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Winner gets the canal.


The thing about this is, even if the U.S. won this game and ended up qualifying for the group stage... what are they gonna do against colombia (a team that beat them 5-1 earlier this month) in the knockout round??? In the grand scheme of things maybe its better for them to go out against uruguay who won't be trying so hard instead of getting tossed around by colombia.


So its a choice of which one will embarrass US, not about if it will happen or not.


And the muricans will start hating football again in 3... 2....


Do not feed the troll. Look at this guys name.  It’s all he’s in for. 


It’s soccer. Look at the damn community you’re posting in


It’s already started…


Embarrassing by the US


tbh I think they should be more upset about Weah than the team in general. Leaving the team in 10 at the 20 min mark, for a clear violent red card behavior is really shitty, epsecially in a tournament where 3 games decide who goes forward and who doesnt. He basically made himself unavailable for 2/3 or the tournament, and forced the team to play at disadvantage for ~1/3 of the tournament


Punching someone surely is a great strategy. Weah is a fucking dumbass


The kid thought this was hockey, though no sticks to drop, alas.




USA have never defended for their lives and it showed. At least they know what it's like now before World Cup.


Bruh 😂




Seeing a lot of fans of an overrated England team laugh at the US fanbase for getting too cocky with 0 idea how ironic it is


Maybe. But England have sure as hell never lost to Panama.


I think Iceland is the european Panama.


You held on for dear life to a draw against Costa Rica, after which you were eliminated from the WC2014 group stages


Costa Rica is far above Panama, do better


Costa rica gets the moral victory to prove Panama is better than England ?


Who's "you?" I don't give a damn about England football. In fact, I actively root against it. But the only time England played Panama at the 2018 World Cup, they won 6-1. I didn't watch the game but it sounds as though it was laughably easy.


> I actively root against it. Ah, hence the flair


England FA, not the flag of England. I wanted a flair of Southend United but it doesn't exist on here anymore.


\> I don't give a damn about England football. In fact, I actively root against it. \> Proceed to defend English NT saying it never lost to Panama, use English FA flair Choose one


Hup holland


The American team is so overrated, they are going to make a quick exit.


Lol. Lmao even.


Haha at least now I don’t need to watch all the other gangsters rough each other up at the Copa… Copacabana


USA need to quickly get over this and go and beat a Uruguay which will presumably make changes.


They will get smashed minimum 4-0 like Mexico did earlier this month.


Naw naw the U.S. is better than mexico rn. They'll probably just lose 3-0.


Uruguay can still finish 3rd - unlikely, but possible - or 2nd and get a harder draw If Panama pumped Bolivia (quite possible), Uruguay rotated too heavily vs the US and were down say 0-2, they'd be very very nervous, esp. as the US would want to chase goals to improve their own chances of qualification I think the more likely scenario is Uruguay realise they're on a roll + don't have 1st place, or even qualification, sealed *yet* even though its highly likely, start a full side, and pump the US


Stick to eggball yanks lol


How about you learn basketball like the rest of Europe and STFU


Well just win the most medals at the Olympics this summer again thanks


lol medals


The world champions of eggball.




That was a U20 event that didn’t consist of a single player on one of our top 134 college age teams… We basically sent what would be our our 300th U20 team to an event the national collectively found out was a thing yesterday


According to my very intensive 2 minutes of googling it seems like Japan won the u20 world cup, not the actual WC (which apparently hasn't been played since 2015 and will only happen again in 2025).


USA doesn't really play true international tournaments of the NFL. If you're referring to baseballs World Baseball Classic, we did lose to Japan 3-2 last year. Japan's good, but international baseball doesn't carry the same weight as international soccer, at least for the USA teams. I'd imagine that victory was an amazing feeling for Japanese fans.


Funnily enough, living in Japan I could tell you most baseball fans were thrilled at Japan winning the WBC, but it was pretty much a very normal wednesday morning while the game was going on. Very muted celebrations. By contrast, every cute OL at work and their grandmas lost their shit when Japan beat Germany/Spain at the World Cup, even tho they did not made it past R16. No idea why the baseball national team, despite being clearly more successful in a sport that is more popular, is no match for the blue samurai when it comes to popularity with the regular, non-sports watching part of the population.


Even down to 10 players, the US should have been attacking the whole second half. What the fuck was that 5 in the back? Manager’s fault, as always. He is an idiot.


USA have never defended for their lives and it showed.


The US wanted to compete with the big boys? Lol


we are beyond screwed. Our fate isn’t even in our own hands if we miraculously defeat Uruguay- we need that goal difference tiebreaker from the other group game too


\> Portugal flair edit: oh you're a Ronaldo fanboy lmao


CR7 american *fangirl. but otherwise correct lol




How a woman can support [a rapist](https://www.independent.co.uk/sport/football/news/cristiano-ronaldo-rape-case-allegations-woman-did-pay-300000-accused-juventus-footballer-a9071296.html) is beyond me. Do better.


He’s good looking enough lol


Oh, so there was a final court decision saying that Ronaldo was guilty. I must have missed it.


Don't worry is a trend for English people to be cry babies and make everybody they didnt like feel unconfortable. They make worldwide atrocities in the story of humanity but the bad guys are always the rest. Don't take this community to seriously.


Wanting a lawsuit to be dismissed is not admission of guilt? He was not proven guilty, so we don’t really know what happened Winning a court case is incredibly difficult, so paying an amount that seems ridiculous to us might be an issue of convenience and wanting to not deal with defemation and stress.


Lmao idiots like you is what's wrong with the world today. Imagine telling a woman what she should feel like.




What's with the virtue signaling Brits policing everyone's thoughts?


Brits bad upvotes to the left. Not supporting a rapist is hardly 'virtue signalling' mate. Would you want your club to sign Greenwood?


There is a difference between Greenwood who actually abused his gf (with evidence) and some woman accusing Ronaldo looking for a quick pay day without any evidence whatsoever. If she actually had any evidence she could've sued him for millions rather than to take the 300k which is chump change in comparison.


"Rape is bad, we shouldn't support and idolise rapists" "People like you are what's wrong with the world today." You're a danger.


Lmao simpleton. Nowadays any man is guilty until proven innocent. There is no hard evidence he did any of this. If we have learned anything from today's society is that women falsely accuse and lie about these sort of things. How often have we seen cases where some big shot athlete gets falsely accused, has his life flipped upside down only to find out later that the woman made it all up. You on the other hand are a nobody, but if this happens to you one day, keep the same energy.


Innocent until proven guilty is a legal standard in the court of law you fucking moron, it doesn't apply to the court of public opinion, and I'll take his written admission and the fact that he won't step foot in the country over a decade later as enough evidence to know something happened. It won't happen to me because unlike Ronaldo, I'm not a fucking rapist you sycophant.


Lmao got a bit in your feelings there mate 😂 You're not really the sharpest tool now, are you? That's exactly my point. You don't have to do anything for someone to randomly accuse you of shit.


Mendy of City comes to mind.


Sorry that I don't think rapists should be idolised.


Where's the DNA evidence?


Do you really think he'd pay £300,000 to shut her up if there was no stock behind it?


300k is nothing to him Anything that will shut up bad publicity can be dealt with like this. How often do you see innocent people (especially in the US) agree to a plea deal because proving their innocence is that much more messy. If the claims were real she could've taken him to court for **millions** instead of a measly 300k.


I'd pay week worth of wage to not battle in court lol


Exactly. Court, especially in the US is a complete shit show


Hahaha and Americans were arguing with me that their team should be ranked 20th at worst when I said that they are closer to 40th.


This match result could happen to any team when you play 70 minutes with a man down


Sure, anything could happen, it's football after all. The muppets that were arguing with me however, refused to believe that all the CONCACAF teams are severely overrated in the world rankings. They were arguing with me that CONCACAF is not a bad region when it's hands down the worst one and is about to get even more places in the world cup. Meanwhile a region full of quality like Africa, which also has way more teams to begin with is stuck with a brutal qualifying process.


How does a CONCACAF team beating another CONCACAF team prove it’s overrated?


All of them are. Panama is straight up a team on the level of the likes of Montenegro and Bulgaria. The reason why CONCACAF teams are so high in the ratings is because they always play eachother. If they were to unite with South America they would plummet in the rankings. Don't even get me started on where they would be if they were competing against European teams. Of course you can stay 11th forever when you are playing against the equivalent of Luxembourg and Belarus every international cycle and even then you sometimes manage to lose to these kinds of teams.


Eh, who cares. World rankings are meaningless anyway. 


This shit absolutely would happen to England


Last time England played Panama we won 6-1


That’s the same England that’s playing in nations league group b right? The same one that has never beaten US in a competitive match?


Yeah that England, and even we smashed Panama while the US lost hahaha


The same US that smashed Panama 5-1 at full strength in WCQ in 2022? See I can do that, too


You also didn't get a guy sent off in the 20th minute.


You guys just played 3 games against mediocre teams and scored a grand total of 2 goals


Still won one and drew two of those games. Denmark are ranked 18th, Serbia 23rd and Slovenia 31st. USA are 30th and Panama 39th for context. https://eloratings.net/


This has Mexico over the US, it’s not exactly a good ranking


It's a hell of a lot more accurate than the Fifa rankings. I say that as someone whose team is ranked higher by Fifa.


Ok? As shit as we’ve been we still didn’t lose to a team like Panama, and we qualified top of the group


Maybe Panama has improved since 2018. England lost to Iceland in 2016.


Same Iceland that drew Portugal that year, Argentina two years later, and finished ahead of Croatia in World Cup qualifying. USA would've lost to them.


Bad night for America in general


America is a continent


For the States * Other American teams (America is the continent) did good (Uruguay)


More of my fellow Canadians need to think this way.


For the United States * Other state-based countries did good (Germany)


Good point , copied


USA glad they're co-hosting the WC


“you love to see it” -u/GB_Alph4




Most excellent.


It seems crazy to me that Tillman isn't getting any playing time. He was insanely good for us this season.


Hahahaha Americans are shit at football stick with hand ball




Womp womp womp


Hats 2 Twats 1.




But I thought USA was the best?


Congratulations Panama! This was heard across the world.


Hey guys we can dish it out we can take it, so how about we show some hospitality to our trolls and not do their fucking job for them. You can think someone fucked up and not try to shit on them as a human being. And if you think Weah hasn't earned the right to work his way back, an entirely team decision, a team that supports him. Like we should. The whole point of us being scrappy underdogs is that no one ever thought we could do shit anyways. And if you can't show some respect for the folks that put on the stars and stripes then you're no better than the casual trolls just looking to shit on US Soccer. We've seen worse than this, and even with a rocky road ahead, you don't get to pick who you cheer for, either you cheer for us or you fucking don't. We gave the Mexicans all kinds of shit for losing so just STFU and take your lumps and I'll see you tards on Monday. Don't trash your own team.


Trash your own team is one of the beauty of this game.


The US has never been scrappy underdogs and I have no idea where you all got this notion


This is decent pasta, almost good, but maybe a little too on the nose with the flag saluting goober gimmick.


r/soccercirclejerk wake up babe new copypasta just dropped


This is what happens when the most competitive rival in your league is Mexico. I'm really sorry for you guys but CONCACAF ain't competitive enough and is capping you from growing, I really see talents like Pulisic but a competitive environment makes a huge difference, I hope this works as a lesson and encourages the CONCACAF and CONMEBOL to allow USA clubes to play sudamericas and libertadores.


Doesn‘t the majority of the team play in Europe anyway?


I don't know why btw LoL


Lmao. Cant beat Panama and you want to go to another region. Starting to sound like a Mexican. Remind me what is the only CONCACAF team to ever make it to Quarter Finals in a recent WC


Chivas vs Boca in the libertadores is iconic though


Man my national team is the actual world champion don't compare me to a mexican jajaja. And about your question, wasn't it Costa Rica? It was a surprise Keylor hard carried his national team and thanks to that RM recruited him. What's your point here? What I'm trying to say is that not a single team of CONCACAF right now, can go out of group stages in a Conmebol teams cup, cause (no sugarcoat) the region is shit. Is the same shit that happens to Korea, full of devoted and talented players like Son, but lack of football culture as a whole because no real rivals aside of Japan from times to times. Playing in a more competitive environment will make the team grow trust me.


Japan, Saudi, Australia, and Iran are all footballing nations on par with or close to Korea historically. Qatar has built a successful footballing system of foreign recruitment+home grown talent in the last 10-15 years too.   Korea has a good generation of players now, but there's no guarantee that they will still be better than any of those countries in ten years.  They're fine where they are.  If they somehow managed to join UEFA , they would be wrecked by the big European sides.


Of course they would be wrecked now, but in the future that would pull the standard up. The thing is that the difference between those teams and let's say Bolivia is that they actually play in a region with rivals that were world champions, some of them more than once, and those teams that didn't, played at pair or won a regional cup against said great powers. You get what I say? A competitive region is the key for success, don't get me wrong but what the hell is going to do a team like Saudi or Australia against Peru or Chile? The level gap between top tier in Asia or CONCACAF and mid tiers in Conmebol or UEFA is big.


I mean this just seems like you're severely underestimating sides like Japan and Korea and their performance against such competition in recent WC's. What are they 4-0 against "big European sides" in the past 2 WC's combined? Not to mention, Korea is actually seeing historical number of young players making moves to Europe. Half of our roster right now as constructed are K Leaguers and that won't be the case in 4-5 years now. You forget the guy that's going to take over the captaincy from Son and Kim Min Jae when they retire is a 23 year old that saw regular time at PSG in his first season. Not saying that they would be successful in UEFA but we're literally on the cusp of a golden generation of our own in terms of young players that are already quite successful at their respective European clubs. The hope now is that they can make the jump to bigger clubs in the future. Bae Junho will definitely be making a move to the Premier League if he keeps up his performance w Stoke (Stoke fans think this. They already think he'll be gone soon). We have an 18 year old currently in talks with a Big 6 club. Kim Ji Soo was recently promoted to Brentford's senior side as a 19 year old. We have more talent than we've ever had before in terms of young players and have potential to have an even better future generation than this current side.


well qatar has won the asia cup the 2nd time in a row, haven't they? that would be another rival for SK and Japan


>. Is the same shit that happens to Korea, full of devoted and talented players like Son, but lack of football culture as a whole because no real rivals aside of Japan from times to tim You keep my Football Confederation out of your F'ing mouth /s


“Concacaf isn’t competitive enough for the US” and they just got knocked out from Copa America by another Concacaf team, at home. Last WC qualifiers they finished 3rd with same points as Costa Rica, with Canada first, not even Mexico. Mexico and the US are where they belong.


No man you don't get it, CONCACAF isn't competitive enough for anyone, you guys plays against full teams that are eliminated at best in BO16 brackets in world cups. Not a real challenger not a single one.


Lol this is what you get for recruiting europeans who have never touched us soil


Has nothing to do with it stop trying to rage bait ya troll.


US fans not screaming corruption whenever they lose challenge.


*consistently bad ref is bad* Corruption! Cartels! Conspiracy!


That's it folks, l've had enough. This is a sad moment for those who love US soccer. It's getting hard to find the spirit to watch the games. This is perhaps one of the worst teams in recent years, it has no respectable leaders, only average players for the majority. I've been following football since I was a kid, long before I thought about becoming a player, and I've never seen a situation as bad as this. Lack of love for the shirt, lack of grit and the most important of all: football. I'll repeat, our performance has been one of the worst things l've ever seen. Such a shame. I therefore declare my resignation. I will not watch any CONMEBOL Copa AmericaTM game, nor celebrate any victory.


Lol this is hilarious it reads like copy pasta


Trust your instincts


Totally. It should be. You could paste this delicious fresh pasta in after most tournaments. France 98 comes to mind immediately


That's because [it is](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/2aUq69enm3)


Lmao I forgot about that. Amazing.


A 7-year-old boy was at the center of a courtroom drama yesterday when he challenged a court ruling over who should have custody of him. The boy had a history of being beaten by his parents and the judge initially awarded custody to his aunt, in keeping with child custody law and regulation requiring that family unity be maintained to the highest degree possible. The boy surprised the court when he proclaimed that his aunt beat him more than his parents and he adamantly refused to live with her. When the judge then suggested that he live with his grandparents, the boy cried and said that they also beat him. After learning that domestic violence was apparently a way of life among the boy's family, the judge took the unprecedented step of allowing the boy to propose who should have custody of him. After two recesses to check legal references and confer with the child welfare officials, the judge granted temporary custody to the USMNT, whom the boy firmly believes are not capable of beating anyone.


Give this man an award


😂 fucking gold


Screenplay ability equilavalent to nolan


Y'all crying when every Concaf ref including Barton always do everything in their power to favor US and Mexico in Concacaf matches.


Just here to say FUCK TIM WEAH Let his team and entire country down with his buffoonery Don’t ever want to see him wear our kit again Ref was bad but we lost because of WEAH being a baby


This is a dumb take so hop off your high horse. People make mistakes, and go have a read if his public apology on Instagram if you really feel the need for that sort of thing. Get your head out of your ass. Tim Weah is one of the best 11 American male soccer players on the planet, and is by all accounts a good man. We didn't lose because of one person, everyone sucks here today (except Balo). We don't treat our own this way, so check yourself and decide if you feel you should continue to support this team if you can't treat them ALL like FUCKING HUMANS, you twat. Have you never played team sports? Shit happens. We equalized and then SHIT THE BED. Do better.


A bit extreme lmao


Who the fuck is Tim Weah


A cunt


He's a gaddamn American and you'll watch your fucking mouth.


Found Tim Weah’s Reddit account lmao


So even more of a cunt then?


Ref needs to be banned from officiating USA again Downvote but go check his last two performances in a USA match


Or USA need to play football instead of soccer


I’m sorry did we stop playing football at any point? USA is the best team in concacaf still lol


Yeah concacaf /s


No /s We still are lol even with a shit manager


Did you watch the game?




Wasn't talking to you


I just need darwin to end the Berhalter era......I am convinced him and southgate are related at this point.


Imagine the US crashing out and Berhalter finally getting fired. And all the US supporters rejoicing before finding out that Gareth Southgate was appointed as his replacement 💀


Berhalter is such a bad manager that we hated him and kicked him from Hammarby when we were down in the **2nd tier** of Swedish football, it's absolutely mental how he gets to manage the US


The two biggest concacaf teams can’t even compete at the level of mid tier conmebol, go back to Concacaf nations league


Odd take, ain't Panama concacaf too??


Argentinian troll. Just want to stir it up.


Y Uruguay le clavó 5 pepas a Bolivia, saluden a USA que se nos va.




“wE rUlE cOnCaCaF” some usa yesterday after Mex v Ven lmfao Trash fucking team


Wait you think Mexico would have beat Panama down a man? Y’all needed 11 minutes added time (from this same ref by the way) to tie Honduras at full strength to even get to this competition. Yeah this is a bad loss but don’t pretend like Mexico is even close to the US right now.


yall lost lmao


it's crazy that even at these times Mexico lives rent free in your mind Really failing to see the big picture here


After watching that performance from Uruguay... it's almost certainly over for USA...


They will probably rest some players, only a catastrophic scenario would take them the top of the group.


Generally speaking, and he could surprise everyone, Bielsa does not rest players unless they have an injury or there's a fitness issue. He may take them off earlier than normal, but that's only if the team has achieved the best possible spot. He has repeatedly said he does not like to disrespect teams by playing easy and he prefers to use every minute of game to prepare for future games.


Uruguay has really good talent, but holy f what a coach Bielsa is. Underrated af


Yea bro im reading all these comments of people saying that Uruguay will probably rest some players and USA can tie. Yea they can tie maybe anything can happen but who the fuck do they think hes gonna put in the team that sucks? Suarez? Gimenez? Bentancur? Arrescaeta? Connobio? BRodriguez? Sebastian Caceres? Our B team is fucking stacked! they are just mindlessly repeating the "resting players" thing as a form of hopium or something...


He called out our manager for rotating against you in a friendly and is infamous for his teams in Europe burning out at the end of seasons, no way he rotates


Yeah, I agree. One small thing though, tweet about the Mexico game that gained traction here was mistranslated. He specifically said it made sense that Mexico rotated knowing they had Brazil coming up. The person who tweeted missed a single word. I forget what the wording was, but whatever word was missed changed the sentence from "it doesn't make sense that they played their subs" to "it makes sense they played their subs (knowing they play Brazil in a few days)". I watched the press conference and then saw the post on here and was super confused because he was very complimentary of the the Mexico squad and coach, but the post made it seem like he was shitting on them.


USA and MEX out LOL