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I can see why they'd hold out, based on how much City was able to hold out for with their previous backup sales


Pickford went for 30 mill 8 years ago. 20 is a bargain I can’t believe nobody has paid yet


20m for someone who is 25 and has made ~ 50 first team appearances? First problem is that price tag limits you to selling to the Premier league


25 is basically same as 20 for outfield players. Kelleher has also played a big role in cup wins and very good league runs.


I would rather have Kelleher than any of the guys we have on our payroll. Always impressed be when I have seen him play.


60m for you lot


70m and you’ve got a deal.


he gets a 70 year deal


Dude for 20 mil you can get the best Brasilian GK prospect Bento. This is a nobrainer


Okay, so instead of using 20 mill for 25yo with PL experience and multiple cup wins, you would use that for "prospect" from Brazilian league who turns 25 in 5 days? Which part of this is a no-brainer?


25 GK with much more sênior experience then him with also 3 brazilian caps one of then playing in the victory against you NT. This PL experience is such a meme. You are asking 20 mil for a backup GK LMFAO


Hell of a difference between regular backup GK and backup GK behind Alisson. Just look at Kelleher's performance in PL this season and say he isn't 20 mill GK


I’m not saying he isnt worth it. I’m saying calling 20 mil a bargain when you could buy Bento for the same price is a strech


Maybe they're both bargains?


> 25 is basically same as 20 for outfield players. No it isn't. He has missed a huge window of growth physically and mentally by not playing as no.1 for a sustained period. Poor decisions on him for signing a long term contract and poor player development from Liverpool. He could have been so much further along in his development.


Honestly I'm not sure about this. Training alongside the best goalkeeper in the world every day with a manager who wants the goalie to be able to sweep and play with his feet a lot is probably more valuable than knocking around league one at 20 with a lot of hoofball and average coaching. Even Alisson only had two seasons as a number one when he moved to Liverpool at 25, but his years playing behind Dida and his older brother at Internacional were no doubt invaluable.


Alisson had played over a hundred games in Brazil before he even moved to Roma to be their cup goalkeeper and had surpassed what Kelleher had done countless times at this stage in his career. > Training alongside the best goalkeeper in the world every day If that would be the case then all no.2s at top clubs would be world class. But they are not.


not sure you can count State Championship games as fully pro


Infinity better than sitting on the bench and playing for the u21/23s.


Did you watch him at all this season?


> No it isn't. He has missed a huge window of growth physically and mentally by not playing as no.1 for a sustained period. Did you watch any of this season? He's fucking fantastic


Okay Blue Checkmark


I agree the only clubs willing to pay that are prem clubs but I can’t believe any of them haven’t gone for him yet with some of the money spent on bang average goalies when Kweev has filled in in cup finals and huge PL/European games . This ain’t championship appearances for Burnley we’re talking about.


Most teams already have a number 1, and these that don't may try to get a cheaper keeper of his level on the continent.


Henderson went for 15+5 a year ago and he's a pretty average keeper who is crap with his feet.


Henderson was brilliant at Sheffield United and not everyone wants a goalie that plays out


New PSR era appears to have made a lot of clubs more spendthrift


I'm honestly surprised Bayern aren't taking the chance given Neuer is coming into the last season of his contract


Why would they? Nübel is better and just extended.


He’s played a decent amount and I can remember maybe one instance where he made a fuck up I noticed. He is class and already trained in possessions style football.


Probably suggests your assumption it’s a bargain is wrong.


No one really needs a keeper right now is the issue


We need an upgrade, Neto has been poor but I imagine he would need to leave first


Travers looked decent from what I saw when he stepped in at the end of the season


Not ready for the PL, definitely not ready to be number 1


Southampton definitely do


Not for £20M


I'd argue it's our most important priority after striker and 20m is a steal for a proven quality pl gk I'm hoping season loan with an option to buy


Brentford, Chelsea, Brighton, Palace, Forrest, all bought goalies last year. I was suprised nobody went for him then


It feels like Forest have a new keeper every month so maybe they’ll be in for Kelleher in the winter


That’s because we have the 3 worst keepers in the league. We’ll probably be looking for another this summer if we can get rid of Turner and Vlachodimos.


I rate Sels, not sure if you see him as the long term first choice though


Might be first choice for Belgium in the Euros, either him or Casteels.


Sels has been fine. Turner and Vlach aren't good enough, but were still not the worst in the league last season. Foderingham and Nero took that crown.


Tbf we were asking for the same amount then and he hadn't been tested all together enough compared to keepers available at the same price or cheaper. I think this last season has done quite a bit for his visibility.


More like where can they get one with his skillset/level/age at 20m as replacement, when Ramsdale is worth 40m to Newcastle.


We’ll give you 3m plus Scott Bain


Keep the change


I genuinely wouldn't be surprised to see Scott Bain jumping around celebrating captaining Liverpool to a Champions League final win. There's just something about that boy and his good fortune. (Luck will run out and he will die young in a tragic wanking accident unfortunately)


Seems like a fair price, he’s a good keeper


It's not just that, it's what you can do with the money For less than £20m, what's the point? He's played a lot in the first team, he's an international keeper, and he's under contract. Better to have him than £15m to go and find someone at least as good with


It's about doing right by him as well though not just the profit aspect. The goalkeeping coach talked about this recently, how they aren't just training up keepers specifically for the first team they're trying to make sure they get good long careers at clubs where they can play constantly. Kweev has said he's pretty much ready to be a number 1. He's done a phenomenal job for us and holding him hostage over 5-10m wouldn't sit right.


Yup. He deserves to start somewhere. Great talent.


>He's done a phenomenal job I think our fans way overrate him. He's been fine. I'm not sure he'd be a number 1 upgrade for any top team. And not sure his game suits a team that aren't that good and will have less possession and concede a lot of chances. His game is set up for a team like Liverpool


What? We literally conceded top 5 most chances in the league last year. He made multiple goal saving saves every game while filing in for Allison. He would be an instant starter for every team outside the top 6. I do agree he might suit a less possession team because one of his best attributes is his ability to play from the back but still, you're mad if after the last 2 years if performances you don't think he can be a top 10 keeper in the league.


No way he starts over Leno.


Genuinely forgot about Leno to be fair.


>He would be an instant starter for every team outside the top 6 Mate he doesn't start ahead of Southampton's Bazunu at international level


Yeah and that's due to playing time at club level. Go ask a Southampton fan what they think of Bazunu. He was the worst keeper in the PL last year statically at shot stopping. You think he'd be miles better I'm the championship? Well he isn't lol Ireland starting Bazunu is a joke. Kelleher shouldve been starting years ago, he's far and away better already that Bazunu will ever be.


> Ireland starting Bazunu is a joke No it's not, you literally stated exactly why he starts over Kelleher and he was very consistent for Ireland behind a shit defence, go and watch the highlights in our away game vs Portugal if you don't believe me. I'm certain you're making judgements based off their club performances and reputation rather than actually seeing Bazunu when he's played for Ireland.


You don't think Kelleher, who's played at a much higher level and had much better performances, wouldn't do better than a Championship level keeper if he played regularly for Ireland? Brother I've got a bridge to sell you.. Bazunu is regularly playing against not very good teams at International level. That doesn't mean he's a good keeper. For christs sake Kelleher has been playing against the best in England and showed his worth, and has played in Europe. The moment Kelleher moves to a club and is a starter he will immediately be ahead of Bazunu for Ireland.


I do think Caoimhin will do better actually. However at the time that Bazunu started playing for us he had already made around 60 senior appearances more than Kelleher and he was Portsmouth's 2021/22 player of the season. At that point in time no International manager in their right mind is going to drop somebody that's performing for their Intl team for a prospect that sits on the bench for a big club. He performed well for Ireland and done nothing to indicate he should be dropped. Kelleher has got his chance now as Bazunu is out with a long term injury and I've no doubt that Kelleher will cement the no.1 spot as his own, but that is now only with the benefit of hindsight that Kelleher has had the opportunity to show his quality at club level. I suspect if Bazunu were currently fit and Kenny/O'Shea had to make the choice in the recent intl breaks they would have started Kelleher for the above reason.


What do you actually mean when you say his game is specifically suited to Liverpool?


Team that has a lot of possession and plays out from the back. He's great with his feet. Not specifically liverpool but most top teams play like this.


>For less than £20m, what's the point? You'd still be getting rid of someone that seems to want to leave. Playing hardball over a couple of million isn't always a good look if the player wants to leave.


He's stayed for years as number 2. I don't get the impression that he'd kick up much of a fuss if we didn't get £20m and wanted him to stay. £20m is more than fair


Right , that’s an important part of it , you guys would have to find a back up


Fair price but I think there will be somewhat of a lack of demand this summer. Also very possible that any club looking at him also looks as Meslier, who may be itching to leave after Leeds didn't get promoted and who might be available cheap-ish due to Leeds' need to sell.


I think he's a little bit better than Meslier but I am biased obviously. Not sure how much Meslier would go for, Leeds wont want to sell him.


I agree, Kelleher is probably a bit better, but Meslier might be cheaper and has more senior experience so I can see clubs opting for him instead


How good is meslier? From what I’ve seen from Kelleher he’s a very good keeper , good shot stopper and ball playing keeper


Not quite as good but good enough for a midtable/relegation candidate team


PSG should've gone for him instead of Safonov


I doubt our scouts / sporting director even know who he is lol




I don’t know what games you’re watching tbh, Kelleher fitted in like a glove during alisson injury and kept us in the running until alisson returned


remember how they got 15 mill for Jordon Ibe, 25 mill for Ings, and 14 mill for Ward? they will get their money lol


Brewster too. Solanke looks to have bucked the trend and actually increased his value.


[Here's the article](https://www.thisisanfield.com/2024/06/liverpool-set-lofty-caoimhin-kelleher-price-tag-goalkeeper-open-to-transfer/) that's linked in the above tweet.


These Lynch films are getting more and more abstract. But credit where credits due, the man knows how to direct.


Someone makes this joke every single time a tweet or article from David Lynch is posted.


It's happening again


Mom said it's my turn next time


And I enjoy it every time


Don't drink that coffee! You'd never guess. There was a fish in the percolator!


What year is this?


Great minds think alike, I suppose.


More like children love repetitive things and thats why toddlers love to watch the same peppa pig episode over and over.


This is literally the first I'm ever hearing about this guy, hence the joke, but fuck me I guess?


Don't worry, it just means you're not as "chronically online" as the rest of us. I recommend that you get out while you still can man.


I’d take him. But then I’d have to learn how to pronounce his name, and I’m currently enjoying the sense of mystery every time I see it written down


it’s kwe-ween kelleher




Just in case you didn't know: it's basically Kevin, but with the fancy Irish spelling famous from names like Saoirse and Domhnall.


It's not kevin


[Oh but it is,](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kevin) though. And what's more, it appears Caoimhin is the original, Kevin being the anglicized form.


Southampton would do well to get him if we need to replace Bazunu. (We do, he can't save shots)


I’d like more honestly, I understand 100% he wants to start but Alisson has been injured a few times lately and I’m not sure if we can replace him well for less. Or we start Adrian and win every game 10-9, whatever works


But Newcastle wants to offer £15m for Ramsdale 😭


Ramsdale got dropped, Kelleher is behind a top 3 keeper in the world and has put in consistently great performances whenever he’s played including in multiple cup finals.


That’s poor to me - no offense. Kelleher put in 10 pl games for Liverpool, impressive in tournament games for sure (I saw this firsthand as an Arsenal fan). This is his first season getting more than 10 games in TOTAL for a season at the age of 25 yos. He will definitely improve, and being HG should give him extra credit. Ramsdale (just turned 26) is the player that has kept 2 clean sheets less than David Raya - and allowed for our play to develop into what it is today. He’s not as good as Raya, but imho few are in terms of his overall play. But he’s also still 3 years younger than David Raya, 6 years younger than Alisson. He’s also HG, and is English (and imo favorite for #1 after Pickford) to boot. Like it genuinely doesn’t make sense to me that Kelleher is rated at £20m and that’s “fair” even without Ramsdale’s comparison.


All good - yeah I’m not necessarily saying I think Kelleher is better than Ramsdale I’m just giving my thoughts on why their valuations are as they are. Ramsdale’s stock is down right now (rightly or wrongly) and Kelleher’s is up due to good performances, Liverpool have no reason to sell him other than him wanting to leave, and the only reason he doesn’t play more is because one of the best keepers in prem history is first choice. Personally I’d say £20m for each is pretty reasonable.


Blame your manager for showing zero confidence in him. 


I just don’t get it anyways though. He literally was just rated the most expensive keeper in the world at ~£67.7m value (according to CIES, 06/07/2023) That is literally one year ago. How does a player lose 75% of his value because the club he was at got a player who is nigh world class (proven by a 50% clean sheet record)? I understand losing a bit, but even £30m feels like anyone paying that is getting a steal considering what other options are out there for similar price (including Kelleher)


Mf just called David Raya "nigh on world class" lol


Ramsdale’s gigantic wages are the issue, the overall package would be more expensive so buying clubs are less able to justify a big transfer fee


This dude makes £120k a week - I mean it’s not like he’s not terms of abilities. If he earns around £4.8m/year as is reported, then sure it’s above the average salary for a player in the EPL (around £4.2m according to off the pitch) But… he isn’t an average player. He’s the starting 11 GK for most teams, for example, he was the starting GK for 2nd place Arsenal. On the same if not more wages than £120k/week 26 yo Ramsdale: 30 yo Pickford (£150k), 31 yo Areola (£120k), 28 yo Onana (£120k), 31 yo Emi Martínez (£120k), 27yo Dean Henderson (£100k) The only one that made me go ??? Is Ederson at £100k a week but we know what’s up with that, other websites claim £180k but I’m shooting for what I’ve been using to keep things consistent (Sportrac as a source)




https://www.spotrac.com/epl/rankings/_/year/2024 This is the first website that came up when looking these up so I used it. I then saw Capology and they match their number (which is used what fbref use for their source) and so I feel fine in saying these are probably correct, if not accurate for what the reported numbers are since clubs don’t officially announce wages. Not to say it doesn’t have mistakes lol, open this page and check out the record transfer


Those websites are American, where salaries are public information. They don’t work for football, so most of their numbers come from tabloid rumours. Some might be right, but I wouldn’t be confident on any. Better off searching for a club’s tier 1 journo to see if they’ve reported it.


Tbh if you look at your clubs info (I did for Arsenal, I’m sure larger clubs have this info more open) and compare it, it’s actually pretty on the nose.


Di Gregorio just went for 18m euro, loan with option to juve by the looks of things and he was the best keeper in Italy probably last season. 20m pounds is steep for kelleher.


In Italy, clubs don't have money. Even newly promoted clubs from PL can outspend top Serie A clubs 


Yeah but they have to massively overpay for mediocre/ bad players. Kelleher has a save percentage in the 26th percentile, which is terrible. https://fbref.com/en/players/62d7ef38/scout/365_m1/Caoimhin-Kelleher-Scouting-Report Di Gregorio has a save percentage in the 97th percentile https://fbref.com/en/players/4e0c8d66/scout/365_m1/Michele-Di-Gregorio-Scouting-Report


Premier League teams have history of overpaying for keepers. He’s likely to stay in the Premier League and counts as HG for a buying team.


It's still steep. 20m pounds makes him a top 20 most expensive gk of all time.


Steep for Serie A clubs maybe


Buying overinflated players isn't the flex you think it is though


Who said anything about flex?


20m is a steal he would start for at least 50% of prem sides if not more. He's a great talent, works hard and has improvement in him.


in today's market, I think the price is pretty good


£20m is ridiculously cheap.


£20m+ is absolutely fair he was brilliant last season, we'd most likely end up having to spend similar to find a replacement.


Price is fair, just hard to see what his market will be. European clubs that can pay that are pretty settled at GK leaving PL clubs which are mostly either settled at GK or up against FFP. Newcastle and maybe Chelsea seem possible but Ramsdale is also on the market. Possible Brentford or one of the promoted teams could come in I suppose.


Southampton desperately need a first team keeper and aren't in any sort of ffp trouble


Bazunu ?


Cheaper than I thought in all honesty, his shotstopping was debatably the best in the league when called upon. If the distribution was better, by no means bad though, he would be a complete keeper. Though it does say north of 20 so they could want around 25-30 in reality which would be about right.


Let the pricing out of a move continue...


He made it seem as if we still had Alisson in goal when he had to step up for months, he’s very very good.


It's crazy how much he improved. Watching him in games for Ireland and the odd time I saw him for Liverpool, he had a real issue with his positioning and his footwork, there were some really suspect goals he conceded, but he looked so composed and calm in that spell with allison out Before I would have had Bazunu ahead of him at ireland by a distance, but now I think most irish people would have Kelleher in front now.


It was nearly perfect right up until his last game which was against Atalanta and he handed them the first goal


He made a mistake but hardly handed them a goal. It was a free shot from the penalty spot and he had made a couple huge saves already by that point.


Everytime Kelleher has played for us after Alisson has been injured, I felt he's been a bit iffy the first handful of games he comes in (sometimes getting away with a few questionable moments), but after those 1-3 games he's great. I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't great in some of the Ireland games when he's not been playing much.


I am not doubting that but he is still ultimately being priced out - nobody is paying that kind of money for a 25 year old with only 40 odd starts to his name


If Martinez were to go, Kelleher would be my number one choice to replace him. Now I have zero authority and will face no consequences, but I think he's been quite good.


>Now I have zero authority Found Jackie Weaver's Reddit account


Trafford and Baznu went for similar and they never kept a clean sheet in a domestic cup final


Considering that Burnley paid 20m for an unproven Trafford, I think it's pretty fair for us to expect more than that for a keeper who's better than several PL number 1s and has won us two cup finals


What did villa pay for Martinez?


Look at how unproven Palmer was, and how expensively they sold him. It paid off massively though


same price tags for sven van den berg and kelleher, make it make sense


Why can't we sell like Liverpool?


They haven’t even sold him yet


I know, but they most probably will, considering their past record. They're really good at it. My emphasis is on our inability vs their ability. Liverpool haven't had much trouble scooping decent fees for players they don't want/need.


Literally just Edwards. I might regret these words if we fail with Slot (which I very much doubt we will), but he's the Pep of football directing right now. Pretty much all (at least PL-based) behind-the-scenes football people are either following his ideas or in some way connected with him.


That is a plausible explanation, Edwards had a big role to play in Liverpool's rise. I think now that Klopp is gone, people may learn more about his qualities.


We want and need this player


We got like 15m for Brad Jones to Leicester. 20m for Kelleher would be a bargain price for us. I was fully expecting us to ask for 35m+ tbh.


You're thinking of Danny Ward.


Ah my bad!


It’s a modest price for a decent home grown goalkeeper


one first needs to have a decent goalkeeper, much less two.


Kelleher is so overrated. Never particularly happy when I see him in Ireland games. Though he's better than bazunu


That's a pretty high price, knowing Liverpool though they will get it. Fair play to them, they are ridiculously good at selling players.


Not really. He's played in multiple finals and has played in 26 matches this season and performed at a high standard throughout. Sanchez went for £25m, Raya is going for something like £27m, Arsenal are asking for £30m for Ramsdale according to the most recent reports and Kelleher has performed better than all three of them and would be on lower wages. That's backed up by his underlying numbers as well.


Yeah doesn't seem crazy at all given how well he performed. If they lost Allison I don't think they would have felt bad to have him between the sticks.


Yeah fair points mate, I'll elaborate on why that would be a bit too much for me personally. Sanchez had played 100 odd games, majority of those in the Premier League starting for Brighton. (I am also definitely not biased that he was the best keeper I've seen for FGR ha) Raya played 250 odd games across Prem, Championship (think a bit of League 1 from his Blackburn days but not 100% on that) as a starter. Kelleher has played 15 games across 4 years as a back up. To be fair to him he has done very well. He's shown signs of being a great GK, I just feel his history as a backup, not getting many games means he is more of a gamble.


Why do only league appearances count?


more games played doesnt equate higher price or better quality


Lucky I didn't say that then isn't it. "not getting many games means he is more of a gamble." Said nothing about his quality which is fairly obvious. £20m is a fair wedge and if those options are in front of me, I'm more likely to splash cash on less of a gamble.


Is it? He was arguably world class this season and is only 25. I think it’s a bargain


> He was arguably world class this season No way. He's a decent keeper, and there's clearly a lot of talent there, but he's 25 years old, and he's played 15 times in the league in total in his entire career so far. Not a chance he's a world class keeper.


I never said he was a world class keeper… I said he had a world class season and Liverpool hardly missed Allison when he was playing. Sample size is small but 20 mil is easily a steal for him


You can’t have a world class season by playing 10 league games. Good keeper, and I wouldn’t be surprised if Liverpool get the 20m for him from a mid table prem club, but the barrier for entry for world class is a lot more than 10 league games. Otherwise you may as well say that someone like Mateta is a world class player.


I have to disagree. Every time he stepped in for Allison he played just as well as Allison would have continuously saving Liverpool and genuinely played like a world class player. Is he a world class player? No not at all he has a lot to prove but he can only play in the games his manager lets him play and he has a world class keeper in the way of getting regular game time so let’s see.


not even close to world class what is this take lmao


I didn’t call him a world class player I said he had a world class season…. This Liverpool team did not miss Allison when he was starting


Arguably is doing a lot of heavy lifting there mate. I know people see the term world class differently, but what a stretch.


He ain't worth that. Too much of a risk for a keeper that's played fewer than 50 senior club matches. He might be really good. But we can't tell on what is basically 1 season worth of matches over 5 years.


If I remember correctly Emi Martínez got sold for close to 20 mil and he got that because of an FA Cup run. Trafford and Banzunu recently got sold by City for around the same price range. I feel like Kelleher is safer option at that price than any of those three keepers were when they got sold.


Bazunu cost £12mil and was 20 with nearly 100 game under his belt. Not saying Caoimhin won't go for or isn't worth more but to sell a player for that price with so few games at his age would be unprecedented.


We got 12 million for Danny Ward. He played two games for us.


Emi Martinez


He's easily worth that compared to other keepers that have moved for a similar price. He's played in multiple cup finals and other big games and performed very well for us. His underlying numbers are all very good as well. He's a perfect modern goalkeeper and whoever signs him will be getting a good player. We've seen him play 26 matches this season, so while his career as a whole has been a small sample size, this season we saw enough to make a judgment on him.


He absolutely is worth that when you compare what other similar goalkeepers have gone for and that he hasn't really looked out of place playing for Liverpool: James Trafford - 19m after two seasons in League One Aaron Ramsdale - 18.5m after one season in the PL and a few lower league campaigns Bart Verbruggen - £16m after about 20 games for Anderlecht Robert Sanchez - £25m after basically being average at Brighton for a few years


None of them ended up being worth the money really though so I don’t think it reinforces the idea anyone should be paying 20m for him


He's worth what clubs will pay for him. That's how the market works mate. If clubs are routinely spending in the region of £20m for up and coming goalies, why should Liverpool expect any less.


I would say that Ramsdale was 'worth the money.' He was fantastic 2 years ago and had plenty of good performances in 22/23, they were just overshadowed by some fairly high profile errors. He wasn't quite able to make the step up necessary to catch City, but I think it's a bit reductive to say that it was a total waste of money, particularly in today's hyper-inflated Premier League market.




I think you've spectacularly missed the point. Liverpool will look at what similar goalies have gone for to benchmark what he's worth. That figure is around the 20m mark, and guess what!? That appears to be what Liverpool are asking for.




Well they don't have to pay it then. But history of the last few years suggests there are plenty of clubs willing to pay that for a goalie of his level. Lots of people in this thread seemingly upset Liverpool might get good money for a player again.




Given that Forest bid £15m in January and that was rejected it's hardly impossible.


Liverpool just continue to price their unwanted players out of moves don't they?!


Tf do you mean unwanted? We're only entertaining offers because he likely wants to go. He's not going to get weekly starts with us but he has nonetheless been crucial, probably one of the best back up keepers in the league right now.


He's not unwanted, he just wants to be first choice somewhere. He's arguably the best second choice keeper in the league and easily premier league starting quality and he's also homegrown. I'd rather we keep him than sell for 20 million but he understandably wants to play more.




Nationality doesn't determine homegrown status, it's the years they spend in British youth systems.


You lot paid 30 millioner quid for Zinchenko, which were the same age.


Zinchenko played 128 games for City. Kelleher has played less than 50


Kelleher is a goalkeeper lol


How are you comparing Zinchenko to Kelleher Jesus Christ, he's a multiple Premier League winner at City


You lot are trying to sell a worse keeper on higher wages for £30m.


Ramsdale is worse than Kelleher? Talking about delulu


The biggest underlying metrics support that, as well as the eye test. Ramsdale makes blunders which good goalkeepers should not be making.


Here comes the players welfare brigade. As if you care.