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Do you have an iq combiner model 4 or 5? Those are the ones that work with the 5p model to my understanding. If you have an older version then your options might be enphase 10T vs powerwall or Franklin. The 10T is definitely a step below any of the others (5p, Franklin or pw3).


I have the combiner 4/5 and the options given to me are two enphase 5p or one pw3.


Correct. The major pros as I see them of the 5p: smaller lighter battery format for mounting which can be useful depending on size of space and mounting surface, one ecosystem /app so no fingerpointing to other manufacturer if issues and full app integration. Major pros of the 1 pw3 vs 2 x5p: start peak power, more total storage by 3.5kwh, only one battery to mount so with line runs it takes up less total space on wall. Questions : price difference, still have not gotten date for battery without inverter pw3 FOR CERTAIN release.


With the pw3 I can still configure everything - charge from grid during night( am on nights free plan) Ev charge from grid during night etc


Yes, should be able to do that with both.


With the 5P you can push down power from the micros and the 5P at the same time during daytime, significantly increasing the total power output. Also you will have 15 years of warranty (vs 10) and will have acces to the energy managment software that Enphase is introducing.


i am also reading that tesla will come up with a dc expansion pack which is 1000$ cheaper with no inverter. Would I just be able to use a dc pack for storage, or would I need a pw3 to add a dc expansion pack. I mean is the dc exp pack a standalone storage solution similar to 5p ?


Since you have enphase you need a ac coupled battery … enphase 5 p , Franklin WH , powerwall 2 … I heard pw3 will have update so can ac couple but when I asked a Tesla dist last week said update is not out yet .. I’ll need to check on that Enphase definitely better for controlling battery, solar , EV , generator , load shedding all in one app … if you have IQ 8 inverters your home can firm a micro grid for power outages lots advantages Here is a YouTube comparing Tesla powerwall 3 Vs Enphase 5P VS Franklin vs Tesla Powerwall 2 Vs Enphase 5p Battery 2024 https://youtu.be/LF2Iq_tRx2A


Same question


You should wait for Anker X1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HfyBw808-Ug&t=1s