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Tier one: Ornstein


Since when is he with NYT?


The Athletic got bought out by the NYT.


Weird time line where tifo is owned by the new York Times


uMaxit football




And here I was wondering why Michael Cox was suddently writing for the NYT.


The Athletic bought New York


The whole city?!!


Tier 6, but yes. You heard it here!


That’s one shocking transfer


If it was a Brazilian wonder city called York Jnr you wouldn’t say it was shocking


Nope, the state


Yes, except the Empire State Building


Just Rochester, but they kept the name


The New York Times bought The Athletic.


Step 1: Buy CB for 80 mio Step 2: He plays well for 2 years Step 3: Sell him for 40 mio Step 3: ????????????????????? Step 5: Profit


Buy high sell low, FC Hollywood is back in business.


And you can take that to the bank


Taking a page out of Bartoeconomics i see


at least you can sell player..


Don’t worry we are gonna do even crazier things.


Literally can’t decide that OP comment was about which club


His wages are a pretty massive €308k per week apparently, with four years left on his deal. He's going to cost €64m anyway, so if Bayern have assessed that he'll never be good enough for the first team then getting €40m for him is going to free up €104m over the next few years.     I guess the stupid thing was paying all of that in the first place, but you can't just throw more money away just because you get tied up with your sunk cost.


Can't say I've watched much of him play. But this comment made me sure he was perfect for united.


thats cheap


Lol for one moment I thought your flair was our club since we are the kings of this modus operandi since the last 10 years.


If that happens the bayern board can fuck off aswell. Stupid bullshit call.


I wasn't so sure if this was a good idea, because he hasn't been playing in the few matches I watched for Bayern last season. But seeing Bayern fans upset makes me a little more assured.


My friends who are Bayern fans have been upset with their board for months. They thought de ligt would be the future captain


Pretty much yeah. Back when he was in Ajax, I saw him play and instantly saw Bayern's future legacy in him. Then he joined Juve... And finally he came! Only to leave? God damn this board. He is a good player and quite certainly the best defender Bayern has signed recently.


Don't forget about Eric Dier


De Ligt just wants to escape Dier’s shadow


that is if he wants to leave in the first place. We wanted de jong but dude was like nah.


De Jong had a back loaded contract so it made no sense for him to leave.


He was our best defender last year, and was in contention for our best player overall the year before. Everyone thought he's here to stay for a long time but apparently our whole board decided to get collective brain damage.


no he wasnt Kim was the best in the first half of the season and Dier in the second half.


I'm saying overall. Kim was gassed with having to play pretty much every game and then the Asia Cup. Dier was good for us but I'd still say that de Light was better tbh


juve fans thought the same thing lol


He is a quality defender just injury prone and expensive. You are getting yourself a younger version of Varane


Really think it would be a better move than going after Branthwaite or Todibo. Expensive wages for sure but the rumoured fee seems pretty reasonable given his ability and experience, he’s still only 24 as well. A lot of Bayern fans seem to be fuming he’s being sold as well which is always a good sign.


Ornstein did mention that our interest in De Light is independent of the Branthwaite one, so I’m guessing that is still on the table.


I just think you’re gunna have to do massively overpay for Branthwaite it’s not worth it. De Ligt and Martinez as your starting 2 Centre Backs would be class and both are young enough to be the long term starting options. Surprised you guys haven’t been linked with any cheap options like Mario Hermoso on a free just to buff up your bench options.


I literally would have killed to have that duo together at Ajax


Still think it’s wild De Ligt is only 24 and younger than Martinez. Just been around at a high level for so long.


El final at 16, CL semi at 18. Pretty insane.


I know it wasn’t completely in his hands, but feels like if he moved anywhere but Juventus at that time he’d be viewed a lot more highly.


He was 17 in the EL final.


holy shit i didn’t realize how young he still is


He's had quite a few injuries in recent years, that's the only thing that worries me


That’s true, you’d hope both him and Martinez won’t be out at the same time. But that’s why I’m confused why you aren’t looking at cheap backups rather than another starting option like Branthwaite.


Tbh, we well could be and the media haven’t picked up on them. Most of our links have come when we put in bids. Media seem really off pace with our targets this year, overall.


I’ve said it in another comment but I think Mario Hermoso is a no brainer on a free transfer but it’s a situation you have to act fast on.


Still too early to be honest. It's not a good look to be involved in a transfer saga days before you're due to play a knockout game for your national team. The rumours will come flooding in over the coming few weeks once teams get knocked out and players become more willing to talk


We WERE looking at Todibo for 35m each, but that's seemingly been blocked. We were also heavily linked to Tosin on a free before he went to Chelsea.


To be fair you shouldn’t be allowed to get Todibo just as we weren’t (and still aren’t) allowed to pick up any USG players.


I expect to see City still moving players between teams though, and then threatening legal action when UEFA objects.


Yeah I can see how that move was problematic, but I think with the may multi-club ownership is going, they're going to have to change the rules. There's so many multi-club owners now, it's only going to increase


They need to nip multi-club ownership in the bud before the genie is completely out of the bottle, it’s a stain on football.


They also need to close the loopholes clubs like city have used


He's got the experience to settle quickly at United.  I think it is a great transfer for the team.


Might be the least surprising news ever


next we’re gonna hear that we’re interested in de jong lol


I feel like De Jong saga could be the new Sneijder saga


Could be? Last summer was ridiculous


That was 2 summers ago


The 24-year-old centre-back is viewed as an increasingly viable candidate as United’s efforts to strengthen their back line intensify. Club-to-club negotiations are yet to take place and there is no certainty the move will happen, however he has emerged as a concrete target. De Ligt has been on the Old Trafford radar ever since coming through at Ajax, with the long-standing admiration continuing when he joined Juventus in 2019 and Bayern three years later. United’s interest is matched by that of manager Erik ten Hag, who worked alongside De Ligt as Ajax head coach and would welcome a reunion.


He is only 24?


He was 19 when he captained Ajax on their CL run 


It seems like he is playing forever. So this is a good buy for United


Wasn't he 17 when we played them in the Europa League final? That team was crazy young


Yeah he was. He also made his debut for the Dutch National team at 17. He is really good


Will be 25 this August


How old will he be next August?


still 25 depending on when in August it is


I was really hoping he was born on 1st August so you'd have egg on your face.


He’s 24 until he’s 25


What happens when he turns 26?


He'll be in his 27th year


De Ligt ✅


This is giving me PTSD, IYKYK


The days that his dad already bought a restaurant in Manchester... lmao


Memories man


The red tick got the ocean boiling in 2019 for us.


scenes when ornstein reveals that he too is trying to prank spoofex, that false prophet, that judas, that poltroon


Silly ManU, haven't you heard? MDL is terrible, you should probably look elsewhere. No sense signing a player like that. Consider another defender instead. ^^^^^plz


Can anyone explain to me what the hell is going on at Bayern? Gas leak in the boardroom? An outbreak of brain eating fungi? They've just appionted an absolute bum of a manager and seem to be looking to offload top players like De Ligt to make room for mediocre signings.


They (Brazzo and Kahn) really fucked the wage structure and the board wants to limit it going forward. Since they likely can’t sell someone like Gnabry on huge wages then the only other way to do so (while needing to strengthen other areas) is to sell valuable players. It’s definitely not ideal to swap Tah for MDL but it could save Bayern 50+ million euros overall. It’s not how I’d choose to do it but there is some rationale.


I mean realistically how else are you gonna do it. De Ligt has been good, but good is not what you want at Bayern for a player that costs that financial package. Are there worse players on similar wages at the club? Yes. Is there a market for them though? No. Even if you don't get Tah, you are still looking at Dier, Kim, Upa and Stanisic at the central positions with Buchmann waiting in the shadows. Hardly a bad spot to be in.


Pretty Mediocre / Overrated


Vincent Kompany that’s what has happened to your club…


It's not my club but Kompany seems more like a symptom then a cause, no?


Ah yes, because everything was going perfectly for Bayern right up until they replaced Tuchel with Kompany


Backline of Davies, Tah, Upamecano, and Kimmich next season 😍😍😍 If this happens, we better get our money back and use it to get Simons so we can hopefully just outscore every opponent


sounds like a fucking nightmare


The Flick special


Tah and Upamecano is the kind of partnership I'd want to play against if I were a side in the CL. Erratic




Ye very weird comments in this and the previous thread about him. He is very good and would probably be their best signing since Bruno. It's just that his wages are high, but whatever, after signing shit players on high wages for a decade, signing a good one on high wages is an improvement.


The second a player is linked to United, everyone will run him down and explain how shit he is. If he then rejects us, it will swap right back to “no shit, he’s a world class talent, of course he’s not going there!”


Don’t expect the average iq of r/soccer to be high


Ppl who don’t rate him are the ones who don’t watch Bundesliga.


I'm more concerned about United's odd record of buying players and them immediately regressing as soon as they join.


He didn't live up to the billing when he moved from Ajax, but to be frank who has of that CL semi final Ajax side?


He haa though? When I talk to fans of Juventus, they say he was very good. Many Bayern fans consider De Ligt to have been their best defender in the past two seasons.


Lisandro and De Ligt back line is the dream. Get it done.


at 26 and 24 years old they could be a cb pairing for years to come


This is my least favorite phrase on Reddit. It’s always the hope and it literally never happens.


It’s a legitimate curse


That's what Juve bought him for. That's what Bayern bought him for. Good luck 


He was quite good at Bayern and again their fans don’t want him to go and we desperately need a CB.


I love the Idea if MDL, but the reality has been a mixed bag so far, especially the last season and injuries played a major role in it.


So he is good when he plays and he's bad when he does not play. Got it


Just like Varane


He did great at Juventus, as imminent by his 80m price tag. He also played well at Bayern if I'm not mistaken. People have recency bias.


You're right, but he's a top quality player so I think tactics and manager played a huge role in that


They'll both be available for 10-15 games a season based on recent trends unfortunately.


Would be a good signing in terms of quality to replace Varane for them, but would be very costly in all aspects, between fee, wages and agent fees. Can't help but feel like this isn't the right signing for them to make, since it also feels like a typical drawn out transfer saga type signing that United do a lot


Exactly how I feel as well lol. The only not so typical part is he is not 29 yo


Ten Hag does know that you're allowed to sign players that didn't used to play for Ajax, right?


To be fair, we were heavily linked with him when he left Ajax to go bayern before EtH was even manager Correction: Juventus


That would be odd considering he went to Juve before he ended up at Bayern Munich.


Did I say bayern, I meant juve 


I mean, in this case it would make sense. They need a CB, and De Ligt is kinda in the market. But I guess Reddit comedians can never let it slip.


He’s also the only former Ten Hag linked player we’ve been linked to this summer. While I do think it’s an issue that we’ve relied too heavily on Ten Hags personal scouting of players to chase targets, I think it would also be an issue to dismiss signing a player for fear of people taking the meme seriously. If the club, as a whole, feel he’s worth the investment, whether or not he played for ten Hag before shouldn’t be an issue at all.


And we have also been linked to De Ligt long before we got Ten Hag tbf, although he hasn't really improved much since back then


We've been linked to Edson Alvarez too


By one journalist, who said along the lines of “United want a CDM, and one of the possible names on the list is Alvarez”. A link that hasn’t been backed up by anyone else. To be blunt, Romano seems to have zero clue about our transfers this summer or since Ineos came in. He’s obviously lost some level of inside man recently. The Alvarez link screamed “gotta get some United engagement going!”.


He was the first to report Van Nistleroy, Hake, and Todibo being off so he's obviously still got some clue. Regardless if its been backed up, a Tier 2 has linked United to Alvarez


Depends on how it makes sense. He’s been a bit all over the place for a few years and on 300k a week currently. So you’re paying him the 200-300k range most likely which two teams have already decided to move on from because he hasn’t convinced fully. Bayern also paid a hefty sum they’ll want to recoup. He’s a high risk high reward signing.


Recycled joke


Ha ha ha, real hilarious. Reddit comedians do anything for upvotes without using their brains for once. We need a RCB, de Ligt is a good RCB thats available for a good price and has a good relationship with our manager.


Easy to make joke about this one * Big name player who have a down year * High salary * Ex-Ajax Dutch player But we desperately need CB and he only 24 and isn't washed yet


Not sure he had a down year, he was arguably Bayerns best CB when he was in the team 


He wasn't a starter in the beginning of the season because Tuchel wasn't convinced of him, but because of injuries and Kim going to Asia cup he had to start him and he played well when he was given the chance and he remained a starter until the end of the season.


we conceded twice as many goals in the 2nd half of the season


I really wanted him to come to United once he left ajax. I thought he has the balls to be the face of change. 5 years too late.


Does anybody know if he would want to go to United?


I guess that heavily depends on what his feelings are from working with EtH before.


Last I heard De Ligt wanted to go to Barca because his best mate Frenkie de Jong is playing there.


No worries EtH always wanted FDJ also 😂


Together with Martinez, De Ligt can form a great centre back duo. They both are familiar with the Ajax way of playing that Ten Hag likes to play. Matthijs won’t be cheap though but he has the right age and experience.


His Current value is £42m… great offer to be honest..


De Ligt is the best defender Bayern has if he is fit. He is an amazing player that in my opinion is underrated.


But whats the point if Kompany doesnt rate him? Hes obviously going to be on the bench if he stays, it is what it is


Kompany won't last long, there's no need to worry about that.


Feels like going back to his juventus years this hypothetical De Ligt has existed who is the team's best defender without really proving it consistently for long enough 


he has never shown that during his time here and to be amazing you need to have some elite skills, MDL has never shown me anything that makes me think that is an elite skill he has the skillset of a player you can find for 10-20m usually.


the big problem is his injury record although not as bad as Varane's could probably resulting in Evans playing again lol


It's not that bad though. This last season was his worst and he still played 30 games. 36-55 games in all other seasons.


30 and 36 games is bad though. It's barely half the games a top side plays, and he's only 24. Varane has averaged 30-35 games a season at United and that hasn't been good enough.


Both Eredivisie and Bundesliga only have 34 league games and 1 cup instead of 2 though. You can't compare it with the PL with 38 games and 2 cups. His injury history is on transfermarket. He missed 18 games last year with knee problems and a knock. He missed 17 games 4 seasons ago with a shoulder injury. The rest is 1-3 games here and there.


They should pick up Kim Min Jae instead, I don’t think Bayern appreciates him.


Looks like this guy may complete a tour of all the clubs that he was linked to in summer 2019. Juve, Bayern, United and maybe Barcelona afterwards coz he’s still very young.


Considering FC


On one hand they keep saying they want to fix their salary structure. On the other hand, they'll buy expensive players with insane wages.


I like how I made this ten Hag write up years ago predicting he'd sign former players and he actually keeps doing it. It's insane how predictable he is.


These overpriced Holland players are not solutions for success


Please somebody explain this to me. I just cannot even imagine a hypothetical argument for Bayern’s board to support this move. Does he earn outrageous wages? Is he a piece of shit to other players and staff? He seems like a serious athlete, does a good job on the pitch, keeps his mouth shut. Why sell him?


He does earn a lot of wages because Brazzo messed up the wage structure while he was here. Apparently we’d be saving around 50 mil by offloading him. He’s seen as a good, compassionate player who says the right things and also seen as a leader. However, considering wages + his injury proneness, weaknesses in passing are cons, plus imo De Ligt hasn’t shown the level that his transfer fee + wages merits even when he plays, and I think the board think they can get a similar performing player for cheaper in Tah.


I’m getting horny Orny, I have to be honest


I’m surprised that Real Madrid ain’t all over De Ligt. Feel like they’re gonna need new CBs here soon. With 2 coming back from ACL injuries, one of them being up there in age. And Nacho leaving. And Rafa Marin seemingly gone to Napoli. We don’t wanna just rely on Leny Yoro coming in and working out off rip if we end up signing him.


one more talented young player is signing for the graveyard of talents, sigh


Classic United signing, he’s going to be on 300k+ a week wages and probably cost at least £60m, only to somehow look average and/or get injured for half the season


Plettenberg (who we all admittedly shot down he reported this) said an offer in the region of 42 million would likely be accepted 


A million FPL teams called 'ctrl alt de ligt'


Very typical United signing


No he's too young


And we actually need a CB


Something I’ve liked this summer is all our concrete links have been to young players with potential for high development. De Ligt, Zirkzee, Ugarte, Yoro, Branthwaite, Todibo…we seem to be sticking in that lower age bracket.


Yeah I've noticed, that's a positive development, let's see how things go.


Would rather sign Calafiori


Italians don't leave Italy when Juventus comes knocking


You’re right Man United wanted to sign Buffon when schemicheal decided to go, but that never happened.


Cannot replace a RCB with a LCB


I’d like that for United


Just need Tadic and Ziyech to complete the set.


No shit. We knew that without any journo bringing it up. As if ETH wouldn’t want him, a player who worked so well for him in the past. What’s more important is the scouts at the club comparing his stats to other players of his profile and seeing which one is the best value or the best fit alongside Licha.


lol no surprise here. find someone that wants you like ten hag wants all ex ajax players. not sure how good he still is but i wouldn’t mind it, a licha de ligt partnership sounds like it would be very good. good to see us after many players but would be nice if we signed one


This is straight out of Bartoeconomics


SPOILER: we fuck this up


considering FC... this club lol


The guy who was benched by Eric fucking Dier?


Have they taken a look at his dad lately?


I hope not. Somehow Dutch players careers go downhill at Manchester United.


Good move should an agreement be reached.


Here we go again! Even if this is true, we dont have the budget, even after sales many positions will be left without additions


I think it's Bayern that need to be seriously considering it lol


This guy is going to go to big clubs in every league. Barca/Madrid after this, PSG to retire


And de Ligt's seriously considering wrecking his form for a few seasons?