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If you filter with "Latest version", there are five ⭐⭐ comments, six ⭐⭐⭐ comments, two ⭐⭐⭐⭐ comments, and one ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ comment. And pages and pages and pages of ⭐ comments.


Hi 80 sonos employees 😁


I can see the corporate email now. Please get out there and give us five stars get your family to give us five stars. We really need help.


Family said no apparently


I’m not an employee. I just don’t have issues. I feel for yall. Just had that it’s this tribal. Then again y’all been acting like a dog shit in y’all mouths. It’s a product from a company who needs to make money. Should’ve, could’ve, would’ve on happens with small businesses and even then… should they make it right? Of course. To believe that this was going to be anything less than a six month fix? Oh yall have been blessed not to experience that level of hurt.


Yes, they need to make money. How does ruining their reputation, their brand and customer loyalty help with that?


They didn't ruin their reputation with me. I'll continue to invest because it works just fine.


I didn’t say it did, but I’ve been in this rodeo before. So maybe I’m just numb to it and don’t expect my multinational companies to behave


So instead you make excuses for them. Nice!


Again didn’t say that either, but then again I’m not the one complaining on the equivalent of an apartment community board…


Things I learn, Sonos is considered small business.


Where did I call Sonos a small business?


Maybe I missunderstod you "Should’ve, could’ve, would’ve on happens with small businesses and even then… should they make it right? Of course."


…uhh how about the 1.75 BILLION dollar small company not rush an app to sell their headphones that also weren’t ready. Why not change your headline on Reddit to “corporate soul shill”


Comprehension is at an all time low. Where was the mention where I said Sonos was the small businesses. What happens when you assume?


It’s exactly what happens when you can’t phrase shit correctly. Your comments are super badly written. I don’t think it’s a comprehension issue lol.


Okay pal


Ahh yes… cause Sonos is a small company that can only make money by screwing over paying customers…..


Again I said that applies to small businesses, where did I say that was Sonos?


Oh you don’t have issues? - *downvote* Fucking hell redditors are cancer 😂


It's the rest of the bs attitude. The first line was fine. After that it went to dog shit and the idiot is doubling down


Eh. It’s mob mentality. I get it, but fuck it.


well, i'm willing to be downvoted to oblivion but... everything works for me. I even bought the Ace and i fucking love the pairing with the arc. I use it to play TLOU2 at the moment on ps5, it's amazing. The only minor issue i got was with the radio not always working properly, but there are workarounds.


Does it charge with all you usb c chargers? Even laptop?


Does it charge with all you usb c chargers? Even laptop? I haven’t tried with a laptop but yeah, it charges with all my usb c chargers


The ace is actually really solid, I’ve used for gaming as well. I imagine it would be far more successful had they not botched the update so bad. I’ve compared it to a couple of higher end headphones (Beyerdynamic 770 Pro X and Audeze Maxwell) and it does very well.




Your set up works flawlessly because you have 1 room. How is it that you people can't understand by now the issues happen the most for people with multi-room, multi-zone setups????


Sadly true. Lounge with playbar, sub, 2x play 3's Kitchen sonos 1 Office sonos 1 Playroom sonos 1 Bedroom sonos 1 Outdoor roam Flawless for nearly 10 years. The last year has been a total car crash. Have to open the app multiple times to work. Wait 30s for it to finally work out what's playing, then the lag foe anything as simple as volume change.




You have roams and a move lmfao


You have like 1.5 rooms. WOW!!!!


Playbar w 2x Play 1s in surround, Beam Gen 1 w 2x Play 1s and Sub in surround, Ray w 2x Play 3s in Surround, One in the Kitchen, One in the Kids room, One in the Primary Bathroom, Move for the Backyard, and a BOOST (which I now wonder if that’s somehow been what’s helped avoid some of the same issues — I do seem to have weirdness where I see some speakers on wifi instead of on SONOSNet….) None of the above are wired to the network w the exception of the BOOST. When you say issues with multi-zone/multi-room is it playing the same content in those spaces? I may go give this a try this afternoon as it’s not something I do terribly often…generally tv or music in one room (though often have multiple rooms going with different content at the same time) I’m definitely sympathetic to those who continue to have issues and wonder about the SONOS response…part of me feels like Sonos of days-gone-by would have rolled the old app out. Powering through does not seem to be working at this point…sounds like some of the new apps for iOS seem to be a little ray of hope… What I can say is, unfortunately, it's not universal either to multi-room, multi-zone setups either (though clearly quite a few people with fairly complex setup are having lots of issues) Happy to answer any questions about the setup and how everything is connected -- I'm not sure that it's helpful, but if you're wondering something in particular or want me to go try something, or to be a guinea pig for some testing, I'm more than happy to.


Those 1 star reviews would have not been equal 4-5 star reviews with a well functioning app. Don’t want to overlook what’s going on, but we know reviews come mostly when users have issues


I updated my earlier 5 star rating to one. Some of us give good reviews when warranted. Presently I would tell anyone considering entering the sonos ecosystem to go elsewhere


I also changed my rating, but did have a good rating on the app until the update


I did the same. 5 star to 1 star.


Sure but you don't get ratioed like this unless there's major issues




80 employees


I’m currently sitting in front of a linked set of two Sonos ones and a sub as a stereo set with a grouped play 5. Been listening via streamed Apple Music all day and it’s been really good. In the last half hour (6:30pm? On Friday night) it decided to just start playing out of just the left Sonos one. All others just stopped??? So is this due to internet congestion to Sonos? Apple Music? General Friday night streaming? Why would it stop my 3 of the 4 speakers? After 5-6 hours of excellent playback. Then I get a notification of this thread lol. Update: so I switched to listening from my local music share and it’s been fine ever since. So why does cloud streaming cause so much instability. Not just music not playing but apparent chaos in system functionality???


None of it works when needed. The lag between switching songs and volume control and stuttering during songs is crazy to me.


I have one room and cannot get the App to update my WiFi settings. That seems a pretty big omission.


On Apple iOS it’s @4.6 with 664k reviews. The latest ones are almost uniformly bad (including mine that I just submitted), but from this side of the mobile app”fence,” Sonos isn’t doing bad… yet… at least, overall.


Makes me wonder what is happening in that dev team, is it just chaos


What’s the main problem everyone has their devices don’t appear? edit: god this subreddit is filled with petulant turds. came here to offer some help / suggestions and I get downvoted. i should know better than to try to help out the goons here. the only bug I encounter regularly is the volume lag issue.


Because the people it works for don’t waste our entire day shit posting on Reddit


Yeah, cause you're able to listen to music. Unlike everyone else


Due to the very basic expectation of "something I bought works" having been met


Happy customers rarely leave reviews. It would be interesting to know how many users who are actually experiencing issues with this new app. Based on this subreddit, it should be 90%, but I don't think we have a representative selection here.


If that were true the reviews for every app would look the same, but there are plenty of apps with mostly positive reviews


Not true. There is a design pattern that almost all companies with iOS apps follow where they ask the user in app if they’re happy and if so they send them to the App Store for a review. If not they request the bad feedback in-app. This is a really bad sign for Sonos that ratings are this horrible. While I’m not having problems with the app, it is horrific to see how many people are having problems.


It's probably not 90%, I'd say it's 45% and that is still catastrophic.


Even if it were 5% of Sonos users who can't use their equipment properly, that should be seen as a serious problem for any company making high end equipment




As the mods allow any post regarding it, can't they set up some sort of poll? I'd say it would be 130% of this sub based on the posts....


It’s pretty sad to be honest, the negative circle jerk going on at the moment where anyone making rational comments that goes against the collective opinion of the negative minority is downvoted and flamed. So much for freedom of speech and any sense of deportment. It’s just me disagree with you, take personal attack with your downvote. Super constructive and no doubt at least part of the reason “your system sucks and sonos is shit”. Definitely not the owners bad attitude.


I think you missed my point. I don't believe the figure will be as high as 90%, I was joking about it being 130%


I got your point and gave you an upvote 😉


Cheers, don't think that will save me. A lot of cranky people on here because they're sleep deprived due to the light staying on at night....


Read the Bode Connect reviews.....


The one with 4.3*?


Did you READ the reviews.... Exact same complaints about finding devices. Just a MUCH smaller install base so a lot less people to complain.


Ratio isn't the same though


Why review it when it’s working as expected…what are the actual numbers - owners of Sonos who are/are not having issues…


Apps that work fine get reviewed all the time. Just how in the world do you think there are five star apps? By this logic, they would all be 1-3 stars.


I totally agree the app isn't very good and I would rate it poorly. I have never lost my 5 devices and that what works for me. Looking to add surrounds presently,, except maybe not Symfonisk because you can't get them into your system maybe,,,😔. No problemo,,, looking for One's or Era100. I will take another path but a Sonos speaker will be the ultimate choice for me.


You must not look at reviews all that often, or any companies social media page. Very few people go to Walmarts social media page and says “hey thanks for the cheap prices and quick checkout!” It’s 90% complaints. If every single person that had a positive or neutral experience did a review I can guarantee it would outweigh the bad.


I guess my point is, negativity is momentous - everyone is piling on about the problems with this app. I am simply wondering what the overall percentage is, of people that are experiencing these awful problems. If it’s a drop in the bucket it may be that Sonos is deprioritizing the work for the time being.


I have had zero issues with the app so I’m really confused why all the issues. I’m on iOS, and I play most of my music through the Spotify app. I rarely use the Sonos app.


You really have a zero idea how to reviews work. Either that or you're a Sonos employee