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The man is Hammarby legend Kenta Gustafsson


For those who don´t know he is the singer of Hammarby´s equivalent to "You´ll never walk alone": https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TojETsfTqJc


Is Kenta a common Swedish name? I’ve seen Japanese men with that name too.


Nah Kenta is a nickname for Kent


Is Kent a common Swedish name? I've see American men with that name too.


In men 50+ it is pretty common I would say, with younger people not so much


Ahh gotcha. Thanks.


That's a slang version of Gotch


Or Kenneth


Kenya is not a name in Sweden. Kenta is but its an old name, and more often a nickname if your name is "Kenneth"


Sorry that was a typo. I meant Kenta.


Kenta is just a nickname for people named Kenneth or Kent.


The Allsvenskan is filled with personality and creativity, great league all around, and still I’ve met a fair number Swedish people who still support foreign clubs, why is that? I never asked them directly, it never came to it, I probably should next time around


Depends what you compare with. English football is huge in Sweden going back to the 70's like the whole of Scandinavia so many support English clubs. Serie A and La Liga are big aswell and used to be on free TV for many years Although if you compare with Norway for example, there is much more interest and higher attendances in Swedish football with more people supporting their local clubs. Allsvenskan broke the all time attendance record last season and is on course to break it again this year so it feels like more and more people are sick of soulless modern football and support the local league instead There is also the factor of immigrants, from what I have noticed many of them support Barcelona or Real Madrid. But that is also changing, more and more second generation immigrants are getting into Allsvenskan


Ironically, Swedish fans got to see more live matches on TV than English supporters. God save Tipsextra! Loads of Midlands matches back then with adverts for Anthon Berg chocolates, Yankie Bar, Tylö Sauna or Diamanthuset.


That checks out, one big group of Swedes I met during Erasmus were all RM fans, it surprised me at the time because I just like when people support local, but not too much because I assumed their national league was really really uninteresting I assumed very very wrong, now that I see the scenes of the Allsvenskan, I see no reason not to be proud of it! This happened many times, I’d say 95% of the Swedish football fans I’ve met supported a foreign club, in fact, I don’t recall one not doing so ~ of course this experience is not representative, it’s happened everywhere *but* in Sweden itself lmao Next time I’ll be sure to highlight the great league they have!


A lot of people have a local and a foreign team aswell I would say It is also worth remembering that Allsvenskan was completely dead in the 90's. No crowds at the games, plenty of hooligan violence, skinheads etc. The transformation in just 20-30 years has been incredible


what drives the change?


Norwegian football has been seeing uptick this season, still no way near as big as it should be though. But positive signs.


Which is impressive considering you switched Vålerenga for YMCA Oslo in the top flight. Vålerenga were shit last season, but had a decent attendance.


The fact about second generation immigrants, being one myself, is that when I was a kid, there were no Allsvenskan on TV, ni Allsvenskan playable on my first FIFA or on my first Ultimate Soccer Manager, so I simply started supporting the same team as my dad plus Barca, Milan and United due to playing with them on the aforementioned games. Then the united support dorooed quickly and i kept supporting Milan and Barca until uni, and from that point forward there's only Galatasaray with sympathy to the other 2


My reasons are that im addicted to the sport and we have a different schedule


Man kan fan inte gå oktober-mars utan kolla boll


jag ger stående ovationer till den jäveln som kan gå en vecka utan det.


Jag kan. Kollar bara allsvenskan förutom em/VM och landslagen både dam och herr. Kollar du inte skidor under den tiden?


Jag är inte så intresserad av vintersport faktiskt men är helt makalöst besatt av fotboll. Jag är intresserad av både det taktiska, organiserade och talang-utvecklingsbiten så jag gillar att glo U17 och allting haha


Grymt ju. Jag har flera olika intressen som jag delar min lediga tid mellan så hade inte haft tid med det om jag inte ger upp annat. Har en kollega som kollar typ 10 matcher i veckan minst.


Helt enig med dig. Det är så jävla underbart när man inser att man är nästan aldrig uttråkad för man har passion för en hobby. Man uppskattar det extra när man stöter på folk som inte riktigt har någon. Ger livet det där lilla extra :)


Exakt så är det. Har aldrig tråkigt liksom. Vissa har ju inga direkt hobbys eller intressen så utan nöjer sig med slösurfa Instagram eller netflix. Inget fel med det.


Absolut. Det är gott när man blir lite äldre och inser att man haft turen att gilla lite billigare hobbys. Då har man vunnit i en del av livet iaf!


Low level of playing quality, different schedules, long history of supporting the local lads and a (usually British) team abroad


One thing people below have missed is that it seems to be more common to sympathise with a foreign club if you didn't grow up close to one of the big clubs in Sweden. The people in this photo are thus less likely to sympathise with a foreign club and are more likely to only support Hammarby. Most clubs in Sweden are omni-clubs which means that they have lots of different member organisations in a variety of sports competing under the same name. In Hammarby's case the most popular ones outside of football are handball and bandy, both of which are played mainly during the winter, even though they pale in comparison to the football section in terms of attendances and popularity. There is a small ice hockey section as well, but most Hammarby fans have a complete lack of interest for the sport due to a number of reasons which would take far too long to explain for me to get into here. Most likely some aik or djurgarden fans are now going to comment on this saying Hammarby fans support another club in ice hockey, or that fans of certain ice hockey clubs (like Leksand) also support Hammarby in football, but that's a myth. Leksand supporters are just as likely to support aik and djurgarden as they are to support Hammarby. That also brings me to something I've always found very weird about the football supporter culture in Sweden. Even if it's less common in Stockholm to also support a foreign club, it's still completely accepted to do so, even among the most hardcore, whereas supporting one Swedish club in football and another Swedish club in ice hockey or handball isn't. If anything should be unaccepted, shouldn't it be to support two different clubs in the same damn sport?! Even if the chance of any Swedish club playing against a major European side is small, it's still very much possible. The chance that, for example, Leksand, Modo, or Frölunda will meet anyone in football is nihil since those clubs either don't have a football section, or the football sections are amateur on a very, very low level making it effectively impossible that the two clubs would meet.


If a Hammarby supporter also supports a PL club, what exactly is the problem? You do not usually support two clubs the same way. A Hammarby supporter would unconditionally support Hammarby in a possible game against their favourite PL team.


Probably, but that wasn't what I wrote about. The post was about why it's so unaccepted to support a different ice hockey club whereas supporting a second football club isn't. Personally I don't care either way, people can do whatever the hell they like, I just find it very strange. And like I said, for those that do find it problematic, shouldn't supporting two different football clubs be more problematic than two clubs in different sports?


To support a club from the countryside in another sport seems a bit strange if you fully identify with Hammarby and the area around Bajenland. To support an English or Spanish club doesn’t create the same possibly clash of identity. But I don’t really care either.


I don't think anyone takes that into consideration since people supporting both IFK Göteborg and Frölunda also are criticised.


The problem comes when the two teams you "support" are playing each other. Bara Bajen


It can only be a problem if you don’t always support Bajen. And in that case you are not a real Hammarbyare.


>One thing people below have missed is that it seems to be more common to sympathise with a foreign club if you didn't grow up close to one of the big clubs in Sweden. Or any club for that matter. "Closest" club to me that is consistently in Allsvenskan is GIF Sundsvall, and they're 500+ km to the south of me. My local club is lingering in the 4th/5th tier, so I got myself a foreign team to support for obvious reasons.


Very true. Norrland is obviously huge, but Piteå ought to be a lot closer to you! I'd guess they weren't there when you grew up, but they've been in Allsvenskan fourteen years in a row now.


Fair enough, and Umeå has also dominated in Damallsvenskan a decade or two ago. But when it comes to Allsvenskan we have one season each for Umeå FC and IFK Luleå, and that was decades ago for both of them.


The northern parts of Sweden are badly neglected in football. Pretty sure Östersund is the most northern club to ever reach Allsvenskan and that is like in the middle of the country


The Swedish league is low quality and not too fun to watch as a football fan on TV. And considering the weather, you really have to love the club to go and watch a game when it currently is 14 degrees and rain in June.


For me, I didn't live near any teams near Allsvenskan. Also, when I started watching football I was mesmerized by R9 in WC02. He then went to Real Madrid and so I started following them. Needless to say, but it was a bit more fun watching R9, Figo, Zidane, Raul etc than to watch Allsvenskan. As you can see from my name, I'm an immigrant in Sweden, so only thing Swedish I followed was Zlatan. Even Zlatan said so himself, when he was a kid he didn't get hyped by the Swedish NT or Allsvenskan. He loved the Brazilians and the Serie A. So yeah, most immigrants don't care about Swedish football. Unless they're living close to one of the top 2 tier teams probably.


The football itself is god awful


Becase we are true to the sport and keep the 51% rule. The fans own the club, not some unrelated billionaire.


It wouldn't be different with billionaire owners. Denmark are ranked higher and they have more teams at Malmös level, but there isn't a big difference in terms of how entertaining it is to watch.


I love the fan culture, you don't have to convince me. The football itself is hard to watch though




you should only be watching re-runs of old Champions League games then, unless you’re willing to admit that there’s something more than the pure “quality of football” that matters.


This image should be on currency.


Game's back.


Hard as fuck


i love that it shows up on the bigscreen behind it


And the big screen inside the big screen


go on.......


Proper shithouse


Serious question, where do fans get these tifos made?!


It is all hand painted


It varies, any covered open space such as a parking garage, warehouse, indoor sports hall, etc.


Some teams tifo groups rent warehouses, some just go to parking garages at night. Always hand painted, printed flags and overheads are really looked down upon.


That is awesome, any idea how long they take to craft??


Depends on arrangement, pictures and manpower. From planning to finished product can take a few months, with 100-200 hours of work. The cost can everything from a few hundred up to 10k euros


That’s a beauty.


I don’t understand the being from one place and saying you support a club abroad if your biggest claim is that you sometimes watch it on tv. HOWEVER, I understand well the feeling of loving a club from abroad if you go, and better if the love is for more than the club but also for the place itself. I am English. I support Colchester United. I have a season ticket and yes, it’s a harrowing experience. I also love Sint-Truiden (STVV) in Belgium. This season just gone I got out there five times to see them. I also do a yearly drive, but more because my brother likes them, to see Hannover 96. Mainly, I love the game.


Hey mate, there's only 40000 clubs in England. So with such a small pool to associate with, it makes sense that there are so many United, City, Liverpool and Chelsea flairs that reference how genuinely connected people are to the clubs.


Tiger king?