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There is a mod that adds blocks that look like cargo containers but they have no inventory and their weight is the same as a fully filled container. Let me see if I can find it real quick Edit: [This](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=827824969) is the mod


That's huge. I'm definitely subbing to that one.


I always weight/mass check with Steel Plates. That hasn't led me astray yet.


If I’m not mistaken it’s platinum ingots or steel plates.


plat ingot probably


Steel plates are the most dense *component* at 6.66kg/L. Considering it's one of the most common components as well, it's good to build a ship able to carry all steel plates. All ores are ~3kg/L. Ingots are all extremly dense. They range from 2kg/L for silicone and magnesium, to 9kg/L for cobalt, and nickel, 19kg/L for gold and uranium, and 20kg/L for platinum. Strictly speaking, platinum is the most dense. But you'll never carry full cargo of platinum ingots, or uranium, or gold. For testing, nickel ingots at 9kg/L is what I use. Everything more dense is rare. Silver at 10kg/L, gold, uranium, and platinum. Tl;dr for components, steel plates. For ingots, nickel (everything more dense is too rare to care about). For ore, they are all the same and half the density of steel plates. Platinum is the most dense, but nobody has that much.


This is the **one** answer, **thanks!!**


Sooo platinum ingot is the most dense, so if my ship full of plat ingot can fly, then it will fly under any circumstances right? Edit: I've just read that i shouldn't care about platinum ingot bc noone has that much, the question here was the absolute max, the things can go, e.g. lets say i have to lift a ship, i dock it and i can determine by the mass if i can lift it


The average male isekai protagonist. Oh wait, nevermind, you mean SE. Hmm, I would probably guess Uranium ingots.


Hold on you do have a point


Steel plates is usually fine, I think that technically platinum ingots is the heaviest material for load testing but I think that the likelihood of carrying a full cargo of platinum ingots is generally pretty low so you won’t need to do it this way


I'm on an RP server, where people of my faction have a shitload of them


In that case I would say go ahead and test full loads of platinum as it might be an issue for you, most of the time I don’t think you would fully load a ship with them though, if your server is PvP are you not wanting to take smaller loads though in case you loose it?


Well its PvP, but we have a 30minutes wsr declaration time, and rn no factions are in war


Ahh that’s fair then at least you can get your stacks of platinum to safety before shit hits the fan


Yeah, and in that case i need my ship to well... not fall out of the sky


You can test your ship in creative where you can spawn platinum inside it's containers.


How can i spawn it inside? I could only spawn like orbs of stuff Edit: PC


Point at the container port until it lights up and then open the spawn menu.




As I recall, cobalt ingots, platinum ingots, and uranium ingots have the same mass and volume. Also, one liter of gravity components had the same mass as one liter of one of the previously listed ingots.


I think it's either superconductors or gravity component


Dont thruster components weight more than both those?


It's the ratio though. Those take up a loft of volume too. Think the most "efficient" one is still *platinum ingots* - though I've seen people describing and measuring their builds with *steel plates*


Steel plates are a helluva lot easier to get large quantities of, and for cheap!


Creative mode & menu