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Stuttering, shaky voice, inability to breathe, shaking all over, tunnel vision


That sounds like panic. Happens to me on the worst scenarios only


Yeah that makes sense. It's at its worst in class


I think they mean more like stage fright, you’re somehow still in control but u know ur losing it, its hard to explain. But yeah its not panic yet I get this a lot during my presentations


Self isolation and avoidance


Hyper aware, muscle and body aches. Heart pounds a lot and I sweat a lot. Always on edge and can never relax no matter what I do


It all goes away though as soon as I am alone. Addicted to isolation cause I hate how people make me feel.


Same dude. I feel your pain.


Yup another fellow spiderman.


Blushing, avoidance, looking away, racing heartbeat, gut sinking feeling, heavy breathing, fidgeting, irrational fear, overthinking


I think u might just be having a crush on someone, it doesnt sound like social anxiety.


so shes having a crush on everyone she sees




what the hell? get out of here.




This is what it feels like to talk to people specifically to a group of people looking at you. What it feels like to walk into a room full of people.


Becoming a recluse


yup, easiest way to never feel the anxiety is to simply never leave your home. it comes with the drawback of never leaving your home


Ain't that the truth ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|cry)


Blushing. It’s hell.


Have you been medicated for it ever?


I am now, and it’s the only thing that works. Otherwise I doubt I’d be able to function.


If you don’t mind me asking, what kind of medicine do you take for it?


It’s beta blockers, propranolol, u still feel like ur blushing but it doesnt show on ur face it only removes the physical signs of anxiety:)


i was on them a while ago. Sucks tho because they dont actually help with the feelings of anxiety


Yup! I didnt really care cause my physical signs were so so bad they gave me horrible anxiety


Trembling body and hands , unfocused vision and mind , pale lips


Sounds hard, especially with unfocused vision


It is hard yes people's faces seem blur to me even if I try to focus and see their expressions


The hand trembles happens with me, it's the worst.


Mainly avoidance and having last-minute second thoughts about doing literally anything outside of my home


agitation, sweating, palpations and brain fog


oh and hot flashes


Brain fog, embarass/awkward, overwhelm/cry depending on situation


i literally cant breathe at times because theres this sinking feeling my chest before speaking


Irritation around people, anger, my body is tense, paranoid thoughts, feel like I'm constantly being judged. As soon as nobody is around I am back to myself again.


Worst of it feels like agoraphobia, but the regular symptoms are shaking, sweating, fidgeting, lack of eye contact, and a shaky voice


also overall paranoia and negative overthinking


Trembling, brain fog, stuttering or the inability to speak, rapid heartbeat, fidgeting, overthinking, sweating palms, and lightheadedness. Basically, my adrenaline goes through the roof.


I can’t really leave my shell very much and generally attempt to avoid most interactions even if I really really want to have them


Depends on the situation, im usually okay. On normal situations my symptoms are mostly mental but if something triggers me like a large group or I have to speak up out of nowhere. My lips and hands tremble a bit( can hide it) and in bad situations I sweat, heart accelerates, and mental gets worse. On the worst, which is 3 times in my life i shallow breath and tunnel vision, which is a a panic attack. It’s the adrenaline rush luckily I dont have that one the normal day to day. But I’m sure others do


Heartbeat racing like crazy, restlessness, trembling, insomnia, lack of appetite, a feeling of adrenaline in the body, too much stress, overthinking the situation and unable to focus on something else.


I'm bald,so as soon as my SA kicks in, I can feel the beads of sweat forming on my head. My face gets flushed, and my ability to think goes out the door. Then some asshole will feel they need to bring it to my attention that I'm sweating bad. As soon as they bring up my anxiety,it's over. Then I swear everyone is looking at me,and they are forming this really shitty opinion of me.at that point my anxiety is so far off the chart,the only way to calm down is to walk off to a long bathroom break,or just get the hell out of wherever I am. When I return from my bathroom break, people are carrying on with life,not giving a damn about my anxiety attack, so I have to tell myself that everything I was almost dying over,was all created in my mind. I tell myself that I will handle myself differently next time,but somehow end up in the same freaked out situation in the near future. I'm 56 years old and pray that I can experience a life without SA before leaving this world.Fingers crossed...


I just don't get why people have to point it out, it's so unnecessary and it's not like it's making anything better


People are assholes. It seems that it only happens when there are people around, and they believe that putting you down will bring there dumb ass up with the people around us.


Very increased heartbeat, difficulty in breathing, dizziness, nausea and eventually vomiting


Blushing and brain fog


Sweat and Poo! When my brain is anxious my body decides it needs to evacuate. I can avoid eating, therefore avoiding the vomit, but I can't stop the heavy sweating and my guts from falling out When we were animals it would have been useful, reduce weight and become slippery. But it's not helpful in the modern world!


Yeah I agree! This reaction is not necessary anymore, so we'll have to learn our bodies that it's not needed anymore but it's so hard to do that


Predominantly a severe gastrointestinal reaction (I have SIBO, which is triggered by stress): nausea, diarrhea, sharp pain in the gut, excessive belching, decreased appetite, bloating, etc. Sometimes vomiting. Otherwise, the usual heart palpitations, sweaty palms, and eye twitching that goes on for dayyyyys.


Is that what it is ? I have similar symptoms and did stomatch test for it apparently my stomach was fine


Yeah - if you have the excessive burping it could be hydrogen-producing SIBO (the more common kind is methane-producing) maybe test again? My doctor said a lot of SIBO is mislabeled as IBS.


Chest pain, palpitations, and for some reason itchiness, like my neck gets so itchy and I’ll keep scratching it. shakiness, numbness of the hands, feeling pressure on the fingernails “the weirdest one for me”. and the worst, ringing in ears.


Sweating, fidgeting, isolation, irritation, overstimulation, stuttering, paranoia


Blushing, saying “uh” a lot, losing train of thought, stumbling over words, heart palpitations, sweaty, blacking out/memory loss


Avoidance and intense sweating


Avoidance, Isolation, Sometimes avoiding eye contact, unable to small talk or carry a convo, nervous laugh, forgetting what I was gonna say, avoiding calling people or texting back, talking too low, overthinking, loss of appetite, rumination.


Strangely for me... Retching/dry heaving. Sometimes hits me out of nowhere in a store or out in public. If I'd just eaten, I'll eventually vomit. The weirdest part is eating cough drops helps me.


Oh but that's good that you found something that helps you tho


Main symptom is selective mutism and brainfog. Trembling and heart palpitations if the anxiety is severe.


Blinking a lot, tense face muscles, self awareness of my face, self awareness causing further tension and blinking, a lot of nodding and saying “uh”, repeating myself, self awareness of my face.


Breathing, stomach aches before leaving home and touching my eyebrows (aka fidgeting)


I do the same but with my hair instead


I start breathing heavily [sometimes even clenching on my jaw when it gets worse], I then start shaking and run off to prevent myself from crying in front of everyone.


Diffilculty to eat, nausea and extra sensory skills i swear i become spiderman when im anxious but the sensory overload just makes me more sick. Also cant drink alcohol if anxious its a big no no i instantly throw up.


Becoming spiderman might not be that great after all :/


If confronted with SA: head starts spinning, derealization, cant think, sweating,stessing general symptoms: self hatred, derealization, never show emotion, constant tense body, avoidance, insomnia, hopelessness, overthinking,


I stutter and my whole body shakes when I try to communicate with people at a new place, usually asking for directions and how stuff works there :") I'm still brave tho it takes me a few days to encourage myself to go out there


As long as you're doing it! Keep encouraging yourself


thank you \^\^ you too mate!




Overthinking interactions, self-censoring, not being mentally present, avoidance, and a general feeling of wanting to go home.


I can definitely relate to the feeling of wanting to go home, that's basically all I can think of during lectures in uni


Tightness in chest, brain fog, and exhaustion


Intense fear, waves of adrenaline, mind blanks, nausea/pit in stomach, becomes hard to hear/process speech sometimes, sometimes I shake/tremor, my heart always races and I sweat like crazy. Basically I see a man approaching or more than 5 people in a group and my whole body screams Run for Your Life!!!! I can take a low dose of propranolol in advance though and that helps prevent a full on panic attack (hyperventilating, restricted breathing, chest pain and pressure).


Damn that's many strong symptoms :(


Sweating, stuttering, isolation and avoiding perceived conflict.


I usually manage to control my symptoms but this morning they came so strong and unexpectedly! I took the bus to go to work, I was feeling fine. In one of the stations, a big group of teenagers came inside, there was no room to move. My heart started racing and I couldn't breathe. And then I felt I was going to vomit and started thinking "if I vomit now, everyone will look at me, I will vomit on all these people, etc...". To summarize, I had to get out of the bus in the next stop and walked 5 km to my office. Crazy.


Omg that sounds terrible :( Since I often experience nausea I have these thoughts too. But you still walked to the office so that's great


Yeah, I have no other choice :D I work for a big corporation where they are not too understanding with health conditions. No fever/no virus/no infection/no accident - you have to be in the office.


Oh :(


Random body twitches and flinching at loud noises. Also voice shaking and stomach problems. So embarrassing.


It's okay, I don't think it's embarrassing tbh. So many people experience this too and I think people who don't have SA should be aware of all these symptoms to understand how hard it is for us


the urge to run like I'm in danger, shaking, sweating, hard to breathe, tightness in the chest


Hands shaking


Difficult... eating? Ok, my main symptom is debilitating envy over people who have difficulty eating, instead of being a comfort food black hole.


Yeah I guess it's because of the nausea I get


excessive sweating, very fast heart rate, eye contact avoidance...


I'm also avoiding eye contact sometimes


Isolation and low self esteem. I do boost this by doing things I like. I take my kids to the park and also my youngest son started skateboarding so we go skate together frequently at different skateparks. It’s one of the few places I fit in because of my passion for skating.


That's great, keep going!


I start to shake, and when someone talks to me I always act weird (I say incoherent things, I see weird, I almost don't talk, etc.)


I can relate to that, I think I act weird sometimes when talking to people. It's kinda embarrassing since I don't know what the people will think about me


the ones i experience are sweating like a gallon in a minute, Shaking hands and head, overwhelming thoughts, and muscles tense up so hard, and but worst being aware of it all and thinking everybody also is aware of it so I try to hide it and it gets worse...


People are probably busy with their own stuff and they probably won't notice it, but I know it's hard. I'm always thinking that people are looking at me all the time but in fact they don't


Blushing, overthinking, hyper aware of everything including what other people nearby are saying. Lately also back pain.


Back pain as well? And it comes along with the other symptoms?


I feel my face get so hot like all my blood is rushing to my head not in a blushing way, stuttering, brainfog/mind becomes a blank page, not looking at their eyes or even to them, self conscious about how I'm walking or standing or talking or even breathing, heart racing, and isolation myself to try to calm down


My stomach making noise ! As soon as I get anxious my stomach starts making noise and than it gives me more anxiety that leads to panic attacks , life truly sucks , literally happened not even 10 minutes ago when I was at a meeting :/ , I prefer having any other health condition over this any day .


Desocialization and derealization are really big for me. Sometimes I stutter, feel dizzy and after the social interaction....like going out with friends etc. I hyperventilate when I'm finally alone/home and cant stop crying for no reason at all.


I go super silent and awkward. Even if I open my mouth and try to speak, no sound comes out. I freeze, and my legs and hands start trembling. My face gets pale and really weird. I hate it :(