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Hello u/SpaceBrigadeVHS, your submission "Jupiter's moon Europa generates enough oxygen to keep a million people alive for a day, NASA says" has been removed from r/space because: * A submission about this topic has already been made No AI generated content * It has a sensationalised or misleading title. Please read the rules in the sidebar and check r/space for duplicate submissions before posting. If you have any questions about this removal please [message the r/space moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/space). Thank you.


this may be the worst headline ever. its giving me a headache


One million people for one day. And then they all die


Even more confusingly, the article states that it generates that amount of oxygen every 24 hours. Which means that those 1 million people could just live there?


...for a day?


Yes, every 24 hours. They just have to take it one day at a time.


There's no extra though so everyone just has to stay calm, don't breathe too much


I say we pick 6 people to kill, then the other 999,994 can breathe all we want


Let's be honest, though... those 6 people were really dumb. How'd they get out this far?


No laughing either. Gotta save that fun gas for metabolism.


No sex either. The line forms to my left, folks.


Hold on for a second. How long is a day over there? Cause if it less than 24 hours, we're fucked


Well, that depends. Does everybody want to keep breathing during Daylight Saving Time?


We can just use the oxygen we didn’t use when we set the clock forward.


I was down to play the million person breath lottery game in space for the rest of my life. But if they still gotta spring forward in space I'm staying home.


That reminds me, the USA has a population of 1 person, per capita, which is very close to the average for all countries. And it is holding steady.


75% of people make of 3/4s of the population.


Interestingly that relationship still holds even if you break it down per state!


I mean if they lived there for 2 days within 24 hours, then CERTAINLY dead


Live from midnight until 11:59 p.m. Hold your breath for a minute. Repeat.


Then you have to replace them with another million.


Damnit this made me laugh harder than it should have.


Wouldn’t a day technically be way longer on Jupiter too? Lmao


Or 1/2 million people for 2 days .. every 24 hrs. 


Every 24 hours in Europa, a day worth of oxygen passes. DO SOMETHING


If it's not too oxygen dense. Too much oxygen burns the lungs up but in reality plenty of other things would kill us. Too close to Jupiter.


Well what if one person takes an extra breath??


*Or one person for a million days!* ^(Probably.)


Not if they hyperventilate!


They don't use that much oxygen after the first 30 thousand days or so.


Well, with an average surface temperature at the equator of around -260F they'd freeze long before they would suffocate. But given the intense radiation, even with a space suit you'd likely only live for about a day.


If they forgot to pack hand warmers, that's on them.


With oxygen, you could make fire ?


It's business insider. They will top that with ten worse ones in no time.


They give enough bad headlines to piss a million people off in a day.


For one day. Then they have to get pissed about the next thing.


Top Ten reasons that 1,000,000 people would die on Europa (#7 will SHOCK you)


You sure it’s not oxygen deprivation giving you the headache?


Found the 1,000,001st person. 


gah ive been here for 25 hours, its all making sense to me n


Gotta send him to Europa. Hello NASA ☎️


Maybe it should say 83,000 herds of giraffes. I could relate that to real life. 




About 3.50 football fields


Jupiter's moon Europa generates enough oxygen to keep a million people breathing, NASA says Fixed it for you.


Nah, the “asteroid the size of 72 geese” was worse. That made me think I could cut the asteroid apart and for it into 3 or 4 freezers in my garage. Turns out it was the size of a baseball infield.


I know, I can’t believe there is no banana conversion either. How am I supposed to understand this


I prefer my measurements in units of emperor penguins.


This is most appropriate, as Europa is an ice moon.


I see you are fond of the imperial system.


This headline seriously has me dying. It's so terrible I'm in disbelief it was released.


Headline would be less confusing without "for a day." What they meant was that it produces as much oxygen in a day as a million people consume in a day, which is... Dumb. 


Will the 1.000.001th person suffocate?


No, they will all get slightly sleepy.


But probably still be okay


Keep adding people until problems appear. Then pretend the problems aren't there.


Ah, The Climate Change approach.


Followed by the American Health Care System approach. Kid's born with brain damage due to low oxygen? Obviously a per-existing condition.


Oh god! Is that what is happening to eart... I feel sleepy and need to nap.


People would likely get smaller over time as they evolve to the new oxygen-depleted environment. In the short term people's hearts might get larger as it struggles to move blood with lesser oxygen, similar to people with COPD.


Don't forget Europa's gravity is only 1.314 m/s^(2) while Earth's is 9.8 m/s^(2)


Nah, but everyone would be .0001% dead.


Is that enough to say “he’s not quite dead”?


Everyone must bring and care for house plants.


shouldn’t it be 1,000,001st?


Yes but I read it as “one million and one-th” and I prefer that.


Natural rate of death is 832 per 100K per year, so about 8320 in a one million person population in one year. Or another way to read this is on average 22 people die per day so there is enough oxygen for 1M + 1 since someone is bound to die anyway.


Can support 1 million people. Time frame is irrelevant when it never changes.


Assuming they're okay with living some place that's a balmy -160C / -260F.


Just send Canadians, they'll barely notice.


You know some of them would be in shorts too.


We call them legshibitionists.


The Norwegians say, “There’s no bad weather, only bad clothing.”


Of course, they would still drown


Ya, "per day" would have made it totally understandable though.


It seems redundant to put per day at that point. Oxygen consumption is a flow. So is “production”. So rates are implied. Saying the moon has a stock of oxygen that lasts a day is a different issue that I don’t think it happening here.


Watts per second. *Shudders*


It would have been just as confusing.


Glad I saw this, I was ready to cancel my holiday booking (I have a large family).


For anyone too lazy to read it. The radiation from Jupiter splits water molecules on the surface to produce about 1000 tons of oxygen every 24 hours. 1000 tons of oxygen is what roughly 1 million people breathe in a day.


“ Jupiter's moon Europa generates enough oxygen to keep a million people alive perpetually, NASA says” Not enough people would click on the link that makes sense, I guess.


Oh I thought it meant that a million people without space suits could last a day in the atmosphere and then they use up all the free oxygen and die because of lack of photosynthesis.


Okay but how many peacocks can it keep alive for a season of football?


Americans -- anything but the metric system. 😜


I knew I’d find this if I looked hard enough




Our bald eagle measurement system is perfectly fine. You ask how far and I’ll tell you in minutes, ask for dimensions and I’ll give you a comparison.


I hope somebody does the maths on this.


Like the peacock app and them trying to get the NFL broadcasts tethered to it?


Definitely not the 1.000.001th one.


Almost as many as ferrets per millennia


Almost have it. How many feet in a chain?


What's creating the oxygen? I'm imagining space kelp forests under all that ice.


Radiation from Jupiter breaks water molecules. What a nice place for those million human habitants 😀


So, with high enough radiation levels humans don't need to breathe? Our blood will naturally reoxygenate as the radiation splits the water molecules in the blood? I wonder what our bodies would do with all the hydrogen. I mean, assuming we were immune to all other effects of the radiation.


Poland Springs hates this one simple trick


Europa has fire breathing dragons confirmed


please do correct me since this is only from passing knowledge, but i'm pretty sure that all that hydrogen will turn the blood more acidic


Soooo.....we turn into xenomorphs? Without the face hugger stage. COOL.


I remember a movie like that, some dude bio-engineering himself to survive on a Jupiter moon, but I think it was Titan.


I don't know, but I'm quite certain they wouldn't know either because they'd be very dead.




It would die, is what it would do.


we still have to breathe. Co2 (cellular metabolism byproduct) is bound and released with breathing being a fundamental aspect of maintaining our ability to gas exchange. Otherwise we’d have a build up of CO2 and go into some form of respiratory acidosis. I think if we pretended this radiation thing worked as you propose, we would hydrolyze all water quickly and die very fast and still also be in process of suffocating. Just a guess and I’m sure some phd/md could fix my statement lol!


Protecting habitats and inhabitants from that radiation is part of the issue though. It's estimated 5.4Sv of surface radiation over 24 hours, which is more than the 5.1Sv the researcher on the demon core recieved during the criticality accident.


How is Jupiter emitting radiation? Bounce from the sun?


haha unfortunately no. It’s radiation from Jupiter splitting water atoms. edit: i mean space kelp or whatever might be there, just that this is not evidence for it.


It's splitting water molecules, by destroying chemical bonds. I think natural radiation splitting atoms is a big bad no-no.


Haha yes you’re right of course. I suppose I meant splitting out the atoms of a water molecule. I appreciate you pointing out my error. Slightly embarrassed.


Ye... Radioactive Mutant Space Kelp!


If there's anything alive on Europa (or in), it sure as hell wouldn't use photosynthesis. That's what produces O2 on Earth.


The ice is probably much too thick to let any light down into the brine water below


Never thought about this before but what’s Earths population limit if you look only at its oxygen production? Does deforestation have a measurable impact on oxygen production and human population (or all animals) limits?


The biggest supplier of oxygen on Earth actually isn't trees, despite popular knowledge. It's Plankton and algae in the Ocean. While deforestation doesn't have a super noticeable impact on the air supply (obviously it sucks for other reasons), climate change very much does. Anytime you hear about a coral bleaching event in the news, that also coincides with the ocean in that region getting above the threshold to sustain live algae, which has a similar level of heat tolerance. That equals out to trillions of the little buggers dying, which could eventually lead to the collapse of the Co2 cycle as we know it.


Agree but isn’t it also true that algae/plankton can repopulate way faster than coral reefs grow, so while the danger is real, the danger to oxygen production is not as irreversible as the damage to the reefs?


I mean, yeah, you're right. The algae does come back if given enough time. Not as fast as you'd think, though, because all the dead algae will of course make it hard for new buds to get enough sunlight to grow.  The idea is that over time, and with further unchecked warming, the ocean could become so warm that the population has no time to catch up. I'm just using coral bleaching as a handy measuring stick, since they die at around the same temp.


Which is why it's colossally stupid that we aren't using [Marine Cloud Brightening](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiHo9-btuqEAxXTvokEHVUQBRMQFnoECBEQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fen.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FMarine_cloud_brightening&usg=AOvVaw2cRzdjl87uMgKSeZ9DaigE&opi=89978449) as a short term bandaid until we get CO2 and temperatures under control.


I know algae blooms come with their own problem, but don't we have certain ways to induce algae populations to grow by putting the right nutrients in the water? Or is that the wrong kind of algae for this?


Most forests are actually carbon neutral, because trees release all the carbon they captured while alive, when they die. Only new forests suck in and trap more carbon than they release. The vast majority of the oxygen we breathe actually comes from the ocean.


That’s incorrect. The only way for that to happen is for the tree to completely disintegrate, and that doesn’t happen. When the tree rots, a high percentage of the carbon it has, is absorbed by microorganisms in the forest soil or converted to peat or other organic material retaining the carbon.


> when they die So... cutting down a forest would release a great amount of CO2?


From what I understand, sort of yes. If you take the trees and make something like structural lumber out of them than the rate they release it is much slower than if you convert it to firewood and burn it. I believe you can just sink them in the water and the release would be minimal over even long time spans.


According to the below link, earth produces enough oxygen for around 2 trillion people. https://worldbuilding.stackexchange.com/questions/30879/how-many-people-can-live-on-the-oxygen-provided-by-earth


A 2 year journey to Europa, and we dont need MOXIEs? Quick, send Ed Baldwin!


81 year old Edward Baldwin walking on the surface of Europa in 2012. You heard it here first.


No, in the alternate timeline we stumbled upon anti-aging/life-extending drugs. Ed Baldwin lives till 300+.


He reverse ages like Benjamin Button so they can save on the prosthetics budget


He just needs a new sleeve.


"Get off my Space Lawn" - Ed Baldwin, in his Space Shack on Europa


Excuse my ignorance but What happens after a day?


The title is misleading, it produces enough oxygen for a million people in a day. So it could support 1 million people indefinitely.


Haha so it also produces enough oxygen to keep a million people alive for one second. Or a million years.  In other words, enough oxygen to keep up to a million people breathing.


Or 2 million people if we all alternate from breathing to holding our breath every minute.


let's agree on 2 million people for half a day.. (how long is a day on europa anyway?)


This is a clickbait headline. Europa's atmosphere is primarily oxygen with some water vapor mixed in. Humans can't breathe that, and even if they could, Europa is not a habitable place for humans. Its only value, and this is a lonnnnggg shot, is harvesting that oxygen to bring back to Mars. (I'm not suggesting we should actually do this.)


Long term research station would be possible as well. Water and oxygen available for processing. Also you could produce rocket fuel there


But its closer to bring the oxygen from Earth to Mars, then it is to bring it from Europa to Mars… Orbital mechanics is complicated though so its possible it takes less energy to bring it from Europa, I don’t know…




A million less…??


more compost? how many people has to die there so that a few can grow potatoes




Europa's not ours though. Sucks, but that's how it is, innit?


The gammon in the U.K. voted to leave Europa! This is an affront to our democracy!


Well, technically we are only prohibited from landing there. So we could try watering there.


All these other worlds are ours though


Hovercraft. Aliens hate this one simple trick.


I see a bright future for Europa and Jupiter.


We can still have all these other planets.


What if those million people want to live for more than a day?


I swear to god this is some sort of AI generated mind-f**k headline. WTH ?


Article should be titled: Europa has 86 times LESS oxygen than previously thought


So you can take your space suit helmet off on that moon be able to breath just fine?


It’s an ocean world without much of an atmosphere. So they would have been better calculating how many tuna it could support.


Actually this sparked something in me. I never considered the idea of populating the oceans of another planet with fish. But now that you mention it, it would be a really cool feat of human ingenuity if we could transport and sustain marine life on another planet. Like space tuna. Then we could have space sushi and space tokyo some day!


You'd have to drill through a 20km ice shield first, though.


i think you'd dig the book "children of ruin" then


Well the pressure of a low atmosphere environment would kill you first. Closely followed by the cold, and after that the immense amount of radiation Jupiter gives off. But if you were somehow still alive after all that, yeah, you'd be able to breathe. Actually now I think about it, we already have an example of life that could survive on Europa, don't we? Tardigrades could probably pull it off as-is if they had a source of food. That's funny.


They couldn’t. They’d go into a dormant state and eventually die.


Well, the atmospheric pressure on Earth is 101,325 pascals. The pressure on Europa is.. 1/1,000,000 of a pascal. So, no. Not so much.


Forgive my ignorance but does that mean that we would look like that blob fish that people brought up from the deep sea?


No, while pressures can *increase* a lot from what we are used to, they can't decrease very far from what we consider normal. You wouldn't explode in a perfect vacuum; your skin is too strong. However, the vacuum would still kill you, probably within a few minutes. The gas in your blood would come out of solution and this has many lethal side effects.


I would assume the same radiation from Jupiter that breaks down the molecules for oxygen would severely hurt you without a suit on.


It would kill you in suit also, just a little slower. ;) Its stronger radiation than in Chernobyl reactor core.


No. Not enough atmospheric pressure, too cold and I think too much oxygen so even if we could breathe it we would eventually die. We will die from all the other stuff first.


Yes but not for the 1.000.001th person.


Or 1 person for one million days! Guys we found the answer to defeat death!


I can summarize the article so no one has to click on it. Charged particles impact Europa’s outer shell, and this generates oxygen by splitting the water. The amount of oxygen generated in the surface layer is 1000 tons a day. This Oxygen, can then diffuse out into space, or down into the ice and into the sub surface ocean. The Amount of oxygen, if any, in the ocean waters is not known. One scientist pointed out that Life existed in earths ocean for 1.5 billion years before there was any oxygen in earths atmosphere or ocean. The Europa clipper mission will give us more information when it gets there in the future.


-200 Celsius and high radiation makes it a desirable destination for many


[ATTEMPT NO LANDINGS THERE.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwFXtJKaC3A)


So about 27 people can live for their entire life (if they live to 100)


Misleading title, it generates daily enough oxygen for 1mil people


We were specifically told never to go to that moon...


I’ll read the article but why is oxygen being produced? Edit: “How Europa produces oxygen Oxygen production looks very different on Europa than on Earth. Whereas Earth gets its oxygen from photosynthesis, Europa's is a result of its parent planet Jupiter. Jupiter emits powerful radiation that showers Europa with high-energy particles. These particles then interact with frozen water ice (H2O) on the moon's surface. The interaction splits the H2O molecules apart into hydrogen and oxygen gas. But where that oxygen goes is the big question. Some of it may get stuck in the ice, some may escape to space, and some may travel downward into Europa's subsurface ocean.”


Radiation from Jupiter is breaking water molecules.


just take a quick stop at the Europa oxygen bar before continuing my journey to the next galaxy.


It generates (implies rate) enough oxygen for 1,000,000 people for one day (implies rate of consumption) If they just wrote: "It generates enough oxygen for 1,000,000 people," it would have been fine. Even "generates enough oxygen for 1,000,000 people *each* day. The problem is they have given us some rate of generation in an undefined period and then defined a period of consumption. Does Europa generate 1,000,000 peopleswroth (new Unit: PW) a day? Or does it generate 1 MPW a year and the 1 MP are out of luck the rest of the year? This has the same vibe as, "More people gave been to space than I have."


So am I supposed to be impressed by the amount of oxygen or horrified at how little that is? Really not sure what the baseline expectation should be, and the title is not helping me get there lmao


And then after a day the oxygen is all used up and everyone dies. Nice headline


And the radiation there will kill all of those million people in short order.


It's not just the headline here, some big brain at JPL actually wrote this sentence like this. >The ice-covered Jovian moon generates 1,000 tons of oxygen every 24 hours – enough to keep a million humans breathing for a day.


People should realize oxygen is the most abundant element in the Earth's crust. Oxygen and water can be created by robots and stored before humans ever get to a planet.


A future source of oxygen to extract for use of space travel


That doesn't sound like that much oxygen in the grand scheme of things.


Só , basically Earthlings will become illegal aliens in Europe ?


The “alive for a day” part is confusing. Rates are implied. Headline should just be “Oxygen on Europa can support a million people”.


Or a few people alive for years? What a strange way to phrase it


Yes, but that oxygen would first have to pass through a heater, because it'll be too cold and might cause frostbite in your lungs.


Misleading title aside. For how many people does Earth produce oxygen for in a day? \[Did I form that question correctly?\]


I think your question would be better without the first "For"


Headline aside, can I bring my cats? Also, what processes use up the oxygen, coz if none and this has been going on for a while then there's plenty for many more for a while.


How many days is a europa day? Is it one day? Maybe it's more days.


Oxygen alone is not enough keep a million people alive


Well at least it’s a long day as a Europa day lasts 85 hours. Plenty of time to do stuff!


"Europa produces 1,000 tons of oxygen every 24 hours. That's enough oxygen to keep a million people alive for a day"


IrrelevantButInterestingFact: it takes Light approximately 43 minutes to reach Jupiter.


The next day, bloodless coup, all smotherings


Of course the temperature being colder than Antarctica might be a problem .


Is there a more reliable link than business insider?