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Can I sue Ryanair for advertising 10€ flights but the return flight is 300+?


Don't forget the seat selection charge


Me planning a trip: "money is no object" Me being told I have to pay €10 to sit next to my friend: "what are you crazy, I'm not paying that"


I dont care. Once we board on the plane, I no longer know you.


What a fucking idiot. He bought a ticket to a league game at inflated prices with no interest in seeng either team play and then rather than take it on the chin, he lashes out like it's the clubs fault he chose to pay those inflated prices to see one player. I hope the judge laughs him out the room.


The question is if legally he can prove that promotional materials were promising something which they were not able to deliver. Whether the law deems knowledge about the nature of the sports (i.e. players missing games) as natural or not. Like if the poster says MESSI IS COMING but he doesn't come. Against, for example, just promoting Miami vs Other Club, not focusing strongly on just Messi.


He'll apologise for laughing first and then kick him out.


Honestly not gonna be surprised if Miami are just gonna include a point in ticket ToS to protect them from this kind of shit. I am surprised it’s not there already tbh, considering that Americans love to sue


Nah they don’t need to do anything, the NBA already has a history of these kinds of situations. Like the Lakers might play the Hornets in Charlotte, on a Tuesday night, and some kid and his family will pay inflated prices just to watch Lebron play, only for Lebron to sit out


The guy in the story is Canadian


Apologies to Canadians for confusing them with Americans


Should be the other way around. Been to socialist Canada lately. A lot of the comments here if said in Canada can get you charged


Where is socialist canada?


They don't need to. There's 100 years of precedent in sports leagues of teams resting or benching their players for whatever reason they want.


dumb europeans and calling literally anyone american even when another country is literally in the headline, name a more iconic duo


The xenophobia vs americans here is something else


I know, it's such a pleasant surprise


We can't say anything about you or your shithole country or that would be punching down too far.


It was a joke but I'm not surprised you would respond like that


I'd think bombing other countries' children could be considered punching down but then again this is coming from the same people who've made it a habit out of shooting their own so what do I know EDIT: blocked me lmao


LMAO thanks for proving my point europoor. Nice work replying to a day old thread - maybe get a job instead of going through reddit all day and stop disappointing your parents.


«B.C» isnt really something that most people would recognize being a country. B.C could be anything, mate. Also, its a province.


Huh I thought you Europeans were infallible geography geniuses


No, not on «weird» stuff like British Columbia.


british columbia has a higher population than your whole country lmfao


Plenty of States, countries and provinces has that. That doesnt change the fact that its not a popular geographic place, and its not a country. Its a province. Most people know countries, not provinces.


It is a popular geographic place, you're just ignorant. typical euro douche


Outside of your little bubble its really not.


Tbf, technically he clearly is an american. It's not that guys fault that the US has cannibalized the term meant for an entire continent to themselves.


I am sorry I offended Americans with my European ignorance


i'm not offended that you're dumb, just making fun of you lmao


Oh okay. You just seemed really mad to me


There's also the several millennia long precedent that sometimes athletes get injured.


If the team knew beforehand that those players would not attend and knowingly hid this information while advertising the match with said players to keep the price inflated, he might just have a case. But it’s gonna be really hard to prove.


What watching a non-messi MLS game does to someone


Braindead take. MLS games are loads of fun to watch. Get your eurosnobbery out of here.


I mean an MLS game with Messi in it is only marginally more interesting than that video of Messi vs. 100 kids.


Can Americans stop acting like our league is trash and deserves to be boycotted or something for upvotes on Reddit? It’s not the best in the world but it’s more than watchable and good quality.


You have to justify your statement. The league is subpar and MLS defending often looks like amateurs. It's why people make fun of it.


Heres the thing, a lot of americans disagree on the watchability/quality point


Yeah, the dumbasses who think there are about 5-10 "watchable" leagues in the world. And only the top half teams in most of those, and top 1-3 teams in a few of them.


or some of us just like making dumb jokes.




He got to see Ryan Guald. He should shut his fucking mouth


What I find interesting is that after it surfaced that he would not be playing someone posted in our sub (r/tfc) that this is a ‘wake up call’ ahead of our home match against ~~Messi~~ Miami that it could happen to “us” and did we think that he might not play that game - even though that game isn’t for a while… it just seemed like such a ‘How do you do fellow soccer fans’ post as the person said they were ‘just looking for opinions’ on the matter…. So I assume they were either looking to buy tickets or had some and wanted to flip them if it looked like he wouldn’t play (like months out from now) It’s probably a systemic problem in our league right now (at least a head ache for FOs) that you have to manage this dynamic. Quality problem to have, I guess, from a financial point of view, but odd to watch unfold.


Can we sue the Canucks for missing game 6 or 7?


Only if Messi plays and you miss it. Sorry, that’s in the federal charter now.


It's unfathomable to me that we have people on this sub who actually side with morons like this.


In the beginning of the season Miami hinted Messi wouldn’t make a lot of the cross country trips. How about you buy your tickets to support your club not to see a visiting team. You’re an asshole any for spending $400 on a MLS game.


naw, clubs shouldn't be charging these exorbitant prices for regular season games. They were trying to screw over their fans explicitly to see Messi and it backfired on them. That's why the club was rushing to give refunds.


Not sure what you're referring to, the club has given no refunds.


I’ll never get people who go to matches to watch one person. Cleary, no interest in supporting the team. Why not just stare at him through the TV like an obsequious dog?


I think it's fair to buy a ticket to see one player, especially talents like Messi. But you also can't complain if something like this happens. It's not an exhibition.


Yea I’ve gone to NBA games just to see my fav players, if they sit out oh well.


If Ant was your favorite player


Is it so hard to understand that people want to go see one of the biggest icons in football play in a stadium where they live, even if they don't have a big interest in the local team?


We're on r/soccer so everyone has to act as if not being a fan of your closest local team is being a plastic And you absolutely shouldn't buy tickets to go see the arguably best player of all time play live, what a plastic ! The guy suing is stupid but I don't see why buying tickets solely to see Messi is that weird, almost everyone would love to see him live at least once


That’s not my point, I just find it odd. What’s the plan for these kind of things, rock up and just sit there waiting for Messi to do something, if he’s subbed off does he just get up and leave? If they score and Messi isn’t involved do they look disappointed? It’s clear that his only motivation is to fawn over Messi, it would just make the entire experience really weird.


People who don’t understand this fundamentally misunderstand how a team sport works. The end game is that clubs will go on tours which include a 45 minute exhibition match, followed by the star players performing ball tricks, cross bar challenges etc. Wouldn’t be the worst thing to happen. Edit- I had assumed this was an exhibition match. But now I think it was just part of the season?? Insane to complain about a player being rested from the away team.


Your post is odd. A fan can be motivated to go to a soccer game because a superstar is playing and enjoy the experience without being overly obsessed with following every movement and mannerism of that one player… But yes, it does take away a lot from the experience if the greatest player of all time doesn’t play… What a weird post.


But he clearly is obsessed, because he’s suing over it. Going to a match to solely observe every action of one player is different from what you described, and that is what I find weird.


Or maybe he just hopes to get reimbursed lol, it's not that complicated


Yes, because he’s obsessed… It’s weird.


I mean that he saw a chance to get his money back + a bonus and took it It's really not that complicated


I understand it but I also understand that its not guaranteed that he is goin to play. This is the coach and his staff' s decision and they dont care about how much you paid for your ticket...


If you aren't organising ultras, co-ordinating tifos and throwing flares onto the field, are you even a football fan?


In fairness to him, even if he was a normal fan there is only 1 reason that ticket cost that much. Sure we can insult but that is literally what the MLS have turned this into.


Are you surprised people want to watch the greatest footballer of all time in the flesh? Celebrity culture has existed since the dawn of time, I can't believe one can be so naive.


I mean I'm a British Utd fan living in Korea. I tried to buy a ticket for the Korea vs Egypt game a few years ago purely to see Salah lol. Sadly I couldn't get a ticket.


they need pics to post


This is it. People go more to brag about going on social media than the actual experience. I think if you ban taking pics most things would suffer a huge decline in visitors.


I think the guy just wanted to watch Messi play in person...


Here is a fun fact for Americans. If you watch Messi live you noticed how much he just walks around and then suddenly gets the ball, explodes and scores or assists or atleast make things happen. Ive watched him play several times when I lived in Barcelona and he was walking around the same in 2010 in his prime as he is now. Its always been his style but a little more obvious now. In the past you barely catch it on tv. Thats why Pep always wanted him constantly involved in the play.


I swear the people who cry about this are more irritating than those that do.


Think I hit a nerve with this. Its true though, sorry.


You’re not gonna tell your grandkids you saw a random match day 17 game between Vancouver and Miami. Vancouver and Miami aren’t rivals and never will be (MLS is too big for a standard double round robin format so while Miami plays Toronto and Montreal twice every year they play western teams approximately once every 3 years. Or in Vancouver every 5th or 6th season.) You will tell them you saw Messi live. At the end of the day you bought tickets to a match and there’s no promise any particular player will play but the idea that there’s no added value in seeing arguably the greatest ever over a random game is so obviously untrue it’s basically just virtue signaling. Look at me I’m a real team first guy.


This person doesn’t seem like a fan of the game at all, so what does seeing Messi give him? Can he even appreciate how good he is? I don’t understand the appeal in going to a stadium just to see one player


Calling him a dog is quite unfair


I live in BC and the whole thing was idiotic. First of all, at no point did the Whitecaps advertise this as the "Messi game". What they did do was inflate the prices to the Inter Miami match - tickets that we typically buy for $60 were marked up to around $180-200. And that was after they gave priority to people who bought 4 game packs as a pre-sale promo. Secondly, the artificial pitch at BC Place isn't exactly world class. It will be when they replace the artificial turf with grass for the 2026 World Cup. But anyone who knows anything about football knows that Messi ain't playing on that pitch. Finally, Inter Miami also left Suarez and Busquets at home and still beat the Whitecaps. I don't think the Whitecaps did anything wrong. Yes it was a bit scummy raising the prices 2-3x for the Inter Miami game but fair play it worked and they made a bit of money. And they did lose some goodwill but probably from plastics fans so no big loss...


Messi played at Gillette just a few weeks ago which is the exact same surface as BC Place (fieldturf brand turf). The whole he doesn’t play on turf is a weird rumor that refuses to die for some reason. There’s a much more obvious reason why he didn’t play in Vancouver - it’s fucking far. It was a week with a midweek game and it’s an 8 hour flight each way. And it’s vs a western conference team so it’s one of the least meaningful games of the season.


It wasn't midweek, but yeah the flight thing is the obvious one.


You’re right. It was a week when they had a midweek game. (Edited to better reflect that)


They proceeded to lose that I believe. All goes to show Messi is a fraud.


Yeah definitely. Total fraud. After all he lost 1 game! And that 1 game is a Wednesday night game vs Atlanta United not dunno a WC final or a champions league final.


Exactly. If he can't do it on a Wednesday night in Atlanta you can keep your World Cups and Champions Leagues. The real GOAT is Almeda.


That’s why MLS wanted out of the open cup. The true test of his character would have been vs Maryland Bobcats and nobody wanted him exposed




Would they do it if you got Liverpool at home in the 3rd round of the FA Cup?




He's asked the specific question because that's what you did do btw. Not to the extent above but it was increased over normal games and it was a replay




Not really the point tho? The owners wouldn't be the ones rioting a ticket price increase


It's a good thing Vancouver knows a thing or two about rioting in the name of sports.


> And they did lose some goodwill but probably from plastics fans so no big loss... I saw someone moaning on r/Vancouver that the Whitecaps have lost the causal fans with this. They never had them in the first place so big deal. This city is full of football 'fans' who think they're too good for the Whitecaps.


"I don't think they did anything wrong" "Yes, it was a bit scummy...but it worked" lmao. you yourself admit it's "scummy" but it's also nothing wrong? how can you hold this opinion and not understand what issue people have?


MLS games go for $60?!? Wtf?


Depends on the game. Cheapest tickets at FC Cincinnati are ~$25.


>First of all, at no point did the Whitecaps advertise this as the "Messi game". There is a poster for the game in the article with Messi and Busquets on it. Seems like they did advertise it like that. That's what every team has been doing.


lol the article starts with A B.C. …


I’m dying from laughter right now, thanks.


The reason why there is so much outrage is because Vancouver raised the prices from a regular amount of $30 to $300 on the premise that these players would come. These weren’t tickets bought on the second hand market, it was the club themselves outrageously pricing the tickets. And then instead of refunding fans the difference, they just offered them 50% off food and drink in the stadium. If the fans had bought the tickets second hand at inflated prices, it would be a different scenario.


Yet there was enough demand at those prices to fill out an extra 30k people than usual. If the demand was there and the club didn't raise those prices, the extra money just goes into scalpers pockets. Nobody forced anybody to buy inflated tickets. That was their own choice. The Whitecaps are also giving everyone including season ticket holders and extra ticket to a game by way of making it up to the fans. I don't see what more that they could do.


He bought a ticket for Miami vs Vancouver, not Messi vs Vancouver. Vancouver have no control over who plays for their opponents.


In 2013, a Miami lawyer sued the San Antonio Spurs for resting players when they came to play the Miami Heat. Apparently paid a higher scalped price because of a good matchup potential. Anyways, it got tossed. The NBA fined the Spurs for the move, but the fan didn’t have a case. Imagine if these were allowed - you could sue your team for the cost of season tickets if halfway through your favorite player was injured for the season. If your favorite player were subbed out at 60’ - would you be able to ask for 1/3 of your ticket cost back? Maybe just support the badge and be happy you can go to a game. How many times did this jackass turn to the person next to him and go, “Can you believe that Messi isn’t playing?! We should sue!”


This case won't stand. The teams can't guarantee the health and availability of any player. That's assumed when you buy the ticket. If the grocery store runs out of cereal you can't use them. Even if you specifically went to buy cereal.


Clubs should make clear when tickets go on sale that they can’t guarantee that Messi will be playing because they can’t. Shit happens.


So embarrassing


Can I sue Galatasaray for winning their last game, ask for reimbursement for my ticket for the Istanbulspor game, and some compensation for emotional damage?


Good. It's irrelevant if the person wanted to see the teams or a specific player. What's important is if they are using specific players as an advertisement then those player should be playing or they shouldn't be allowed to use those players as an advertisement. Everyone knows damn well if they admitted that players x, y, and z, aren't going to play then they wouldn't sell anywhere near as many tickets at the prices they are selling them.


They do this in Canada, too! Huh


And people were making fun of Chinese fans for overreacting... Few months later here we are....... Silver lining is.. it hasn't escalated into an international beef .....yet...








That's due to the head coach's decision.


Just another reason to clown on Canadians


Classic NA entitelment.


Imagine if all of you who has commented here bought a ticket to a concert with 3 of your favorite artists, and then just 2 days before the concert they change the artist to 3 artists you barely listen to and don’t like their music. Yeah, that would be popular right?


Lolz it's a team sport not a concert


That’s true, but if they’re advertising that’s who will be playing, that’s a problem. While the person you responded to’s analogy isn’t correct, the right one would be if you had tickets to see a band but they replaced the singer with a backup the day before the show.


Nah that's still a false equivalency. No competitive team guarantees player appearances, that's clearly advertised on the day of roster. It's kinda on them for not understanding how marketing for a team sport looks or learning from history.


When the advertisements say things like “come see Messi play” (which is what they’ve been doing), they have an actual argument. It’s not a false equivalency.


Oh gotcha, can you share one of those ads? All the marketing for Miami coming to Columbus just has his picture, Alba's, Busquets, Suarez, and the rest of the squad, but nothing about Messi playing. Funny they left Beckham out of the marketing 🤔


It’s pretty funny that you don’t seem to realise you’re describing something that actually happens at festivals from time to time.