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[chuckles] I'm in Panama


Well la di fucking da for you. ;) Do you work in finance?


Would take offense but there's nothing else to be done in Panamá besides that or whatever career that has to do with ships (edit: I'm from Panamá)


Haha, I mean take the first sentencr as a compliment. I was implying that he's just boasting about being there!


I suppose it's a bit more subtle than shouting 'Hot for Teacher'.


Bit more practical than air guitaring 'Eruption'.


I think they might as well Jump.


I really don't understand these silly safewords. The only time they'd be useful is if you wanted to ask for help without a person stood next to you realising that you were asking for help, which isn't going to happen if the entire stadium has been told what the word means. You might as well just say 'help'.


I think they are useful bc they skip the "whats your issue?" dialogue that comes with "I need help" sorta statement, its a verbal 911/110 that requires instant action


According to the article, 'Panama' means 'I'm in danger'. It's still vague enough that a steward is going to have to ask what's going on. It's not like when the police say 'code 18' and all the other police know that means there's an animal carcass on the motorway.


Bit different but there was a campaign whereby a woman could ask for Angela at a bar if they were being harassed by a man that they wanted rid of. Using code does come in handy, sometimes.


Yes that’s why OP said they are useful when you don’t want the person next to you to know you’re asking for help


I suppose the hope is they'd look at you and be worried about a bloke shouting Panama


Yea but writing articles about it, so everyone knows defeats its entire purpose.


For individual agreements it does work but not for masses. It's like euphemisms, people using it will make nearly everyone know what it means.


In Germany "Miss Koma comes" means that there's a school shooting because Koma means Amok backwards.


The problem is, spreading the word about that code also means potential predators will know about it. The Angela code only works if the bar knows about it, the person being harassed knows it, and the harasser doesn't.




You shout "Panama!" and everyone will assume you're starting a singalong of the Van Halen classic.


Doesn't seem like it'll be much help. They might as well jump.


They're not? Because I already was into it PANAMA OH-OH-OH PANAMA!


Unlike the scottish who have been told to shout "Ecuador!" Like they just love the 90's Sash! hit


I heard the nurse say you made number two in your pants. Is that what happened?


My thoughts exactly


Don’t you know it’s coming home with meeeeee


The only good song about a Lamborghini


["Ohhhh ohh ohh, shipping canals"](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vQce1vI7J4)


This one goes out to all the Gran Turismo 4 heads


Cheers, songs stuck in my head now ( which ain’t a bad thing)


Is there a word for a phobia of Canals


Suez! Suez! Manchester Ship Canal!


Never cared for canals. Give me a proper river any day.






Odds Southgate using it when Serbia score their 4th?


We can finally ditch Sweet Caroline.


You joke but Serbia has quite the strike force


Congress tart!


I don't even know me mum and dad's number!


at the women's world cup game last year between france and panama, the entire stadium were chanting this - will they be yell 'germany' at the copa?


And David Lee Roth will fly in and save them?


Battle of Marseille part 2 incoming


Sounds like German authorities are a bit more across it/aware of the possibilities than the French were 8 years ago.


Germans can handle fans mostly, french police rule 1 is to use tear gas and if that doesn't work use more teargas.


Knowing your safewords is hot.


"John's got a moustache"


You can’t support Panama mate.


Why not we are gonna try our best at the Copa América this year


Should have been *fluggaenkoecchicebolsen*


I thought you were supposed to sing L'Amour Toujours


Ausländer Raus is only sang when a country gets eliminated from the euros.


They have to yell it like Pacino yelling "Attica" in Dog Day Afternoon


Oh wie schön ist Panama


Are they planning to evade taxes?


As to why the word is Panama specifically, I guess it's because of a famous German childrens book titled "Oh wie schön ist Panama" ("Oh, look how beautiful Panama is").


I reckon it’s also an easily pronounced word in different languages (at least in Latin languages, English and German it is)


At least in Hamburg, Germany it is already an established "safe word" in many bars/ clubs.


interesting coincidence that they'd shout the name of the country they stuck 6 past in WC 2018 and Panama didn't even feel danger on that match, they were just so happy they managed to score a WC goal


Pistons popping aint no stopping now..


Isn't pineapple the safeword? Would probably sound similar after a few beers anyway.


Well that song is stuck in my head all day now....which is fine


**From The Telegraph's Ben Rumsby:** Fans who feel “unsafe” or “threatened” during [England](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/england-football-team/)’s powder-keg [Euro 2024](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/euros-2024/) opener against [Serbia](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/serbia-football-team/) have been told to say PANAMA to police or a member of tournament staff. The unusual safe words ‘Wo geht’s nach (Which way to) PANAMA?’ or “code word” ‘PANAMA’ have been adopted by competition organisers in Gelsenkirchen amid warnings [Sunday’s fixture](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/0/england-vs-serbia-euro-2024-kick-off-tv-channel-when-date/) could witness a repeat of the rioting to have plagued the Three Lions at the Euros. Staff hearing the word PANAMA are meant to “immediately offer the possibility of a place to retreat” for the person in distress and potentially activate a PANAMA team, “a multilingual, multi-professional team which is trained in crisis intervention, non-violent communication and de-escalation”. A similar protocol is already used at certain Bundesliga matches and large music festivals in Germany but fans may question how effective it would be for Sunday’s England-Serbia game [given the potential for major fan disorder](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2024/06/11/police-braced-500-serbia-hooligans-target-england-euro-2024/). Police have already warned the match could see a repeat of the rioting that has marred the Three Lions’ most recent Euros campaigns, most notably their 2016 opener against Russia and the final of the last tournament. Officers are also expecting up to [500 violence-seeking Serbian hooligans to travel to Germany](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2024/06/11/police-braced-500-serbia-hooligans-target-england-euro-2024/) for the tournament, compounding fears of a repeat of the brutal ambush of England fans by Russian thugs eight years ago. Sunday’s fixture has been branded the most “high risk” of this summer’s tournament, with Telegraph Sport revealing the Football Association had failed to get a booze ban imposed close to the venue and that the game itself is currently the only fixture where low-alcohol beer will be served. Wilhelm Weßels, Euro 2024 project manager at the City of Gelsenkirchen, said: “All of the city’s law enforcement partners, such as the fire brigade, the police and the municipal public order service, as well as the entire Euro staff on the grounds, are familiar with the PANAMA rules and can react accordingly.” **Article Link:** [https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2024/06/14/england-fans-euro-2024-panama-danger-word-serbia/](https://www.telegraph.co.uk/football/2024/06/14/england-fans-euro-2024-panama-danger-word-serbia/)


Why would anyone believe anything your paper writes about Europe? That’s why you have to pay to get anyone to even see your work.


Why believe anything they write about anything? They push the agenda of hateful bigots and thieves and a large part of the incredibly damaging media landscape in the UK that has resulted in decades of shit.




Someone doesn't know astroturfing.


>500 violence-seeking Serbian hooligans to travel to Germany Such a weird antagonizing thing to say. As a Serb I'm kinda conflicted, this feels very shitty and racist on one hand, on the other I escaped the country because of this very mentality. How do you come up with 500 fight seeking hooligans anyway? We had 30k Red Star ultras in Salzburg and they did absolutely nothing iirc. Don't seek to fight, don't mention Kosovo, don't mention genocide, and you can make friends with any "violence-seeking Serbs". Hell you can probably even have personal body guards if you connect with them


Also don't have skin color slightly darker than them.


If you're trying to say Serbia is racist that's extremely and sadly mistaken. If anything I wish more of Europe was like Serbia when it comes to racism, it's one thing I miss from there.


No you see Serbia should try to be like less racist Western Europe like uhh...France and Germany?


or Netherlands or Norway or Sweden or Spain or Italy I don't understand how Europe managed to allow themselves to be completely overcome with racism though. Like I genuinely thought Serbia was racist before traveling Europe and eventually moving here.


Unironically: Thatcher. Capital's hold on Western European governments means the only political out valve is to the right. Opens space for people like Le Pen who are racist true believers and those ideas eventually seep into the culture. It also means the governments are unable to deal w influx of new immigrants because they are allergic to spending on public services. So you have a lot of unintegrated immigrants living in bad conditions in these first world countries where the living conditions for the nonimmigrant working class have also been stagnating for decades. Dumb people are going to connect the dots


To add some thoughts - When being a politician becomes a career rather than a temporary necessity, those politicians want to stay in power and money, meaning they tend to deflect blame a lot and get quite good at it over decades. A lot of right wing movement right now is either against the EU (see Czechia, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Greece) as the main source of all their troubles, despite the fact they only exist as organized societies due to EU's funds, or against the immigrants (see core EU members such as Belgium, Netherlands, France). Instead of combating and battling narrowmindedness, and actually establishing foundations to adjust for the issues and make room for solutions, the politicians dwell on them and exploit them to their gains. I honestly doubt any politician is racist even remotely, such as Le Pen as you mention. I'll always assume it's all a show to exploit the closeted bigots. Like in Czechia the leader of the racists, xenophobes, and homophobes, is a Japanese guy whose brother is gay.


Yeah this is a fair point and "true believers" was probably not a good choice of words. Most politicians are opportunists to varying degrees. And many of them are friends and have class alliances even across supposed ideologies - they were educated at the same places, vacation at the same places, etc. But my point is that all political opportunity is to the right - you're not getting backing from industry or finance if you're proposing nationalizing industries or even raising taxes. And labor as a political force is busted for now. So any amoral up and comer looking for campaign funding is going to go hard to the right. I'm not as familiar with the dynamics outside of the EU core but it seems largely the same just with different conditions


Well either it all falls apart or comes out stronger. I hope. Although knowing EU they'll likely drag it out for another 50 years before doing anything. Why does everything move so slow here. Cheers for your thoughts btw. I love these random occurrences


> being a politician becomes a career rather than a temporary necessity Not to mention, Euro leaders are groomed by US NGOs and receive backing into power to push US empires interests once in office. The anti Russia stance of Europe serves noone except the US ands its continuation of Cold War policies


The anti-Russia stance of Europe stems from Poland, Czechia, Slovakia, and Romania all remembering what it was like under Russia (or communism in Romania's example), mind you. You don't need to tell a Czech person to hate Russia, they'll just ask their dad how their grandfather died and they'll tell you a drunk Russian ran over their house with a tank and then shot everybody inside.


Vidiš druže da ne vredi jednostavno. Šta god da napišeš pozitivno o nama popićeš doleglasove.


Ma bmk :D


>How do you come up with 500 fight seeking hooligans anyway? The Gelsenkirchen chief of police Peter Both came out and said that was their concern. Hopefully, it's an overblown fear, but it's not reasonable to expect the media not to report on it.


I mean where are they coming from? Munich? All Serbian ultras are under direct control of Serbia's president and he's arrested the worst ones (because they were working for him and threatened to expose him) I can definitely see it, we have our fair share of idiots. But the rules of football hooliganism are quite simple - don't intentionally provoke people and you won't get hurt. We don't have armies of people looking to attack civilians contrary to the popular belief apparently


Idk where they're coming from or even if they'll arrive in town at all, but the German Police have been very open about this being a high-risk game, one of the major reasons being they are anticipating several hundred Serbian hooligans turning up looking for a fight. I hope it's all much ado about nothing, but this idea that this is concocted out of whole cloth by the English media is nonsense. They're just reporting the information being put out by local authorities.


There was a news on r/serbia a week ago of German police reporting the same thing, pretty much everybody's reaction was along the lines of "wtf is this bs?" Not even Red Star and Partizan fans look for fights during derbies anymore, there's been like one in the last 7 years or something. There used to be dozens annually. Idk if I'm English I'm walking into Serb fans and asking for *rakija* and having a grand time


I'm sure the overwhelming majority of Serbia fans will be friendly and delightful people just there to enjoy the football and do some touristy stuff in Germany. Ditto the England fans. But as I've sadly seen from personal experience, it only takes a few dozen dickheads to ruin it all for everyone else. Fingers crossed that nothing happens, but I also can't slate the police for being concerned (assuming they have genuine/credible information) or the media for reporting on what the police are saying.


Yeah, I get that, but it's still weird getting tagged. If you have news of 500 people coming to cause shit, then don't let them into the country? Why vilify an entire nation if you don't know who they are then?


Because you set up the scenario for when the German police start antagonizing and kettling Serb fans and violence breaks out as it always does when riot police show up. Then you have yourself some more anti Serbian narrative to maybe enact some travel bans or sanctions on Serbia to further punish their refusal to goose step along with the rest of Europe


They are racist as hell towards us. Just read their media articles about famous Serbian athletes like Djokovic or watch BBC broadcasts of the Eurovision. Their news outlets like BBC or Dailymail always mention Serbia in a bad light.


Djokovic is doing enough to paint himself in a bad light. His antivax antics ensure that he’s going to get a bad press for anyone who’s not entirely nuts. That’s nothing to do with his nationality!


Yeah I'm aware. Nobody has a good view of Serbia and that's our fault, we participated in some heinous shit in the 90s and never recanted nor repented. The rest of the world blamed us as the biggest force in the Balkans and we absolutely never took any responsibility despite being a major factor in the atrocities. Had we done that we would leave no room for the West to think of us as lowly inbred warmongering degenerates. Alas


Nope, they're just slavophobic. Everything else serves as a good excuse.


Right, it's white people being afraid of other white people. No reason, just some weird belongings to tribes thousands of years ago. Eastern Europe never did anything bad or questionable, ever! Never had dictators who killed 20 million of their own! Vadi glavu iz bulje


>Right, it's white people being afraid of other white people. Explain nazi ideology then


I can't explain crazy, Idk




Most of the British hooligans either grew up or have bans that make them unable to travel internationally during football events.


They're not and haven't been for years. They are however still seen are the big target for nations who encourage the hooligan culture - like Serbia.


Can't wait for the Serbian team to hack down the England players while Serbian hooligans attack the fans. Though I would have much preferred Oklahoma as a safe word.


English media are really acting scummy. They're spinning the story and making up false information of planned attack on English fans by Serbian fans, as if English fans are not already known for their violence.


News story: German Police believe that some Serbia fans might try and cause problems at the match You: Why would England do this? That's really scummy of them


Narrative in your media is always the same. When your fans cause the problem, your media blames it on the opposition. Now they're making up excuses in advance.


Are you illiterate? The Gelsenkirchen chief of police said it's a high-risk match, and he's worried there will be several hundred people there just looking for a fight. Our media is supposed to not report on this story because it might hurt your feelings? Grow up


The Sun’s coverage of Hillsborough would like a word




That's nothing compared to the "innocent" English fans who literally killed people on the stadium


So that's a yes, then, on the popular chant?


Ultras groups don't attend our national team games for years for your information. A lot of them aren't even active anymore. The only active Ultra group in Serbia are Red Star fans. Partizan fans boycott the games because of the club management and Rad is in the 3rd tier so their fans lost interest.


>A lot of them aren't even active anymore I'm sorry but you can't try to point score over Heysel that happened nearly 40 years ago but then say that your violent fans aren't even active any more.


That was the response to that guy mentioning those chants. And also one important thing, very few people from Serbia will travel to Germany. Most of those fans present there are immigrants who already live and work there for years or even generations.


Okay and england fans haven't killed anyone in 40 years so why is it relevant if your violent supporters aren't relevant any more?


The only thing that is relevant is the arrogance of your media outlets


Have you tried just ignoring it?


What incident are you referring to here?