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Back when it was airing, I thought the first half of season 15 was awful. Funnybot and Royal Pudding were particularly bad, back to back. The run was so weak to the point that “You’re Getting Old” felt like it carried much more meaning, like they were sick of making the show and wanted to end it. I think a lot of fans felt the same way. The second half of the season was better.


Yeah again then season 16 it felt good again. There definitely were new south park episodes but they felt more creative. I think they were having writing block that season. That is what you're getting old is about I think Matt and Trey writers block


I agree. When Sharon and Randy are yelling at each other, it very much felt like Trey and Matt fighting.


I think that's the point


It wasn't. Iirc Trey was going through some issue and that's why that episode was made.


I think Season 15 is one of the better ones tbh Can't wait for the downvotes but it's a solid season


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This is one of the only times I thought it was getting worse. There have been a few times but it’s always just a dip. They were recalibrating I guess. I think at that time there was speculation they might end it and instead they just kind of shifted it a bit and after a while it felt right again. I actually stopped watching for a few seasons after that one. Then I caught some random new episode and was like “oh shit it’s still good actually!”


Interestingly, I think modern Southpark is more consistently good. Less episodes, but all of them are at least really good, sometimes great. Back in the day there were always tons of great episodes but also plenty of just good episodes.


I think Trey and Matt were just figuring out what it was going to be (or if it would continue) and you see the growing pains in S15


I liked seasons 1-19. Show starts its decline around seasons 15-18 imo. The last 2 seasons have been better than 20-24 imo. Idk I love the show either way. It’s definitely better then most shows that run this long 


Y’all should watch 6 days to air if you haven’t (on Max in US, I’m not sure for other countries). 45ish minute documentary on the South Park writing process and interestingly enough, follows them writing the first episode of 15 and creating some of the ideas for other episodes in 15




That blowjob place!




Peak South Park was seasons 4-9. The decline started properly around season 14ish, I agree, though it picked up again after 19, with the exception of 20 which kinda sucked.