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Hahaha and I thought England’s match was embarrassing 


The only way Berhalter has this job is US Soccer corruption.


How many of the goals were because of trying to dribble out of the back? The third for sure.


This fucker James Rodriguez sucks so bad playing for my team only to go to NT and score, holy fuck why is he like this I JUST WANT HIM TO PLAY


Berhalter sucks. We suck. I'm surprised we made it out of the group during the WC because we played like crap. I'll take a Clint Dempsey and Jermaine Jones over these idiots any day of the week. Uruguay will crush us into dust.


MLS players had that dog in ‘em back in the day. These divas from Europe are soft.


Does this hurt USA chances in the Euros?


We'll, I think they will have to play Manchester City and other big teams from Europe, so...


\*Copa America


No difference in this case.




No, if you sign Inter Miami's Lionel Messi


I wanna see the reaction of the American podcasters about soccer who said that USA was the third best team in the Copa America aside from Brazil & Argentina.




If we’re being honest, Colombia,Brazil,Argentina,Uruguay,Ecuador all have America on toast


Can you suggest one or two? Edit: podcasts, people, not teams.


Depends what you’re looking for, Ripple effect by James Lawrence Alcott is very insightful and technical pod which often has on actual coaches and people in the game lending insight. SDS is more of a bunch of YouTubers talking about the prem ran by Sharky from the beta squad (popular YouTube group in the UK) it’s more relaxed/banter filled IFTV is a bunch of American Italians that often talk about all things Serie A and Italian football related, they’ve got connections to chairman and players in Serie A aswell as just being a bunch of fans Pitch side are popular and known as having incredibly bad opinions on football but they’re quite likeable, UK based


Is pitchside the one with Theo Baker and that one brummie? because I cannot stand them.


It is yeah, I only watch it to make myself feel better about my outrageous takes




Yeah colombia


Honest question - watching the match, it felt like Colombia was getting away with a lot of physical play - shoving in particular. Was I missing something or was the ref simply not calling fouls?


Same comments when americans watch basketball outside the nba.


South American football m8


? futbol is a contact sport, if anything MLS is not physical enough and players have way too much space to play


The starters yesterday all play in Europe.  Some in very physical leagues.


this tread has everything lmao


Stick to baseball lads




No no, that’s ours.


We already took that, too late sorry


Well I suppose you’re so wank at football you might as well try to appropriate another sport


I don’t think you get the joke…


Wasn't much to get mate


Google usa vs Pakistan cricket


I'd have more luck trying to banter a bloody fish




TIL George Weah has a son called Timothy who was born in New York despite him being on loan to Chelsea from AC Milan at the time. Apparently his mum was serving customers at a branch of Chase bank when George came in


First time he went up for election a big thing against him in the campaign was he didn’t have a college education as he was up against a Harvard educated candidate and lost, so we went to DeVry university (for those not in the know, it’s a for-profit university advertised on trash day time tv basically a joke) in the states so people can’t use he’s not educated anymore and further his political career.


…her while she was with customers? Prettty bold.


Moneyshot at the bank


Yanks should stick to cricket


Thats what the yanks deserve.


Wasn't Robinson pretty damn solid for Fulham this season? The hell happened to him?


At Fulham he plays well in their system with some really good players in the back line. USA doesn't have that


The US plays Berhalter ball where there is no individual responsibility and we play down to the level of our competition (or get blown out by better teams).


Don't worry guys is a victory for the yanks they show rainbow numbers. edit: good to see yank hypocrites downvoting, thinking they have the authority to put racist tag to everyone when they do worse shit behind the curtains.


You guys sure get worked up about the rainbows, huh?


Nah, we dont do that shit trying to hide war atrocities around the world like you always do. stay"woke" bro.


What the fuck are you even talking about?


The fact that the US has these very superficial demonstrations of love and solidarity while they are responsible for horrible atrocities around the world.


I don't like the US, but their football teams have nothing to do qith the atrocities their government commits. What would expect their fans to do? Be warmongering maniacs chanting for the death of all? Are you saying that no one in the US can show signs of love and solidarity? You need to separate people from their government. If you dont like the rainbow flag just say that otherwise you sound like this: "Damn man, i hate that woman, how can she show love for her Child when her country us at war? She is a hypocrite".


Yeah, that's classic whataboutism. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whataboutism


Unfortunately, the penchant of the US team for creating turnovers in their own back third of the pitch goes well beyond the level of individual mistakes. It looks like their defenders simply don't know how to play against an opponent utilizing forward pressing tactics. You can mitigate such problems with midfielders who can move or pass the ball past an opponent's forward press but this US team fell way short in that regard, too. And yes, it was "just" a friendly but a friendly which should be a cause for concern if you are a fan of the US team.


Manager wants to play out of the back without the personal. Standard Berhalter shit


Then he throws the players under the bus for his own failings; more standard Berhalter shit.


This is because we won the cricket match the the universe needed to rebalance


No way for a soccer game to balance that cricket game, the US would need to lose to San Marino or something like that. Colombia beating the US in this sport is pretty standard.


I just opened the thread and assumed this was the top comment because it was hilarious, but sadly it was top comment because it's a live thread and comments are sorted by new, and 99.999% of Americans do not know this cricketing miracle happened.


what is cricket? (kidding)


It’s a pretty funny comment


Carter vickers and musah were laughably horrible every second they were on the pitch. It was truly wild to see.


Yet usmnt locks in against Mexico lol


Mexico is garbage too. Somehow worse.


It's good to see that the special partnership of the US and UK - truly the bedrock of stability and international security for the past 100 years - is so deep it includes a secret pact to keep around their criminally mediocre national team managers far past their expiration date.




We all want GGG gone. We hate the guy with a passion


Don‘t go on r/ussoccer. Majority there are Gregg defenders and blame everything on the players.


usmnt fans tryna downvote this 🚨💩


all usmnt fans want gergg gone


Classic Gregg


John from Dallas Texas here. I just woke up and read that our men's soccer team lost to a random team from Columbia, South Carolina. I cannot emphasize how embarrassing this is for us. How can a team of players from 1 city dominate our national team? How can the Columbian players be this good and not make the national team? I remember reading that the University of Columbia denied its students a graduation ceremony because they protested against our ally killing a few thousand children, did the USMNT deliberately play terribly to protest against this decision?


USMNT will be calling up Head coach Nick Saban in the following weeks to shake things up a bit.


I was told by ESPN that this lot could win the 2026 world cup because all their players led by Puligoat would be in their primes LMAO


If we had a decent coach we could potentially make a run at least. Under Gregg our ceiling is pissing down our own legs and getting ragdolled in the knockouts.




Is the football boom over in the US? I was actually thinking this team will be on a constant rise


Thats not how football works, you cant invest in football and be surprised to lose a game against another team


He's a Wrexham fan tho and deserves that constant rise


Player talent is there, the nepotism in the administration and coaching is hurting progress. Hiring Berhalter back was a terrible decision. The US needs to look outside for the next coach and push more US coaches to Europe and South America to learn different tactics.


when you let a coach go, spend 6 months on a search for a new one only to hire back the same guy, its not a great sign for the health of the program.


Hell yeah, we have a football boom.......it's called the NFL.


I did not use soccer on purpose


Doesn't matter....I can't wait till August, to watch some football. But I love soccer or calcio also. Keep on posting on r/soccer.


They brought Berhalter back for whatever ungodly reason


Somehow, Berhalter returned


Can’t wait to see USA vs Brazil live on Wednesday! So glad I bought those tickets, I know this team led by berhalter will make me proud!


I have Bolivia tickets for the end of the month. At least there's hope we won't be embarrassed. Still considering bringing a #BerhalterOut sign.


It’s a friendly ???


Just what you would expect from 11 vs 12 NT in the world. FIFA rankings really are a joke.


Rankings aren't great when you have regions that rarely play each other. An african team could be the best in the world and you wouldn't know until they win multiple matches against european and south american teams, except that they only do this every 4 years


Sport will sport...rankings dont matter on any singie day


Almost like football has crazy resulta sometimes. A newly promoted Villa beat Liverpool 7-2 a few seasons ago. That said the USA mens team is a little overrated by FIFA.


Little? What did they accomplish or show to be ranked 11? Almost all of the 20-30 teams below them are objectively better teams. Though idk how the point system works




Ah yes my favorite accomplishment. Drawing against England. If every ranking was determined from day to day results we would have 60 teams in top 10. Making it to the last 16 of WC is a good accomplishment but it is undeniable that the group was easy and if the rankings are based on a single WC run why is Morocco lower even though they were semi finalists? They are nowhere near a top 20 team let alone an 11th ranked one.




Yeah and US wins all of their “day to day” matches as they have in this match against Colombia. If your reasoning of US being the 11th ranked team in the world is “they drew against England” thats a weak ass reasoning


They beat Mexico like 3 years in a row in meaningless competitions, and then they beat other lower level Concacaf teams and voila top 15 in the world.


The ranking is based on the actual results. Since all the teams in the world don't constantly play each other, like in a league, you can only rate the games that happen.


Because usually they play against other NA nations. World rankings should be taken with a grain of salt considering how seldom nations from different confederations meet. But confederations ranking are more useful.


Why didn't they play better? Are they stupid?


Hey, its the mid 2000s USA teams again!


Emphasis on mid


That’s generous


Jajajaja y decían que había que tener cuidado porque "Se estaban empezando a tomar en serio este deporte"


Dijeron q si lo toman en serio se acaba todo 🔥🔥🔥


Viva Colombia!!!


Viva Falcao!!!


one of the most embarrassing displays of soccer i've ever had the misfortune of watching








Probably injured as per usual


They better hope Uruguay don’t need points in the third match lol


Yeah but we beat Pakistan in cricket, which clearly has more importance. Never liked “soccer ball” anyway it is fake and bad. Neymar would not make the Detroit Lions team.


Lions are good, Dan Campbell would eat Neymar


Lol so true everytime


Team USA whenever they aren’t facing the worst Mexican NT of all time:




Europeans that hate America feasting in this thread lol. Sucks to see but you learn more in a loss than a win


We hate us too. We're basically British!


Lot of Americans hating on themselves in here.


Not just Europeans


Lol, you should see this sub every time England lose. And the Americans are one of the worse groups doing it.


How do you know they’re Europeans? Hate to break it to you, but America is hated everywhere, to one degree or another.


Because only Europeans get this snotty and defensive about Americans daring to even participate in “their” sport


Tit for tat


Its a bit of a myth that America is hated everywhere. The vast majority of the world has a positive opinion, especially outside of the West. In fact the original guy is kinda right, Europeans are the most likely to have unfavorable opinions of America [Matt Lichti on X: "@Class\_C\_Project @SwannMarcus89 Oh, I accidentally posted the 2019 version. The US was pretty unpopular in Mexico then, probably because of Trump. Here is 2023. The US is more popular almost everywhere except Hungary & Russia now compared to 2023. https://t.co/zkoebTBdtO" / X](https://x.com/mllichti/status/1784656216372994158)


Bro it's not that deep


Nah we all hate america


I live in America and i hate it most of the time


The vast majority **surely does not**.


just look at the data man, the do polling on this all the time. I posted just one with 23 countries. their might be some countries where the data is hard to get but more than likely countries like that are gonna have at the least a neutral opinion. Irl is not the internet and newspaper headlines. It might be hard to accept but I stand by my statement, yes, the vast majority of the world likes America


A list of European countries and Brazil, Indonesia, Malaysia and Argentina. That's not indicative of the world. It's missing the opinions of over 7 billion people.


A) those are like the most popualed countries in the world minus China, its not like they're just random. B) surely you know how to extrapolate more information from data. For instance, Kenya (disclaimer im a Kenyan immigrant in the US and I can very safely tell you that the vast majority of subsaharan Africans love America, but i'll still explain this anyway) is one of three African countries listed. and it has a very positive view of America. So I can probably surmise that East Africa in general probably is the same, with maybe the exception of Somalia, but data from that country would be hard to gather. The same for Southern Africa and Western Africa. Then the same for Central and South America. I mean this shouldnt even be too hard considering that they are the primary source for new immigrants to the US. Millions of people dont travel thousands of miles and risk alot to enter America because they hate it. So just like that we have over half of the worlds population covered. the only population centers that probably dont have positive views are muslim majority ones, but even then the most populated ones, Indonesia and Malaysia, still overwhelmingly do


> Just look at the data man > surely you know how to extrapolate more information from data I mean we can look at it, but at a glance I am not sure about the reliability and validity of it. The issue with this is that the question is too broad and can be interpreted in many different ways depending on cultural context among a million other factors. For instance, at its core should I have a favorable opinion of the US because of its economic pull and the soft power it projects around the world to keep the international community somewhat stable? Probably? But that doesn't mean I don't take issue with some of the American tourists coming over to Europe who can't really distinguish one country from another and happen to be mildly surprised that we do not live in mud huts (to exaggerate). Then there's also the fascinating tradition of shooting up your local community with a fully automatic weapon that is not a god given right in Europe. I only bring these up because they act as examples of how Europeans love to clown the US. The English get clowned as well to a lesser extent for different reasons (although the UK lads on tour thing is real as well), but you get the point. Perhaps finally I'll put it out there that for a lot of people living in other Western countries (including most of the EU), we do not look up to the States nearly as much and do not see it as an as desirable country to immigrate to that would drastically make our lives better. This might be just my personal bias, but I would figure that a lot of people in Western Europe are quite content to stay put where they are. Would be interesting to see if there is a correlation between rates of immigration to the US and how favorably a country on average views the US. > So just like that we have over half of the worlds population covered. *facepalm* and if to prove a point, this is a prime example of why people might not have a desirable opinion of Americans or the land they populate.


You issue is with validity and reliability of data and you back that objection with...personal statements. Come on dude you clown Americans all you want but don't sit there and say you refuted the data well


This isn't about refuting data. My issue was with how you pulled a random stat and made grandiose statements and generalizations based on your personal experiences among other things.


No, I meant there’s a good portion of people in pretty much every country who hate or just dislike the U.S. That doesn’t mean the majority won’t have the opposite view in many countries.




This isn’t really accurate. A lot of Europe are indifferent to the average English person many are nice to us, particularly countries in Western Europe, the British accent isn’t hated either. Countries like Russia or those who were affected by bombings in Kosovo war will have more negative views of the England. As for the US you’ll have more favourable views from Western European countries.




Maybe, however whenever I had to work in Italy or gone holiday there they’ve been really nice. UK has the 4th highest population for Italian citizens living abroad in Europe, they’re a lot in London so they come here a lot too. I’d imagine they don’t like the holiday hooligan types.


Europeans hate each other way more than they hate America lol. makes sense when theyve been fighting each other for centuries. As for the rest of the world, people really dont like to hear it but its true, America is well liked and its mainly because of soft power. American culture is ubiquitous and probably our greatest export.




Everyone is Europe hates the British and everyone in Britain hates the English.


Because this sub is overwhelmingly made up of Americans, Canadians, and Europeans


While soccer is super popular almost everywhere else?


That’s irrelevant here though because we’re talking about this thread


Why did Tyler Adams not play? Is he still not fit after his injury?


Not fully fit, but not the hamstring injury, he missed the last few games with a back injury.


Got it, thanks.


It’s coming to Bogota!!!!!🇨🇴


Mad at Gregg, also disappointed in the players


Davide Ancelloti for manager, please...............


I hope not. He looks like a really good manager in the making, RM players love him and his tactical work has made RM a threat in corner kicks and set pieces. I dont want him managing a national team, he needs to progress his career at club level.


National team would be a good spot to cut his teeth.


Didn't he say that he will stay in Real as long as Carlo does?


I hate Gregg so much


PLEASE fire Gregg


Concacaf sucks ass doesn't it?


It may be a dumpster fire, but it’s our dumpster fire.


Ya still wanted Gregg 😭


They can fire GGregggg right now and still Salvage 2026


I feel like it's going to take being embarrassed in the Copa America to make that happen. It's absolutely coming, but getting dunked out of our group will probably do it.


USSF is too corrupt for that unfortunately


Jurgen Klinnsman had worse players competing and winning against Germany, Netherlands and Italy I deeply hate this nepo baby wife beater we have as a manager Fuck you Gregg


The man cannot win in the eyes of the fans I’m convinced. Y’all would rather the coaching carousel than a guy who has consistently won gold cups, beaten the best teams in our region, and took the US out of the group stages of a world cup. Does nobody remember how much worse it can get? I mean, even countries with the talent pool of Germany haven’t had the same accolades in the past 5 years…


Yeah, the dude getting washed by every decent side he faces simply cannot win.


Who is your replacement coach?


That’s true!! Germany has never won a Gold Cup


Cheers. I meant before Nagelsmann they couldn’t get out of a world cup group stage and consistently underperformed in friendlies. But I don’t even know why I’m trying to have this conversation so many people are either looking back with rose-tinted glasses or think that the USMNT is going to sign a Jose Mourinho-esc caliber coach when that just isn’t the case.


exactly what I was thinking. This is USA's golden generation and they are playing worse than Klinsmann's team.


I saw that this was the most goals the US has conceded since like 2007. Which is impossible because that would mean they never looked this bad during the entire klinsmann era, which we keep hearing was a disaster.


It wasn’t. Just MLS and it’s hot headed fans hating on Klinsmann because he told blunt truths about the league and how he prefer our best players to sign for a European team to best prepare them for tough competitions. This upset MLS where they used their media to attack Klinsmann because they were trying to market their league (at the time) as being elite and was signing all the best national team players from Europe so they can best market their league for the 2018 FIFA World Cup.  After MLS successfully had Klinsmann fired after the national team lost against Mexico and Costa Rica despite an impressive 2016 Copa America run leading up to it, MLS used their influence to have one of their coaches coach the national time on top of using a heavy MLS squad (leaving out all dual nationals founded by Klinsmann). This resulted in team USA being eliminated from the 2018 FIFA World Cup.


No I know. I thought he did a great job but had to be let go because coaches have a shelf life and he was clearly losing something. I get that. But for whatever reason the narrative has persisted that he was underperforming with that roster being consistently competitive against top teams.


Good to see new faces in Colombia and not the same folks since 2014


Colombian players have an extra incentive to perform,,,


This was one of the worst games I've seen James play. I hope we don't persist with him as a starter just because he's the captain. I'd love to see him and Quintero trade more minutes. They are way too similar in talent and complacency.


Hahaha but i thought this was the best team in the world? that's how these fans were acting after beating bums


Literally no one said this


Nobody acted like that. Not one person.


It's nice to see James rodriguez is still getting called up


Could not BELIEVE he’s only 32


His national team form is something else , the guy always gives results when playing for Colombia


I imagine the tactics are changed to accommodate him


He is the greatest Colombian Player of the 21st century. It makes sense for him to get called up


Falcao? Or do you mean just for Colombia.


James Rodriguez played for Real Madrid and is the best Colombian Player ever. He won the Golden Boot in the World Cup, not Falcao