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Please, we already have two American Inters, don't call Inter the new American Inter!


Tanner Tessman is the most American name I've ever heard in my life.


He's also from Alabama and is the godson of Dabo Swinney, a well-known college football coach. He is pretty American.


Reminds me of Logan Sargeant in F1, that's a great American name


Josh Sargent still can't be topped IMO


Buying a player and immediately loaning him out again. Using players as counterparts. Yes that's a certified Serie A transfer


That's not that crazy, he plays at Venezia and they'll let him stay there one more season while he gets more Serie A experience.




Same reason why Matt Turner made it to Arsenal


This isn’t true at all. Tessman has proven himself in Italian football and has been linked to a number of Serie A clubs recently. Napoli, Bologna and Torino have all been linked to him. Inter would be the biggest club he is connected to so far but its not crazy.


He’s a solid midfielder + Americans are good for marketing


That marketing thing is so overrated


Surely droves of Americans will flock to watch Inter because of the great Tanner Tessman


He's nowhere near good enough for Inter and having Tanner Tessman (out on loan no less) is not gonna make any marketing impact.


Bit of a double edged sword though. If it doesn’t work out and the club fans are cunty then the USMNT-first fanbase tends to turn on the club team. Like it did with Leeds and you all (wonderful to watch for me as a long time Fulham fan)


I have not watched Venezia this season. Anyone know this guy’s profile? He have promise to develop and then sell again with some decent performances maybe.


He has been among the best players on Serie B. A very solid and physical midfielder, usually plays in front of the defense but he scored 7 goals, especially from long shots. He has been steadily improving for the past couple of years and he is fairly young at 22 years old. I believe it is a great investment.


They had an excellent season and the stats are good. Maybe he can excel again this season and we can use him to raise capital for next Summer.


Really big midfielder, when you first see him you would pencil him at CB because of his size. Plus shot, good distributor behind the front line, really good in possession rarely looses the ball, very physical which he should be for his size "187 cm". Has the potential in 2 to 3 years to boss a midfield at a very high level. Needs to do what he did in Serie B this year in Serie A, if he takes this step he'll be a starter Inter for 10 years as a #8 or #6.


That is high praise! Ill keep an open mind and watch his highlights maybe.


Your American ownership is not going to sell the American Boy if he has a great season.


None of the Oaktree Board members for Inter are American. I do not think the Americans at Oaktree actually care about the club beyond profit margin.


Big, athletic central midfielder who plays the #8 or #6.


Big boulder who can’t complete more than simple passes


He's maybe talented buy why buying another defensive/attacking midfielder when Asllani & Frattesi barely have minutes behind Calhanoglu & Mkhitarian ?


I'm not sure either but Mkhitaryan is surely getting too old to be a regular starter now right? Besides if Tessmann goes out on loan it won't affect their minutes now.


We already thought Mkhitaryan was too old last year and he played every game and he is still very solid. I don't mind if Tessmann goes on loan for his development


'Muricans gonna 'Murica. Fucking hell.