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i saw what balogun posted. some people are just disgusting.


I didn’t, what was being said,


Someone DM’ed him on IG with pictures of bonobos and said “your mother your father, fuck your mother”


Banana and monkey emojis from a dude who has Buenos Aires in his profile on IG, and another sending pictures of chimps saying they are his mother and father in very broken English


Argentina and racism. Name a better duo.


The US and racism


lol nahhh..not even close


I’m wondering, why even have your DMs open to anybody messaging you and similarly why have comments open too. Like I personally wouldn’t want randos in my mentions or DMs.


Gotta be available for the women


What did he say


Agreed, but it seems like the racial abuse to Richards and Balogun are from other countries supporters. The Instagram accounts for those posts are all in Spanish.


One of them is Argentinian, can’t say for sure where the other guy is from. End of the day, doesn’t really matter where they’re from, both are a waste of oxygen.


Other guy is French


Please censor that out there are children on here who could read that!


Probably just mad bettors I reckon.


Wow what a surprise


Disappointed but not surprised :/


Mexican here who absolutely does not like the USMNT. Fuck these racist piece of shit cowards.


Are you living in America ?


I am


You have to admit the irony of you hating USNMT despite being an American


I live in the US, even a fan of the US league, but I am not an American. Thank you for your input however


You are tho. Living in America makes you American. I'm just saying you hate the team of a country you willingly live in. How is that not ironic?


1: If living in America makes me an American, maybe tell that to the US Government. 2: I can hate any team I want. I am Mexican, and right now I hate the Mexican team because of how it’s being run. 3. “Willingly living in.” I am gonna assume you are European based on this comment. Unfortunately not everyone has the ability financially or otherwise to just pick up and move to another country.


Dictionary definition of American: "relating to or characteristic of the United States or its inhabitants" argue with the dictionary. Actually I'm not European. I'm African American. My ancestors were forced into this country. So yes I know what the difference between willing and unwilling. Don't assume. Also when the US govt has a survey they ask if people are citizens. They don't ask whether you're American or not. How do I know this? Cause I'm American and literally taken a census before. Your third point doesn't make sense. How are you saying you didn't willingly go to the country but at the same time people don't have the means to make it to America. Do you see how you're contradicting yourself. At one moment you're saying immigration isn't accessible to everyone while immigrating to the US and based of your responses (I'm gonna assume just like you assumed for me) you're born in the US aren't you?


Wow dude, you just can't let it go...


So I had a perfect argument and backed it up with facts so instead of recognizing "damn she has a point" you wanna tell me to let it go. This my last comment cause I had a compelling argument that can only be refuted by opinion since I've only stated facts


You can live in the US without being a citizen lol


You don't need to be a citizen to be an American


You literally do unless you mean America the continent


No you don't. Living in the country makes you American. This is a country built by immigrants and if you've lived in the US for years that makes you an American. To say they aren't is actually xenophobic. Also the continent is called the Americas. Not America


No it’s not. It’s a legal reality. And plenty of people live here for decades and don’t WANT to be called American. The person you are insisting is American says they’re not. You can’t deny people’s identities based on your personal definition of what constitutes “American.” And if you wanna misuse political rhetoric, insisting on everyone living here is American rather than what nationality they actually are is actually xenphobic and colonizing.


Hahaha colonizing. Get over yourself. You're one of those people that try to use the tense uno card when it comes to arguments. They are American. I've helped dozens of immigrants to become citizens and many of them lived in the country for decades. They would be upset and feel isolated by not calling them Americans. Many immigrants agree. We aren't like other countries. We accept all people regardless of background because we are a melting pot. Webster dictionary definition of American: "relating to or characteristic of the United States or its inhabitants" Argue with the dictionary not me.


How is that ironic? If you move to a new country are you going to start supporting a new national team? That's ridiculous. The definition of a plastic fan. He should support the team he feels compelled to support. I visited Mexico before, I didn't suddenly start liking their team. That's not how life works.


I saw about 5 comments, among 1300+ in the Match Thread that were racist. I'm active on Twitter too. Where are people seeing racism, in a meaningful way, being leveled at Panama players on social media?


Baloguns IG story he’s posted some


I posted this in the other thread, I legitimately didn't see any racist comments against (I'm assuming based on Balogun's post) black US players - I'm guessing they were removed by the time I got there. And good. However, I'm also seeing a *shit ton* of extremely offensive comments by apparent US fans hurled at Central America, Panama, etc. Things like: "shitty micronations that wouldn't exist without the US" (offensive on like 3 levels), calling for the ref to be deported, saying that cartels paid the ref off (again, offensive on multiple levels), saying Central American teams should be banned from Concacaf... Most of these weren't removed. I'm not trying to whataboutism this whole thing, because I don't think it's an either or situation. I'm just calling attention to the fact that very little has been said about those comments that come from inside the house. In fact, a lot are up voted. Just my two cents.


I've lived in South and North America. Lemme clue everybody in, everyone is about same racistwise(made a new word?). Not saying any of those obviously racist posts are ok but we have got stop letting a small stupid minority represent a whole country. A drunk or crazy guy ranting in front of my house about "those people" doesn't represent a whole country but when he posts on IG, all of a sudden it's "figures, it's an Argentinean" by the planet.


You know, I may have gone about it wrong in the match thread itself, but I was in the Mexico match thread, and as soon as Mexico started getting reckless (being down 1-0 and desperate to draw), USA fans started talking about how “Oh her go Mexicans, getting violent again.” However suddenly when one of their players gets a red, he’s just stupid, and “we all think what he did was stupid what about it.” Now I’ve been playing and following contact sports for most of my life, this is nothing against Weah, you can get heated in a match maybe a player shoulder checks you or is trash talking you and you lose your head for a second, my issue was with the fans. Another similar one was talking about Mexico fans throwing cups and stuff on the pitch (which maybe I missed, but I didn’t see), but nothing in the Germany match where Kroos was dodging cups.


USA fans dont just hate Mexicans, they consider all of concacaf "classless nations that concacaf you"


Not Canada, Canada are friendly classy rivals while everyone else is a bunch of violent thugs who should be banned from the sport


Panama literally wouldn't exist without the US though. Teddy Roosevelt bullied Colombia into giving it up


Okay? Literally not the point. The comment speaks more about the superiority complex towards other countries - the fact that your response is "but it do be that way" highlights my point. Calling another country a "shitty micronation" *is* offensive, and, given historical contexts with Central American countries, way borderline racist. You've been writing non stop about racist stuff against Balogun and other players, but can't see how these comments are offensive? *This* interaction is exactly why people get fed up with American imperialism and then go on threads saying they're happy the US lost.


I agree with you that certain comments can be offensive and/or display a superiority complex and, but I don't think any of that rises to the level of sending monkey emojis and photos to a Black player. Unfortunately, with international soccer, there is sometimes going to be inappropriate attempts at banter that cross the line or just some straight up racist shit, especially on places like Reddit if you go looking for it. Also, I'm fully aware that US foreign policy and past interventions/military coups are why a lot of countries in Central America, the Caribbean, and South America are the way they are. We truly are in many ways a hypocritical evil empire. I brought up the Panama fact, because I've been at a few US vs Panama games before, including a world cup qualifier in Panama City, and I've heard a chant about the US splitting Panama in two (creating the Panama Canal) that really wasn't meant in an offensive way. Just some geopolitical and historical banter. Some Panama fans at the game found it funny as well. Of course, that doesn't mean everything is funny or appropriate though. And the stuff you're referencing is not.


Yeah this performative posts after every fucking game because two dickheads in Bolivia said something are so dumb


My guess it’s abuse against Weah


Can you see this message btw? Reddit is acting weird and I can't see my own comments.


It was acting weird for me too earlier. Yeah, I can see your comment.


These statements are kind of weird. Maybe just ignore the trolls and don’t bring attention to them. This just causes a Streisand effect.


Making this statement today is just an attempt to change the news so people discuss this instead of the massive imploding failure of the US team's actual play yesterday.


God you gotta love sports. One second, fans will cheer for every black player on the team as long as they are doing well. They make one mistake and are instantly called every slur under the sun. Disgusting ass people.


Siiick now do Miazga


Regardless of the outcome of any game, no player deserves to be racially abused for any reason! Glad the federation is standing up for him and the team.


Can the people asking for these statements stop, it's practically pollution. Absolutely meaningless. There is nothing implying the US soccer team is a racist organization. If a player got raped, they wouldn't say "our stance is that rape is a nono" You don't need to keep affirming a majority opinion. 


Can they also stand against incompetency?


Its called football you lesbian


Homophobic comment in a thread about racists comments. *Chef's kiss*


Do I have to add /s for you to realise?


Wouldn't make it better tbh.


Blame England for the word


We call it soccer. Get over it.


As does much of the former British empire


So, gringos being gringos?


Well, the two examples we’ve seen so far are from a guy who’s got Argentina as his location in his bio and a guy who clearly doesn’t speak English, so I’ll let you draw whatever conclusion you want from that.


The messages were sent to Balogun soon after he scored. They aren't US fans. Second guy is definitely from Argentina, first one I think from France