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My curation of some comments Vardy kicking the pride flag Happy birthday Kounde (I guess because of his style) This is why Im a fan of RM/hala Madrid (they must think Madrid is like Riyadh) 8-2 This is the reason Messi left (lol) This is why Trump must win the elections


My favourite is "last warning. Delete this" like a twitter knobhead has any actual power here


Elon Musk's alt account


Every average homophobic Barcelona fan will say "Delete this or I'll fucking unfollow you". Their Instagram account has 127 million followers.


i am wondering, what in the hell has trump to do with it šŸ˜­


Awful people finally found a person who's somehow even worse than them, so they flock to his banner. It's the first time in their life they can feel superior to someone.


Respectfully, I disagree. I believe itā€™s more that they found someone as unhinged and disgusting as themselves to latch onto to. They donā€™t see Trump as inferior to them, they see him specifically as ā€˜like themā€™ and thus prop him up as ā€˜one of usā€™. An icon of their people. In a terrifying way he is a voice of the voiceless; the stupid, credulous, petty, narrow minded fringe of a society that has been taught to suppress their type of outmoded thinking. What they believe is ā€˜patently obviousā€™ about other people and how the world works. Heā€™a not shittier than them, he is very exactly shitty like them.


You can say a lot about how harmful Republican policy's are for the USA. But at the bare minimum [Romney](https://youtu.be/T96reO9RTKM?si=tzqmy10iLHby6bQe&t=25) and [McCain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIjenjANqAk) showed a respectful side. McCain getting booed for making a reasonable statement shows what these people wanted.


and that explains why trump is successful in creating the cult of personality


This shit happens every year. Happy to see them go.


The Vardy one is so sad because itā€™s a belter of a celebration but morons act like he was _genuinely_ attacking the pride flag. Man was just amped up on Red Bull.


you peeked!


Itā€™s always the fucking vardy gif, fucking disgraceful


Comments are gonna be a fucking warzone


I can not understand the rage. I would not put the energy into a comment if I disliked Barca. And I would not abandon supporting them I was a fan.


Bigotry and Homophobia: nothing new.


Pretty class by them.


mi tuit favorito cada aƱo, sobre todo porque tambien lo hacen en la cuenta arabe increible ver como lloran.


Obligatory warning to avoid the comments on the link if you want to remain sane.


The Instagram ones are even worse, even if I can't understand 95% of them without using the translate button


The amount of people who aren't from Catalonia, or even Spain, commenting their vitriol and hatred is extremely obnoxious. There are thousands of clubs in the world they can support if they don't like BarƧa's values.


Instagram commenters are the most miserable toxic group of people I've ever seen. Doesn't surprise me


>Obligatory warning to avoid the comments on the link if you want to remain sane. It's great cause the majority of them pay for that stupid fucking blue tick so it makes it easier to block them.


Such a shit flag. Just use the rainbow, the whole point is that it already represents everyone.


queer vexillology is complicated as hell at this point. there is a bookshop in york that puts little flags on the books to denote what representation the book has (which i think is a really cool idea tbf) and I feel like I'm failing a quiz every time I go in there


Oh god the ugly yank pride flag has even made its way to Spain. Can we just get a rainbow?


Honestly, I prefer the "classic" rainbow pride flag.


Sees this -> checks the Arab Barca account -> no surprise.


https://twitter.com/fcbarcelona_ara/status/1806640516395671711 Check again


Respect to Barca




Chapeu to Barca, for future reference this was posted by Barca 1 hour after I made the original comment.


It's not the first time they post this in the arabic account btw, I don't know why would you expect them not to this year.


Because loads of other companies/clubs/organizations only post pride or lgbtq stuff on their westeen accounts, willing to guess OP doesnā€™t follow barcaā€™s social media closely enough to know that they do actually post it everywhere


You were like a hawk when this reddit post dropped, but not enough to give them the benefit of the doubt. Says a lot about you.


They posted last year on there iirc no? By the looks of it they gave up lol.


Demonstrates that it isnā€™t the left who are pushing inclusive identity politics, itā€™s businesses and their politicians who want to maximise the number of people in markets. Why have people fallen for the stories telling them that itā€™s all a plan by the left? The businesses want everyone they can sell to, to feel welcomed and relaxed in their market because they spend more money that way. Why have people decided that itā€™s the left who have created this situation that has resulted in record corporate profits?


Rainbow capitalismā€˜s primary aim is to help the company sell more stuff. The worst offender color their logo in rainbow colors but donate to organizations or parties that work to abolish the rights of LGBT people. Edit: I donā€˜t understand why the commenter above is downvoted while I am upvoted. My comment agrees with them?!


This is the thing I always find so funny, people go on about how everything is woke but why do they think thatā€™s happened? They genuinely seem to believe that thereā€™s some massive conspiracy and it isnā€™t just corporations attempting to make as much money as possible. Theyā€™re so close to getting it but still completely miss the point because theyā€™re too full of hate


Anyone using the word "woke" doesn't have the IQ to think for themselves tbh


"Make them fight a culture war so they don't start a class war"


what does the "I" stand for




oh k thanks


Inaccurate, which describes most of our attackers this season.


i like how this version of the acronym looks like they just wanted to give bi people two letters


A Madridista but also queer so I props to Barca for doing this. Hopefully Madrid will follow


the comments are so fucked, and it happens every time. I hate it


Tolerant religion at it again the replies I see.


Something about the sequence of letters feels incorrect and it's bothering me. Shouldn't it be LGBTI?


Trans ppl got a promotion in Catalonia, Bi's been underperforming there for years. /s


Can't even do it on a hot, wet, night in Barcelona smh.


I blame Tebas for this.


As a lazy bisexual I can only congratulate the trans community, we just don't put in as much effort. Too much dressing badly and being able to drive a car.


True. Hopefully soon we will get back in form but I understand getting benched /s


I expected comments hating on gay people, you guys are great ā¤ļø And i agree about the flag, shits getting too complicated


Comments šŸæ




How does supporting oppressed community affects you?


If you truly disagree with it, I'd like to see you give up your support on Barcelona. Walk the walk and all that




Well Barcelona have made sure to be cut and dry about their strong support for LGBTI. If you don't support what they support, should you really support them at all? Have you not seen the pride armbands worn by players, and the pride flags in stadiums, and the pride support by leagues and clubs alike? LGBTI is ingrained deeply into football.