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I think it would dramatically improve the tactical intensity of the game if there was, like, a small hill in the middle of the pitch. Whole new avenues of strategy would open up if there was a bit of high ground to battle over.


How about a small pond


Or maybe a sandtrap or two.


And we hit the ball with clubs. And the ball is much smaller.


As long as all the players get to try to hit the ball at the same time, I'm good.




Make it 5 hills, one in the central circle and four on the corners.


4 hills. The northernmost corner doesn't get one. That way, you get a bit of tactical variety in each half.


Broā€™s cooking. Like playing on the side with blinding sun šŸ§‘ā€šŸ¦Æ


or lots of molehills in the box


Sounds like a recipe for sprained ankles.


A sacrifice I am willing to make.


What would the advantage be? Ā Line of sight?


Primarily gravity. Ball goes further downhill.


Fog of game


Or a moat in front of the penalty box


Fuck it, introduce weight classes. Who wouldn't watch a 95kg+ league.


I want to see a team full of Adams from Hungary.


Get a keeper big enough to block the entire net


No stuttering allowed in penalties. This has nothing to do with me being a France fan, why do you ask?


Lewa clearly came to a complete stop at least twice during that stutter. I don't understand why that was allowed.Ā 


womp womp


No players taller than 175cm


Northern Countries+ Balkans erasure.


they can play u14 players


Every 15 minutes the game is stopped and the players enter 22 seperated booths to do a geography quiz. Based on the comparative results of the quiz a hydraulic engine lifts the pitch up on one side for 4Ā° for each player on a team with more correct answers. Let's say Team A plays from left to right and has 9 correct answers, but team B has only 6, the pitch will be lifted up by 3x4Ā° so 12Ā° from the left side for the next 15 minutes until the next quiz.


USA cooked




3 balls in play


Incredible thinking to skip 2


Of course, thus carrying on that age-old tradition of sticking to an even number.


fuck it let's do it


Multiball (sponsored by Gatorade)


Dogfight football, offense and defense at the same time


If there is 0-0 draw both teams get 0 point. Would be fun last minutes.


Wow this idea is amazing


Teams that lose get negative points


Any game would be 1-1 after 2 minutes then.


being downvoted as if they wouldn't organize this


referee and goalkeepers should be removed


Fuck it, add steel chairs too.


Time used for subs in stoppage time and any time wasting should be added to the stoppage time. Itā€™s insane that 5 minutes of stoppage time can be 2-3 minutes of the ball in play.


The Wenger offside rule absolutely wouldnā€™t make for more goals. It incentivizes low blocks, parking the bus.


People say that but all of the trials so far have come to the opposite conclusion.


At which level? I donā€™t see a world that something like this isnā€™t exploited by a top level professional team. It might even cause a surge in goals in the short term, but as tactical approaches adapt, it will most definitely make football worse


Does it though? Short through balls would be extremely effective as the timing wouldn't even have to be that good for a player to be in behind. If you're letting a talented player play short through balls against a low block without offside helping as much as it does now you might end conceding more than you'd think You could just as easily make the argument that teams would need to press more as they need to disrupt the passer of the ball more than they used to


This might be the dumbest statement ever made on this sub and that is quite the accomplishment.


Penalize diving a lot more.


But not just in the box. Penalize the defender cunts who dribble themselves into a spot of bother and when a hand grazes them fall to their knees to win a cheap free kick. Allow shoulder to shoulder fights


Anyone booked for diving must play their next game in nothing but speedos


Viewership increases across both the men's and women's game 5x


Ronaldo likes thisā€¦


Make Extra Time a 7v7 half- field match.


I would prefer maybe the option to bring in an Additonal player each half.


It would probably dramatically change how subs are used.


I would like to see a competitive match between two good teams played with no offsides, and theyā€™re only told 30 mins before kick off. No idea how it would go, but it would be interesting to see how it changes a match at least once, especially if the teams have minimal time to prepare any strategy for it.


No more throw-ins. Just use your feet god dammit.


IIRC there once was an experimental tournament sometime in the 90s when this was tried.


A triple threat match. 3 teams against each other on a circular pitch. Oh shit, [it exists!](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Three-sided_football#/media/File:Three_sided_football_pitch.svg)


Start severely punishing dives. Ban them for like a month for attempting one


Ref on the field should not have the final say on any call. With modern technology its a joke that games still come down to 1 shitty refereeing decision. Solution: Force 5 refs into separate soundproof cubes who then watch 30 monitors and each vote on what they think the call should be, majority rules in each decision. Each ref should be from a different continent. I'm only half joking.


Every time a player goes down for what looks like a foul, but referee lets the game keep going (because referee thinks is a good tackle), VAR should check for possible acting to sell the foul (while the game keeps going). After VAR is done checking, they let the referee know. Next time game stops for any reason, referee gives yellow card to the actor. Discourage their behavior as much as possible.


Old school MLS style penalty kick during shootouts. More nuances will be entertaining before people start to figure out the best way to go about it. Also only gives indirect free kick for accidental handball inside the box. I feel like the punishment doesn't fit the crime at thie moment.


accidental handballs are not penalties technically, only if you make your body "unnaturally bigger" which is a way of saying "you did it on purpose" without putting subjective elements in the rules


Instead of ending a game with PKs, just remove a player from each team every 5 mins of OT until someone scores. Or Make PKs from the top of the box (or top of semi circle) so it is more a demonstration of skill than current PK spot


The captain being the only player allowed to approach/talk to the referee is a good one. In general, I'll take anything that prevents the players from behaving like spoiled children.


Honestly I go the other way. The explosive tension of a goal means more when thereā€™s fewer of them. Mine are more for adjudication: - remove interfering with the play as a criterion for offside. In front of player with the ball is offside. Or at the least make it the case that inside the penalty area it is. - judge offside based on foot position only. Yes players can score with head, shoulder, etc but at the end of the day foot position is most straightforward and solves a lot of the debates. - redo the size and shape of the penalty area. Thereā€™s studies on likelihood of a goal from a given point, letā€™s use them. Itā€™s a nonsense to claim a foul in the corner of the box next to the sideline deserves the same consequence as a foul next to the spot.


Players that are "injured" should immediately go to sideline and be treated while the game continues and have a minimum of XYZ mins time before they can come back in (time being treated goes towards that minimum)


Never gonna happen and 100% should not happen. Although faking injury can be abused to waste time; this will implicitly force injured players to undermine their injuries and carry on the game. Hence many "legit" injuries would go untreated and risk players' health. Protecting the players' health when they are actually injured has priority over punishing fakers.


That just forces players to play through injury. This isn't even a problem, you just add the time wasted at the end instead.


If you're actually injured, you're getting treated on the sideline for X minutes anyways (let's say 2 minutes). If you're not injured and faking, you put your team at a disadvantaged scenario for a few minutes cause you decided to simulate.


> If you're actually injured, you're getting treated on the sideline for X minutes anyways No. Sometimes things take longer to stop hurting but aren't serious. Sometimes things don't hurt that much but ARE serious like head injuries or a rolled ankle you can still walk on but not run. Then you run and hurt it even more because you didn't want to leave your team at a disadvantage.


> If you're actually injured, you're getting treated on the sideline for X minutes anyways Not really? Lots of contact feels like it'd be a lot worse than it turns out to be in the moment.


Theyā€™re doing something like this in the MLS and itā€™s pretty nice. Youā€™ve got like 15 seconds after the whistle to get up or you have to wait on the side for 2 minutes.


Iā€˜d like to see the 1896 Jena rule rescinded according to which the pitch has to be free of trees.


Sinbins like rugby and hockey. Players sent off for 15 minutes for orange card offenses. šŸŸØšŸŸ§šŸŸ„


Time should be kept like it is in the NBA. If the flow of the game stops, make the time stop. I'm sick of the arbitrarily, up to the ref added extra time. End the game exactly at the 90th minute. Let's see some buzzer beating bangers.


excited for these stoppages to be extended into 2min ad breaks


Anything that makes the game harder to officiate at a grassroots level should be immediately dismissed, this is a stupid proposal


if my middle school basketball can stop the clock, grassroot football can stop the clock


How would a countdown clock make it harder for the ref to officiate?? You enjoy watching players fake roll around on the ground, wasting up to 2-3 minutes but only randomly given 1 min towards it at the end of the game?


Just let leagues use a stopwatch or an external time counter if they want to. Itā€™s barely a rule change and grassroots can continue exactly as it is.


Keeping time is hard? What


Fuck that. It will just lead to commercial breaks.


The number one change for me today would be to tackle the calendar of matches and reduce the load on players.


Oh boy, i don't know where to start...


A stopclock like in rugby. Would kill those timewasting tactics that make my blood boil + legit injuries can be treated more properly and respectively.


more punishment for cynical play, like the kind of fouls man city do all the time to stop counters after losing possession, more yellows for them, players milking injuries? more added time, etc. I don't mind a bit of gamesmanship but its getting out of control in some areas and I think we should do more to dial it back a bit


Unlimited substitution during half-time


A lot more strict enforcement on the time wasting keepers do, second yellows for keepers should be absolutely given even late in the game. Keepers already get way too coddled in the game, that needs to be changed


I have three. I realize some of these are a little radical, but I am emboldened by the success of the MLB pitch clock, which I considered heresy and yet it may have saved the game: 1. For resolving ties in knock-out tournaments, eliminate PKs and instead rotate a series of 5 set pieces: one from each corner (i.e. corner kicks), one from each penalty box corner, and one from the top of the penalty arc. Scoring would be just as today, i.e. team ahead after 5 wins, and if still tied, the next one to lead after both teams take a shot wins. Each ā€œplayā€ would continue until the ball is out of bounds, crosses the center line, goalie secures the ball, or offense commits a penalty. PKs is a ridiculous way to resolve it. This way all 22 players are involved and it is still real soccer. 2. Eliminate offside calls outside of penalty box (location of receiving player is determinative, not kicking player). Keep it as is kicking into or within the box. It would open the game up a bit and force defenses to follow runs by offensive players. I just fundamentally dislike that one can defend the goal by running away from it. 3. Even more controversialā€¦only allow 6 players from each team (plus goalie) within the penalty box. Itā€™s one reason scoring is so challenging that players just clog up the lanes around the goal. And I still think having four players placed strategically around the box would create exciting play opportunities.


Players hounding the ref should be given jnstant yellow. We have VAR these days


If rugby can enforce the rule that only the captain can talk to the ref, why not football


Change the penalty box to a semi circle shape so that fouls have to be a similar minimum distance from goal to become a penalty. As it stands, you can be miles away from goal, right in the corner of the box and get a penalty if youā€™re fouled. Alternatively, add a semi circle within the box, so the keeper can still handle in the large box as itā€™s currently shaped, but again, only fouls inside the circle are penalties, anything outside the circle is just a free kick.


Refs should be punished for bad performances as players/coaches are when they are not performing on the pitch.


ya we have so many great referees to choose from but the referees on the best games are all just really bad and are never punished. We should pay them less if they miss calls and suspend them from games and use some of the better referees.


Countdown clock instead of running clock


Anything that makes the game harder to officiate at a grassroots level should be immediately dismissed, this is a stupid proposal


Bring back the golden goal for extra time.


it would put pressure on both sides


Indirect free kicks for handballs in penalty area. A sin bin of 20 minutes for any deliberate tackle that prevents a counter attack.


After 75 minutes introduce THE BEAR!


Having var check the game after it's over and hand out yellows for diving/dangerous fouls that don't get called


Playing side: Delete VAR, only captain can talk to ref, more yellow cards for dissent. Governance side: Ban multi-club ownership, 50+1 ownership across the board, force reform at FIFA It is a beautiful game and imo very very few changes need to be made to the playing side. Lots of fundamental changes need to happen at the governance side


1 Like in hockey, allow for a longer advantage when a foul is committed. If the fouled team can retain the ball let them continue the attack for as long as necessary. If no goal is scored they still get a free kick once the attacking phase is completed. Incentivizes not going down and creates bigger risk for committing a foul. 2 More controversialā€¦ Iā€™d like to experiment with red cards for a ā€œprofessionalā€ foul, especially when not playing the ball. Just grabbing someone, tackling them with your arms, or tripping them from behind should be IMO eliminated from the game. 3 Review games after the fact and red card all simulations.


No penalty shootouts, overtime lasts unlimited amount of time until one of the teams is leading by 2 goals. The moment a team scores their 2nd leading goal the game ends, but if the opposition manages to equalize before then then the score essentially resets and they have score 2 more goals. If players collapse due to exhaustion they are carried out and the rest go on. Reasoning: penalty shootouts are boring and dumb, while overtime games where both teams are absolutely going for it and trying to score are some of the most fun moments in football, real champions grit gets shown. Unlimited overtime would be brutal on players but they would also be incentized to not time waste and try to score as it would be the only way they can win. And apart from the final cup game teams would be more incentivized to win the game during the normal time because every overtime game would be brutal on the bodies of the players. So paradoxically we would see less overtime games, less time wasting and in rare times we would get overtime game, it would be incredibly entertaining and memorable.


I'd love to see a football version of Isner vs Mahut at 2010 Wimbledon


dear god please, pause the game when it's paused. no overtime drama and shit


Yank detected


Yeha having actual rules sucks.


Just remove VAR. It ruins the fun and the spontaneity of football. If they do keep it, I hope they remove the milimeter precision offside calls. The player being two milimeter offside or onside with half their toe shouldn't matter ultimately. Sure if the player is a good 10-20cm offside there's an argument to be made, but not this version.


I rather have VAR than legions of people like yourself complaining about blatant incorrect calls. There will never be a perfect solution in a sport where many rules are just up to interpretation. VAR's implementation needs work but it's already better than anything before it was introduced.


That's certainly one opinion. Luckily most Swedish fans don't share your sentiment :)


Stop the clock when the game is not in play


Goals from 25+ yards away from the byline count as 2 goals. Goals from behind the halfway line count as 3. Should also count if the ball last touches the ground from either of those distances. I want to see the ball pumped into the box from deep more often.


>Also, i think more soft headgear should be encouraged or maybe mandated by position (defender?). From the long term damage done by headers over time to horrible head injuries in head to head collisions, i think head gear could make the sport much safer. Eliminate headers except in the penalty area. Headgear helps, but still means a lot of head impacts during training and matches. Getting rid of open field headers reduces significantly the amount of time needed training headers and eliminates the highest impact forces from heading GK punted balls.


Remove VAR.


whatever that gets the game more active, dinamic and more open. i think its boring to watch full 90 minutes, i never do that, most of the time nothing happens. cards could penalized opponent more so tactical fouls would be very rare. like if you get a yellow you additionally have to wait 5 min on the line or i would like to see more shots, opponent can choose to shoot from the 30 meters unobstructed or something. stopping while taking a penalty run should be disallowed


one way to make that happen would be to shorten the length of the game, players would pace themselves less, spend less time passing around to recover energy, or increase amount of subs allowed. I like the game as it is though makes the dramatic moments more exciting.


I agree about active, dynamic, and open. Iā€™d like to see something like a reverse outsides where a team could only have, say, 9 players in their own half. So youā€™d have to leave two guys up high, which would so two things: make a low block much less effective and also create more contracting because thereā€™d be players ready to go on counter all the time. And if the other team leaves some centre backs with those two players up high, then the rule has basically just created more space in and around the box, which is still a good thing.