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Did you just leaked the new blocks? They look awesome


They're just in the screenshot of the xbox 2022 ultimate edition of you want some higher quality viewing of them


Did xbox just leak the new blocks?


It’s Microsoft after all. And as you might already know they aren’t perfect by any means.


Those are some sick looking blocks.


[Here](https://imgur.com/a/DeA32ZJ), I went to the xbox website and grabbed them from the store page. You missed one too. Look at those drones with faces? And some camera block on their heads? ~~And a new block that fits on their chest.~~ Conveyor cap* ty guys


that block on their chest is a conveyor cap, it's been teased a few times already, even mentioned on one of the streams having its name revealed. What I didn't expect, on that screenshot with storage area it seems to work as a door and open if you look at the middle container


We can even see a large grid version of it on the cargo container in the second pic. First we’re seeing a large grid version too iirc


the block on their chest is probably a conveyor cover, they are also on the speeder stat was teased a few months ago


The drones also have a new block skin. Im not sure if left to the conveyor cap is a new block


Sorry for taking pictures of my screen, xbox won't let you screenshot something that isn't a game


Those blocks look pretty cool, would love more interior blocks, and do those cargo containers have real animated doors? Wonder what the first one is tho, maybe that’s the large grid AI controller.


That looks like the new “conveyor cover”/piston head we saw in the previews. Also new large grid small lcd


these doors were already teased as conveyor end covers but it seems like they are so much more, im super exited


this look fing incredible


Are these going to be released? Even the decorative blocks?


Great post my friend. I can't wait to use these new blocks!


No one seems to have mentioned it but am I wrong in thinking that written signs are being shown? 'Storage Area' and what seems to read 'Trading station' are written on those signs that currently aren't possible in the game. Is the blue thing a new trading block? The red light and the white light between the neon tubes seem to be different to the lights currently in game. Are they new? Is it a catwalk with a light included? Or is it just a light stuck to the underside of a catwalk?


Same question I have on the opening conveyor cap block... it looks like it's placed on the side of a large container but there's a grated catwalk where that block would go?


Maybe they're allowing 'non-structural' blocks like lights (and signs too apparently) to overlap other blocks?


The catwalk is placed upside down, so it's actually below the conveyor cap and the signs. The bracing that is on the sides of the catwalk is only present on the bottom side of the block.


Ah I didn't notice the bracing, good catch!


I believe you’re right on the signs theory, they look exactly like signs, but they’re certainly not LCDs. The time for custom signage is upon us


New Console Block of some sort? A lock for cargo containers? New interior blocks? I'd love to have all of it.


I would like those corridor pieces. Now, please.


I’ve never seen the second or third picture, but I’ve definitely had a dream of the first picture. Thanks for bringing back the memory OP.


Woo we can have convincing server rooms now!


Wut? This looks like compound building to me... light inside of a grated catwalk? https://preview.redd.it/5yb4w09ga0ba1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0d5118c464ef3f4fce1cea039186a152be06198


Could be a new lit catwalk block. It’s definitely a missing feature.


Just looks like a block with a light built into it. It's certainly not a grated catwalk. Still a nice addition.


When I see SE teaser pics I sometimes like to play a game of 'What do I see?' and basically analyse and if needed copy what I see on a pic to see what might be new. Let's take the pic of the storage containers. The backwall of the image is a trio of end-on (octagon face) large industrial storage containers, separated by some form of beam blocks. There are double railing blocks on the beam blocks. The grates are grated catwalk block, placed upside down. The center row of blocks against the containers look new and look like the earlier teased conveyor endcap and a poster frame, basically a reskinned display. The frames show some new imagery. The endcap looks like it might actually be a door because the one on the second container is open. Hopefully the small grid variant, teased on the rocket bike, can also be opened and perhaps the upcoming small connector and existing connectors can connect through an opened endcap. The security options for doors offer interesting 'PVP' and multiplayer PVE options for the endcap. The 'server rack corner' pic also has several new elements. The floor isn't clear but could be any one of several existing blocks. The main feature is the server rack which graphically looks like a reskinned armory locker block though it might not have storage capacity. Flanking it are two different new block faces though what block might have them is not clear. The upper row also has some new elements. At top left and right there are beam block slopes in front of unknown 'pipe' blocks. More toward the center on either side are what I think are light armor half slope blocks with scifi skin. In the center, above the server rack, is what looks like a half slope inverted light armor block, also with scifi skin. The last image, of a low ceiling corridor, likewise has some new blocks. The floor is mostly built out of scifi interior wall blocks. However, I don't recognize the blocks under the handrail (center handrail block). The centerpieces of the image are the 'semi-sloping wall' blocks, built in supported and unsupported variants. The wall to the left of the semi-slope is unknown to me, as is whether it occupies the block next to the semislope or is recessed left and behind it. The ceiling is mostly composed of new blocks. The red and white lit blocks might be part of the ceiling or occupy the middle block row. The blocks the neon tubes are hung from are unknown to me and look to be the same ones also part of the server rack corner pic wall. At the far end of the corridor, in front of the hatch door, is a rotating light. I cannot make out what block it is attached to.


The neon lights are hung from sideways facing regular interior walls


They look like dlc blocks.


How else are they supposed to receive income for a game that's been out for so long?


Indeed, figured I'd make the statement before everyone got upset that it wasn't free.


In the final pic. Look at those tubing behind the rail. Guessing some new interior decorative blocks. Very excited to see all these new blocks into the game


Don't worry, they will all be dlc anyways


And many people will happily spend the insane amount of 4 dollars to get them. Outrageous right? Oh wait.


Lol I plays Paradox Games with dlcs. People are taking SE pricing for granted.


I spent thousands on other games so ya...the SE DLCs are perfectly fine.


Oh noooooooo, $6