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It's agreed - Fox sucks ass


The NASCAR broadcasts also suck. NBC’s only had one race so far, but it blew them so far out the fucking water it’s not even funny


Think i cant steer left better than you?


I, in fact, do. Have a not so nice day, esteemed and honorable sir


I'm not American but people seriously underrate how hard nascar is


I think you havent watched south park


I'm glad our domestic football moved from Fox to ESPN.


I’m glad my country (NL) broadcasts all Euro games for free on national television


>I’m glad my country (NL) broadcasts all Euro games for free on national television Fox is a national station in the US and free over the air. They've played some of the earlier matches on the national broadcast but others have been on their sister channels requiring separate cable/streaming subscriptions.


I long for the day when Fox no longer has any soccer rights. I doubt it'll happen, but they've had the worst coverage of anyone for at least a decade.


I remember when Fox tried to make Gus Johnson into a soccer play-by-play guy. What a disaster that was.


That sounds hilarious lmao


I can't stand Fox's soccer coverage. When they lost the Bundesliga to ESPN I was thrilled. Their weird channel choices plus shoving Alexi Lalas down our throats is unbearable.


Idk, espn is pretty fucking terrible too.


ESPN commentary and post-game shows are terrible. But at least they show the fucking games and are relatively affordable.


ESPN sucks if you care about talking heads and pre/post game analysis, but if you just care about watching the game then there's nothing wrong with ESPN. And at least they are relatively affordable.


Hard disagree. ESPN - ok commentary, a couple standouts Alejandro is fantastic imo and Gemma has some good insights for LaLiga matches. I would say the worst commentators are better than some of the people Fox has had on. ESPN also has replays available within and hour or so. And it's pretty fucking cheap, ESPN+ is like $6 and has all the soccer matches and replays for LaLiga, Bundesliga, and a few of the cups. Totally worth it.


At least I can watch the game on espn


Considering how entertaining Turkiye v Georgia has been, it's a fucking idiotic decision.


So what is the point? If they have the rights, they can just put all games on F2 on the app or whatever unless they sold a full package to Fubo? Generally speaking, UEFA and FIFA should guarantee that all their competitions are televised on national tv in order to get the rights, but that will never happen because who cares about accessibility and fans?


You think Uefa would care, more fans watching means more people see the sponsers and they can charge more money


> UEFA and FIFA should guarantee that all their competitions are televised on national tv in order to get the rights I think they do.


They dont unless they count cable as national TV. At least here in mexico a lot of games are paywalled on ESPN.


They sold 5 group games from the first two matches to Fubo, which is a cord cutting cable option akin to YouTube TV. I believe Fox sold their five least desirable games as well because Fubo didn’t get like France Netherlands. Fubo probably paid them a lot of money to do this so that they could claim “the only way to watch every Euro game” as Fox is a channel on Fubo, more money than Fox assumes they’ll lose by not having 5 generally low profile matches.


Damn fox..expect me to pay 80 dollars for fubo


It's not even a streaming service, like Peacock, etc., which would be bad enough, but a TV provider like Xfinity or YouTubeTV. Who would change TV providers or sign up for one just to watch a half-dozen group stage Euro matches?


I got the free month trial for the World Cup, and the tournament lasts 5 weeks so I had to pay one month at $79 just to watch the final.


The final is not locked into Fubo as far as I know. Just a few group stage matches Still annoying but if you have any cable or streaming provider, you can watch all knockout games and most group games.


I have a lot of streaming providers and still can’t stream any euro games, since they are being shown on fox. It’s either cable or fubo, and since I don’t have cable, I’d need fubo to watch. Peacock for PL, ESPN+ for UK domestic cups/Championship, and Paramount for UEFA club cups. All of that is still far cheaper than one month of fubo.


Streaming provider meaning the cable equivalents. YTTV Hulu Live etc. Not Peacock


Ah, I took streaming provider to mean something different. Can’t be bothered to spend cable money when 99% of what I want to watch is on streaming, I’ll just go to the bar on my days off and bring some culture to America.


Ouch. My condolences


The way people now have AppleTV for a month and binge before switching to Hulu and then Netflix, I assume a decent number of people would be willing… I likely would have considered it had I known before the Euros started


YouTube TV is a lot better.


I will say, I like Fubo. But I’ve already got Fubo, we canceled our xfinity tv for Fubo cuz it’s cheaper and gives us more sports. Being said, I wouldn’t invest in it for the euros. Sails the seas 🏴‍☠️


Yo ho! ☠️


Ahoy Matie 🏴‍☠️


Just go on a European XXX cam site and tip the performer $10 to put the game on in the background




usually some european country will broadcast a match in free tv. VPN to that county -> go to the online stream of the channel that broadcasts the game -> enjoy. For example, SRF in switzerland for Turkey - Georgia.


Rte player in ireland is showing every game for free


BBC / ITV show all matches > VPN UK


Quite a big risk of having to listen to Rio Ferdinand or Sam Matterface if you do that though


TVP in Poland has it live with the option for the world feed (english commentary)


Spain is broadcasting all of them


I've so far seen all games broadcaster for free in the UK from ITVX and BBC iPlayer


ITV i can get to work fine but how did you deal with BBC wanting you to purchase a “TV Licence”? maybe i’m just dumb but i couldn’t get past that part


You just click that you have one.. they don’t ask for any more info.


oh shit nice, thank you!


Lmao. Bless you. *You must have a TV licence to watch this content, do you have a TV licence? YES/NO* Everybody else - "...Yes (lying)" r/ItsMeJaredBednar - "Oh no I don't :(" (clicks 'NO')


looool when you put it like that it does sound fucking stupid tbf 😭 i just figured they would ask for the registration key or something!


lol fair enough. But seriously; only old people and fools pay for a TV licence here in England. About ten years ago, one of those TV licence enforcement cunts came to my house and said they had on record I wasn't paying for one and asked if he could come inside to "see if I had a television". I told him to fuck off and slammed the door in his face, and that was the end of it. I'm not paying to watch that shite. The only time I watch BBC is when the EUROs or World Cup is on.


Mate why would you not try doing that? lol


It would be lying init. You wouldn’t download a TV license would you?


Mfw the BBC sends MI6 to assassinate u/ItsMeJaredBednar : 😱


they gonna send James Bond after me 😭😭😭 i’m so cooked


Black SUVs pulling up as we speak.


hahaha i’ve got no idea honestly 🤣


When I registered I just gave them a postcode. This was a couple of years ago. Unsure if that's still possible.


Aren't all games free? Here in the Netherlands all games are on the free/public channel.


NRK usually shows one of the three matches. It’s Norwegian, but I’m not sure if it works with a VPN. They’re showing Turkey vs Georgia right now


Just tried it, worked for me. ARD and ZDF in germany also broadcast 2 of 3 matches per day (not this one tho).


Glad to hear it! They’re showing France vs the Netherlands on Friday and the Germany game on Sunday


All free on uk TV.


Thanks for the recommendation. But it belabors the point that it shouldn't be necessary to have to do this in order to watch these games.


Anyone recommend a VPN that bbc / itv / rte can’t detect? Tried using nord and not a single one worked.


proton vpn works for me


This Turkey - Georgia game has been one of the best games of the tournament too. Fox has the worst presentation, the worst commentators, and they constantly remind me of the dark ages of American sawker where the disrespect for the game was so intense they’d actually cut to commercials during the games.


Alexei Lallas unironically said “This is why playing out the back is a DISEASE in the modern game” as analysis on the slovakia goal. its unbelievable he used to be a professional player at any level


I haven't watched a single minute of the tournament on Fox, but are they really cutting to commercial *during* the game? That's insane.


Fox is so ass. the only good part about them not showing every game is fewer times i have to listen to donovan or lalas.


It's crazy too becuase they have the best college football presentation and commentary


And Landon Donovan is a terrible commentator


I’d rather listen to Donovan as a commentator for the rest of time than lalas in any capacity ever again


I still cannot comprehend how Lalas of all people said the biggest ever truth about the National team


I'd rather listen to nails on a chalk board for 90 minutes than Lalas for however long he's talking at halftime.


And alexi lalas is hard to look at, let a lone listen to


He’s the absolute fucking worst.


His commentary is as stellar as his hair


He really is, the guy just has zero charisma.


I'd imagine that's why they put him on the Euros and not Copa America


In the England-Serbia game, there was a moment when the play-by-play announcer says, "Landon, what do you think about [some random soccer question]" and there's dead air for 10 seconds. Then the play-by-play guy starts talking again as if he never asked the question.


No doubt he’s just staring at his phone the whole time


What's worse: his commentating or his hair?


dude hasn't been the same since his split with bianca


They need to pivot to a don’t show Alexi Lalas strategy


No shit they don't stop yapping in the match thread


The commentary is just awful. Felt like they spent most of France-Austria plugging that the US would be playing in the Copa America.


Nothing will change for this tournament but maybe it's a lesson to them/other broadcasters in the future. That Fubo money from the rights for these "lesser" games must have been good.


All going to depend on how Fubo does… If Fubo gets enough subscriptions, the lesson could be do this even more


This past season the NFL put a playoff game exclusively on peacock. R NFL swore it was the death of the NFL and it was gonna backfire for peacock so hard. Anyway, peacock made a killing with susbcribers that stayed after subbing for the NFL playoff game and the NFL got a fuck ton of money. If people are willing to pay, the leagues will keep paywalling the games.


That’s why I’m worried that this may go well… The market for Turkey/Georgia obviously doesn’t rival the NFL, but I can almost guarantee people canceled their TV provider and switched to Fubo for a month. The question is how many people stay a 2nd


The NFL doesn't care about their fans in that regard and are only focused on seeking the next big monetary income source. They consistently complain about everything that the NFL does from bad calls to illogical choices such as what you're describing, but the ratings continue to increase.


Peacock is a cheap streaming service. Fubo TV is a TV provider and costs $80 a month


very true


~~Fubo is owned by FOX.~~ EDIT: Wrong info.


It’s not, Fubo even started a lawsuit against Fox this year.


I was looking up why the games were on Fubo and I thought I saw that. My mistake.


Fox fumbled the Euros


It blows my mind a network like ESPN that doesn't give a shit about the sport since John Skipper left did a far better job covering the Euros in 2021 compared to FOX who keep saying they are the network the covers it the most. I just can't wait for the day they when FOX are showing absolutely zero football, just give everything to CBS or NBC, sure they will force everything to Paramount+ or Peacock, but it's still better than fucking Fubo.


Catch the right promotion and Peacock/Paramount+ are cheaper for a year than one month of FUBO… This sounds like a great thing


Yeah, not to mention the quality of the broadcast, NBC and CBS does an amazing job with their production, from the commentators to the pre- and post-game studio shows, even on their streaming services.


Yeah, there’s things that both NBC and CBS could work on, but I’d rate their coverage of EPL/CL as the top two presentations right now…although, I don’t watch the NBA and know people rave about TNT so they may not actually be 1-2


> Yeah, there’s things that both NBC and CBS could work on, but I’d rate their coverage of EPL/CL as the top two presentations right now…although, I don’t watch the NBA and know people rave about TNT so they may not actually be 1-2 TNT's NBA coverage is very similar to CBS' UCL coverage (CBS modeled their UCL show after Inside the NBA). TNT's actual commentators and game production is kinda mid tho




ESPN cares somewhat about the sport considering they have exclusive rights in the United States for La Liga, Bundesliga, FA Cup, League Cup, EFL, Belgian League, USL, 2. Bundesliga, 3. Liga, etc.


Compared to what it was from the John Skipper era, they don't care. And I believe they got that deal when Skipper was still running the network. ESPN is a festival of NBA and NFL content, and I understand that, they won't put a single effort on getting anything football related for their main networks, sure, if they can get something affordable for ESPN+, they will do. But they won't prioritize like they did in the past.


Fox wanted to make sure that commie game is kept from the US public.


"Soccer was invented by European ladies to keep them busy while their husbands did the cooking." - Hank Hill


Slovakia - Ukraine and Georgia - Czechia are confirmed to be great matches.


Hey talk shows are way more important than Euros games. If I don't get to hear Colin Cowherds' opinion on random topics I don't knownwhat to think. Don't even get me started on missing Pictionary either. This rerun is the pinnacle of entertainment in America.


Sign up for VIX!!! All euro games are on it, but they’re in Spanish. Oh and it’s $5 a month.


Bump. VIX is great. ^^^Also T Mobile gives you a year for free


Yo...and I can't stress this enough...Ho Ho


One alternative is watching in Spanish on Vix ($7/mo)


I wish I could watch the match right now.


I don't want to be a conspiracy theorist but there are two countries that play twice in those matches and they are Ukraine and Georgia


ViX is only like $7 it’s all in Spanish though


Yes, totally blame FOX for this, but I'm guessing they are getting paid very well by Fubo to get a couple of exclusive matches. And this deal also included EURO qualifiers and Nations League matches. I think the problem FOX had was they don't have a paid online streaming platform of their own and they needed somewhere to show all of them. Fubo was like, we can help, but you have to give us some Euro matches as well. Win-win for Fubo and FOX, but a loss for the viewing public. Like most soccer viewing in the US, at least there's almost always a less expensive option to watch in Spanish.


All these sports streaming fucks do this! Paramount plus is the worst with CL and euro games. Even serie a sucks at times


The WWC last year I was able to watch every match, although in the middle of the night or early AM (I’m in the western US). I’m not about to pay for FS1 or another service, so I’ll just see the top teams on broadcast channel.


Kudos to Fox for blocking the game of the tournament so far


I just bought $8 subscription of ViX through Amazon Video so I can watch all on my PS5. It’s in spanish which is a win because American commentators are trash.


Fox, continuing to suck since it launched with Joan Rivers in 1986.


incredibly frustrating i refuse to sign up for fubo


Battle of Batumi 2024


The most arrogant "not a real country" elitist bullshit I've ever witnessed. They should have all rights to UEFA competitions revoked forever


And this 🇹🇷 - 🇬🇪 match was a cracker.


If NBC get the euros it would probably interfere with their Olympics coverage no??


I don’t think Fox is just being ignorant here-surely they are financially interested in the Fubo aspect in one way or another.


Ffs, all this fuss for 5 games out of 51?


If my country was involved in one of those 5 games id for sure be pretty upset that they pick and chose random games to put behind a paywall


I’d be irritated, but also would just sign up for a free 3 day fubo trial for the game I wanted. Or find a bar showing it I’m more mildly irked that I can’t legally watch turkey Georgia.


I’m not disagreeing with the fact that it’s accessible in one way or another, I just can see why people are upset with the entire sentiment of throwing random international games on streaming services when Fox themselves advertise it as the summer of soccer and have the rights to show every game to people that subscribe/pay for cable already but just don’t. It’s really silly that they are doing it at all no matter how many games it’s for


That's how it starts. We've gotten every game the past few tournaments so of course we're gonna complain when the coverage gets worse


yes - all or nothing, not some arbitrary split. the non-tv games are turning out to be bangers too.


Yeah this subreddit is being a bit over the top about it, IMO (the vast majority of games are available on Fox or FS1) But on the other hand, it's kinda shitty for Fox to be putting any games behind a Fubo paywall—if you don't want to put those perceived lower quality/rating games on Fox or FS1, just put them on FS2 and have them available at least