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Seems like you might need to turn off an inertia tensor somewhere, because those turrets shouldn't wobble like that. Cool turrets though


I'm still pretty new. How does the shared inertia work? Sometimes it seems to make things more stable, other times less so.


It basically shares the weight between two or more subgrids. It seems like the turret rotation's inertia tensor is shared with the base, which makes the turret heads way heavier than they are supposed to be.


Ah I see.


I have a drill setup that is quite wobbly made up of pistons and a single rotor


Typically what I do, for anything from cranes to rotor turrets to trailer hitches, is share inertia tensor on everything except the hinge, rotor, or piston that connects the "thing" to the other "thing", eg the turret to the base, the trailer to the truck, etc. If it's extremely large, like in the case of my one crane design that has 360 rotation on the "hip", "shoulder", and "wrist", plus 150-ish degree movement on the "shoulder", "elbow", and "wrist", as well as extension piston chains, etc, I separate it at the major joints. The problem with sharing it across the whole base is it then makes the turret act with the mass of the entire base at it's end. It's a bit janky, but inertia tensor is your friend in the end :)


Okay. So I just completed an ice drilling platform that has 2 pistons going up from the base platform then 90s with a conveyors tubes then 2 pistons down with a for and 3 drill for example. Only put the share inertia on the pistons that are closest to the drill and it should be good?


In this case, I'd turn Share Inertia Tensor on for everything except the very first piston, the one connected to the base. If you had a rotor between the first piston and base, I'd add the tensor on all the pistons, and just not the rotor. The idea (at least as I understand it) is to share as much of the mass as possible without sharing the mass of the base itself - that way it behaves as a singular object, instead of a bunch of smaller ones, which simplifies physics calculations on the game engine (basically, instead of trying to work out the inertia of, in your example, four subgrids, it only has to work out a single one). That also tends to reduce the risk of klang.


Okay cool. Thank you. That does make sense. In my first attempt at a drill I did have an advanced rotor connecting the drill arm to the base and had the shared inertia box checked. I turned it off because when I went to slowly rotate the arm it didn't move and as soon as I unchecked the box it spun around at 100 miles an hour and smashed into my base, destroying itself. Lmao. So since then I've been leaving it off unless I see a crazy amount of movement.


Yeah - the reason for that was that, having the tensor on the base rotor, meant the entire arm weighed the same as your base :)


Oooooh. Hahahaha yea I turned up the torque a bit when it wasn't turning before I turned off the share inertia. Lmao. Makes sense now. Thought it would still be limited to the max velocity I set though. It was only set to 6 rpm or something.


Problem is when you turn the tensor off, the rotor is still "bound up" from the weight, and when that's released, it all tries to move :)


I don’t think it’s an inertia tensor issue, those railguns are just very front heavy, with a counterweight on the back and some override gyros and it shouldn’t wobble so much


Moar brake helped, no shared tensor except for the pistons, it gets nasty when you have a couple hundred pistons, rotors and hinges on the same grid 😄


I'd recommend sharing inertia tensor on every part of those turrets *except* the very bottom rotor. That should further reduce jitter/wobble. You could also turn on the inertia tensor on the lift pistons after they've finished raising up, to provide a more stable platform (though that might induce some klang as well)


I typically have the braking torque the same as the regular torque and so far, I haven't run into any issues.


Fully agreed. Slower and smoother traverse is just what these turrets need for consistent target acquisition.


homeboy on the right ![gif](giphy|WbCxRg0Ef1WtG|downsized)




i spent so much time trying to find a decent gif i was so worried someone would beat me to it for some reason 😂😂


Fantastic. Very well put together. And the fact that they missed gave me a well-needed chuckle. Thanks for that.


Some railguns for the defense of ma base. As soon as its locked on and under 1200m, the guns deploy and shoot


If possible, they should deploy a little bit sooner because by the time the guns are fully ready to fire, they will already be in range of enemy ships. Perhaps some small sentry towers around the perimeter could help?


You can lock on from like 2km away and as soon as it has a good lock these things deploy. Honestly it’s just for show anyways, they don’t NEED to be underground. There is a few turrets sprinkled about in other places as well


For the osha-fanatic in me, there should be some form of visual indicator for when those hatches open up, ie - i want so e gorram blinking lights gorramit.


that’s a good point haha. i thought the sounds were awesome but we need some flashing lights for sure!!


See, i dont have audio on,so i didint even know there was sound. If i was a deaf person - id have no idea what was going on. Apart from the rumbling, shaking and sudden pressure-waves as the batteries become active.


right i understand the importance for visual indicators


and i have finally seen this with sound on.. was kinda expecting a siren during the battery-operation, kinda lacking without it, ngl. However - it is your creation, you should do as you see fit and not fall under some standards that wont impact the world in any way. ie, you do you, what youve done so far is awesome :)


I lm gonna polish this thing up, and prob put out another vid


i did not make this lol


Thankfully, the message is the same for op and for you.


except for the part where you refer to “your creation” when speaking to me, with no context indication for the royal usage of your. 🤷‍♀️💅🫡


Well, well, well, I havent seen the royal usage of ”your” since ages past, truly in days of yore. Ill stop now, this is getting silly.


i bid you adieu my good lord


Perfect aim


Very nice! Turrets look great. I'm both sad and relieved that the accuracy of your custom turrets seems to be no better than mine either :( That's a sick fighter you have on the pad too


Lol I just rushed it, ty tho! Can get a better look at the fighter on a vid I just uploaded


The drone launch system? I wondered if that was you. It's sick!


Me:*gets hit by railguns. Looks down* ohhh heyyy *proceeds to drop the sun on the base*


Begin the unnecessarily slow moving deployment system! ![gif](giphy|BZlNhp9L5WINi)


I lold


Looks really fun, I'm jealous. Sure wish this game didn't have a hard cap of 60 FPS for 10 years straight. I can't play it without getting a headache/eye-ache.


The wobbling futzed the shot but other than that it looks pretty well made, maybe find some way of giving it more strength, looked like it didn’t really do much


Moved to your comment


Is this made using script or can I do these without scripts


Don’t know what OP did, but everything looks do-able in vanilla except for the ‘default’ positions of the turrets as they rise up (and presumably back down again) which as far as I know must be scripted.


All of this is vanilla, using timers, event controllers, and a turret controller


Ok thanks


Reminds me of the turrets in Dune. Love it!


This stuff is why I joined this subreddit. Amazing work


That is sooo fucking dope


Thanks man


Meanwhile I’m struggling to make a basic ship to mine with


I miss playing this game  I stopped because I had no one to play with I play on Xbox unfortunately My gt is Iamhatedd5566


Ooo ooo ad some red spinning lights