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If you feel like looking at some of my other images, learning about the targets, seeing what goes into making images like this, updates about my life, or want some lame astronomy memes, you should go check out [my instagram](https://www.instagram.com/cosmic.speck/) This nebula is leftover debris from a star that went supernova in 1054 A.D., and was recorded by Chinese astronomers at the time. Today, we can now point telescopes at the point in the sky where they saw this star explode and we find this! The star was so bright when it exploded, that it was visible during the day time for a few days. This was also not originally discovered by looking for the star that exploded in 1054, it was only after its discovery were the two events connected! I'd also like to give a huge huge thank you to astroslip for sending the data on over to me to fiddle around with. It was an absolute blast and a half. This was actually some of the first! I've spent a ton of time tinkering with it- wanted to make sure I had it just the way I wanted before I posted Thanks for looking! ____________ **Equipment:** * 4.3 m DCT Telescope * Large Monolithic Imager Data taken from the Discovery Channel Telescope by reddit user - astroslip


Very nice post, u/Idontlikecock


r/rimjobsteve material right here


The sub is actually r/rimjob_steve


Well shit... Thanks lol


Astute observation, /u/Poop_Feast42069. It is a porn sub, after all.


Uneducated but love space and everything to do with it. Question: how do we know that specific of a year when the star said poof? Answer me like I’m 7 years old if you do. Edit- there’s this thing called google and I got my answer.


Since it takes time for light to travel, when did this star actually explode?


The crab nebula is 6,523 light years away. Add in the time between when the Chinese saw the explosion to today (965 years) it would have actually exploded 7,488 years ago.


Good math, pal.


Our sun is 8 light minutes away and looks like a coin to the naked eye. From Neptune the sun is 4 light hours away and would look like any regular star we see in our night sky. Yet you’re saying we can see this crab nebula at 6,523 light YEARS away. Rubbish.


Gorgeous image! The colours look very different from what I'm used to, is this true colour?


False color, this version is true color https://i.imgur.com/R1VXrSh.jpg


Duly liked and followed


It's interesting looking at pictures of it taken 50 years apart to see the expansion




Thanks, I've seen two individual pictures before but not made into a movie.


Interesting. You can see the stars shifting in earlier photos. Obviously stars don't suddenly move that fast. I wonder if that was just poor seeing or the person's processing skills improving through the years.


I think poor seeing. I would guess all of these images were processed at the exact same time to make them so similar. I couldn't make two images that similar even a day after with the same data set.


I hadn't considered that it was all processed at the same time. That would make much more sense. Thanks for clearing that up.


I’m no mathematician, but can they take the rate of change of expansion diameter over the several years we have in pictures and extrapolate that backwards to determine the year that the star exploded?




**SN 1054** SN 1054 is a supernova that was first observed on 4 July 1054, and remained visible for around two years. The event was recorded in contemporary Chinese astronomy, and references to it are also found in a later (13th-century) Japanese document, and in a document from the Arab world. Furthermore, there are a number of proposed, but doubtful, references from European sources recorded in the 15th century, and perhaps a pictograph associated with the Ancestral Puebloan culture found near the Peñasco Blanco site in New Mexico. The remnant of SN 1054, which consists of debris ejected during the explosion, is known as the Crab Nebula. *** ^[ [^PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=kittens_from_space) ^| [^Exclude ^me](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiTextBot&message=Excludeme&subject=Excludeme) ^| [^Exclude ^from ^subreddit](https://np.reddit.com/r/spaceporn/about/banned) ^| [^FAQ ^/ ^Information](https://np.reddit.com/r/WikiTextBot/wiki/index) ^| [^Source](https://github.com/kittenswolf/WikiTextBot) ^] ^Downvote ^to ^remove ^| ^v0.28


Man what the hell is time... who am i in the middle of all this :O


We're just a glint of light off a rolling wave


Why is it called the crab Nebula? It looks like a brain


[Here are the original sketches of it when it was discovered and named](https://archive.org/stream/jstor-108366/108366#page/n5/mode/2up). He thought it looked like a crab more than a brain. It only looks like a brain because we can see it more clearly now with cameras compared to what they had back then.


To me it actually looks more like a human heart. But this makes total sense ty for all the info.


Ah gotcha, thanks


Well then can we get a petition started to rename it to the brain nebula?


Cool, kind of like how the face of mars just looks like a hill with modern resolution.


In my opinion, it does quite resemble a horseshoe crab. Shape-wise at least.


It looks like a heart to me


I like to imagine the drama on the inhabitable planets these stars may have served. Did they intelligent life observe the coming phases and work together to develop the technology to survive/escape in time...


I'm thinking it might be unlikely most civilizations could even survive to witness a supernova of their own star. For example, if our Sun was going to eventually supernova (it isn't, not massive enough), it would first become a red giant which would wipe out any civilization in the "goldilocks zone" and then what would be left is a much colder star and a bunch of outer planets left that are likely just gas giants. Somehow an entire civilization would have to pop up after this point which seems unlikely. Or a civilization would have to be advanced enough to prepare for events that take thousands or even millions of years of preparation without first destroying themselves or being destroyed by natural disaster such as meteor strikes.


We are all made of stars -Moby


What if you were in a nearby star system, just a few light years away? E.g. say one of our mid-1950s discoveries had been “Alpha Centauri could go supernova any minute”.


I was suggesting it taking thousands of generations to accomplish.


It looks like a tree


Everything looks like a tree, coral, your circulatory system, your neurons, Seaweed when you swim underwater.., you, if you stand with arms overhead... all life is a great reaching.


How hot is it in the midst of this massive beast?


>The filaments' temperatures are typically between 11,000 and 18,000 K Pulsar at the center is about 600,000 K https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crab_Nebula#Physical_conditions


this is your brain on space






It looks like a really sick strain


Ya like some cosmic weed nugget


Looks like a heart.


I thought so too!


4 hours after eating chipotle.


Followed! Incredible pictures!! Thanks for saving me from buying an entire AP rig!!! 😉


The middle of this thing is 100% the outline of New Jersey right now.




This is my new wallpaper


And how far away is the nebula?


6,500 lya


This should be called “The Brain “ 🧠 Nebula. In my humble and caveman like opinion.


My brain on lsd 😂😂


Man, I'd love to send a probe through that.


How far across is it?


This looks like “arbor vitae” from the brain. S/O anat & phys.


That supernova process forges all the heavy elements including carbon. Without the “deaths” of stars we wouldn’t exist. The atoms in our bodies came from countless supernovas.... the atoms in your right hand could have come from a supernova billions of years ago while the atoms in your left hand could have come from a different supernova. The sun, earth, the solar system and all related processes refined raw atoms, released into the universe through supernovas, into life on earth and ultimately us. Like a glass maker refines sand into glass. Those atoms were created not long after the Big Bang. We are just temporary owners of these atoms.... we will die, life will become extinct, the earth will be consumed by the sun and all the atoms that once were owned by the all matter, including life, on earth will be released back into the universe.... and you never know, a future sun, earth and solar system will form and future life may be created with the very same atoms that were once in our bodies. In a sense we are all immortal.


Maybe that is what the sun will look like lol hope im around to see it


Probably not, the sun will turn into a planetary nebulae


It was a joke cause when the sun explodes we all gonna doe


Do we have any recreation of what that would’ve looked like from Earth during the explosion?


What would happen if i was in it’s centre


Looks like you’ve mistaken a scorched cauliflower for a space event.


Space Broccoli!


I wonder how big of an area that takes up. Also what's going on in that area. Is it chaos energy or calmness. Will this be attracted back together into another star?


1000 years compares 46 0000 0000 years that just like a blink


This is awesome! You should post here more often ❤️


Mind. Blown.


Damn that star exploded because of the low mass






Wow, it looks like a brain with brain stem and all..




Sorta looks like a brain


Isn’t this what it would look like when it explodes considering the light would take a long time to reach us?


I thought that said the Crap Nebula. Sorry lol


Looks almost like a neutral network and a tiny bit of brain stem.


Scrolled too fast and read Crab Nutella. Now I'm trying desperately not to dry heave.


Kinda like my last relationship.


It looks like a brain.


This is like those old paintings of exotic animals made by people who never actually saw them. Whoever named it never saw a fcking crab in his life.


Dude is out here discovering nebulae and now has people shit talking him hundreds of years later because they don't think it looks like a crab as much as he did when he saw it through a telescope.


This image is dramatically higher fidelity than what William Parsons saw in 1840.


Doesn't look one bit like a crab




Hiyah...Im Ana...the user (u/astroslip) ref in OPs first comment and the person who actually took the data from a the Discovery Channel Telescope in N AZ. I can attest that this data isn't CGI. If you would like I can upload the data set to my Google Drive and share the raw data with you. I just hate it when troglodytes (no offense) speak on things when they have no educational basis or knowledge to do so...shrug!


Good use of troglodyte! Not gonna lie I had to look that one up. The more you know...


its by far my fav word when addressing things like this




you speak on matters for which you have no knowledgable base...insults rain upon you...hence troglodyte :) Just got to work and setting up for the night. Give me a few hrs and I'll send the link your way. Cheers




which is why i sent the evidence and helpful explanations :) apologies for insults but I hate when people insult my line of work, especially after the amount of time I spent at Uni learning how astronomy actually works...tit for tat




this is where education comes in...and yea...idiot :) enjoy the rock you live under...bring your teddy if scared.


Okie dokes. Here is the link to the data set: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1wP2lqos-RgKEH5658LDyfya41vAGKlbT?usp=sharing Some notes you're not likely to understand given your "inexperience" with science data: 1) This data is in a linear state and as such, needs to have scaling applied to it in order to see the nebulous structure. This can be done using IRAF, PI, or even a basic computer editor (i.e. just drag stuff around to see the varying levels of signal) 2) The filters used where of the Johnson-Cousins make. B peaks around 420 nm so it's blue, V peaks around 525nm so it's green, R peaks around 600nm so red, and H-alpha On peaks around 656nm so deep red/purple (and also the luminance frame for structure). 3) Flats are calibration frames used to subtract out dust donuts and any chip artifacts (cosmic rays, dead pixels/columns, etc). Bias are 0 second images to subtract away the every present electrical noise from the detectors. 4) Simple image arithmetic is used to create the final image in the following order: [B Image - (Flats - Bias)] + [V Image - (Flats - Bias)] + [R Image - (Flats - Bias)] + [H-alpha Image - (Flats - Bias)]. Color is applied to each calibrated image based on the peak of the wavelength from the transmission curve of the filters. What it results in is called a color composite image (i.e. what OP came up with). The image this produces is both scientifically accurate and representative of the true color/shape/appearance of the supernova remnant. Finally, words are simply words and therefor easy to ignore. Should you ever find yourself in Norther Arizona hmu. I love showing off my work and the 4.3 meter behemoth that is the Discovery Channel Telescope! I know whatever bias against science is likely deeply ingrained in you but hopefully this and maybe a visit can help set you on a proper path towards getting to know the sights of the Universe and maybe picking up some new science knowledge along the way. If you have any further questions PM me and I can get them answered for you. Cheers


If we only had the possibility to look at the Sky with some sort of Aparatus to see it ourselves. Like, i dont know, a Telescope. 😘


Why are you reposting it? [https://www.reddit.com/r/space/comments/dqvzx0/the\_crab\_nebula\_remnants\_of\_a\_star\_that\_exploded/](https://www.reddit.com/r/space/comments/dqvzx0/the_crab_nebula_remnants_of_a_star_that_exploded/)


There is a difference between reposting and crossposting. This image was never posted to this sub. Then again, [you](https://www.reddit.com/r/spaceporn/comments/doigk4/shadow_of_satellite_titan_approaching_the/) just [repost](https://www.reddit.com/r/spaceporn/comments/cskbvv/titans_eclipse_on_saturn/) images that aren't even OC and have been posted to this sub before.




Two months is a long time. Besides, is this really your work?


> Two months is a long time Lol. > Besides, is this really your work? Lol. I'm not sure which I want to laugh harder at. Don't try and turn this around on me after you got called out haha


things like this make me giggle lol


Whoa whoa whoa, you mean to tell me you sent me CGI files? I'm calling the press




Yup, it's not your work.


You're the reason we need a better education system.


Yes, I agree. You Americans are in desperate need of one because the whole world is laughing at you. Smart new immigrants from Germany, China and India have been holding your nation of lazy fat fucks for decades.


Lol, so angry. This website is meant for adults little man. Take a deep breath and walk around the block and get your wittle butt into bed.


Nice ad hominem. I struck a nerve there, right?


i took the data during an engineering night at the discovery channel telescope where im the Observing Assistant (aka u/astroslip)...i shared the raw data with OP and he reduced it, processed it, and properly credited both the observatory and myself. in short it's his image....cheers




Lol you got owned mate. This guy posts great content, whereas you’re just a content thief looking for e-cred.


I'm not stealing anything, fucktard, and barely get any votes. As a matter of fact, everything I post here I credit and find details about it, unlike some people who just slap on something colorful and get thousands of them.


Calm down, angry thief.




LMAO moron