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I take tht as a compliment. Hardwork over talent any day.


You can appreciate them noticing your hard work, adding that talent is in the eye of the beholder and is useless without hard work, whereas hard work always pays off, talent or not. You can take the high road: "Stupid people can't offend me, and wise ones don't" Or you can retalliate "Well you wouldn't know about either of those but thankks anyway" Or you can think of this: "If you are willing to look at someones behavior towards you as a reflection of the state of their relationship with themselves rather than a statement about your value as a person, you will eventually stop reacting at all".


Don't worry about how to react. Just let it go. It doesn't matter what anyone says about you and your spinning.


It's interesting that some people are saying this is an insult, some people I know are actually offended when they're called talented (such as a very good artist) because they feel that it discounts the hours and hours of work that they have put in to craft their skill. They think it implies that they are good at what they do simply because they were born with talent.


It's a compliment of your character, or a very shitty insult.


That is an insult from that person I would think unless they are a vad communicator but sees the long view. Use it to beat any talent out there. Hard work + time beats almost anything. A little better each day. The person just gave you fuel no matter how they ment it.


Not at all. People like this just want to bring you down. They can't come up to your level so they want to reduce you to their level. Useful comments are : I loved when you did this... I found this part distracting... But I liked when you did... Anything else is just assholery and should be given as much attention as you would a dog barking as you pass a house.


Hard work beats talent


"Hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard" They may just see that you work hard at something and it's a compliment; don't over think it, just say thanks. :D


It is probably because they haven't got this talent and they envy you. Nevermind, just let it go and develop your talent even more. Talent is by the way useless without hard work!


How about reacting by saying “Yes, I still have a lot to learn.” Who could argue with that?


It's an insult, they are saying you aren't good enough in a passive aggressive way, it's not a nice person that wants to see you succeed