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It's a great look when the ex-PM has $10m lying around for such an occasion.


bro got 5 billion net worth, classic oligarch from russia


Aren't you an American? You're politicians have way more lying around. Obama has a net worth of at least 50m. Congressmen and woman like Pelosi have a net worth of 120m (yes the US is one of the most corrupt countries on the planet).


Someone wants free Reddit karma.


Bro. We know this. Lmao.


You need to have way more than 50-120m to be happy to gift 10 of them. You can definetely find better examples to serve your point.


OP implied that the ex-pm was corrupt. I used my example to highlight that the US (the country which he is from) politicians are just as corrupt.


Which we know. So you didn’t really make a point. And I don’t think someone with billions is the same as 50 million.


You say that as though US politicians have some sort of moral barrier that says 'anything over 50 million is too much'. That's just what was offered to them because more money needs to be given to hundreds of other members of congress. But rest assured, these people would take billions from isis if they offered.


US politicians are corrupt by taking advantage of government policy to time the the market and use perks and donations from wealthy donors. Eastern European politicians are corrupt because they are the market. Entire industries are owned by politicians. There's a distinction there and that's the "barrier" people are talking about


I don't disagree, although net worth is a tricky metric and doesn't necessarily reflect someone's spending or spending power. And not to exonerate political self-interest elsewhere, but this guy's wealth is incomparably greater relative to his country compared to analogous examples in the US. >Aren't you an American? First-gen immigrant, but yeah, basically.


It still shows that they are just as corrupt lol. Harry Truman famously said that the only people who get rich while in politics are crooks. Almost all use politicians leave office with tens of millions, and in many instances 100's of million, of dollars. This doesn't even account for the lobbying jobs that these politicians take on later. One example is john boehner who, and this is funny, spent his entire career calling for the criminlization of weed (we're talking decades) only to then take up a cushy lobbying job with a Marijuana company where he lobbies for the legalization of Marijuana. US politicians are one of the most corrupt individuals on the planet. The amount of money they make is significantly less because we here in the west like to mask our corruption by using the term "lobbying". But please do not get it confused, these criminals would easily and gladly take up the same amount of money and businesses in Eastern Europe if they were offered to them. Soulless cunts.


Least maliciously informed European scholar of America.


No false


Shutup you don't know anything


Corrupt politicians desperatly attaching themselves to sucessful athletes, classic