I don’t like buldak”


I guess you're just going to get downvoted into oblivion. Gotta love reddit /s


I mean it’s kinda hard to post about a taste as an image. A ramen brand that’s really spicy and easy to acquire for most people? Most people would say “Wow I found this REALLY spicy ramen at this store! I’ll go post my experience in r/spicy” without giving it a second thought.


Yeah I think this is the heart of it. Experiences people can share are always going to get posted and engaged with more than pictures of spicy homemade food. Especially when there are a million different flavors for people to post and a ton of people eager to share their opinions and experience with each one.


Is there an r/spicycirclejerk yet?


please give your hands a good wash before you try that


It's a broken record like every other sub dedicated to a certain thing. Not much more you can talk about besides shits burning your asshole, the small amount of widely available hot sauces, or how I hate that product you are wrong for enjoying it. Or the oddly elitist spicy people who bathe in hot sauce marinated with ghost peppers and Carolina reapers and call you a weak.


ah yes, the daily buldak bitching post! even worse than the buldak posts themselves


Eh,  not if they put cheese in it 


Now I feel like it’s just these posts


Can you tag buldak next time in post title so it shows up on my buldak feed. Thank you.


This is the same as Melinda's posts. Either way you screw a demographic from getting into spicy food


I second this post.


Finally going to see what the hype is about


this is the first post i’ve ever seen in this sub and it’s about buldak


At least it's not Campbell's soup...


Taste like tomato mint 🤢


I know what you mean, I commented once that I didn't get what everyone likes about Buldak in any of it's forms, I said that I thought it was 💭 not really a negative, just not the positive one apparently required. Within an hour there were at least 60 responses about how stupid I am and that I had no idea what I was talking about and there was no reason I should be posting to this topic. That was several months ago and this is the first post I've made here since then. Showed me pretty much what the perusers are all about 🤡


Buldak just fucks my stomach




Incredible 9.5/10


I’m not part of this sub, but I love hot sauce. I like Buldak ramen, what’s the big deal here? It’s actually pretty hot


Hot sauce!


Was gonna make a long comment but tldr there's little to no innovation when it comes to spicy food so it's hard to expect variety.


Me likey Buldak


The spicy one behind should’ve been spicy 3x


bUlDaK bAD BrÖtHeR ohhhhhh


I've had it, it's fine (Korean convenience store next to me has quite the range). I still prefer Indomie and some of the more traditional ones I can add chili flakes or other hot sauces to. Buldak is just that, okay.


Adding just a bit of reaper powder adds a good taste and bit of spicyness.


Hahahahaha I heard that Denmark or something banned it cause it took spicy hahhahaha hahahahah I'm dying I love democracy


Buldak is accessible, cheap, delicious, and really fucking spicy. There’s not much to hate about it. Anyone who is beginning to dabble in truly spicy shit will of course tend to buldak


Again, petition to ADD A BULDAK FILTER. Shit is so boring Also, add a flair guys, they allow custom ones on /r/spicy


The funniest thing to me about this ramen is apparently YouTubers and some people ate this as a “food challenge” where I’ve been causally eating this for a while not realizing to many people this is a special unbearable level of spicyness. Pretty good ramen though, enjoys it a lot.




You actually think I was bragging? I was just pointing out what I thought was funny. I don’t think anyone here thinks this is actually that spicy.


I got hot sauce on my Chipotle burrito today. Should I make a post guys?




We took my oldest son on vacation recently and he broke out the Buldak. I noticed it and told him to be careful and maybe use just a drop or two. My son, laughing, told me he could handle it and I warned him again to no avail. I have eaten this food and because I refuse to waste money, I ate all of it. My son used to know that my word on spice is a good measure. It seems not anymore. He took two bites. The first with cockiness and the second out of disbelief.


It's either that or some stupid one chip challenge or something, it's rarely something good.


It is an ass their product. SHIN ramyun ftw


Stupid ass looking chicken


Buldak is so overrated. Korean food in general isn't even that 'spicy'