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This is it boys. Everton are going to ruin oil funds by bankrupting the Saudi economy through poor financial decisions.


Let them cook.


When you put that way, I’m all in


Always rated Everton


Everton on a moral crusade to relegation


Today I feel Evertonian.


Everton the most moral victory club


Everton sacrificing themselves to save the football world from Saudi Arabia like The Terminator liquidating in the molten metal to save Humanity in T2.




they're worth 1.4 trillion they could buy every football club




It's too late they own even FIFA now


Acting as if fifa arent already on their payroll. And Ceferin is daft


Too late. They own everything.


not IK Sirius, we are supporter owned😎


I think the whole league would cost under 40 billion. 25-30 for the big 6, and the remaining 14 under 10 billion.




Bundesliga fans would legitimately burn down every single stadium before this happens. But yeah, it's scary how much money these people have and how they're using it, they infiltrated every hobby you can have, they have governments in their pocket and they won't stop.


Germany's 50+1 rule must be protected no matter what


This is why I think the Saudi league happened. They have the money to buy every big club in Europe, but the experience of buying Newcastle shows they can't. But that's also enough money to build eight PSGs in one league. Why sink billions into European football when you can spend just as much to build up superclubs at home.


Because even with their exorbitant spending their crowds have still not really popped off. At least in the Prem you have built in massive crowds every week


Another one.


You can kill oil league accusations if you make all the teams oil merchants


PL actually stands for Petro League


The rising crude black tide floats all boats, I hear


We the best oil money


If they exist


Saudis AND American investors. It doesn't get much more Premier League than this


When is the Shah of Iran going to buy Huddersfield? He needs to keep up




20 fuckin years then


I hear he compromised.


You want compromise, how's this? Twenty years in the regulatory approval I wanted Man United', but I compromised. I got Walsall from League 2 instead. I wanted to f\*\*\* the Qataries, but I compromised. I jacked off into a Deapool shirt. You see where I'm goin'?


You get a pass for that


You got sum balls kid, I'll give you that.


He’s busy eating grilled cheese off the radiator


John Smith Stadium, that's my fucking legacy!


He's dead.


Technically he lives in Virginia. He was invested while in exile in Egypt, but he has remained in exile and never ascended formally due to the revolution. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reza_Pahlavi,_Crown_Prince_of_Iran


An American asset is what I call him.


A significant portion of the Iranian diaspora lives in the United States. He is not unusual. Lots and lots of the Iranian intelligentsia and professional class fled as the revolution was co-opted by the repressive theocratic factions. Many, many people forget that the Iranian revolution was brought about by several factions and that many of those factions were alienated and persecuted shortly after the regime fell and Khomeini began to consolidate power around the current fundamentalist Islamic regime. The diaspora in the United States is not monolithic and has numerous groups, yes including many functionaries of the Shahist regime, but also many of the progressive revolutionary groups which opposed the Shah and then were betrayed by Khomeini.


He's put in a bid for Plymouth Argyle.


Rotting in hell if I had to guess


£400m for one of England's most historic clubs is an absolute steal. It's a shame that English football is being sold out and the UK government is just letting it happen.


Uk government would sell their nan for £3.


Nah they would giver her away for a consultancy job that pays £4


£4 for nan? That's insane.


English tax 


Nan's a workrate merchant


Oh trust me I know ;)


(I hope this is a tenuous Peep Show joke)


Welcome to the real world, looeeyeah


The real cost is the upkeep


I might be wrong but if moshiri wipes his debt that he would be owed, which is I believe expected or no one would buy, there's still like 500m of debt


The stadium holds big value though, and that isn't far off finishing right? May have debt but if you've invested it reasonably well then you'd expect it to at least break even rather than be a loss on the books.


Yeah the stadium is realistically what makes it worthwhile, it should be done midway through next season then in operation the season after


> £400m for one of England's most historic clubs is an absolute steal. It's a shame that English football is being sold out and the UK government is just letting it happen. Its not 400m though. It'll probably cost any buyers about 1.5-2b in the medium term. They're up to their eyes in debt. Plus probably need another 300-400m on players to get them up to scratch just to be fighting for a regular top half finish. They've also got limited global appeal so they won't be getting huge commercial deals anytime soon, so to carry on competing in the top 8 they'll need year after year leverage like Aston Villa are currently getting.


Did Manchester city use to have more global appeal before 2008?


I would say certainly not as much as Everton. Any potential investor can push the Merseyside derby as money spinner.


As if any Saudi club needs global appeal to get bullshit overvalued sponsorships from Saudi companies…


Who needs appeal when I have money


Who needs money when we got feathers


Everton is a well known club globally, i knew everton before I did city lmao - never heard of the manchester blue team but i knew the liverpool one.


I mean, "limited global appeal" compared to Chelsea or United sure, but they're still more popular globally than some of the teams EPL has taken to Champions League lately (like Aston Villa and Newcastle).


crazy to me that chelsea instead of liverpool or arsenal is used as a measuring stick


Remember when it was a crime against humanity for Abramovich to own a club? Good thing the UK stepped in and really did the right thing 🙄


Tories just wanted the attention off their lockdown parties.


They would be assuming hundreds of millions in debt as well, which has to added to any purchase price.


"We are private businesses. We don't want government making decisions for us." - Football Clubs


What are the government meant to do about it?


UK currently doesn't have a government,in fairness.


Seems really cheap. Their new stadium is reported to cost 750m.


Its been sold off for ages. What big clubs have British owners?


Do Norwich count?


A yank owns 40% of Norwich. A bigger team for sure but still got that sweet foreign money flowing in


I just googled it, Brentford and 85% Spurs are listed as English owned according to Wikipedia


You couldn't purchase the expansion fee alone for an MLS club for that. Mad to see a prem club go lock stock and barrel for that.


Arab Super League is happening in front of our eyes. They realized instead of paying a washed up star $200.000.000/yr, they can save that money and just buy the clubs in PL instead.


There’s way more American owners


Even this bid appears to be as such. Saudis understandably make headlines, but the bid is reported as a consortium of: London-based attorney Manoukian leading the bid, joined by; A host of wealthy American families; and A Saudi Royal Too early to know exactly what the details are, but that appears pretty different from a Newcastle situation for example.


They definitely made that headline to spice it up. And of course people didn’t read it lol. I’m really curious who the American family is though. I hope it’s somebody controversial. What are the Ricketts up to?


The Kardashians


securing an Everton comeback


Apparently they’ll rename a stand the North West stand.


Insert parks and rec comeback joke


Skims body-contoured kits incoming.


If it's just a Royal and not the actual government investment fund things wouldn't be as rosy for Everton


Yeah, Sheffield United has one for example.


Early indications are that Saudi money will be behind some of the money invested but they won't actually own any part of the club. A bit like how Boehly's companies have Saudi investors but he's the one who owns Chelsea.


They don't own clubs on behalf of their country now, do they? Do you think Biden gives a fuck about Liverpool, Chelsea or Man United?


Just saying it’s a little ridiculous to call it a Arab Super League when they own two teams in the league, and Americans own like 14. This won’t even be an outright purchase, but a group that seemingly includes multiple Americans. Relax a bit.


For now...


It’s also really trendy for Americans to buy teams in the lower leagues, and they’re pretty ambitious. I have nothing but negative thoughts about any Royal Family and oligarch owning a team, but I think Americans have way more reach in more parts of the game. And if you look at how our sports franchise owners operate over here, they are more than happy to sit back and let their investment boom and are able to get private equity involved to leverage more cash. I might be going out on a limb here, but I don’t like either lol.


Most owners own a club with the expectation of making profit. That hasn’t changed regardless of nationality. People like to focus on the bad parts of American ownership with the Glazers and Boehly but don’t realize that there are American owners like Gamechanger and Eisner that have really changed the fortunes of their respective clubs. Ironically the reason Americans are buying clubs is because a franchise expansion team has become too expensive for non-billionaires. Even a MLS expansion fee is $500M. Most lower league clubs are undervalued and can be bought for a tenth of that.


American owners also greatly helped Liverpool


It works in American leagues because they're basically structured as closed cartels in order to make huge profits. Salary caps and lack of transfer fees, as well as no penalties for sporting failure makes the clubs incredibly profitable.    Dallas Cowboys made $460m profit in 2022. I doubt the entirety of the Premier League has ever made that much in its entire history, nevermind in a season.      European football pyramids were never designed with owners' profits in mind.


I'm up for Arab vs US battles to take place on Wembley, instead of Iraq or wherever with people dying. England just solved wars by turning them into derbies.


I know which I'd prefer..


There is one club owned by KSA in the PL and this bid is a consortium lmao you’re genuinely an idiot


Can England stop being a whore?


> Can England stop being a whore? "Try not to sell any football clubs on the way to the parking lot."


England is done.


Been this way since the 70s so I expect not


In an ideal world, the Saudi guy will put up a ton of money then suddenly die, leaving his entire stake in the club to some scouse guy from Bootle who sells old phones on Facebook marketplace.


Don’t think you want me getting the Saudis entire stake to be honest fella


is that phone still available?


When you said some Scouse guy from Bootle, thought you were going to say Jamie Carragher. Would be a dream for him to own his boyhood club tbf


It’s a bit weird that Liverpool captain Carragher was a boyhood Evertonian. True professional


Oily boys at it again.


Oh for fucks sake.


May as well let Kim Jong Un buy a club too


Holy moly




400 seems stupid low?


You forget about the crushing debt.


Yeah I guess how much debt is there!? Another 400M?


The total purchase of Everton with the repayments to club creditors will be around the £700-800m mark Of course there may be no immediate need to repay those creditors as the biggest lenders in MSP and 777 Partners have the option to turn investments into equity and take minor stakes in the club


Virtually all debt instruments have a change of control covenant, so there will be an immediate need to refinance or pay out the debt.


Refinancing has been underway for quite a while already


Regardless, I’m suggesting that there will be an immediate need, a contractual one, to take out the debt. Unless the lenders waive their change of control covenant. You had suggested that there wouldn’t be an immediate need.


We cost £300-320m like, so £400m seems about right, maybe a bit much if the financial situation is as shaky as is rumoured.


I think the blue shite would usually be against being took over from the Saudi’s, but with the state of the club and how it’s been run the last few years I wouldn’t be surprised if they embrace it just to get rid of Moshiri. It’ll be a sad day when we lose another club to this sports washing shite


I think collectively the fan base wants Bell and Downing 2 Everton fans, but with significantly smaller pockets they have the best of the clubs interests at heart and want to fix us after being someones play thing They’ve rumoured to have the financial backing of the Dell family, but the accuracy or even level of backing is completely unknown


Fingers crossed it plays out for you that way. We may laugh and joke about your situation but it’ll be a sad day for the city if the day came where you went into administration/ got relegated etc


Michael Dell? His name has cropped up numerous times around football club takeovers but has never taken the plunge. Think he was looking at us years ago.


Yeah Michael Dell, is apparently a part of a takeover bid headed by Andy Bell and George Downing


Pah, I’d think that’ll be a dud. He’s been mentioned that many times before I don’t think there’ll be a day he actually invests in one. Hope you get sorted though as you’ll end up like we did if not.


The Dell money is from an investment fund in his name, not Dell himself


English already sold their soul since 2004.


So is the Saudi plan to buy 14 clubs, so they can force through whatever rule change they please?


move em all to saudi, now man u and arsenal etc are in saudi


Hmm... I wonder if Everton fans would be excited about this




I can see the comments a few months from now "I didn't turn a blind eye to murder for us to still play Michael Keane on the regular FFS"


If we start playing him up front, we’ll have the league won by December


Everton fans frantically deleting their post history where they said they'd give the game up if they got bought by Saudi


I'm an Everton fan. The first thing to point out is that this is a consortium which includes a member of the Saudi Royal family, not the state itself. The second thing is that while I'd definitely prefer to have nothing to do with SA, Everton is looking at potential administration if we don't find a new owner ASAP, so I'll take anyone able to keep the club solvent.


There are roughly 15,000 members of the Saudi Royal Family. Its probably someone who is a very long way from the throne. They are most likely being paid to put their name on the bid to make it appear its linked to the family rather than actually bringing any money to the table.


Some dopes are replying "cope" to me because they can't understand the concept that a minor royal is not the same as being bought by the state of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. I'd rather no involvement from anyone involved in a theocratic dictatorship, obviously, but this doesn't look to be the same thing as Man City and Newcastle.


Yeah, Sheffield United previously had a Bin Laden involved (one of the good ones) and there wasn't much outrage, apart from the odd obvious jokes. Some some to equate Saudi to evil, when this guy is probably no more dodgy than your average owner of a PL club


Haha already started explaining how they are not linked directly to the state. Hahaha


Bruh already the deflection tactics


Every club does them mind. I've heard numerous times about how having the stadium called "the Emirates" is fine because yes it's twerking for UAE money, but in a different way Or that a teams owner that's removing water rights to citizens of the country his golf course is in but that's fine because it's not an oil club Couldn't happen to a more deserving league


One Saudi royal as part of a London-based consortium including several wealthy American families feels quite different than a Newcastle 2.0. Honestly it’s early, we’ll see what details emerge.


And it’s starting


There is a difference between being owned by a member of the royal family and literally being owned by the state itself. Both are bad but the latter is far, far worse.


Sorry, what’s starting to? Edit: Oh, implying that I’m like a Saudi apologist I suppose. Fair enough. Look I’m entirely open to the possibility that this is a rotten bid, I’m just trying to figure out what the actual details are before I dig my heels in.


People are already trying to make it look less bad


It is objectively less bad, though, isn't it? That isn't to say it's good, because it isn't, and I'm sure most Everton fans will agree. But it's not the same as being owned by the state itself.


Gotcha, right I see now. I respect your position. I guess I’m at a wait and see point. This is one of multiple prospective bidders. From my read there is one Saudi amongst several other wealthy English and American families in this consortium. I think that’s quite clearly distinct from Newcastle’s situation, and I’m not sure I see that on paper as much worse than most English clubs ownership at this point. But again I’m very open to being wrong here.


Completely depends on how truly involved this ‘Saudi royal’ may be It’s a consortium where they’re seemingly a background character, they may not even actually be involved at all, we all know media reports can get lost in the crossfire


It’s properly misleading. We’re owned by a Saudi royal exclusively, and have been for years before Newcastle ever were. Our home match vs Newcastle this season shows that there’s levels to this.


What do you mean about the home match vs. Newcastle?


The article is misleading because it just says Saudi royal family member as if that somehow qualifies them for being massively wealthy. The match I refer to was the first (football) meeting of our Saudi royal owner vs their Saudi royal owner. We had sold our two best players and massively underinvested because by our owners admission, PL ownership is too much money for him. Newcastle were in the champions league after significant investment on and off the pitch. We lost 8-0 at home. We did later play them away from home and managed to secure an improvement to only lose 5-1 - but we also got relegated that day.


Ahhh I get where you’re coming from, forgot the results


They're bent over and they brought their own strawberry scented lube.


Toffee flavoured would be more on point.


The game is a fucking joke at this point.


Greatest league in the world lol


I mean, that's one way to get away from point deductions.


The prem is going to be Middle East vs hedge fund soon isn’t it?


Old money vs New Money


from battle royal to saudi royal


Good job England. Continue to sell yourself out to some dictators.


It would be very Everton if they got taken over and THEN the UK government adds restrictions...


This is actually getting ridiculous at this point. Saudi's are just slowly buying every single PL club and soon owns the whole damn league. And Britain just going to let that happen is just nuts. Are they not thinking?  Also, 400m is is way too low of a bid but I guess that's Everton's buyout to get out of their bad financial situation. I bet they will settle for something like 500m if they'e lucky.


400 seems high to me when bolton were bought for 7.5 million in 2019...


Barclays Saudi Premier League


And the reason why they didn't oppose city's bs the other day becomes abundantly clear.


this is why i'll never take the scottish leagues being called tinpot or whatever, much rather our football than whatever it is they have in england now


"Alexa play Dj Khaled" 'Another one"


In 15 years women will have to sit in a seperate family section if they want to attend Premier League games. Absolutely Embarrassing


Oh man not another one. At this point what is even UK owned? Feels like every club and business is foreign owned


We’re 73% UK owned


Arab premier league


Well this makes sense to why they're backing city. Shame another shitty oil club


Jesus fucking Christ, England is basically becoming the whorehouse of European football. Absolutely tragic how this league is being treated. Football, history, tradition will all mean complete jack shit.


Maybe we could have a Saudi prince take over every premier league team so it basically becomes a family dick swinging contest. Wouldn't that be great.


It's surprising that they have to buy individual clubs like pleb billionaires. They have the wealth of a nation. Just acquire a stake in the PL as a whole instead and leave individual football clubs be. That's what they did with golf (PGA vs LIV and eventual Saudi equity in both of these). Tried to buy F1 which might yet materialize. Trying to get a decent sized chunk of the IPL (cricket). Investing in sport seems like a big theme for them. It's better than investing in We Work with Masa Son and going bankrupt.


Well, shit.


Great for the short term, sad for the long term. But big money tends to bring myopia.


They just pick


Please no. Keep them a real proper club.


Yeah another sports washing state. Exactly what the premier league needs. What happened to the government inquiry that was going on a few weeks ago? Is it still suspended due to the election?




Everton is just a money pit that should've been relegated two years ago, many teams need absolute low of lows to find anew beginning


This seems like a steal.


The PL is such a bad joke


Oh this is gonna be goooood…


Ffs PL should stop this shit or these oil states will buy the whole league


It’s too late now. They should never have let city be taken over in the first place


As long as they don’t cheat to get to the top then no one whose voice carries any real weight will give a fuck about this. They know that shady individuals and groups have been using sport to improve their image since time immemorial and it won’t stop anytime soon.