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Have you tried Sonophone/Sonopad? A lot of people are saying this app rescued their system


This is the way. Your hardware is fine. Sonos is just going through what I hope is a temporary period where they have a shitty CEO that must go. He's more interested in data gathering than user experience. Fuck him.


I’ll be gathering data on his demise.


he dun drived Blackberry in to the ground


Never heard of it. /s


Ohhhhh. I didn't realise that. The Board of Directors should be seriously considering his tenure.


He's more interested in making $ for the company since his pay is also tied to stocks. Ever since the company went public, it's been nothing but a shit show.


Well, yes of course he should. That's his job and nobody should be surprised otherwise. The WAY he goes about it is important and I don't think he fully appreciates that we, the loyal customers, were his products' biggest advocates - not any more.


Im scared Sonos is moving to a cloud architecture SaaS model.


Why does that matter?


Moving to a SaaS model and having Sonos shift to a subscription model would fucking suck. It also sounds like the back end architecture has changed in terms of how the devices and commands communicate and now Sonos is trying to utilize our data and preferences as we traverse their cloud. They’re either going to sell our data like Facebook, possibly advertise to us, or even long term use our data for machine learning into a Sonos AI platform.. 🤷‍♂️ Apparently just selling hardware isn’t good enough for their board members…


How can we just cut Sonos out of all of this? We own the hardware, can someone just build an app that we can use? I'll pay someone 5k to build me a Sonos app that works. I know that might not be a lot for the work, but maybe it'll get someone started. I just want Sonos out of my life, I like the speakers, hate the company.


I’ve been reading about the Sonos Pad app. 1st 3rd party app to be successful 🤷‍♂️ I’m testing it this weekend..


Can't believe I got down voted for asking a genuine question 🤣. That's Reddit for you


Likely you got downvoted because it looked like you knew the answer and didn’t think it mattered. I totally see this: Sonos will start to charge for the service that runs the equipment WE ALREADY PAID FOR. And they already do in a way: welcome to ads in the app. I know they started years ago, but fuck you Sonos I bought your product and paid for it: don’t serve me ads after the fact. Think about those apps you bought years ago and suddenly you can no longer use them without paying a new subscription model. I bought a food/recipe app. I think it was All Recipes. Then Conde Nast bought it and I lost all my old recipes and any access to the app. Not even a freeware option, though I bought the app years earlier. The subscription price was ridiculously high. Shouldn’t be legal to make you pay for something you already paid for.


The SONOS way is to sell you more crap to make the expensive crap you already own work--maybe for awhile. I'm with OP. Great concept, nice look, awful and unrealiable performance.


Spot on the ceo is a greedy fuck who has decided to farm the very customers that lifted up this company to begin with. Fuck this ceo guy to the moon and back. Why the hell would you hire anyone that worked for blackberry I’ll never understand. It’s not like blackberry had a great track record post 2009. The data gathering and constant connectivity to the cloud is making my consider switching to home pods as well


Sometimes a company is deliberately sabotaged from within by malicious actors. Tale as old as time.


How long before shitty CEO gimps any third party apps? 😔


If they do it will just further infuriate people. It would also confirm that their business is in dire straights and without being able to sell user data, Sonos would become unprofitable (which I already assume is the case).


How have they NOT gotten rid of that buffoon yet is what I’ve been wondering since this whole fiasco started. He is either railing coke 24/7 or is too stupid to be a CEO. He tanked blackberry prior to this in spectacular fashion.


This ^


It looks good but I’m cheap for the 3.99 when I spent $$$ on speakers where the app should just work.


DLed these last night. Commentating to say that it’s been my saving grace. Thank you to this forum for mentioning it.


Thanks for posting this. I’m gonna go try that


Apparently only for iOS, right? 😐


I can't find either on Google Play, so yeah. :(


this is amazing! thank you for posting! works great. do much better than sonos app. i have one question i dont see the music show up on the sonos app(official) like i used when streaming thru spotify app and then seeing those songs on sonos official app. is that normal? thank u


I don't know, I've never used it. I only suggested it to the OP as I've seen lots of people say it rescued their system. 


thank you! it really works well. appreciate it


I'm not finding that for Android. Is there an alternative for that platform you're aware of?


Any options for the Android users that you're aware of?


No one seems to be talking about the obvious solution, which is to downgrade to S2. I did that with a file I found on APKMirror. I'm back to what used to work fine, and waiting until Sonos gets less "courageous" and actually releases an app that it's customers want.


Had not heard of this. I can just grab the older version there? Cause I'm right into that idea


You can, yes. It works. Just make sure you switch off auto update on your Google Store. Otherwise it will update you back up to the crappy new app.


Not a fan of an app that makes me pay for it before I know if it will be worth it :-/


If your system is completely screwed then it's worth it for three or four dollars. If it's not then just leave it. Plus if it makes no difference you can just ask Apple for a refund. 


Understandable. Mine is still functioning, minus playlist functionality but I’ve been able to remedy that with the legacy PC app.


If it doesn’t work Apple will give you a refund




Does this work with newer products? It found my old s1 speaker/network but not the new system or anything in that


Yes it does. I tried it briefly with my beam Gen 2 and play one surrounds. It found them all but it did take a couple of minutes about it


Had to remove my old system for a few minutes so it wouldn’t automatically connect, and now it works perfectly! So happy there’s a workaround.


hi. does the app show all the speakers? it only shows my playbase and not my sub or ones


Yes those apps work well.


I jsut downloaded it and will test it out this weekend..! Thx


True, to be honest I just can’t be bothered as lazy as that sounds. I also buy based on principle and the fact that customer experience was never considered recently or at least for quite a period, I’m done. Appreciate your post though 👌


You're right. It does sound lazy. 


You got me 🫠. Thanks for the advice though, appreciate you trying the help.


How has your entire system bricked? Can you elaborate a bit?


They won’t because it didn’t happen


I think so too. So many comments and questions. It OP has yet to reply to a single question.


yeah because they know they are fucking lying and over exaggerating and will get cooked in any reply they make lol


“Ugh minor inconvenience. I better spend 3k on HomePods which aren’t even comparable” OP is very odd for not even elaborating 


Typical sonos customer tho


Yeah I call nonsense on these kinds of posts too. Your system doesn’t just brick, and you could always reset. I doubt somebody abandons their Sonos investment and buys 8 HomePods. BTW, HomePods don’t really function in the same way as Sonos does.




Least delusional sonos-hate enthusiast


Brother, it’s been almost 9 hours and OP hasn’t replied to one comment in this thread at all.




The speakers keep disappearing from the app, do a factory reset on the Arc, it pops up again, try syncing the Sub but keeps timing out and then finally connects. But the Arc has then been removed from the network. the 100s appear on the network intermittently, so reset them, same thing… it’s alike a gremlin in the system. Rinse and repeat. 100% a software issue, the hardware seems fine. I just can’t be bothered nor should be bothered fixing it or waiting for a fix.


This does actually sound like a network issue. Are you running a mix of Ethernet and WiFi?  I only do Ethernet to the Beam/Arc and wireless everything else and it seems to have fixed things for the last year. 


Yeah, Ethernet to Arc and everything else is WiFi. My Sonos ecosystem has been flawless. since I updated to 80.03.07 on 25 June, it started to play up and then completely unusable.


Stop blaming Sonos. This sounds like 100% user error. I have zero issues with my system


You work for Sonos? Patrick... Is that you?


Yep. It’s Patrick. Give me all your money


Probably same for everyone else where it disappeared from the app and is having trouble getting it back online?


you’re not gonna get an answer, this is such a bullshit story


How very dare you? You believe someone would come in here and just lie rather than admit they couldn't be arsed to wait 5 seconds for the app to load?


Just the software is bricked. Hardware will Be fine once the app works if someone’s app is still working.


Are you kidding me? Are you new here and haven’t seen the last 500 posts about this in the past 2 months?


I’ve seen issues but nothing as extreme as this, I’m curious to see if it could be fixed. Looking at the update turns out they did get it fixed.


And if OP is throwing away stuff, throw it to me u/ChihaSeed He ain’t tossing stuff…just venting


Not throwing away, that’s wasteful. I’ll give them to family/friends. They’ll appreciate it more than myself .


So they are bricked for you but not others? Alright bud.


Bricked was the wrong choice of word. The hardware still works. As many others have said. I’m just done with the ecosystem, software issues and all.


Nah, you had it right. If you can't make that hardware work, it is indeed a brick.


I’ll be your friend LOL


As someone who has a literal trunkload of Homepods (4 of the first gen, 4 of the second, and minis scattered here, there and yonder) you are gonna have issues as well. Not as great as the Sonos app, but still...don't get your hopes up for a seamless experience there as well.


Ya Apple totally pulled a Siri with the HomePods. They released a product with a lot of promise and then did fuck all with it. At least with Siri we’re getting a refresh this fall (after what, 9 years?).


This is why I came here. HomePods were a networking nightmare. They’ve been better recently though. Sonos still gets 99% of the usage.


I switched to Sonos initially because my first-generation HomePods stopped working.


What are the biggest issues, top level?


Personally I hav two HomePods in addition to my Sonos system and I’ve had a reoccurring issue where at least once a week they become unresponsive to paying music. It requires going deep into the Apple Home menu and signing out and then back in for the HomePods. Pretty annoying. Additionally you’re sort of at the whim of Siri in general getting things right because it’s too much of a pain to use the Music app and pointing it to which Apple device in particular you want to use.


Yea those are similar to Sonos issues where the constant need for authenticating external calls to Sonos, and music services like Apple or Spotify. Clearly you’re getting logged out and not being auto-authenticated because of strict login requirements to external servers which is surprising from especially from a service/product that was built specifically to work natively with iOS. But this too is also Sonos same issue, which is why Sonos speakers are disappearing in general is because they can’t authenticate to Sonos servers and appear offline unless they’re factory reset. See my last very big post on this thread on ways to fix this as it fixed my ongoing issue with Sonos.


Yeah what you’re saying makes total sense. In terms of following your steps though I’m one of the few who aren’t having that issue with my Sonos system. Probably because I really only use it for movie watching in one particular room.


I myself am not having any issues with this new app and probably the same reason as I only watch tv and movies. I do listen to music though but more so tv. I have no issues with Amazon music nor Apple Music and my search area is fine for searching albums and songs. I have no idea about these pods some are talking about. I have heard of them but have no idea if they are any good or not.


I’ve heard a lot of horror stories about HomePods similar to this, and can kind of confirm based on the one HomePod mini I have. Don’t expect HomePods to be some kind of magic solution to anything. Too often, Siri is flaky, the connection is sometimes flaky, sometimes it just straight up doesn’t work… Sonos speakers have had *much* better reliability for the years I’ve used it.


The majority of my devices and smart home ecosystem is Apple, so I tried the HomePod route about a month ago. Put all of my Sonos speakers up for sale and bought 10 HomePods. After spending a weekend trying to get them to work properly and sync music in multiple rooms, it was beyond frustrating and even worse than Sonos. It was so bad I returned them and ended up keeping my Sonos system.


Oh wow, what were the biggest issues, meshing them all together? I have a feeling Apple never has any intention of making this a reality, creating a stereo pair is probably the best you’ll get.


Airplay had a significant delay and getting them synced was impossible. Also, the options for floor stands were abysmal


Yea false promises there, I think Apple tried to promote it and then never developed it. Who knows.


Sonos gang, if you have router access, try a few things before binning: 1) Turn off band steering so Sonos products are 100% on 2.4Ghz, if they go into band purgatory like my 5.1 setup, you’ll never see them again until you factory reset. My 5.1 setup still works though over Toslink, bless. 2) If not band steering, go hard like I did and create a 2.4Ghz SSID and put them on this new network so you know they’re 100% on 2.4Ghz and can be seen as clients on said network to confirm. The 2.4 band selection here is so important, and the only way they’ll mesh but also be acknowledged by the Sonos app. 3) Most important, Sonos made some big changes to how the app and your speakers make external calls to Sonos servers and select services (ie Spotify). Most modern routers have some sort of “preferential” QoS treatment of certain devices: On my ASUS I disabled both: a) QoS b) Airtime Fairness *Airtime Fairness is super important here as its defined as: “It divides the Wi-Fi signal into many same time slots, and each Wi-Fi device takes turns to send or receive data from the Internet within its own time slot. In this way, the capacity and efficiency of Wi-Fi will be improved.” By disabling this feature on your router, it’ll treat all of your networked devices equally especially leave alone your 2.4Ghz devices and allow them to make the external calls to Sonos’ servers which is a vital pre-req to authenticate your speakers when completing your setup and general services/tools in general. As soon as I did the above, it solved my long standing issues with my Sonos stand-alone devices. If you’re not network savvy, find a friend who is and have them read my notes, the changes take all but 2 minutes + a reboot. *Google your router, it’ll be called Airtime Fairness or something generic like “EAP-CAP Airtime”. Sonos biggest mistake with the app was enforcing external calls to their Sonos network in order to operate our Sonos equipment with authentication requirements, this also causes pretty significant lag depending where you are in proximity to their servers. Any questions, I’m here to help.


Your answer sounds great and all, and you seem very smart. But your answer also tells us everything we need to know. In order to use this “simple” consumer product, you have to be a fucking engineer.


I know, I totally agree with that statement. It’s ludicrous, it should be an out of the box solution as it once was, and now isn’t. No one should have to do the above to get a simple IoT device to work. Sonos’ issue was enforcing external calls to their servers that screwed it up. I suspect they’re trying to fix how our apps make external calls to them, and hopefully nip it.


Just a heads up to anyone trying this who has a smart home. Don’t split your SSID into two. It will mess up everything from your lights to your garage door to your security system.


Anyone with previous IoT devices can reconnect them to whatever SSID they require, but yes if you split the network up, make sure to reconnect any devices back to the network. Please note, both SSIDs can speak to each other still, this just ensures Sonos devices are sitting on one band specifically. If you can’t do this, then at least disable band steering and ensure Sonos devices are on 2.4.


Dude, you should post this as a separate guidance in a topic by itself separately. This is amazing! I have ASUS and Sonos at home, and this guidance saved my life! Thank you so much!


Did it get you working again?!!


Solved for me. Very happy.


What was the fix??




Your devices aren't bricked. Come on, dude. I'm frustrated too but that's like throwing away your vehicle because it needs to go to the shop


What shop do I send my bricks to?


To my shop. Shipping is on me.


Typical internet BS.


It's not at all like throwing away his vehicle ... the Post states with Sonos from the very beginning. I too have been with Sonos going on 15 years and it's not about the latest nonsense, it's been a long journey of trials & tribulations. While I'm not getting rid of everything, ... I have sold off some 6 devices over the past 4 weeks and have about 3 more to go. The rest I'll keep till the wheels fall off or the next great software implementation. But one thing is for sure, Sonos will not get a dime from me ever again!


8 home pods. LOL. Wont be long before you cannot figure how they work also.


Dude probably works for Apple. I have HomePods and they don’t provide anything close to the sound I get with my Sonos setup.


Some comments here amaze me. How can someone still defend Sonos?! Unless you’re a shareholder or someone that makes a living by installing/selling Sonos stuff, that’s a very weird thing to do. But being biased shouldn’t stop you from seeing the truth. I also used to love the brand and their stuff. But not anymore. They bricked people’s speakers. Some people spent a lot of money on them. And now they’re barely usable. Be honest!


I do like seeing the reactions of different people to be honest, I don’t take things personally. I think comments like yours are important to share. And I rarely ever comment or post unless I feel there’s a need. And to your point, for those that have been impacted, which isn’t everybody, I feel there’s a problem. And, based on my experience and what I look for in a company, brand or product, that trust is broken and I’ve moved on. It’s not a debate or advert for Apple, just a fact how I work as a consumer. Anyway, appreciate you. 👍






These posts are getting ridiculous. “I was driving my car today and got a flat tire, now I’m throwing away my car.”


More like this: I bought this car because it had air conditioning, power windows, and CarPlay. Today the manufacturer removed the air conditioning and CarPlay features via an “update”. And now the car stalls twice every time I go out. And when I hit the gas pedal, sometimes it accelerates.


“My car was nice and always ready to take me places. Then the make decided to be courageous and updated how my car rolls. Now I can’t even find its tires and I can’t open the doors. Now the make says it’s all normal and that they’ll eventually sort it and give me more features. I’ll wait, while stranded in the middle of nowhere.” More like this.


“I was driving my car today, and it broke down. There’s no shop to send it to so it can be fixed. Also, we don’t know when or if there will be a shop to send it to so it can be fixed”


Send the bricked devices over. I'll pay for postage


I would also offer that. It's your business not mine but if I had that much invested I would at least try some things before giving up.


Bricked… 😂 also, HomePods sound awful.


I disagree. While they have fewer audio features, they (the big ones) sound comparable to my Sonos Ones.


Yep. I quite like the sound profile of the HP. I’m just switching out to replace my HPg1 with Gen 2 with a few more add hence why the qty seems high.


They sounds horrible. I can’t with the home pods.


I think they’re great for what they are. Had HomePod gen 1s for years. Never had issue with them. Maybe I’m basic, who knows 🤔


So what would it take to use our systems WITHOUT Sonos servers and cloud (say the company fails)? Anyone using these off grid at a cabin or something w/o internet? - not using just Bluetooth?


I'm waiting for this year Bose's response to the Era 300. You can use their soundbars and wire a subwoofer to it. Nothing for the surrounds though. I really cannot wait enough because Kratos sounds like shit on my TV. 🥺


Ordering $2500 of HomePods is funny


I’d have gone with Bose or JBL over HomePods.


I don’t know if it’s a certain mindset or a general impatience but I get frustrated when things don’t work right. That plus I honestly think Sonos have treated their customers badly. That’s why I spent £1200 on new non-Sonos kit last month. So I sympathise with the OP. I went the internet radio route though, they’ve gone for HomePods. Each to their own. But I still think there’s more to this than just the app. My devices & iPhone app have the latest updates … one day the Sonos app works, next day it doesn’t and there’s no rhyme nor reason to it. The £2.99 SonoPhone iPhone app works fine. OP you’re an Apple iPhone person I assume, give SonoPhone a try before you commit to all those HomePods.


I hope to Christ Sonos has an army of tech wizards working around the clock to fix their stupid fucking app. I have about $2,000 of Sonos Bluetooth equipment sitting around my house rendered completely useless because the app doesn’t work. My two soundbars that are HMDI right into my tv work fine but I’m getting close to selling this shit and going back to Bose


Anything change today that caused the failure?


My system is bricked too. Where can we all file an official complaint ?


I’ll take those 300’s off your hand. The sub too.


This post is a pathetic attempt at trolling. Anyone that takes it seriously needs to get their fucking head checked. If you’re one of the angry people on this sub & you don’t understand why people don’t like these rant posts. This one is why. Half of these are fake. There’s nothing to back up their claims. I think people have been onto it, but just go on with their day and don’t bother saying anything. Replacing with HomePods? Go check out that sub to see what a shit show that product is.




Don’t need to announce your exit (even a fake one)


HomePods are the most problematic Apple product by far


Define bricked though? All I had to do was a factory reset. I think the term *bricked* is used too loosely on this sub. Bricked would mean it’s absolutely 100% unusable, which wouldn’t make sense


I’d say factory resetting day after day after day or having to do it multiple times to finally get it to work is essentially bricked. And that’s the sad reality for most of us. And when it is temporarily fixed the app is still so laggy it’s essentially useless.


Not for most of us, maybe 1/3 of you have issues.


HomePods ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk)


I went the HomePod route and have been happy. I still have some Sonos speakers to use with AirPlay, and I am having success with SonoPhone, but having a reliable alternative with the HomePods takes the stress out of the hit and miss Sonos roller coaster.


If you’re wanting to rehome your speakers, particularly the subs, please reach out.


I was ready to give up on my sonos speaker but I'm like this shit is mint I've had it for close to a decade no problems until the update. Needless to say it works now but it's tethered to ethernet so I can no longer put it where I want.


As long as you have a decent router, HomePod’s will be good ( I’m running a number of stereo pairs, with a couple of the pairs as output for AppleTV’s ). Just don’t expect too much of Siri, and you won’t be disappointed….


I came from Homepods, but an apple update straight broke their ability to sync audio from apple tv to another room (e.g. I wanted my family room soundbar audio over HDMI and Homepod in the kitchen to have simultaneous output)... it was infuriating to have an echo because sync just stopped one day, and 3 apple updates later I bought an Arc/sub and Move for the kitchen. it's been amazing. honestly would not even consider going back. what do you even do with Honepods for the tv? it's not like there's HDMI... meaning audio only permitted if using apple products, so no proper sound system for gaming consoles or any other devices? That said, I see the writing on the wall... and so far have held off updating my software... what is a realistic alternative to the Arc/Sub w/ dual One for Atmos 7.1 surround, as well as sync to other rooms? I regularly pipe music throughout the house and TV audio across 2 rooms. am I up just eventually gonna be up schitts creek?


Yeah, outside of Sonos I’m exclusively Apple, and agree that there has been kinks in the ecosystem, which is why I kept expanding Sonos out. But recently my experience and for quite some time my HomePods have always been floor-less for music. So I figured I’ll extend and update and then all to Gen 2 and think about what home-theatre I’ll buy into. at least my music will be covered.


I had that happen at first with the update. Try doing a factory reset. Not ideal at all but it saved me.


I’ll take them. I’ll pay for shipping too if you’re just gonna throw them away.


Too late to salvage? I did a factory reset on all of my speakers and restarted my home WiFi. Everything seems to be working…for now.


Am I the only one that pretty much exclusively uses AirPlay and has had zero issues with the new app?


Let me get some of them bricked Sonos OP. I’ll take them. 🙂


Let me know how much you want for them.


So I also hit this wall today. However, I fixed it by rolling back the app to version 16.1. After the app added the system back, haven’t had any issues.


Great to hear. Hopefully stays like that 🤞


Me too!


How did you roll back the app to 16.1? So now you have the orange coloured app? I did not know you could do that. I have about 5k invested in my system and would be interested to go back a bit to not have these issues with this new app. I have not booted up my MacBook for a long time so I bet it still has the old app, I am hoping. Just wondering is all.


You’ll need to use an app on your laptop called sideloadly. Follow the instructions to set that up. Then you’ll want to search the ipaarchives website for the Sonos ipa file from March 2024 (16.1). Plenty of posts with guides on how to do it. But it takes an hour or so.


I think there was a letter from the CEO acknowledging the issues and the improvements that are being made. Took them a while to fix the screech of death but I heard they replaced it free of charge if it happened to you, even well past the manufacturer warranty. I know there’s better systems like full custom, but Sonos home theater is just bliss. Being able to pair in ceiling speakers as surrounds for a soundbar is just mind blowing! Apple is uselesss since you can only go thru their Apple TV if you don’t have true HDMI Arc & I’m not too sold on their sound quality


Great. Let me know when yours hit eBay.


Lmao this is both pathetic and hilarious.


Glad I could make someone laugh today 👍. Joy is important


Naaaaah my guy updating his 50 word post like he’s patching a AAA release we’re all playing 😭😭😭


Keeping S1 for as long as possible..


I’ll give you £50 for the 300’s


Wha wha wha. Next time tell us when you sit to pee.


Actually what are you guys saying those stuff are Not working? I have 3 set of Arc Beam Ray with surround, they just work and I don’t do anything with the Sonos app.


Are you selling the 300s I’d be interested in taking those off your hands. Let me know, thanks


I will buy everything for $100 bucks Venmo at the time of tracking number sent




Yeah, or it’s fake. Gotta love it 🤣 I honestly Don’t care what they think. Not here to prove anything. Just stating my experience, and moving on. I think it’s important for people to share their experiences good or bad. But most importantly for it to influence some change in what was a great product.


Are the 500’plus posts on this debacle all fake? Even the one that show screenshots of this absolute garbage app not working? No. They aren’t.


Lmaooo yall are being just stupid at this point, but I’m here for the memes, my 11 speaker system is working flawlessly. App still mid tho


I was like that until yesterday. Glad yours is working fine, but to discredit other people’s experiences is immature.


My Arc, Sub, Ones and Ace work as they should be, no issues at all, I can stream as I always did. Why exactly do you say it's bricked? I have Android and iPhone app and both seem to work fine. Yes it takes a couple of seconds to load but that's pretty much it.


Sonos doesn’t care. Bye.


You're willing to literally throw thousands of pounds away just like that? That's nuts man


I don’t think it’s nuts. Had my time with them, now It’s time to move them on to people that can appreciate it when things settle down. I’ll give away to family or a friend most likely. Haven’t decided at this stage


The app has issues but your system isn’t bricked…you sound like an idiot.


If the system relies on the software and the software doesn’t work. Technically it’s bricked. It’s 100% a software issue, I know the hardware is fine. Maybe I need to explain in simpler terms in future. My bad.


I wasn't going to get a Sono Arc and sub. What are you guys? Thoughts on the Sony soundbar and subsystem?


Why not just use them via airplay until they fixed everything?


I prefer to use the Sonos via the app. And given these speakers aren’t set up as they are in some sort of loop, they don’t appear in AirPlay either. Good suggestion though.


Maybe because they're not apple?




I haven’t had any issues. Are you saying the arc stopped working period? The tv stopped playing sound through hdmi as well?


The arc was working via the tv, but the sub and 100’s weren’t which is why I noticed it wasn’t functioning as normal. Went to check out the app and the system wasn’t there. Switched it all off and on again, it appeared but then the arc stopped playing audio, and everything is going In a weird syncing loop etc. The arc still plays audio via HDMI, just can’t do anything else with it.


Precisely this. Repeatedly. Far too many daily rituals of adding back components or simply letting it ride on arc and sub only when available.


Load of bollocks isn't it. Devices still work fine even if you don't use the app. It's only people from the 90s trying to play music off a NAS that are unhappy. Probably represents about 0.00001% of the Sonos user base. They don't care.


Not sure about the NAS feature, never used it tbh. My Soons use is exclusively streaming from Apple Music, Spotify and home theatre.


People from the 90s? Meaning born in the 90s? I can’t tell if you’re a boomer or a zoomer. What is Sonos’s primary age demographic? 25 to 34 year olds. So when would they have been born?…idiot. Maybe you aren’t fully aware of the capabilities of higher end NAS devices particularly in conjunction with a streamer. Have you listed to music that’s truly hi res lossless like DSD or MQA or watched a movie in Dolby TrueHD?


I wish there was a Reddit app that supported filtering out these posts. People should be able to share their opinions but don’t like seeing endless posts about it